1.福建江夏学院公共事务学院 福州 350108
2.福建农林大学公共管理学院 福州 350002
3.复旦大学环境科学与工程系 上海 200433
基金项目: 福建省社科规划青年博士论文项目FJ2016C201
作者简介:林丽梅, 主要从事农村资源与环境管理研究。E-mail:lin_limei07@126.com
通讯作者:郑逸芳, 主要从事农村公共管理研究。E-mail:zyf7151@126.com
Psychological cognition of pollution prevention of family-oriented scale pig breeders and environmental regulation influence effects
LIN Limei1,,LIU Zhenbin2,
DU Yanqiang3,
SU Shipeng2,
ZHENG Yifang2,,
1. School of Public Administration, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou 350108, China
2. School of Public Administration, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
3. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Funds: Fujian Provincial Social Science Program of Young Doctoral Dissertation ProjectFJ2016C201
the Key Project of Research on the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Fujian ProvinceFJ2016A007
Fujian Agricultural and Forestry University Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Funding ProjectYB2015008
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHENG Yifang, E-mail: zyf7151@126.com
Abstract:Large-scale rearing of pigs, with family members as the main labor force, is an important mode of pig production in China. The characteristics of pollution caused by this breeding model are dispersion, publicity and difficulty in locating polluters, all of which collectively weaken the effect of existing policies and regulations of pollution control. Interestingly, however, current policies and regulations target large-scale pig farming done at company level and pig breeding communities in the country, while pig farming at family level is left largely unrestrained. Conversely, the pollution caused by the mostly unchecked family-oriented pig farming has become a challenge to sustainable rural development. This paper aimed to illustrate the factors responsible for pollution prevention behavior of farmers and to provide effective recommendations to the government to better control pollution from family-oriented pig farming. In this paper, the pollution prevention and control behavior of pig breeders were divided into two categories-harmless treatment and resource utilization behavior. The research utilized a sample of 406 households engaged in pig rearing in Fujian Province, China. An empirical study was conducted to explain how farmer psychological cognition impacted pollution prevention and control behavior using Structural Equation Model. The moderating effect of environmental regulation on respondent psychological cognition and pollution control behavior was examined using Multi-Level Regression Model. The results showed that respondent pollution prevention and control behavior was positively impacted by individual psychological cognition, moderated by environmental regulations. The decisions of pollution prevention and control behaviors of farmers were due to the cognitions of responsibility, ecological rationality, and self-assessment of own pollution control ability. The decisions were also referenced from the actions of other farmers, government regulation and from non-farmer groups, and it was also a rational choice to avoid risks. Incentive and guidance measures worked hand in hand with restrictive environmental regulation in the sense that restrictive regulatory measures had a more significant effect on harmless treatment behaviors. The incentive regulation had a more important effect on resource utilization behavior. Then guidance regulation had significant regulation effect on both harmless treatment and resource utilization behaviors. To promote pollution prevention and control of family-oriented scale pig farming, this paper advised the strengthening of the application of market incentives regulation and village social capital to regulate farmer pollution prevention behavior. It was necessary for pollution control to give a full consideration to farmer dependence on rear pigs and behavior control ability. It was also advanced to guide farmers giving up pig farming in a reasonable way through strengthening industry transfer support and using warning and punishment measures.
Key words:Psychological cognition/
Environmental regulation/
Family-oriented pig breeding/
Pollution prevention and control behavior/
Structural equation modeling

Figure1.Research model of effect of psychological cognition and environmental regulation on farmers' pollution control behaviors

ATT、SN、PBC、PRF、ITB、RUB等的意义见表 2。Meanings of abbreviations are shown in the table 2.
Figure2.Path diagram of the modified structural equation model effect of psychological cognition on pollution control behavior

Table1.Individual characteristics of sample pig farmers and description of the basic situation of pig farming
项目 Item | 类别 Category | 百分比 Percent (%) |
性别 Sex | 男Man | 86.21 |
女Woman | 13.79 | |
受教育水平 Education | 小学及以下Primary school or below | 39.66 |
初中Junior high school | 42.86 | |
高中(中专) Senior high school | 13.79 | |
大学及以上University or above | 3.69 | |
是否村干部 Whether the village cadres | 是Yes | 76.11 |
否No | 23.89 | |
养殖规模(头) Farming scale (pig) | ≤100 | 20.69 |
101~250 | 33.50 | |
251~500 | 27.09 | |
501~1 500 | 10.84 | |
≥1 501 | 7.88 | |
年龄Age | ≤30 | 3.94 |
31~40 | 18.97 | |
41~50 | 42.12 | |
51~60 | 27.59 | |
≥61 | 7.38 | |
养殖年限 Breeding year (a) | 1~5 | 8.87 |
6~10 | 27.83 | |
11~15 | 33.00 | |
16~20 | 22.42 | |
≥21 | 7.88 | |
养猪年净收入 Annual net income of farming (×104¥) | ≤5 | 29.31 |
6~10 | 25.62 | |
11~20 | 26.60 | |
21~30 | 7.39 | |
≥31 | 11.08 |

