--> --> --> -->3.1. Estimation of freezing-level height
The freezing-level height (h f) represents the altitude where the temperature is at 0°C in the free atmosphere. The freezing-level height can be obtained from radiosonde data. Due to the limited spatial and temporal resolutions of radiosonde data, however, ERA-Interim data, which includes assimilated ground-based and upper-air observations and satellite remote sensing data, may be used as a supplement (Mooney et al., 2011; Haimberger et al., 2012; Hall et al., 2015; Kumar and Naseef, 2015).The freezing-level height was determined by the linear interpolation of air temperature profiles from radiosonde observation or ERA-Interim data. In order to evaluate the differences in the heights from the two data sources, freezing-level heights were estimated for a 10-yr (2005-14) period and three statistical metrics, including the correlation coefficient (CC), mean error (ME), and mean absolute error (MAE) were calculated (Kumar and Naseef, 2015), as follows: \begin{equation} {\rm CC}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y})}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\bar{x})^2}\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\bar{y})^2} , \ \ (1)\end{equation} where n is the sample size, x is the height from ERA-Interim data, y is the height from radiosonde data, $\bar{x}$ and $\bar{y}$ are the averages of x and y; \begin{eqnarray} {\rm ME}&=&\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-y_i)}{n} ;\ \ (1)\\ {\rm MAE}&=&\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n|x_i-y_i|}{n} . \ \ (2)\end{eqnarray}
3.2. Attenuation correction
Radars with shorter wavelengths, such as C- and X-band radars, are affected by attenuation resulting from moderate to heavy rain, which causes a significant decrease in radar reflectivity. Therefore, errors in reflectivity due to attenuation should be corrected before calculating Z-R relationship-based QPE (Bringi et al., 2001; Park et al., 2005a, 2005b). With dual-polarized radar, the attenuation of reflectivity can be corrected using the differential propagation phase (Φ DP) or the specific differential phase (K DP), which are immune to radar attenuation and miscalibration. The K DP is estimated as the derivative of range profiles of the Φ DP (Wang et al., 2009). The attenuation correction algorithm used herein was adopted from the studies of (Bringi et al., 1990) and (Jameson, 1992). The specific attenuation (A H) is nearly linear with the K DP (A H=aK DP, where a is the attenuation coefficient in dB (°)-1, A H is in dB km-1, and K DP is in ° km-1) from scattering simulations. For C- and X-band radars, a is 0.08 and 0.275, respectively, from scattering simulations based on drop spectra measured by a disdrometer (Bringi et al., 2001; Park et al., 2005a, 2005b).Figure1. Average vertical profile of reflectivity (AVPR, dark blue dots) and average vertical profile of copolar correlation coefficient (AVPCC, orange dots), averaged azimuthally in the bright-band area: (a) at 2.4° tilt from the C-band radar at 1229 UTC 4 August 2013; (b) at 3° tilt from the X-band radar at 0550 UTC 27 October 2016; and (c) at 2.4° tilt from the S-band radar at 1644 UTC 31 March 2017.
3.3. Convective and stratiform precipitation segregation
The segregation of convective and stratiform precipitation is based on reflectivity, air temperature profiles, and VIL in the native radar coordinates (Qi et al., 2013a). The air temperature profile was obtained from either radiosonde or ERA-Interim data. The VIL was calculated from a volume scan of reflectivity data using the method described in (Zhang and Qi, 2010). By adopting the method and decision tree of Qi et al. (2013a, Fig. 2), the radar bins were classified as either convective or stratiform.Figure2. Time series of the bright-band top, bottom, α and β obtained from the AVPR and AVPR+CC schemes for the three events from the (a) C-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1200-1300 UTC 4 August 2013, (b) X-band radar at 3° tilt at 0500-1100 UTC 27 October 2016, and (c) S-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1400-1800 UTC 31 March 2017.
