电子邮件: xiaogq@impcas.ac.cn
通信地址: 兰州市南昌路509号
邮政编码: 730000
奖励信息(1) 兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)工程研究集体, 一等奖, 院级, 2009(2) 重离子束治疗人体浅层肿瘤的临床试验, 一等奖, 省级, 2008(3) 兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)工程, 一等奖, 省级, 2008(4) 重离子束治疗人体浅层肿瘤的基础及临床研究, 一等奖, 省级, 2008
专利成果( 1 ) 改变离子束三维适形调强治疗中展宽Bragg峰宽度的装置, 2010, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 6.9( 2 ) 用甜高梁汁液生产酵母葡聚糖的方法, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 9.1( 3 ) 甜高梁汁液的生物贮存方法, 2011, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 5.x( 4 ) 改变离子束三维适形调强治疗中展宽Bragg峰宽度的装置, 2008, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 6.4
发表论文(1)A Method for Real-Tme Patient Positioning Verification in Radiotherapy Using Multi-Angular Images with Conventional Video Cameras,Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics,2020-02,第7作者(2)Enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis yield of sweet sorghum straw polysaccharides by heavy ion beams irradiation pretreatment,CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2019-10,第5作者(3)Cellulase production by Aspergillus fumigatus MS13.1 mutant generated by; heavy ion mutagenesis and its efficient saccharification of pretreated sweet sorghum straw,PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY,2019-09,第3作者(4)Charge state effect on K-shell ionization of silicon induced by iodine(q+) ions,EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D,2018-08,第9作者(5)Experimental investigation on diagnosing effective atomic density in gas-type target by using proton energy loss,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2018,第12作者(6)L X-ray production in ionization of Cd-48 and In-49 by 75-250 keV protons,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2018,第9作者(7)Alpha decay properties of the semi-magic nucleus Np-219,PHYSICS LETTERS B,2018,第12作者(8)Charge state effect on K-shell ionization of silicon induced by iodine(q+) ions,EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D,2018,第9作者(9)Cluster correlation and fragment emission in C-12+C-12 at 95 MeV/nucleon,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2018,第9作者(10)X-ray and kinetic electron emission by keV proton impacting on fusion-relevant tungsten,NIM B,2017,第10作者(11)The plastic scintillator detector for DAMPE,ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS,2017,第7作者(12)Significance of Heavy-Ion Beam Irradiation-Induced Avermectin B1a Production by Engineered Streptomyces avermitilis,BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2017,第7作者(13)Selective ATP hydrolysis inhibition in F1Fo ATP synthase enhances radiosensitivity in non-small-cell lung cancer cells (A549),ONCOTARGET,2017,第3作者(14)New short-lived isotope Np-223 and the absence of the Z=92 subshell closure near N=126,PHYSICS LETTERS B,2017,第12作者(15)Preface,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2017,第2作者(16)HIAF: New opportunities for atomic physics with highly charged heavy ions,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2017,第12作者(17)Nuclear stopping and light charged particle emission in C-12+C-12 at 95 MeV/nucleon,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2017,第12作者(18)L x-ray production in ionization of Nd-60 by 100-250 keV protons,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2017,第8作者(19)A high-throughput screening method for breeding Aspergillus niger with C-12(6+) ion beam-improved cellulase,NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES,2017,第8作者(20)Hydrodynamic response of solid target heated by heavy ion beams from future facility HIAF,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2017,第5作者(21)Conceptual design the HIRFL-CSR external-target experiment,SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2017,第6作者(22)alpha-decay chain of the short-lived isotope Pa-220 established using a digital pulse processing technique,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2017,第12作者(23)An active base designed in high-counting-rate