

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-30

姓名: 李义曼 性别:

职称: 副研究员 学历: 博士

电话: 传真:

Email: liyiman[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 邮编:

地址: 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

【English】 页岩气与地质工程院重点实验室 水文地质与地热资源学科组




2017.2-至今: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,实验副研究员;








Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe. 2017. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of deep saline aquifers in sedimentary basins in China and implications for CO2geological storage with emphasis on total dissolved solids (TDS) and water type. Greenhouse gases: Sciences and Technology, 7, 53-64.

Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe. 2017. CO2 trapping state in saline aquifers and its implications for site scale storage capacity assessment. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17: 488 – 491.

Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe, Yang Fengtian, Jin Chao. 2016. Geochemical response of a saline aquifer to CO2 injection: experimental study on Guantao formation of Bohai bay basin, East China, Greenhouse gases: Sciences and Technology, 6, 125-137.

Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe. 2016. Capacity and suitability assessment of deep saline aquifers for CO2 sequestration in the Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(402):1-15.

Li yiman, Huang Tianming, Pang Zhonghe, Wang Yingchun, Jin Chao.2016. Geochemical characteristics of Shallow groundwater in Jiaoshiba shale gas production area: Implications for environmental concerns. Water, 8(12), 552, 1-11.

Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe. 2015. Quantitative assessment of CO2 storage capacity by using of hydrogeochemical and isotope data for deep saline aquifers. Greenhouse gases: Sciences and Technology, 5(5): 592-602.

罗璐,庞忠和,罗霁,李义曼,孔彦龙,庞菊梅,王迎春. 惰性气体同位素确定地热流体循环深度. 地质科学,2014,49(3):888-898.

李义曼,庞忠和,杨峰田. 2013. 北塘凹陷新近系馆陶组的CO2-EATER实验研究,科技导报,31(27):15-20.

Pang Zhonghe, Yuan Lijuan, Huang Tianming, Kong Yanlong, Liu Jilai, Li yiman. 2013. Impacts of human activities on the occurrence of groundwater nitrate in an alluvial plain: multiple isotopic tracers approach. Journal of Earth Science, 1, 111-124.

Pang Zhonghe*, Li yiman, Yang Fengtian, Duan Zhongfeng. 2012. Geochemistry of a continental saline aquifer for CO2 sequestration: The Guantao formation in the Bohai Bay Basin, North China. Applied Geochemistry, 27: 1821-1828.

李义曼, 庞忠和, 李捷, 孔彦龙. 2012. 二氧化碳咸水层封存和利用. 科技导报30 (19): 70-79.

李义曼,庞忠和.2012. 二氧化碳地质封存中的水-岩反应动力学模拟:进展及问题. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版),42(2):352-360.

庞忠和*, 杨峰田, 袁利娟, 李义曼. 新疆塔县盆地地热显示与热储温度预测. 2011. 地质论评, 57(1):86-88.

李义曼, 庞忠和, 杨峰田,段忠丰,2011. 北塘凹陷馆陶组地热水同位素与CO2-EATER的可行性,中国地球物理学会第二十七届年会论文集,长沙,pp 210 (大会优秀论文)

Li yiman, Pang Zhonghe, Duan Zhongfeng, Yang Fengtian. 2010. Modeling the geochemical response of CO2 injection into the Guantao Formation, North China Basin, Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Guanajuato, Mexico, 875-878.

Pang Zhonghe, Yang Fengtian, Duan Zhongfeng, Li yiman. 2010. Integrated Geological sequestration and geothermal development: a case study of the Beitang Depression, North China Basin, China. Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction (ISTP),Guanajuato, Mexico, Plenary Keynote Lecture. 31-36.

黄天明, 庞忠和, 李义曼. 2010. 土壤气监测在CO2地质封存中的应用,中国地球物理学会第二十七届年会论文集,长沙, pp 84

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