Table2.Variables and statistics of pig farmers' pollution control behaviors and their psychological cognition and environmental regulation
潜变量 Latent variable | 变量维度 Variable dimension | 测量项目 Measure item | 均值 Mean | 标准差 Standard deviation |
污染防治行为 Pollution control behavior (BEH) | 无害化处理 Harmless disposal (ITB) | 采用干清粪养殖方式Using dry feces farming (ITB 1) | 2.273 | 1.410 |
建有适应养殖规模的沼气系统设施 Having biogas system meeting the breeding scale (ITB 2) | 3.190 | 1.519 | ||
猪尿及污水经好氧处理后排放 Pig urine and sewage are discharged after aerobic treatment (ITB 3) | 2.281 | 1.504 | ||
资源化利用 Recycling utilization (RUB) | 生猪养殖废弃物饲料化利用Breeding waste is used as fodder (RUB1) | 2.235 | 1.459 | |
生猪养殖废弃物肥料化利用Breeding waste is used as fertilizer (RUB2) | 3.285 | 1.492 | ||
生猪养殖废弃物能源化利用Breeding waste is used as energy (RUB3) | 3.354 | 1.422 | ||
污染防治意愿 Pollution control behavioral intention (BI) | 目标意向 Target intention | 愿意对粪污进行资源化利用Willing to use the fecal as resources (BI1) | 3.421 | 1.248 |
愿意采纳粪污无害化处理技术Willing to adopt fecal treatment technology (BI2) | 3.397 | 1.297 | ||
执行意向 Execution intention | 愿意参加养猪污染防治技术培训 Willing to participate in the technology training (BI3) | 3.441 | 1.199 | |
愿意进行养猪废弃物污染防治治理投资 Willing to investment in pollution control (BI4) | 3.303 | 1.247 | ||
愿意付出精力和时间进行粪污污染防治 Willing to pay effort and time to carry out pollution control (BI5) | 2.966 | 1.387 | ||
行为态度 Behavioral attitude (ATT) | 生态理性 Ecological rationality | 开展养猪污染防治很有必要It is necessary to carry out pollution control (ATT1) | 4.160 | 0.944 |
养猪会对环境造成严重污染Pigs cause serious environmental pollution (ATT2) | 4.032 | 1.202 | ||
责任意识 Responsibility | 养猪户应该是养猪污染治理的主体 Pig farmers are responsible for pollution control (ATT3) | 3.515 | 1.014 | |
养猪户采取防治行为对环境保护很有必要 Pig farmers should take action to protect environment (ATT4) | 3.844 | 0.993 | ||
主观规范 Subjective norms (SN) | 邻里压力 Neighborhood pressure | 村里非养殖户建议应该进行养猪污染治理 Non-pig farmers suggest to control the pollution (SN1) | 2.618 | 1.094 |
参照效应 Reference effect | 其他养殖户采取污染治理行为, 自己也会采取 If other pig farmers take pollution control behavior, I will take too (SN2) | 3.764 | 1.223 | |
政策压力 Policy pressure | 政府部门建议应该采取污染防治行为 Government departments suggest to control the pollution (SN3) | 3.879 | 0.994 | |
知觉行为控制 Behavioral perception control (PBC) | 经济条件 Financial ability | 具备采取养殖污染防治行为的经济条件 Having the financial ability to take pollution control behavior (PBC1) | 2.825 | 1.052 |
技术能力 Technical skills | 掌握养殖污染防治的相关知识或技术 Having the knowledge or technology of breeding pollution control (PBC2) | 2.897 | 1.079 | |
自我效能 Self-efficacy | 进行污染防治能改善养殖污染 Pollution control can improve breeding environment (PBC3) | 3.064 | 1.315 | |
环境风险感知 Environmental risk perception (PRF) | 问题感知 Problem perception | 生猪养殖造成的环境污染已较为严重 Pig farming has caused serious pollution (PRF1) | 4.160 | 0.944 |
损失感知 Risk perception | 养殖污染会造成人体健康危害或经济利益损失 Pollution can cause harm to human health or economic benefits (PRF2) | 2.564 | 1.176 | |
政策感知 Policy perception | 我很了解政府关于养殖污染治理的政策措施 I understand the government’s policy on pollution control (PRF3) | 2.744 | 1.171 | |
引导性规制 Guidance regulation (LER) | 宣传教育 Publicity and education | 环境保护和治理的宣传教育效果 Effect of publicity and education for pollution control (LER 1) | 3.229 | 1.081 |
引导转业 Guide for other jobs | 放弃养猪重新找谋生渠道的难度 Difficulty of giving up pig breeding to find other works (LER2) | 1.980 | 1.530 | |
激励性规制 Incentive regulation (IER) | 粪肥消纳交易 Manure consumption | 粪肥消纳交易便利程度 Convenience of the manure disposal (IER1) | 2.532 | 1.319 |
治污补贴 Pollution subsidies | 养猪污染防治的补贴合理程度 Reasonability of pollution subsidies (ER2) | 2.345 | 1.267 | |
技术推广 Technology promotion | 养殖污染防治技术推广指导水平 Effect of pollution control technology promotion (IER 3) | 3.067 | 1.170 | |
约束性规制 Binding regulation (BER) | 村规民约 Village regulations | 村里禁止粪污直接排放规定的强度 Rules of prohibits fecal direct emissions (BER 1) | 2.910 | 1.151 |
限量养殖管制 Breeding quantity control | 周边因环保被关闭或拆除的猪场数量 Number of pig farms that are closed or removed by governments (BER2) | 3.628 | 1.215 | |
排放技术标准 Emission standards | 达标或零排放标准执行力度 Enforcement of compliance or zero emission standards (BER3) | 2.596 | 1.185 |

