

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28

电子邮件: zhaolingxia@ivpp.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市西直门外大街142号
邮政编码: 100044


招生信息古人类学 硕士研究生或博士研究生

招生方向 古人类学

学历 古脊椎所 --** 研究生毕业

学位-- 理学博士学位




ZHAO Lingxia,2006. Comprehensive Dental Study on Gigantopithecus. Ph.D. Dissertation, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing.

1. 赵凌霞,1992。运用体型方法研究中国学生(山西)的体格发育。人类学学报,11(3):260-271
Zhao Lingxia. Study on the physique of Chinese college students (SHANXI) by somatotyping method.Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 11: 260-271
2. 赵凌霞,Susanne Hummel, Cadja Lassen, Bernd Herrmann, 1996. 新石器时代人骨遗骸中古代DNA的提取及X-Y染色体同源基因片段的PCR扩增。人类学学报,15(3):200-209
Zhao Lingxia, Susanne Hummel, Cadja Lassen, Bernd Herrmann,1996. Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologues amelogenin gene. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,15:200-209
3. 赵凌霞,1997。分子生物学方法在古人类遗骸性别鉴定中的应用。解剖学杂志,21(增刊)
4. 赵凌霞,欧阳涟,陆庆五,1999。禄丰古猿牙齿釉质生长线与个体发育问题研究。人类学学报,18(2):102-108
Zhao Lingxia, Ouyang Lian, Lu Qingwu,1999.Icremental markigs of enamel and ontogeny of Lufenpithecus lufengensis. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,18:102-108
5. Zhao Lingxia, Lu Qingwu and Xu Qinghua, 2000. Enamel microstructure of Lufengpithecus Lufengensis. Acta Anthropologica Sinica人类学学报,19(Supplement to Vol 19),77-82
6. Zhao Lingxia, Lu Qingwu, He Zhufang, 2002. Eruption sequence of the lower permanent dentition of Lufengpithecus lufengensis. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 21(Supplement to Vol 21):14-18
7. 赵凌霞,郑良,高峰,姜础,2002。元谋古猿牙齿微观结构研究.中国科学 (D辑),2002,32(11):921-927
8. Zhao Lingxia, Zheng Liang, Gao Feng, Jiang Chu. 2003. Preliminary study on enamel microstructure of Yuanmou Miocene hominoids of China. Science in China (Series D), 46(11):1142-1150
9. 赵凌霞,2004。禄丰古猿牙齿釉质发育不全的观察研究。人类学学报,2004,23(2):111-118
Zhao Lingxia,2004. Liner enamel hypoplasia of Lufengpithecus lufengensis. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 23:111-118
10. 赵凌霞,2004。禄丰古猿的第一臼齿萌出年龄和脑量。人类学学报, 23(增刊):71-77
Zhao Ling-xia,2004. Age at first molar emergence and cranial capacity of Lufengpithecus lufengensis. Acta Anthropologica Sinica人类学学报,23(Supplement to Vol 23):71-77
11. Zhao Lingxia, He Zhufang. 2005. Dental development and ontogeny of Late Miocene large-bodied hominoids from Yunnan, China. Anthropological Science, 113(1),79-83
12. 赵凌霞,同号文,许春华,袁振新,蔡回阳,2006。贵州毕节发现的巨猿牙齿化石及其意义。第四纪研究,26(4),548-554
Zhao Lingxia, Tong Haowen, Xu Chunhua, Yuan Zhenxin, Cai Huiyang,2006.New discovery of Gigantopithecus blacki tooth fossil from Bijie, Guizhou and its significance. Quaternary Sciences,26:548-554
13. Zhao Lingxia,Lu Qingwu, Zhang Wending, 2008. Age at first molar emergence of Lufengpithecus lufengensis and its implications for life history evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, 54:251-257
