摘要:河流地貌对构造活动具有极高的相关性、敏感性,是研究新构造活动最切实有效的地摘貌标要志之一。本文以30 m分辨率数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,利用ArcMap与Matlab软件提取的河流地貌因子(Horton定律比值和S-A双对数曲线),先后分析了思茅盆地内部的李仙江、藤条江、勐戛河、威远江、南班河和南腊河等的河流地貌特征,揭示新生代晚期强烈构造活动对河流发育的影响。结果表明:1)思茅盆地的河流多沿或平行于走滑断裂发育,低级别河网较好的符合Horton定律中一般河网的发育规律,而沿活动断裂带发育的高级别河网则表现出了明显的偏差;2)各集水盆地 S-A双对数曲线均呈凹凸相间排列;3)各集水盆地河道的裂点分布特征与岩性变化不一致,这表明思茅盆地内部高级别河网的发育受岩性变化的影响较小,而主要受走滑断裂活动的影响。
关键词: 思茅盆地/
Abstract:The development of water system pattern is the most meaningful geological event that wasaccurately and completely recorded during the process of Late Quaternary in the area with themost active tectonic movements. In this paper, we carry out a study on the longitudinal profileof the 6 rivers in the Simao Basin, located in the southwest of China, by fitting thecharacteristics of the river longitudinal profile, and analyzing the evolution process of theirlongitudinal Profile based on the stream power incision model. The result shows:1)that the low-level rivers are better in accordance with the Horton Law, and the high-level riversdeveloped along the fault zone show obvious deviation from the Horton Law; 2)that S-A fitting graphics of all rivers are arranged in concave and convex at intervals; 3)that the lithologicvariations do not correspond with changes in the characteristics of knickpoints. All the resultsinferred that Simao Basin is currently influenced by strike-slip fault.
Key words:Simao Basin/
Tectonic activity/
Fluvial geomorphology/
Horton law/
Bedrockchannel incision model/
Knock points