applications for Hamamatsu R1924A photomultiplier tube,NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES,2017,第10作者(24)A high-throughput screening method for breeding Aspergillus niger with 12C6+ ion beam-improved cellulase,NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES,2017,第8作者(25)发酵温度对复合微生物菌剂青贮饲料品质的影响,中国草食动物科学,2016,第6作者(26)Vanadium K-shell X-ray emission induced by xenon ions at near the Bohr velocity,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2016,第10作者(27)High-energy proton emission and Fermi motion in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2016,第10作者(28)Wakefield and stopping power of a hydrogen ion beam pulse with low drift velocity in hydrogen plasmas,LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS,2015,第4作者(29)Symmetry energy extraction from primary fragments in intermediate heavy-ion collisions,NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES,2015,第7作者(30)Study of X-ray spectrum emitted due to the impact of 129Xeq+ on different ion's charge on Au,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2015,第7作者(31)Study of a High-Yield Cellulase System Created by Heavy-Ion Irradiation-Induced Mutagenesis of Aspergillus niger and Mixed Fermentation with Trichoderma reesei,PLOS ONE,2015,第8作者(32)Rydberg-to-M-shell x-ray emission of hollow Xeq+ (q=27-30) atoms or ions above metallic surfaces,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2015,第10作者(33)Reconstructed primary fragments and symmetry energy, temperature and density of the fragmenting source in 64Zn+112Sn at 40 MeV/nucleon,NUCLEAR PHYSICS A,2015,第8作者(34)Rydberg-to-M-shell x-ray emission of hollow Xeq+ (q=27-30) atoms or ions above metallic surfaces,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2015,第10作者(35)Reconstructed primary fragments and symmetry energy, temperature and density of the fragmenting source in 64Zn+112Sn at 40 MeV/nucleon,NUCLEAR PHYSICS A,2015,第8作者(36)Ionization of highly charged iodine ions near the Bohr velocity,NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS,2015,第9作者(37)Hillock formation on CaF2, Al2O3, c-SiO2 and MgO single crystal surfaces by ion impact - From potential energy deposition to electronic energy loss,XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12,2015,第10作者(38)Collective effects on the wakefield and stopping power of an ion beam pulse in plasmas,PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2015,第5作者(39)Analytical model for describing ion guiding through capillaries in insulating polymers,CHINESE PHYSICS B,2015,第8作者(40)Analysis of Digital Waveform Methods with DRS4 Evaluation Board,Nuclear Physics Review,2015,第6作者(41)Ionization of Ar11+ ions during collisions near the Bohr velocity,NIM B,2014,第10作者(42)Experimental reconstruction of primary hot isotopes and characteristic properties of the fragmenting source in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2014,第10作者(43)Dynamics of the fully stripped ion-hydrogen atom charge exchange process in dense quantum plasmas,PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2014,第4作者(44)X-ray spectrum emitted by the impact of 129Xe26+ of the different kinetic energies on Au surface,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,2014,第5作者(45)Dynamics of He2+ + H ionization with exponential cosine-screened Coulomb potential,PHYSICA SCRIPTA,2014,第5作者(46)A simulation study of a dual-plate in-room PET system for dose verification in carbon ion therapy,CHINESE PHYSICS C,2014,第6作者(47)Energy deposition by heavy ions: Additivity of kinetic and potential energy contributions in hillock formation on CaF2,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014,第7作者(48)Primary isotope yields and characteristic properties of the fragmenting source in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy,Primary isotope yields and characteristic properties of the fragmenting source in heavy-ion reactions near the Fermi energy,2014,第6作者(49)Mass dependence of transverse flow