Table3.Reliability and validity test results of pollution control behaviors and psychological cognitive variables
潜变量 Latent variable | 方差贡献率 Variance contribution rate | Cronbach的α值 Cronbach’ α | 组合信度 Combination reliability | 平均提炼方差 Mean refining variance |
无害化处理行为 Harmless disposal behavior | 28.458 | 0.674 | 0.851 | 0.535 |
资源化利用行为 Recycling utilization behavior | 38.382 | 0.686 | 0.758 | 0.594 |
防治意愿 Behavioral intention | 47.050 | 0.895 | 0.890 | 0.619 |
行为态度 Attitude of behavior | 55.000 | 0.531 | 0.695 | 0.533 |
主观规范 Subjective norm | 62.277 | 0.878 | 0.882 | 0.714 |
知觉行为控制 Perception behavior control | 67.276 | 0.732 | 0.732 | 0.478 |
环境风险感知 Environmental risk perception | 71.667 | 0.787 | 0.790 | 0.557 |

Table4.Evaluation index system and the fitting results of Structure Equation Model
整体模型适配度指数 Overall model fit measure index | 统计检验量 Statistical test quantity | 建议值 Suggestive value | 初步模型 Rudimentary model | 最终模型 Final model |
绝对指数 Absolute index | χ2/df | < 3.00 | 2.047 | 1.824 |
RMR | < 0.08 | 0.100 | 0.086 | |
RMSEA | < 0.08 | 0.051 | 0.045 | |
GFI | > 0.09 | 0.915 | 0.929 | |
AGFI | > 0.09 | 0.891 | 0.906 | |
增值指数 Appreciation index | NFI | > 0.09 | 0.896 | 0.910 |
RFI | > 0.09 | 0.879 | 0.892 | |
CFI | > 0.09 | 0.944 | 0.957 | |
简约指数 Contracted index | PCFI | > 0.05 | 0.809 | 0.708 |
PNFI | > 0.05 | 0.768 | 0.795 | |
AIC | ????同时小于独立模型值和饱和模型值 ????Less than values of independent model and standard model | 515.4, 506, 3 964.3 | 472.1, 506.0, 3 946.3 | |
CAIC | ????同时小于独立模型值和饱和模型值 ????Less than values of independent model and standard model | 790.7, 1 772.6, 4 056.5 | 772.5, 1 772.6, 4 056.5 | |
???χ2/df为卡方值与自由度的比值, RMR为残差均方根, RMSEA为近似误差均方根, GFI为拟合优度, AGFI为调整拟合优度, NFI、RFI、CFI分别为规范拟合、相对拟合、比较拟合指标, PCFI为简约比较拟合, PNFI为简约规范拟合指标, AIC为赤池信息准则, CAIC为一致赤池信息准则。χ2/df is the ratio of chi-square value to the degree of freedom; RMR is the root mean square residual; RMSEA is the root mean square error of approximation; GFI is the goodness of fit; AGFI is the adjusted goodness of fit; NFI, RFI, CFI respectively represent the norm fit, the relative fit and the comparison fit index; PCFI is the parsimony comparison fit index; PNFI is the parsimony norm fit index; AIC is the Akaike’s information criterion; CAIC is the consistent Akaike’s information criterion. |