14. 赵凌霞,金昌柱,秦大公,潘文石, 2008。广西崇左三合大洞新发现的巨猿牙齿化石及其演化意义。第四纪研究,28(6):1138-1144
Zhao lingxia, Jin Changzhu, Qin Dagong, Pan Wenshi,2008. Descrition of new fossil teeth of Gigantopithecus blacki from Sanhe cave, CHongzuo, Guangxi in Southern China with comments on evolutionary trends in Gigantopithecus dental size. Quaternary Sciences,28:1138-1144
15. Zhao Lingxia, Hou Yamei, 2008. Early hominin evidence and related hominoid fossils in Southern China. Human Evolution, 23(1):137-144.
16. 赵凌霞,王翠斌,金昌柱,秦大公,潘文石,2009.广西崇左木榄山洞古人类遗址中发现的猩猩类牙齿化石及其分类演化意义. 科学通报,54(19):2920-2926
17. ZHAO LingXia, WANG CuiBin, JIN ChangZhu, QIN DaGong, PAN WenShi,2009. Fossil orangutan-like hominoid teeth from late Pleistocene human site of Mulanshan cave in Chongzuo of Guangxi and implications on taxonomy and evolution of orangutan. Chinese Science Bulletin.54(21): 3925-3930
18. 陆庆五,赵凌霞,2000。禄丰古猿下颌恒齿萌出顺序的研究。人类学学报,19(1):11-16
Lu Qingwu, Zhao Lingxia,2000. A study of the eruption sequence in the mandiblar teeth of Lufengpithecus. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,19:11-16
19. 韩康信,赵凌霞。2002。湖北巨猿牙齿龋病观察。人类学学报,2002,21(3):191-198
HAN Kang-xin, ZHAO Ling-xia,2002. Dental caries of Gigantopithecus blacki from Hubei province of China. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 21:191-197
20. 李超荣,冯兴无,郁金城,赵凌霞,2004。王府井东方广场遗址骨制品研究。人类学学报,23(1):13-33
LI Chao-rong, FENG Xing-wu, YU Jin-cheng, ZHAO Ling-xia.Bone artifacts from Dongfang Plaza site of Wangfujing, Beijing. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,23:13-33
21. 祁国琴,董为,郑良,赵凌霞,高峰,岳乐平,张云翔,2006。云南元谋盆地古猿的系统位置、时代及生存环境。科学通报,51(7):833-841
22. QI Guoqin, DONG Wei, ZHENG Liang, ZHAO Lingxia, GAO Feng, YUE Leping, ZHANG Yunxiang. Taxonomy,age and environment status of the Yuanmou hominoids,2006. Chinese Science Bulletin,51(76):704-712
23. 侯亚梅,黄万波,Eric Boeda,赵凌霞,徐自强,Axel Daussy, Christophe Griggo, Michel Rasse, Josette Sarel,李英华,鲁娜,Erika Bodin,袁俊杰,2006。龙骨坡遗址与亚洲人类起源。法国汉学,第十一辑,中华书局。7-22
24. 王翠斌,赵凌霞(通讯作者),金昌柱,胡耀武,王昌燧, 2009。中国更新世猩猩类牙齿化石的测量研究及其分类学意义。 人类学学报,28(2):192-200
WANG Cui-bin, ZHAO Ling-xia*, JIN Chang-zhu, HU Yao-wu, WANG Chang-sui.2009. A Comparative study on the tooth crown size of Pleistocene fossil orangutan from South China and its taxonomic implication. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,28:192-200
25. Hou Y.M., Zhao L.X.2010. An archeological view for the presence of early humans in China. Quaternary International 223-224, 10-19
26. 董为,赵凌霞,王新金,蔡回阳,郑远文,张忠文,2010。贵州毕节扒耳岩巨猿地点的偶蹄类。人类学学报,29(2):214-226 DONG Wei, ZHAO Ling-xia, WANG Xin-jin, CAI Hui-yang, ZHENG Yuan-wen, ZHANGZhong-wen.2010. Artiodactyla Associated with Gigantopithecus from Baeryan, Bijie, Guizhou Province. Acta Anthropologica Sinica,29:214-226.
27. 赵凌霞Zhao Lingxia, 2010. Large-bodied hominoid fossils in China. 现代人类学通讯,第四卷。中国优生优育,16(S):178-179。(英文稿,附中文摘要)

