Autophagy, 26 June, 2019,DOI:
The tissue- and developmental stage-specific involvement of autophagy genes in aggrephagy
Hui Zheng, Chongzhen Yuan, Hui Zhang, Yingyu Chen & Hong Zhang
Genetic screens have identified two sets of genes that act at distinct steps of basal autophagy in higher eukaryotes: the pan-eukaryotic ATG genes and the metazoan-specific EPG genes. Very little is known about whether these core macroautophagy/autophagy genes are differentially employed during multicellular organism development. Here we analyzed the function of core autophagy genes in autophagic removal of SQST-1/SQSTM1 during C. elegans development. We found that loss of function of genes acting at distinct steps in the autophagy pathway causes different patterns of SQST-1 accumulation in different tissues and developmental stages. We also identified that the calpain protease clp-2 acts in a cell context-specific manner in SQST-1 degradation. clp-2 is required for degradation of SQST-1 in the hypodermis and neurons, but is dispensable in the body wall muscle and intestine. Our results indicate that autophagy genes are differentially employed in a tissue- and stage-specific manner during the development of multicellular organisms.
The tissue- and developmental stage-specific involvement of autophagy genes in aggrephagy, Autophagy
本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-28
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