Table5.Structural equation model regression of effect of psychological cognition on pollution control behavior
路径 Path | 非标准化系数 Non-standardized coefficient | 标准误差 Standard error | 临界比率值 Value of critical ratio | 标准化系数 Standardized coefficient | 显著性 Significance level |
ATT→BI | 0.164 | 0.078 | 2.105 | 0.125 | 0.035 |
SN→BI | 0.301 | 0.056 | 5.334 | 0.284 | *** |
PBC→BI | 0.337 | 0.073 | 4.616 | 0.268 | *** |
PRF→BI | 0.346 | 0.065 | 5.357 | 0.307 | *** |
BI→ITB | 0.512 | 0.071 | 7.197 | 0.501 | *** |
PBC→ITB | 0.202 | 0.08 | 2.524 | 0.157 | 0.012 |
PRF→ITB | 0.261 | 0.071 | 3.662 | 0.226 | *** |
BI→RUB | 0.608 | 0.078 | 7.782 | 0.549 | *** |
PBC→RUB | 0.029 | 0.083 | 0.345 | 0.021 | 0.730 |
PRF→RUB | 0.180 | 0.075 | 2.405 | 0.144 | 0.016 |
??“路径”列中的缩写意义见表 2。*、**、***分别表示10%、5%、1%水平显著。Meanings of abbreviations in the column of “Path” are shown in the Table 2. *, ** and *** mean significant effects of the variables at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. |

Table6.Effects of various factors on the pollution control behaviors of pig farmers
变量 Variable | BI | ATT | SN | PBC | PRF | |||||||||
直接 Direct | 间接 Indirect | 直接 Direct | 间接 Indirect | 直接 Direct | 间接 Indirect | 直接 Direct | 间接 Indirect | 直接 Direct | 间接 Indirect | |||||
BI | — | — | 0.125 | 0.284 | — | 0.268 | — | 0.307 | — | |||||
ITB | 0.501 | — | — | 0.063 | — | 0.142 | 0.157 | 0.134 | 0.226 | 0.380 | ||||
RUB | 0.549 | — | — | 0.069 | — | 0.156 | — | — | 0.144 | 0.312 | ||||
??变量缩写的意义见表 2。—表示心理认知变量对相应污染防治行为或意向不具有影响效应或显著影响效应。Meanings of abbreviations in this table are shown in the Table 2. In the table, — means no significant effect of cognitive variables on the pollution control behaviors or behavior intentions. |

Table7.Test results of regulatory effects of environmental regulation on pollution control behavior
变量 Variable | 无害化处理行为Harmless disposal behavior | 资源化利用行为Recycling utilization behavior | |||||
模型1 Model 1 | 模型2 Model 2 | 模型3 Model 3 | 模型1 Model 1 | 模型2 Model2 | 模型3 Model 3 | ||
BI | 0.583*** | 0.292*** | 0.222 | 0.659*** | 0.322*** | 0.347*** | |
LER1 | 0.400*** | 0.123* | 0.471*** | 0.314*** | |||
LER2 | -1.994*** | -0.174** | -0.190*** | -0.143*** | |||
IER1 | 0.130*** | 0.067 | 0.017*** | 0.031*** | |||
IER2 | 0.031** | 0.036*** | -0.095*** | -0.197*** | |||
IER3 | -0.090** | -0.080 | -0.104*** | -0.182*** | |||
BER1 | 0.110*** | 0.038*** | 0.032*** | 0.130** | |||
BER2 | 0.014*** | 0.071 | 0.063 | 0.329 | |||
BER3 | 0.434*** | 0.037* | 0.052*** | 0.295* | |||
BIxLER1 | 0.083*** | 0.047** | |||||
BIxLER2 | -0.007** | -0.015** | |||||
BIxIER1 | 0.020 | 0.027*** | |||||
BIxIER2 | 0.022 | 0.052* | |||||
BIxIER3 | -0.004*** | -0.224 | |||||
BIxBER1 | 0.020*** | 0.003*** | |||||
BIxBER2 | 0.011** | -0.077 | |||||
BIxBER3 | -0.025 | 0.070 | |||||
F-statistic | 154.7*** | 175.4*** | 122.3*** | 103.6*** | 187.5*** | 104.8*** | |
调整R2 Adjusted R2 | 0.277 | 0.665 | 0.587 | 0.559 | 0.665 | 0.595 | |
??变量缩写的意义见表 2。表中*、**、***分别表示在10%、5%和1%的水平上通过了显著性检验。Meanings of abbreviations in the column of Variable are shown in the Table 2. *, ** and *** mean significant effects of the variables at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. |

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