in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2014,第6作者(50)Mass dependence of transverse flow in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2014,第6作者(51)Preface to first bilateral workshop COSMIC-RAD,RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI,2014,第1作者(52)Novel determination of density, temperature, and symmetry energy for nuclear multifragmentation through primary fragment-yield reconstruction,PHYSICAL REVIEW C,2014,第10作者(53)Probing nuclear symmetry energy at high densities using pion, kaon, eta and photon productions in,EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A,2014,第6作者(54)Suggestions for the Study of the Nucleon and Nucleon Resonances on the Electron-Ion Collider,Nuclear Physics Review,2014,第6作者(55)Influence on milk yield and milk composition of cows feed with sweet sorghum straw fermented by compound microbial agent in bags,Journal of Gansu Agricultural University,2014,第5作者(56)Potential sputtering on SiO2 and Au induced by highly charged ions impact,ICPEAC,2014,第6作者(57)Study on the electron configuration and the average equilibrium charge-state of highly charged Kr13+ ion,ICPEAC,2014,第6作者(58)Effects of multiple ionization on total L X-ray emission by proton impact,ICPEAC,2014,第7作者(59)onization of highly charged iodine ions in collisions near the Bohr velocity,ICPEAC,2014,第10作者(60)Fe K-shell ionization induced by Xe20+ ions near the Bohr velocity,ICPEAC,2014,第10作者(61)Introduction of HIRFL-CSR complex and recent results based on nuclear physics experiments,Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei,2014,第1作者(62)Direct Mass Measurements of Short-Lived A =2Z-1 Nuclides 63Ge, 65As, 67Se, and 71Kr and Their Impact on Nucleosynthesis in the rp Process,Physical Review Letters,2011,第11作者(63)Guiding of Highly Charged Ions through PC Nanocapillaries,CHIN. PHYS. LETT.,2009,第4作者(64)The influence of the charged back side on the transmission of highly charged,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,2009,第4作者(65)An outlook of heavy ion driven plasma research at IMP-Lanzhou,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,2009,第2作者(66)X-ray spectra induced by 129Xeq+ impacting the metal surface,Science in China Series G,2008,第2作者(67)Separation of potential and kinetic electron emission from Si and W induced by multiply charged neon and argon ions,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B,2007,第4作者(68)X-ray spectra induced in highly charged 40Arq+ interacting with Ausurface,Science in China: Series G,2006,第2作者(69)X-ray spectroscopy of hollow argon atoms formed on a beryllium surface,Nuclear Instruments and Methods B,2006,第2作者(70)Threshold kinetic energy for the gold X-ray emission induced by highly charged ions,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2005,第2作者(71)Plasmon-assisted visible light emission in the interaction of highly charged ions with surfaces,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2005,第2作者(72)Surface Plasmon-Assisted Excitation of Atomic Visible Light Spectral Lines in the Impact of highly Charged Ions 126Xeq+ on Solid Surfaces,Chin. Phys. Lett,2003,第11作者(73)Indications of Nuclear-Track-Guided Electrons Induced by Fast Heavy Ions in Insulators,Physical Review Letters,1997,第1作者
科研项目( 1 ) 青海甜高粱种植及产业化示范, 参与,部委级,2011-01--2014-12( 2 ) 重离子治癌, 参与,部委级,2009-01--2011-12( 3 ) 高能离子束与物质相互作用的微观机理研究, 参与,国家级,2010-01--2013-12( 4 ) 兰州重离子肿瘤治疗专用装置(HITEL), 主持,院级,2010-01--2017-04( 5 ) 重离子治疗装置标准制订及关键检测技术研究, 参与,部委级,2010-11--2014-12( 6 ) HIAF装置相关前期工作, 主持,市地级,2016-01--2017-12( 7 ) 强流重离子加速器装置, 主持,国家级,2016-01--2022-12( 8 ) 320KV实验平台协作(所外), 主持,市地级,2011-05--2020-12( 9 ) 核高基国家重大项目间, 主持,研究所(学校),2016-01--2020-12( 10 ) 基金委项目间接经费, 主持,研究所(学校),2016-01--2020-12( 11 ) 科技部项目间接经费, 主持,研究所(学校),2016-01--2020-12( 12 ) 甘肃医用重离子加速器装备产业技术创新联盟(UHIMM), 主持,研究所(学校),2015-12--2018-12( 13 ) 医用重离子加速器产业化, 主持,部委级,2017-04--2018-06( 14 ) 多模式引导的多粒子生物适形调强新技术研究与实现, 主持,国家级,2017-06--2019-12
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28
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