1. 赵凌霞,2005。蝴蝶古猿牙齿釉质层微观研究。祁国琴,董为(主编):蝴蝶古猿产地研究。科学出版社,北京。第二章,第二节,74-80
Zhao Lingxia,2005.Study on enamel microstructure of Lufengpithecus hudiensis. In Qi Guoqin and Dong Wei (eds), Lufengpithecus hudiensis Site, State Key Project of the 9th five year plan—Origin of Early Humans and Environmental Background Series monograph II. Science Press, Beijing, China.74-81
2. 韩康信,张君,赵凌霞,1999。察乌呼三号、四号墓地人骨的体质人类学研究。王明哲(主编):新疆察乌呼大型氏族墓地发掘报告。东方出版社。299-344
3. 赵凌霞,2010。人类起源、演化与差异。席焕久(主编):人体测量方法。第七章,第五节。科学出版社。323-328
4. Ya-mei Hou, Ling-xia Zhao.2010.New archaeological evidence for the earliest hominin presence in China. In Fleagle JG, Shea JJ, Grine FE, Baden AL, Leakey RE (eds),Out of Africa I: The First Hominin Colonization of Eurasia. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series. Dordrecht: Springer.87-95

1. 赵凌霞,郑良,姜础,2001。元谋古猿牙齿釉质生长线与生长发育研究。邓涛,王原(主编):《第八届古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集》,海洋出版社:127-132
ZHAO Lingxia, ZHENG Liang, JIANG Chu, 2001. Incremental markings and dental development of Yuanou hominoid. Deng and Wang(eds): Proceedings of the eighth Anuual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleoantology. Beijing: China Ocean Press.127-132
2. Zhao Lingxia, 2002. Amelogenin gene and enamel structure and morphological anthropology. 2002现代人类学国际研讨会论文集。复旦大学。
3. 赵凌霞,2006。建始龙骨洞巨猿龋齿研究。董为(主编):第十届中国古脊椎动物学学术年会论文集。海洋出版社。103-108
Zhao Lingxia,2006. Dental caries of Gigantopithecus blacki from Longgudong cave in Jianshi of Hubei. Dong Wei(ed): Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrates Paleontology. Beijing: China Ocean Press.103-108.
4. Zhao Lingxia,2007. Earliest human evidence in China. Etty Indriati (ed): Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology. Proceedings “International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology” July 23-25,2007 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Jakarta, Yayasan Keluarga Hashim Djojohadikusumo,233-239
5. 韩康信,张君,赵凌霞,1997。新疆和静察乌呼沟三号和四号墓地人骨种族特征研究。童永生等编:演化的实证—纪念杨钟健教授百年诞辰论文集。海洋出版社。23-38
HAN Kangxin, ZHANG Jun, ZHAO Lingxia, 1997. The study of racial characteristics of human skulls from ancient cemetery at Chawuhugou, Hejing county, Xinjiang. TONG Yongsheng (et al. eds): Evidence for Evolution—Essays in Honor of Prof. Chungchien Young on the Hundredth Anniversary of His Birth. China Ocean Press. 23-38.
1. 赵凌霞,1997。周口店中国猿人头骨的重新复原。化石,97(4):20
2. 赵凌霞,2001。人类基因组计划及中国的1%。化石,2001(2):2-4
3. 赵凌霞,2004。谁是人类的祖先。大自然,2004(1):11-13
1. 赵凌霞,刘武,1999。山西河津柴家乡发现旧石器地点。人类学学报,18(1):69
2. 赵凌霞,2002。东非埃塞俄比亚发现直立人化石新材料。人类学学报,21(2):170
3. 赵凌霞,2002。中非乍得发现晚中新世的人类化石。人类学学报,21(4):306
4. 赵凌霞, 王翠斌。2006. 安达曼岛民的起源问题. 人类学学报, 25(2):105
5. 赵凌霞,蔡回阳,王新金,2008。贵州毕节何官屯新发现巨猿及早更新世哺乳动物化石。人类学学报,27(1):65
6. 赵凌霞,蔡回阳,王新金,2007。贵州大方响水发现石器时代遗址。人类学学报,26(4):310
7. 赵凌霞,张忠文,戴犁,2009。贵州毕节团结乡麻窝口洞发现晚更新世猩猩化石。人类学学报,28(2):191
1. Jonathan Howard著,赵凌霞 何竹芳 译。《达尔文与进化论》,2008。外语教学与研究出版社。
原书:Jonathan Howard , 2001. Darwin-A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

