报告题目: 5G-6G: Vision, Requirements, Technical Challenges, Standardization & Implementations
时间:2019年1月3日 下午5点-6点
报告人: Shahid Mumtaz, ACM Distinguished Speaker,Instituto de Telecomunica??es (IT), Portugal University of Essex, UK Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium
6G is the next step in the evolution of mobile communication and will be a key component of the Networked Society. In particular, 5G will accelerate the development of the Internet of Things. To enable connectivity for a wide range of applications and use cases, the capabilities of 6G wireless access must extend far beyond those of previous generations of mobile communications. Examples of these capabilities include very high data rates, very low latency, ultra-high reliability, energy efficiency and extreme device densities, and will be realized by the development of 5G in combination with new radio-access technologies. Therefore, this talk explains the different key technology components of 6G from physical layer to core technologies and from implementation to standardization
Dr Shahid Mumtaz has more than 10 years of wireless industry/academic experience and is currently working as Principal Research Scientist and Technical Manager at Instituto de Telecomunica??es (IT) Portugal. He has received his Master and PhD degrees in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and University of Aveiro, Portugal in 2006 and 2011, respectively. From 2005 to 2006 for Ericsson and Huawei at Research Labs in Sweden as Researcher. Since January 2015, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Aveiro, Portugal where he is Adjunct Associate Professor. He uses mathematical and system level tools to model and analyze emerging wireless communication architectures, leading to innovative and/or theoretically optimal new communication techniques. He is working closely with leading R&D groups in the industry to transition these ideas to practice. His work is currently supported by Nokia and Intel, as well as FCT. In January 2017, IEEE has started a new standard on P1932.1: Standard for Licensed/Unlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks and was elected as Vice chair for this standard. Furthermore, in January 2015, he was also elected Vice-Chair of IEEE Research Project on Vision of Green Standardization due to his pioneer work in green communication as well. He is also actively involved in 3GPP standardization on LTE release 12 onwards, along with major manufacturers (Huawei and Intel).Dr Mumtaz has published 3 books and more than 150 publications in very high-rank IEEE transactions, journals, book chapters, international conferences. He is serving as Scientific Expert and Evaluator for Research Funding Agencies, such as European Commission, and COST .
5G-6G: Vision, Requirements, Technical Challenges, Standardization & Implementations
本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-26
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