
中科院大气物理研究所 姚遥

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-28


中国科学院大气物理研究所 , 博士、副研究员,硕士生导师 研究兴趣:气候动力学 , 大气动力学 , 大尺度环流 , 极端气候事件 , 全球气候变化 , 年代际气候变化


    Increased Quasi-Stationarity and Persistence of Winter Ural Blocking and Eurasian Extreme Cold Events in Response to Arctic Warming. Part I: Insights from Observational Analyses
    Yao Y., D. H. Luo, A. G. Dai, and I. Simmonds,. J. Climate.,: 2017 ,30 ,3549-3568
    The Positive North Atlantic Oscillation with Downstream Blocking and Middle East Snowstorms: Impacts of the North Atlantic Jet.
    Yao Y., D. H. Luo, A. G. Dai, and S. B. Feldstein. J. Climate.: 2016 ,29 ,1853-1876
    An asymmetric spatiotemporal connection between the Euro-Atlantic blocking within the NAO life cycle and European climates.
    Yao, Y.*, and D. H. Luo. Adv. Atmos. Sci.: 2018 ,35 ,796-812
    Relationship between zonal position of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Euro-Atlantic blocking events and its possible effect on the weather over Europe.
    Yao Y., and D. H. Luo. Sci. China. Earth. Sci.: 2014 ,57 ,2628-2636
    Do European Blocking Events Precede North Atlantic Oscillation Events?
    Yao Y., and D. H. Luo. Adv. Atmos. Sci.: 2015 ,32 ,1106-1118
    The Positive North Atlantic Oscillation with Downstream Blocking and Middle East Snowstorms: The Large-Scale Environment.
    Luo D. H., Yao Y., A. G. Dai, and S. B. Feldstein. J. Climate.: 2015 ,28 ,6398–6418
    Increased Quasi-Stationarity and Persistence of Winter Ural Blocking and Eurasian Extreme Cold Events in Response to Arctic Warming. Part II: A Theoretical Explanation.
    Luo D. H., Yao Y., A. G. Dai, I. Simmonds and L. H. Zhong. J. Climate.: 2017 ,30 ,3569-3587
    Effects of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking on Arctic Sea Ice Decline in Winter at Weekly Time Scales.
    Yao, Y.*, D. H. Luo, and Linhao Zhong. Atmosphere: 2018 ,9 ,331
    Regime transition of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the extreme cold event over Europe in January-February 2012.
    Luo D. H., Yao Y., and Steven B. Feldstein. Mon. Wea, Rev.: 2014 ,142 ,4735-4757
    Decadal Relationship between European Blocking and North Atlantic Oscillation during 1978-2012. Part II: A Theoretical Model Study.
    Luo D. H., Yao Y., and A. G. Dai. J Atmos Sci.: 2015 ,72 ,1174-1199
    Decadal Relationship between European Blocking and North Atlantic Oscillation during 1978-2012. Part I: Atlantic Conditions.
    Luo D. H., Yao Y., and A. G. Dai. J Atmos Sci.: 2015 ,72 ,1152-1173
    On the Blocking Flow Patterns in the Euro-Atlantic Sector: A Simple Model Study.
    Luo D. H., and Yao Y.. Adv. Atmos. Sci.: 2014 ,31 ,1181-1196
    Recent Rapid Decline of the Arctic Winter Sea Ice in the Barents–Kara Seas Owing to Combined Effects of the Ural Blocking and SST.
    Luo B. and Y. Yao*. J. Meteor. Res.: 2018 ,32 ,191-202
    The Linkage of the Large-Scale Circulation Pattern to a Long-Lived Heatwave over Mideastern China in 2018.
    Li M. Y., Yao Y.*, D. H. Luo and L. H. Zhong. Atmosphere: 2019 ,10 ,89
    Impact of Ural Blocking on Winter Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasian Anomalies. Part I: Blocking induced amplification.
    Luo, D. H., Y. Q. Xiao, Yao Y., A. G. Dai, I. Simmonds, and C. L. E. Franzke. J. Climate: 2016 ,29 ,3925-3947
    The Anomalous European Climates Linked to Different Euro-Atlantic Blocking.
    Yao Y., and D. H. Luo. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett.: 2014 ,7 ,309-313
    A quantitative study of moisture transport variation on the interdecadal variation of the summer precipitation in South China from 1979 to 2015
    Linhao Zhong, Lijuan Hua,Zhuguo Ma,Yao Yao. Climate Dynamics: 2019 ,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-019-04822-0
    Increasing persistent haze in Beijing: potential impacts of weakening East Asian winter monsoons associated with northwestern Pacific sea surface temperature trends.
    Pei L, Z. Yan, Z. Sun, S Miao and Y. Yao. Atmos. Chem. Phys.: 2018 ,18 ,3173–3183
    北大西洋涛动—欧洲阻塞及其对极端暴雪影响的研究进展. 地球科学进展
    姚遥*, 罗德海.. 地球科学进展: 2016 ,31 ,581-594
    姚遥,宫婷婷. 《10000 个科学难题·海洋科学卷》 科学出版社: 2018 ,ISBN:9787030570871 ,170



Email: yaoyao@tea.ac.cn   

地址: 中国北京市朝阳区德胜门外祁家豁子华严里40号

邮编: 100029


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