1. Zhao Lingxia, 1997. Physique of Chinese college students and influence of physical activity on somatotypes. 14th International symposium on morphological sciences, Beijing. International Academic Publishers.202
2. Zhao Lingxia, Ouyang Lian, Lu Qingwu,1998. Preliminary SEM observation about enamel structure in Lufengpithecus lufengsis. Beijing. Asian regional symposium on biomineral and hard tissues. 14-15
3. Zhao Lingxia, Lu Qingwu,2002. Liner enamel hypoplasia of Miecene Lufengpithecus from China. Caring for primates—19th congress of the international primatological society. Beijing. 304
4. Zhao Lingxia,2003.Study on enamel microstructure of Late Miocene hominoids from Yunnan of China. International symposium of evolution of the Tertiary primates in Asia. Inuyama of Japan. Aisan Paleoprimatology, 3:41-42
5. Zhao Lingxia, 2004. New materials of Gigantopithecus blacki and related questions to its evolution and extinction. 18th Internatioanl Senkenberg conference, Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution: Regional developments and interregional correlations. Weimar of Germany. Terra Nostra,2004(2):254-255
6. Zhao Lingxia, 2004. Dental development and life history of Lufengpithecus lufengensis. The second Asia symposium on biomineralization. 40
7. Zhao Lingxia, 2005. Dental development, life history and habitat of Gigantopithecus blacki. International Symposium on Migration and Evolution of Early Humans in the Old World, in Baise-Guangxi,China. 42
8. Zhao Lingxia,2006. Enamel microstructure and dental development of Gigantopithecus blacki. Dental tissues workshop:2-D and 3-D insights into human evolution. Leipzig of Germany. 50
9. Zhao Lingxia, 2007. Earliest human evidence in China. International seminar on Southeast Asian paleoanthropology, Yogyakarta of Indonesia. 14
10. Zhao Lingxia, Wang Cuibin, 2008. Dental study on fossil hominoids from China. 14th International symposium on dental morphology, Greifswald of Germany. O10
11. Zhao Lingxia 2009.Hominoid Fossils in China and their Significance in Hominin Origins. The 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. (国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届世界大会)
12. Zhao Lingxia 2009. Large-bodied hominoid fossils in China.纪念北京猿人第1头盖骨发现80周年国际古人类学学术研讨会暨第一届亚洲第四纪研究学术大会(亚洲旧石器考古联合会年会)
13. Zhao Lingxia 2010. Large-bodied hominoid fossils in China. Internatioanl Meeting of First Human Settlements in Eurasia,Shanhai上海世博会西班牙馆 2010年10月8-10日





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    基本信息赵亮男博导地质与地球物理研究所电子邮件:zhaoliang@mail.iggcas.ac.cn通信地址:邮政编码:研究领域招生信息招生专业070801-固体地球物理学招生方向教育背景学历学位工作经历工作简历社会兼职教授课程专利与奖励奖励信息专利成果出版信息发表论文发表著作科研活动科研项目参与会议合作情况项目协作单位指导学生已指导学生吕刚博士研究生070801-固体地球物理学现指导学生王坤硕 ...
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