3.4. Bright-band correction
Two methods——namely, the AVPR and AVPR+CC methods——were adopted for bright-band correction (Zhang and Qi, 2010; Qi et al., 2013b). The stratiform precipitation was further divided into areas of existence or nonexistence of a bright band. The initial criteria for the existence of a bright band were when the reflectivity was greater than 15 dBZ and composite reflectivity was greater than 30 dBZ within a first-guess range of the bright band top (h f+D1) and bottom (h f-D1-5 km). D1 is defined as half of the vertical range at the point where the center of the lowest beam intersects the freezing level. The AVPR was calculated by averaging the reflectivity azimuthally across the bright-band area at a given tilt (Zhang and Qi, 2010). The height of the maximum reflectivity in the AVPR (h peak) was found by searching from 500 m above the freezing-level downward. A 500-m buffer zone was used to reduce the influence of any uncertainties in freezing-level height estimation (Zhang et al., 2008). The first inflection point in the AVPR above and below h peak was defined as the bright-band top (h top; green dotted line in Fig. 1) and bottom (h bottom; pink dotted line in Fig. 1), respectively. The h bottom was further constrained by the reflectivity at the bright-band bottom being greater than 28 dBZ (Zhang and Qi, 2010). The inflection point was determined following the method of (Sun et al., 2015).The AVPR+CC method was developed by (Qi et al., 2013b) to improve the accuracy in bright-band bottom estimation, taking advantage of the high sensitivity of the copolar correlation coefficient to melting hydrometeors. The AVPCC is the vertical profile of the azimuthally averaged copolar correlation coefficient in the area where the AVPR is calculated at the given tilt. The new h bottom (light blue dotted line in Fig. 1) was updated by searching for the first inflection point in the AVPCC below the h peak, where the copolar correlation coefficient was greater than or equal to 0.92 (Qi et al., 2013b).
The reflectivity higher than a given threshold [default value of 30 dBZ, consistent with the eight precipitation events presented in Table 1 and (Zhang and Qi, 2010)] in the bright-band area can be corrected for radar-based QPEs according to the following equations, as given in (Zhang and Qi, 2010): \begin{eqnarray} Z_{\rm a}(e,m,n)&\!\!=\!\!\!&\left\{\!\! \begin{array}{l} \alpha[h_{\rm b}(e,m,n)\!-\!h_{\rm peak}(e)]\!+\!\beta[h_{\rm peak}(e)\!-\!h_{\rm bottom}(e)],\\ \qquad h_{\rm b}(e,m,n)>h_{\rm peak}(e)\\ \beta[h_{\rm b}(e,m,n)-h_{\rm bottom}(e)],\\ \qquad h_{\rm b}(e,m,n)\le h_{\rm peak}(e) \end{array} \right.\!;\ \ (4)\\\\ Z_{\rm c}(e,m,n)&\!\!=\!\!\!&Z_0(e,m,n)-Z_{\rm a}(e,m,n) . \ \ (5)\end{eqnarray} Here, e, m and n are the tilt number, azimuth and gate, respectively; h b is the height of the beam axis at a given bin; Z0 and Z c are the reflectivities before and after correction, respectively; Z a is the reflectivity-correction value; α is the slope of the AVPR between the h top and h peak obtained by least-squares line fitting; and β is the same as α but for the AVPR between the h peak and h bottom. Figure 2 shows the time series of h top, h bottom, α and β obtained from the AVPR and AVPR+CC schemes for the three events from C-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1200-1300 UTC 4 August 2013, X-band radar at 3° tilt at 0500-1100 UTC 27 October 2016, and S-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1400-1800 UTC 31 March 2017. Most of the bottom identified from the AVPR scheme was higher than the new bottom derived from the AVPR+CC scheme.
3.5. QPE
For Z-R relationship-based QPE calculation, two Z-R relationships were utilized. The first was Z=237R1.57 for the C- and X-band radars in Beijing, which was derived from various types of raindrop data for Beijing in 1982, and by the microwave remote sensing group of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The other was Z=200R1.6 for the S-band radar in Xiamen (Liu et al., 2010; Zhang and Qi, 2010; Qi et al., 2013b). The rain rate R was then aggregated into hourly rainfall for verification against the rain-gauge observations.In this study, QPEs were calculated for both before and after bright-band correction in order to compare and evaluate the AVPR and AVPR+CC correction schemes. The performances of the AVPR and AVPR+CC correction schemes were further evaluated using three statistical scores (Zhang and Qi, 2010; Qi et al., 2013b).
