摘要:通过温室气体排放和土地利用/覆盖变化,人类活动对气候变化产生显著影响。为了探究在不同温室气体浓度(Greenhouse gas concentration,GHG)背景下,相同的土地利用/覆盖变化(Land Use and Land Cover Change,LULCC)对于欧洲区域气候的影响差异,采用CESM(Community Earth System Model)耦合模式进行了模拟研究。研究发现,在1850年温室气体浓度背景下,土地利用/覆盖变化导致欧洲中东部地区降水显著增加,而在2000年温室气体浓度背景下,土地利用/覆盖变化导致欧洲中东部地区降水减少。温室气体增加后,LULCC导致该地区对流层低层大气环流由辐合变为辐散,气温以及大气水汽含量降低,这些变化能较大程度的改变LULCC对区域降水的净影响力。
Abstract:Human activities have modified the Earth's climate through emissions of greenhouse gases and land-use and land-cover changes (LULCC). To investigate the impacts of LULCC under different greenhouse gas concentrations (GHG) on regional climate, several numerical experiments are performed using the fully coupled community earth system model (CESM). Results are as follows. Under the concentrations of greenhouse gases around 1850, the LULCC lead to increases in precipitation in central and eastern Europe, while under concentrations of greenhouse gases around 2000, the LULCC lead to decreases in precipitation in central and eastern Europe. Under the increased GHG concentration, LULCC lead to changes in the atmospheric circulation from convergence to divergence and decrease the air temperature and moisture content. These changes play a dominant role in determining the net impact of LULCC on regional precipitation.
Key words:Increased greenhouse gas concentration/
Land use and land cover changes/
Regional climate