张震宇 男 软件研究所
通信地址:中关村南四街4号 北京8718信箱
研究领域 Software engineering (software testing and software debugging, in particular)
Verification, Programming language
Wireless sensor networks (WSN), cloud computer, service computing
招生信息 招收硕士生
招生方向 软件测试与分析
教育背景 2005-10--2009-10 香港大学 博士
2002-09--2005-07 清华大学 硕士
1998-09--2002-07 清华大学 本科
学历Ph.D (Oct, 2005 - Oct, 2009)
Department of Comptuer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Supervisors: Prof. T. H. Tse and Dr. W. K. Chan.
Msc (Sept, 2002 - Jul, 2005)
Department of Comptuer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Supervisor: Prof. Yingxue Wang.
BEng (Sept, 1998 - Jul, 2002)
Department of Comptuer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
学位Ph.D (Oct, 2005 - Oct, 2009)
Department of Comptuer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Supervisors: Prof. T. H. Tse and Dr. W. K. Chan.
Msc (Sept, 2002 - Jul, 2005)
Department of Comptuer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Supervisor: Prof. Yingxue Wang.
BEng (Sept, 1998 - Jul, 2002)
Department of Comptuer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
工作简历 2011-12--2015-03 中国科学院软件研究所 计算机科学国家重点实验室 副研究员
2010-04--2011-12 中国科学院软件研究所 计算机科学国家重点实验室 助理研究员
2009-10--2010-03 香港大学 研究助理
社会兼职 2011-11--2014-11 中国计算机学会,会员代表
2000-09--2002-07 Gnome Email tool - Evolution,开发者
教授课程 JAVA程序设计
奖励信息 (1) 最佳论文奖,一等奖,专项级,2009
(2) SIGSOFT-CAPS会议基金,一等奖,专项级,2009
(3) 最佳论文奖提名,一等奖,专项级,2009
(4) 最佳论文奖,一等奖,专项级,2008
(5) 最佳论文奖,一等奖,专项级,2008
(6) 优秀论文奖,一等奖,研究所(学校)级,2008
专利成果 (1) 以布尔表达式的求值序列为谓词单元的软件错误定位方法,发明,2012,第1作者,专利号:6.7
发表论文 (1) How well does test case prioritization integrate with statistical fault localization,Journal of Information and Software Technology,2012,第2作者
(2) Precise Propagation of Fault-Failure Correlations in Program Flow Graphs,Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2011,第1作者
(3) PAFL Fault Localization via Noise Reduction on Coverage Vector,Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering ,2011,第2作者
(4) Non-Parametric Predicate-Based Fault Localization,Journal of Systems and Software,2011,第1作者
(5) A Dynamic Fault Localization Technique with Noise Reduction for Java Programs,Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Quality Software,2011,第2作者
(6) Testing in parallel,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies ,2010,第1作者
(7) Enhance Fault Localization Using a 3D Surface Representation,Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Research and Development,2010,第2作者
(8) Fault Localization through Evaluation sequences,Journal of Systems and Software,2010,第1作者
(9) A community-centric model for service publication, discovery, selection, binding, and maintenance,A community-centric model for service publication, discovery, selection, binding, and maintenance,2010,第2作者
(10) Macro-like Instrumentation Grammar for Boolean Expressions,Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering,2010,第1作者
(11) Resource prioritization of code optimization techniques for program synthesis of wireless sensor network applications,Journal of Systems and Software,2009,第1作者
(12) More tales of clouds: software engineering research issues from the cloud application perspective,Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2009,第2作者
(13) Capturing propagation of infected program states,Proceedigns of the 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering ,2009,第1作者
(14) 蜕变测试断言检查的比较与实验研究,Experimental study to compare the use of metamorphic testing and assertion checking,软件学报,2009,第1作者
(15) Is non-parametric hypothesis testing model robust for statistical fault localization,Journal of Information and Software Technology,2009,第1作者
(16) Taming coincidental correctness coverage refinement with context patterns to improve fault localization,Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering ,2009,第3作者
(17) Where to adapt dynamic service compositions,Proceedings of the 18th International World Wide Web Conference,2009,第2作者
(18) Test case prioritization for regression testing of service-oriented business applications,Proceedings of the 18th International World Wide Web Conference ,2009,第2作者
(19) How well do test case prioritization techniques support statistical fault localization,Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2009,第2作者