(1) Root-mean-square error (RMSE): \begin{equation} {\rm RMSE}=\left[\frac{1}{p}\sum_{t=1}^p(r_t-g_t)^2\right]^{1/2} , \ \ (6)\end{equation} where rt and gt are the tth matching pairs of the radar-based and rain-gauge observed hourly rainfall, and p is the total number of matching pairs in the bright-band area. A matching pair was found when both the radar and rain gauge indicated hourly rainfall.
(2) Relative mean absolute error (RMAE): \begin{eqnarray} {\rm RMAE}&=&\frac{\frac{1}{p}\sum_{t=1}^p|r_t-g_t|}{\bar{g}} ;\ \ (7)\\ \bar{g}&=&\frac{1}{p}\sum_{t=1}^p{g_t} . \ \ (8)\end{eqnarray} Here, $\bar{g}$ is the average of hourly rain-gauge observations.
(3) Relative mean bias (RMB): \begin{equation} {\rm RMB}=\frac{\frac{1}{p}\sum_{t=1}^p(r_t-g_t)}{\bar{g}} . \ \ (9)\end{equation}
4.1. Estimation of freezing-level height
Figure 3 shows the time series and a scatterplot for the freezing-level heights obtained from radiosonde data and ERA-Interim data for a 10-yr (2005-14) period in Beijing, China. The freezing-level heights were mostly between 0 and 6 km above mean sea level. The high density of the scattered points along the diagonal indicates high correlation between the heights of the two data sources. The sample size, CC, ME, MAE, and significance test p-value are also labeled in the figure. The statistics show that the differences in the freezing-level heights from the two data sources were insignificant. In addition, the negative ME values show that the freezing level from ERA-Interim was slightly lower than that from the radiosonde data. In conclusion, both the radiosonde data and ERA-Interim data can be used to obtain the freezing-level height.Figure3. (a) Time series and (b) scatterplot of freezing-level height above mean sea level (MSL) obtained from radiosonde data and ERA-Interim data for a 10-yr (2005-14) period in Beijing, China. The solid line is the scatter fitting line; the colored bar indicates the probability density of the scattered points. The sample size (n), correlation coefficient (CC), mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE) and p-value (P) of the significance test between the radiosonde and ERA-Interim data are labeled.
4.2. Attenuation correction
Figure 4 shows range profiles of measured and attenuation-corrected reflectivity at 354° azimuth and 2.4° tilt from the C-band radar at 1229 UTC 4 August 2013, and at 20° azimuth and 3° tilt from the X-band radar at 0550 UTC 27 October 2016, as well as the corresponding measured reflectivity from the S-band radar in Beijing, which can ignore the effect of attenuation. The difference in attenuation-corrected reflectivity and reflectivity from the S-band radar could be attributed to the difference in sampling time and sampling resolution (range, elevation, etc.) of the three radars. As shown in the figure, the amount of attenuation correction in reflectivity increased with range, especially for the X-band radar, which had a large correction at far range. The maximum correction in the bright-band areas for the C- and X-band radars was about 3 and 4.5 dB, respectively——equivalent to an underestimation of 1.0 and 1.5 mm h-1, respectively, in QPEs using the conventional Z-R relationship (Z=200R1.6 for stratiform precipitation). In this study, the impacts of the attenuation correction for Z-R relationship-based QPE are a necessary consideration for the C- and X-band radars.Figure4. Range profiles of reflectivity at (a) 354° azimuth and 2.4° tilt from the C-band radar at 1229 UTC 4 August 2013, (b) at 20° azimuth and 3° tilt from the X-band radar at 0550 UTC 27 October 2016. The "uncorrected" (solid black line) denotes the original measured reflectivity of the C- and X-band radar, while the "corrected" (dashed gray line) indicates attenuation-corrected values. The difference between the measured and attenuation-corrected reflectivity is shown by the dash-dotted line. "SA-radar" indicates the measured reflectivity of the S-band radar in Beijing.
