关键词: 塔中Ⅰ号气田/
Abstract:The western part of Tazhong Ⅰ gas field is an important field for oil and gas production, using the newly processed pre-stack depth migration seismic data, under the guidance of the knowledge of fracture control storage and control reservoirs, the strike-slip fracture anatomy is carried out to carry out the oil-gas-rich areas. The fracture of the research area can be divided into two phases, three stages and three groups of fractures. The northeast-trending strike-slip faults formed in the Caledonian Period and its associated fractures are the faults of the controlled storage and control reservoirs in the area. The strike of strike-slip faults is generally nonlinear, usually can be divided into stress conversion area and stress release area. The stress conversion area includes rock bridge, graben, horst and local nasal tructures. The stress release area includes pinnate, oblique row fracture zone, etc. The larger the scale of the strike-slip fracture zone, the more developed the reservoir and the more abundant the oil and gas.
Key words:Tazhong Ⅰ gas field/
Carbonate rock/
Strike-slip fracture/
Fracture zone