摘要:利用长时间序列HadISST、ERA-40高分辨率的海洋大气再分析资料和经验正交函数(EOF)及回归分析等方法,分析了近50年来中国近海表层海温(SST)、东亚季风的时空变化特征及两者的关系。结果表明:中国近海冬、夏季SST有明显的年际和年代际变化,并均在1980年代中期发生了位相转折,之后呈现显著的上升趋势。其中,冬季的主要升温区位于东海,而夏季则位于黄海,冬季升温明显强于夏季。进一步分析发现,1955~2006年冬季东海的SST上升了1.96 °C,1971~2006年夏季黄海的SST上升了1.10 °C。其次,东亚冬、夏季风低空风场也有显著的年际和年代际变化。东亚冬、夏季风低空风场除有2~4 a的年际振荡周期外,分别自1980年代和1970年代末以来出现明显的年代际减弱趋势。第三,中国近海SST对东亚季风EOF模态时间系数的回归分析表明,中国近海冬季SST与东亚冬季风年代际变异的关系要强于与东亚季风年际变异的关系,且东亚冬季风年代际减弱有利于中国近海特别是东海及附近海域SST的年代际上升,而中国近海夏季SST与东亚夏季风年代际变异则没有明显关系。中国近海SST与东亚季风年际变异的相关区域主要为南海区域,冬季比夏季更为明显,且南海冬、夏季SST与经向南北风和副热带反气旋(高压)的年际变异有明显关系。
Abstract:Based on the long time series of mean Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and high-resolution wind field reanalysis data such as HadISST and ERA-40 reanalysis data, the variations of the SST in the offshore area of China and their relationship with the East Asian Monsoon (EAM) in winter (December to the next February) and summer (June to August) are analyzed using the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and linear regression analysis methods. The results show that: 1) The SST in the offshore area of China in winter or summer exhibited significant interannual and interdecadal variations, and experienced a climate shift in the mid-1980s. The areas with the strongest increase in SST are located in the East China Sea (ECS) in winter and in the Yellow Sea in summer. The SST increased by 1.96°C in winter for the period of 1955-2005 and 1.10 °C in summer for the period of 1971-2006. 2)The EAM has displayed distinct interannual and interdecadal variations with a weakening trend since the end of the 1980s in winter, and since the end of the 1970s in summer. In addition, the linear regression analysis indicates the relationship of the SST to EAM in winter on interdecadal timescale is closer than that on interannual timescale. The interdecadal weakening trend of EAM in winter contributes to the rise in SST in the offshore areas of China, particularly significant in the ECS. Moreover, the related areas of winter or summer mean SST on the interannual timescale in the offshore area of China to the EAM are located in the South China Sea (SCS), and the relationship in winter is much more obvious than that in summer. It is found that the interannual variation of SST in the SCS has obvious relation to the anomalies of the meridional southward and northward winds over the SCS and zonal migration of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific.
Key words:China Sea, sea surface temperature, East Asian monsoon, spatial and temporal characteristics