4.3. Convective and stratiform precipitation segregation
Figure5. The (a, c, e) reflectivity field and (b, d, f) segregated precipitation type (a) at 2.4° tilt from the C-band radar at 1229 UTC 4 August 2013, (b) at 3° tilt from the X-band radar at 0550 UTC 27 October 2016, and (c) at 2.4° tilt from the S-band radar at 0008 UTC 22 February 2017.Figure 5 shows examples of the reflectivity field and precipitation type segregation for the C-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1229 UTC 4 August 2013, X-band radar at 3° tilt at 0550 UTC 27 October 2016, and S-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 0008 UTC 22 February 2017. There was a large area of enhanced reflectivity in the stratiform precipitation region, resulting from the melting of ice crystal aggregates. The algorithm for convective and stratiform precipitation segregation successfully identified the convective and stratiform areas for all three different bands of dual-polarized radars.
Figure 6 shows the averaged VPRs derived from stratiform and convective precipitation based on the radar volumetric reflectivity data for the event shown in Table 1. The averaged VPRs were calculated by averaging reflectivity azimuthally across the stratiform and convective precipitation areas, respectively, at a given height using the method described in (Zhang et al., 2008). Dashed lines indicate the freezing level. The averaged stratiform VPR (Fig. 6a) showed an apparent bright-band feature, which is a layer of enhanced reflectivity near the freezing level, while no such feature existed in the averaged convective VPR (Fig. 6b).
Figure6. Average VPR profiles of (a) stratiform and (b) convective precipitation for the eight events shown in Table 1, averaged azimuthally across the stratiform and convective precipitation areas, respectively, from the radar volumetric data. Dashed lines indicate the freezing level.
4.4. Impact of bright-band correction on radar-based QPEs
Figure 7 shows the reflectivity fields before and after bright-band correction using the AVPR and AVPR+CC schemes for the events shown in Fig. 1. The raw reflectivity fields in the stratiform areas (Figs. 7a, d and g) show the bright bands clearly (between two dotted circles). The large reflectivity in the bright-band areas was reduced from ~40 dBZ to below 35 dBZ by AVPR correction (Figs. 7b, e and h), and further down to below 30 dBZ by the AVPR+CC correction (Figs. 7c, f and i). The reflectivity in the bright-band areas was then consistent with their surrounding areas.Figure7. Reflectivity fields (a, d, g) before correction, and after correction using the (b, e, h) AVPR and (c, f, i) AVPR+CC methods for the events shown in Fig. 1. Dashed circles indicate the bright-band bottom and top, respectively.
The radar-derived hourly rainfall was compared with rain-gauge observations (Fig. 8) for the three events from the C-band radar at 3.4° tilt at 1200-1300 UTC 4 August 2013, X-band radar at 2° tilt at 0500-1100 UTC 27 October 2016, and S-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1400-1800 UTC 31 March 2017. The radar-based QPEs from the uncorrected reflectivity significantly overestimated the rainfall in the bright-band areas (Figs. 8a, d and g). The QPE overestimations in the bright-band areas were reduced after the reflectivity fields were corrected by the AVPR (Figs. 8b, e and h) and AVPR+CC (Figs. 8c, f and j) schemes. Figure 8 also shows the scatter points of rainfall data that had no contamination of bright bands. The corrected bright-band area rainfall shows a similar distribution as those of no contamination. Three statistics (RMSE, RMAE and RMB) were calculated and listed in Table 3 for the radar-derived hourly rainfall with respect to the surface rain-gauge observations, focusing only on the bright-band affected areas. Figure 9 shows the scatter points of rainfall data that had contamination of bright bands at different tilts. The rainfall from the uncorrected and corrected reflectivity shows a similar distribution. In general, reflectivity corrections based on the AVPR and AVPR+CC schemes had positive impacts in reducing the overestimation of Z-R relationship-based QPEs in the bright-band areas. Furthermore, the AVPR+CC correction scheme eliminated more overestimation of QPE than the AVPR correction scheme, as the reflectivity in the bright-band areas was further reduced by the AVPR+CC scheme (Figs. 7c, f and i versus Figs. 7b, e and h).
Figure8. Scatterplots of radar-based hourly rainfall versus surface rain-gauge observations for the three events from the (a-c) C-band radar at 3.4° tilt at 1200-1300 UTC 4 August 2013, (d-f) X-band radar at 2° tilt at 0500-1100 UTC 27 October 2016, and (g-i) S-band radar at 2.4° tilt at 1400-1800 UTC 31 March 2017. The radar-based rainfall is from (a, d, g) before correction, and after correction using (b, e, h) AVPR and (c, f, i) AVPR+CC. The comparisons are separated for bright-band areas (red) and non-bright-band areas (blue).