(20) Modeling and testing of cloud applications,Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference,2009,第3作者
(21) Adaptive random test case prioritization,Proceedings of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering ,2009,第2作者
(22) Debugging through evaluation sequences a controlled experimental study,Proceedings of 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference,2008,第1作者
(23) Fault localization with non-parametric program behavior model,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Software,2008,第2作者
(24) Synthesizing component-based WSN applications via automatic combination of code optimization techniques,Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Quality Software ,2007,第1作者
(25) Towards the testing of power-aware software applications for wireless sensor networks,Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies,2007,第5作者
(26) An empirical comparison between direct and indirect test result checking approaches,Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Quality Assurance,2006,第2作者
发表著作 (1) Linux网络与安全指南,Guide to Linux Networking and Security,科学出版社,2002-04,第1作者
(2) PHP 4 应用开发指南,PHP 4 Developer s Guide ,清华大学出版社,2002-01,第3作者
科研项目 (1) 持续集成中的回归测试和错误定位,主持,国家级,2011-01--2012-12
(2) 软件缺陷预测模型及其应用的研究,参与,国家级,2011-01--2013-12
(3) 提供错误定位机制的在线回归测试服务,主持,研究所(学校)级,2010-01--2011-12
(4) 自动化软件错误定位方法及应用研究,主持,研究所(学校)级,2010-01--2012-12
参与会议 (1) Precise Propagation of Fault-Failure Correlations in Program Flow Graphs,2011-07,Zhenyu Zhang, Bo Jiang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(2) A Dynamic Fault Localization Technique with Noise Reduction for Java Programs,2011-07,Jian Xu, W. K. Chan, Zhenyu Zhang, and T. H. Tse
(3) PAFL Fault Localization via Noise Reduction on Coverage Vector,2011-07,Lei Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang, Lina Wang, and Xiaodan Yin
(4) Macro-like Instrumentation Grammar for Boolean Expressions,2010-12,Zhenyu Zhang, Zhongxing Xu, Zhifang Liu, and Xiaopeng Gao
(5) Testing in parallel,2010-07,Zhenyu Zhang, Zijian Tong, and Xiaopeng Gao
(6) A community-centric model for service publication, discovery, selection, binding, and maintenance,2010-06,W. K. Chan, Lijun Mei, Zhenyu Zhang, and Xiaopeng Gao
(7) Enhance Fault Localization Using a 3D Surface Representation,2010-05,Qiong Shi, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhifang Liu, and Xiaopeng Gao
(8) Modeling and testing of cloud applications,2009-12,W. K. Chan, Lijun Mei, and Zhenyu Zhang
(9) Adaptive random test case prioritization,2009-11,Bo Jiang, Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(10) Capturing propagation of infected program states,2009-08,Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, T. H. Tse, Bo Jiang, and Xinming Wang
(11) More tales of clouds software engineering research issues from the cloud application perspective,2009-07,Lijun Mei, Zhenyu Zhang, and W. K. Chan
(12) How well do test case prioritization techniques support statistical fault localization,2009-07,Bo Jiang, Zhenyu Zhang, T. H. Tse, and T. Y. Chen
(13) Taming coincidental correctness: coverage refinement with context patterns to improve fault localization,2009-05,Xinming Wang, S.C. Cheung, W. K. Chan, and Zhenyu Zhang
(14) Test case prioritization for regression testing of service-oriented business applications,2009-04,Lijun Mei, Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(15) Where to adapt dynamic service compositions,2009-04,Bo Jiang, W. K. Chan, Zhenyu Zhang, and T. H. Tse
(16) Fault localization with non-parametric program behavior model,2008-08,Peifeng Hu, Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(17) Debugging through evaluation sequences: a controlled experimental study,2008-08,Zhenyu Zhang, Bo Jiang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(18) Synthesizing component-based WSN applications via automatic combination of code optimization techniques,2007-10,Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
(19) Towards the testing of power-aware software applications for wireless sensor networks,2007-06,W. K. Chan, T.Y. Chen, S.C. Cheung, T. H. Tse, and Zhenyu Zhang
(20) An empirical comparison between direct and indirect test result checking approaches,2006-11,Peifeng Hu, Zhenyu Zhang, W. K. Chan, and T. H. Tse
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28
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