1. 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院, 青岛 266580
2. 海洋国家实验室海洋矿产资源评价与探测技术功能实验室, 青岛 266071
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(U1562215,U1762103),国家油气重大专项课题(2017ZX05009001,2017ZX05036005,2017ZX05032003))联合资助
作者简介: 马妮, 女, 1987年生, 博士研究生, 主要从事地球物理理论、方法与应用方面研究工作.E-mail:mnccz@126.com
通讯作者: 印兴耀, 男, 1962年生, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事地球物理理论、方法与应用方面的研究.E-mail:xyyin@upc.edu.cn
中图分类号: P631收稿日期:2017-03-28
Inversion for crustal stress based on azimuthal seismic data
MA Ni1,2,,YIN XingYao1,2,,,
SUN ChengYu1,2,
ZONG ZhaoYun1,2
1. School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China
2. Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266071, China
More Information
Corresponding author: YIN XingYao,E-mail:xyyin@upc.edu.cn
MSC: P631--> Received Date: 28 March 2017
Revised Date: 29 October 2017
Available Online: 05 February 2018
摘要:在页岩油气藏的开发和勘探阶段,需要对储层进行水力压裂改造,形成有利于油气聚集和运移的裂缝.地应力是进行水力压裂改造的重要参数,能够决定裂缝的大小、方向以及分布形态,影响着压裂的增产效果,且最大和最小水平应力差异比(ODHSR,Orthorhombic Differential Horizontal Stress Ratio)是评价储层是否可压裂成网的重要因子.本文探讨了基于地震数据估算地应力的方法,以指导页岩气的水力压裂开发.首先,利用叠前方位地震数据反演得到地层的弹性参数和各向异性参数;其次,基于正交各向异性水平应力差异比近似公式,利用反演得到的弹性参数和各向异性参数估算地层的ODHSR;最后,选取某工区的裂缝型页岩储层的叠前方位地震数据对该方法进行实际应用.实际工区地震数据应用表明,基于叠前方位地震数据反演得到的ODHSR能够有效的识别储层中易于压裂成网的区域.
关键词: 页岩/
Abstract:During exploration and production stages of shale oil and gas, hydraulic fracturing is required to be made on the reservoirs to form cracks which are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation and migration. As one of the important parameters for hydraulic fracturing, crustal stress can determine the size, orientation and distribution of cracks as well as influence the fracturing stimulation. The differential ratio of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses (i.e., orthorhombic differential horizontal stress ratio, ODHSR) is an important factor to evaluate whether the area will have a greater tendency to fracture into a network. In this paper, we present the method of estimating stress based on azimuthal pre-stack seismic data, which is used to guide hydraulic fracturing. Firstly, the elastic and anisotropic parameters of the formation are obtained from inversion of azimuthal pre-stack seismic data. Secondly, based on the approximation formula of ODHSR, we estimate the ODHSR using the inverted elastic and anisotropic parameters of the formation. Finally, pre-stack seismic data of a work area is utilized to validate the application of the proposed stress prediction method. The practical test shows that the method can efficiently help identify the areas that are easy to create crack networks.
Key words:Shale/
Orthorhombic Differential Horizontal Stress Ratio (ODHSR)/
Azimuthal pre-stack seismic data