1. 中国地震局地球物理研究所, 北京 100081
2. 中国地震局地震观测与地球物理成像重点实验室, 北京 100081
3. 中国地质大学(北京)地球物理与信息技术学院, 北京 100083
4. 天津华北地质勘查局, 天津 300170
5. 北京市劳动保护科学研究所, 北京 100054
基金项目: 中国地震局基本业务专项(DQJB16B06)和国家自然科学基金项目(41504079)(21607009)共同资助
作者简介: 郭颖星, 女, 1986年生, 博士, 助理研究员, 主要从事地球动力学数值模拟及岩矿物电学性质研究.E-mail:guoyingxing2008@126.com
通讯作者: 郑军, 工程师, 主要从事地壳大地电磁电导率研究.E-mail:zjmagnetotelluric@163.com
中图分类号: P319收稿日期:2017-07-14
Numerical simulation study on the electrical conductivity of plagioclase-pyroxene mixed models
GUO YingXing1,,ZHANG DongNing1,2,
ZHU AiYu1,
ZHENG Jun3,4,,,
1. Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081, China
2. Key Laboratory of Seismic Observation and Geophysical Imaging, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081, China
3. School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
4. Tianjin North China Geological Exploration Bureau, Tianjin 300170, China
5. Beijing Municipal Institute of Labor Protection, Beijing 100054, China
More Information
Corresponding author: ZHENG Jun,E-mail:zjmagnetotelluric@163.com
MSC: P319--> Received Date: 14 July 2017
Revised Date: 07 September 2017
Available Online: 05 September 2018
关键词: 有限元数值模拟/
Abstract:The finite element numerical simulation method was used to investigate the electrical conductivity and potential distribution of plagioclase-pyroxene mixed models. The two-dimensional mineral mixed models were constrained by the experimental measurement conditions, the experimental results of electrical conductivities for single minerals, and the geometrical shapes and spatial distribution of the minerals. The results show that the amount of model mesh and that of the mineral particles strongly influenced the accuracy of the calculation results. The electrical conductivities of the mixed models varied with the composition ratio and mineral arrangement structure and increased with increasing pyroxene content at same temperatures; the increase was sharper at high temperatures. The results of the finite element numerical simulation closely corresponded to those of the effective medium percolation theory model, which lies within the range of the electrical conductivity of the parallel structure model and series structure model, and lies within that of the HS+ model and HS-model, either. At certain concentrations of plagioclase and pyroxene, the electrical conductivities of mixed models were relatively higher when the models had uniform distribution of mineral particles, and the electric potentials decreased smoothly from the top to the bottom of the model. However, the electrical conductivities were smaller with uneven distribution of mineral particles, and the distribution of electrical potentials was disturbed. By comparing the electrical conductivity between the experimental results of gabbro, diabase, basalt, and finite element calculation results, we found that the slope of the logarithm (electrical conductivity) versus reciprocal temperature closely corresponded to that of the mineral mixed model. This indicated that the conductive mechanisms of the abovementioned three rocks were similar to those of the plagioclase-pyroxene mixed models in the selected temperature range, and the finite element numerical calculation for basalt, gabbro, and diabase were applied to the mixed models. When applied to the crust containing gabbro, diabase, and basalt, the result of geophysical conductivity profiles lay within the range of the mineral mixed model. This correlation of the simulation results and field conductivities indicates that simulating the rock crust with the mineral mixed models in certain proportions was feasible to a certain extent.
Key words:Finite element simulation/
Mineral mixture models/
Electrical conductivity