

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-02

Abstract:Different characteristics of typhoon Soudelor (1513) and typhoon Matmo (1410) are analyzed before and after they made landfalls in Fujian based on reanalysis data of the ECMWF ERA-Interim and CMORPH data (which is derived from station observations and satellite retrievals of precipitation). The two typhoons shared similar tracks but showed different features of precipitation intensity and distribution. The results indicate that the discrepancy between rainfall distributions of the two TCs (tropical cyclone, the same hereafter) is much more evident after they made landfalls in Fujian Province. And one of the primary causes is the difference in the intensity and maintenance time after their landfalls. Furthermore, differences in large-scale circulation background may lead to different consequences. For Soudelor, the large-scale steering flow of the subtropical high was strong enough to cut off the interaction between Soudelor and the mid-latitude westly trough. However, the steering flow was relatively weak for Matmo, and thus it moved into the mid-latitude trough while passing by Hebei Province, resulting in precipitation enhancement. Besides, changes of heavy rainfall area were related to differences in low-level moisture transport and jet flow. For Matmo, the water vapor mainly came from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea, whereas Soudelor took water vapor transported from another tropical storm Molave (1514). Sufficient water vapor transport and distinct moisture convergence zone were locate to the north or northeast of Soudelor. In addition, the position of the typhoon with respect to the South Asia high also affected the location of the torrential rain area. The weakening of Soudelor after its landfall was slowed down by the joint effects of the westerly jet stream in front of the trough over the Greater Khingan Mountains and the southwesterly jet stream on the northwestern side of the South Asia high. In contrast, the cyclonic shear flow created by the upper-level jet accelerated the extinction of Matmo during its northward movement process. The result also shows that the difference in the dynamic structure of the typhoons before and after their landfalls is another reason for the different characteristics of precipitation distribution. The decrease of the warm core intensity of Soudelor was much more distinct during its landing, yet the vertical structure of the vorticity maintained deep and symmetric and stronger than that of Matmo. The dominant area of strong convergence and updraft was located to the east of the center of Soudelor, especially in the late stage of its lifetime, whereas the area was deflected to the west of the center of Matmo throughout its landing process.
Key words:Landfall typhoon rain/
Comparative analysis/
Evolution of structure/
Transport of water vapor


相关话题/结构 高压 福建 过程 观测

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