
Tiller Bud Formation Regulators MOC3 and MOC1 Cooperatively Promote Tiller Bud Outgrowth by Activati

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-26

Gaoneng Shao, Zefu Lu, Jinsong Xiong, Bing Wang, Yanhui Jing, Xiangbing Meng, Guifu Liu, Haiyan Ma, Yan Liang, Fan Chen, Yonghong Wang, Jiayang Li, Hong Yu

Molecular Plant

Tillering in rice is one of the most important agronomic traits. Rice tiller development can be divided into two main processes: the formation of the axillary bud and its subsequent outgrowth. Several genes critical for bud formation in rice have been identified by genetic studies, however, their molecular function and relationships are still largely unknown. Here, we report that MONOCULM1 (MOC1) and MONOCULM 3/TILLERS ABSENT 1/STERILE AND REDUCED TILLERING 1 (MOC3/TAB1/SRT1), two vital regulators for tiller formation in rice, could physically interact to regulate tiller bud outgrowth through upregulating the expression of FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1), the homolog of CLAVATA1 in rice. MOC3 could directly bind to the promoter of FON1 and subsequently activate FON1 expression. MOC1 functions as a co-activator of MOC3, which did not directly bind to the FON1 promoter, but could further activate the FON1 expression in the presence of MOC3. Accordingly, FON1 is highly expressed at axillary meristems and shows remarkable decreased expression levels in moc1 and moc3 mutants. Loss-of-function mutants of FON1 exhibit normal bud formation, but deficient bud outgrowth and reduced tiller number. Collectively, these results shed lights on the joint transcriptional regulation by MOC1 and MOC3, and establish a new framework for the control of tiller bud formation and outgrowth.

论文编号: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2019.04.008
论文题目: Tiller Bud Formation Regulators MOC3 and MOC1 Cooperatively Promote Tiller Bud Outgrowth by Activating FON1 Expression in Rice
英文论文题目: Tiller Bud Formation Regulators MOC3 and MOC1 Cooperatively Promote Tiller Bud Outgrowth by Activating FON1 Expression in Rice
第一作者: Gaoneng Shao, Zefu Lu, Jinsong Xiong, Bing Wang, Yanhui Jing, Xiangbing Meng, Guifu Liu, Haiyan Ma, Yan Liang, Fan Chen, Yonghong Wang, Jiayang Li, Hong Yu
英文第一作者: Gaoneng Shao, Zefu Lu, Jinsong Xiong, Bing Wang, Yanhui Jing, Xiangbing Meng, Guifu Liu, Haiyan Ma, Yan Liang, Fan Chen, Yonghong Wang, Jiayang Li, Hong Yu
发表年度: 2019-05-05
摘要: Tillering in rice is one of the most important agronomic traits. Rice tiller development can be divided into two main processes: the formation of the axillary bud and its subsequent outgrowth. Several genes critical for bud formation in rice have been identified by genetic studies, however, their molecular function and relationships are still largely unknown. Here, we report that MONOCULM1 (MOC1) and MONOCULM 3/TILLERS ABSENT 1/STERILE AND REDUCED TILLERING 1 (MOC3/TAB1/SRT1), two vital regulators for tiller formation in rice, could physically interact to regulate tiller bud outgrowth through upregulating the expression of FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1), the homolog of CLAVATA1 in rice. MOC3 could directly bind to the promoter of FON1 and subsequently activate FON1 expression. MOC1 functions as a co-activator of MOC3, which did not directly bind to the FON1 promoter, but could further activate the FON1 expression in the presence of MOC3. Accordingly, FON1 is highly expressed at axillary meristems and shows remarkable decreased expression levels in moc1 and moc3 mutants. Loss-of-function mutants of FON1 exhibit normal bud formation, but deficient bud outgrowth and reduced tiller number. Collectively, these results shed lights on the joint transcriptional regulation by MOC1 and MOC3, and establish a new framework for the control of tiller bud formation and outgrowth.
英文摘要: Tillering in rice is one of the most important agronomic traits. Rice tiller development can be divided into two main processes: the formation of the axillary bud and its subsequent outgrowth. Several genes critical for bud formation in rice have been identified by genetic studies, however, their molecular function and relationships are still largely unknown. Here, we report that MONOCULM1 (MOC1) and MONOCULM 3/TILLERS ABSENT 1/STERILE AND REDUCED TILLERING 1 (MOC3/TAB1/SRT1), two vital regulators for tiller formation in rice, could physically interact to regulate tiller bud outgrowth through upregulating the expression of FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 (FON1), the homolog of CLAVATA1 in rice. MOC3 could directly bind to the promoter of FON1 and subsequently activate FON1 expression. MOC1 functions as a co-activator of MOC3, which did not directly bind to the FON1 promoter, but could further activate the FON1 expression in the presence of MOC3. Accordingly, FON1 is highly expressed at axillary meristems and shows remarkable decreased expression levels in moc1 and moc3 mutants. Loss-of-function mutants of FON1 exhibit normal bud formation, but deficient bud outgrowth and reduced tiller number. Collectively, these results shed lights on the joint transcriptional regulation by MOC1 and MOC3, and establish a new framework for the control of tiller bud formation and outgrowth.
刊物名称: Molecular Plant
英文刊物名称: Molecular Plant
其它备注: Gaoneng Shao, Zefu Lu, Jinsong Xiong, Bing Wang, Yanhui Jing, Xiangbing Meng, Guifu Liu, Haiyan Ma, Yan Liang, Fan Chen, Yonghong Wang, Jiayang Li, Hong Yu. Tiller Bud Formation Regulators MOC3 and MOC1 Cooperatively Promote Tiller Bud Outgrowth by Activating FON1 Expression in Rice. Molecular Plant. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2019.04.008
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