Figure9. Scatterplots of radar-based hourly rainfall versus surface rain-gauge observations for the three events shown in Fig. 8. Radar-based rainfall are from (a, d, g) before correction, and after correction using (b, e, h) AVPR and (c, f, i) AVPR+CC. The comparisons are for bright-band areas at different tilts.
Figure11. The (a) RMSE, (b) RMAE and (c) RMB scores calculated for different rainfall intensities using the 1538 radar-gauge data pairs in bright-band areas at lower tilt from the eight events of the three different bands of dual-polarized radars.
In addition to the above detailed case studies, the overall performance of the bright-band correction schemes was further tested in the eight events shown in Table 1. The three statistics of RMSE, RMAE and RMB were calculated. The comparisons were focused only on the bright-band affected areas, and the results are shown in Fig. 10. The AVPR and AVPR+CC correction schemes consistently reduced the radar-based QPE errors for all of the events. The reduction of radar-based QPE errors was bigger for four events (including 20130804 from the C-band radar, 20130811 and 20161027 from the X-band radar, and 20170331 from the S-band radar), which had large-scale continuous and homogeneous stratiform precipitation, than the other four events (20120424 and 20130811 from the C-band radar, and 20161122 and 20170222 from the S-band radar), due to the unsuitability of the Z-R relationship-based QPEs for relatively large rainfall events (maximum hourly rainfall >11 mm; Table 1). For relatively lighter rainfall events (maximum hourly rainfall <5 mm), the AVPR+CC correction yielded smaller RMSEs and RMAEs than the AVPR correction for three events (20130804 from the C-band radar, 20161027 from the X-band radar, and 20170331 from the S-band radar), because Z-R relationship-based QPE is efficient for stratiform and lighter rainfall events. Furthermore, the underestimation of QPEs in non-bright-band areas indicated that the errors in corrected QPEs were partially from the Z-R relationship-based QPE estimation, not totally from the reflectivity correction.
Figure10. The (a) RMSE, (b) RMAE and (c) RMB scores for radar-derived hourly rainfall at lower tilt before (black bars) and after correction using the AVPR (dark grey bars) and AVPR+CC (light gray bars) schemes with respect to the surface rain-gauge observations. The comparisons are for bright-band affected areas only.
According to the previous analysis, the improvement in QPE relates to the intensity of the rainfall events. The RMSE, RMAE and RMB were further calculated for different rainfall intensities using the 1538 radar-gauge data pairs in the bright-band areas from the eight events including all three radars (Table 1). The results are shown in Fig. 11 along a spectrum of rainfall intensity. It was found that the radar-based QPEs were improved by the two correction schemes when hourly rainfall was less than 5 mm. The negative RMB when hourly rainfall was greater than or equal to 5 mm indicated an underestimation of the QPEs, which was also reflected by the increased RMSE and RMAE. For the three statistical scores averaged over all eight cases, the AVPR scheme improved from 2.28, 0.94 and 0.78 to 1.55, 0.60 and 0.40, respectively, while the AVPR+CC scheme improved to 1.44, 0.55 and 0.30, respectively; the AVPR+CC scheme performed better than the AVPR scheme. Accordingly, the rainfall was divided into light rain (hourly rainfall <2 mm), moderate rain (2 mm ≤ hourly rainfall <5 mm), and heavy rain (hourly rainfall ≥5 mm) for all three different bands of dual-polarized radars; the three statistical scores are presented in Table 4. The three statistical scores showed a similar distribution for the three radars; the QPEs were improved by the two correction schemes when hourly rainfall was less than 5 mm, and after AVPR+CC correction had less overestimation than that after AVPR correction. For heavy rain, the three radars also had a similar impact from the underestimation of Z-R relationship-based QPE. Overall, the Z-R relationship-based QPE was suitable for events in which hourly rainfall was less than 5 mm, because Z-R relationship-based QPE was efficient for lighter rainfall events. The AVPR+CC scheme was more efficient in reducing the overestimation of Z-R relationship-based QPEs, and the results were similar for all three different bands of dual-polarized radars, because the increased accuracy of the bright-band bottoms were identified by AVPCC.