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通信地址: 中国科学院大气物理研究所
邮政编码: 100029
2014-01-01-今,Atmospheric Research 副主编,
2011-01-01-2014-12-31,中国气象学会大气环境学委员会, 主任委员
奖励信息(1) 京津冀大气灰霾特征与控制途径研究, 二等奖, 部委级, 2016(2) 首都环境保护奖, 一等奖, 省级, 2015(3) 大气环境综合立体监测技术研发、系统应用及设备产业化, 二等奖, 国家级, 2011(4) 陆地生态系统变化观测的关键技术及其系统应用, 二等奖, 国家级, 2011(5) 农田温室气体排放过程和观测技术研究, 二等奖, 国家级, 2001
专利成果( 1 ) 甲烷自动测量仪, 1992, 第 4 作者, 专利号: ZL 92 1 00938.0( 2 ) 一种对大气中N2O浓度的测量系统和方法, 2013, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL6.7( 3 ) 一种微量气体自动采集和分析系统及其方法, 2013, 第 3 作者, 专利号: ZL5.6( 4 ) 一种测定少量气体中一氧化氮的系统和方法, 2014, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 0.7
发表论文(1)Exploring the regional pollution characteristics and meteorological formation mechanism of PM2.5 in North China during 2013–2017,Environment International,2020-01,第12作者(2)Decreased gaseous carbonyls in the North China Plain from 2004 to 2017 and future control measures,Atmospheric Environment,2019-12,第10作者(3)Ambient volatile organic compounds in a suburban site between Beijing and Tianjin: Concentration levels,Science of The Total Environment,2019-12,第11作者(4)Characteristics and sources of hourly trace elements in airborne fine particles in urban Beijing, China,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2019-11,第7作者(5)Characteristics of fine particle explosive growth events in Beijing, China: Seasonal variation, chemical evolution pattern and formation mechanism,Science of The Total Environment,2019-10,第11作者(6)Reshaping the size distribution of aerosol elemental carbon by removal of coarse mode carbonates,Atmospheric Environment,2019-10,第5作者(7)Evolution of boundary layer ozone in Shijiazhuang, a suburban site on the North China Plain,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2019-09,第12作者(8)Trends in particulate matter and its chemical compositions in China from 2013–2017,Science China Earth Sciences,2019-09,第1作者(9)Mixing layer transport flux of particulate matter in Beijing,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2019-07,第8作者(10)Increased inorganic aerosol fraction contributes to air pollution and haze in China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2019-03,第2作者(11)PM2.5 Characteristics and Regional Transport Contribution in Five Cities in Southern North China Plain, During 2013–2015,Atmosphere,2018-04,第10作者(12)海南三亚大气颗粒物中水溶性无机离子浓度及其粒径分布特征,环境科学,2017,第5作者(13)The impact of relative humidity on the size distribution and chemical processes of major water-soluble inorganic ions in the megacity of Chongqing, China,Atmospheric Research,2017,第10作者(14)Thermal internal boundary layer and its effects on air pollutants during summer in a coastal city in North China,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2017,第9作者(15)Quantification of the impact of aerosol on broadband solar radiation in North China,Sci. Rep.,2017,第6作者(16)Ultraviolet radiation over China: Spatial distribution and trends,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2017,第6作者(17)Distinguishing the roles of meteorology, emission control measures, regional transport, and co-benefits of reduced aerosol feedbacks in “APEC Blue”,Atmospheric Environment,2017,第3作者(18)Characterization of black carbon in an urban-rural fringe area of Beijing,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017,第8作者(19)Characterization of fine particles during the 2014 Asia-Pacific economic cooperation summit: Number concentration, size distribution and sources,Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology,2017,第11作者(20)Size-resolved aerosol water-soluble ions during the summer and winter seasons in Beijing: Formation mechanisms of secondary inorganic aerosols,Chemosphere,2017,第11作者(21)Chemical characterization and source identification of PM 2.5 at multiple sites in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, China,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2017,第10作者(22)Modelling study of boundary-layer ozone over northern China - Part I: Ozone budget in summer,Atmos. Res.,2017,第11作者(23)Modelling study of boundary-layer ozone over northern China - Part II: Responses to emission reductions during Beijing Olympics,Atmos. Res.,2017,第11作者(24)Mortality and air pollution in Beijing: the long-term relationship,Atmos. Environ.,2017,第11作者(25)Ion balance and acidity of size-segregated particles during haze episodes in urban Beijing,Atmospheric Research,2017,第11作者(26)Modelling study of boundary-layer ozone over northern China - Part I: Ozone budget in summer,Atmospheric Research,2017,第11作者(27)Mortality and air pollution in Beijing: The long-term relationship,Atmospheric Environment,2017,第11作者(28)Size-resolved aerosol water-soluble ions during the summer and winter seasons in Beijing: Formation mechanisms of secondary inorganic aerosols,Chemosphere,2017,第11作者(29)Characterization of fine particles during the 2014 Asia-Pacific economic cooperation summit: Number concentration, size distribution and sources,Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology,2017,第11作者(30)Background aerosol over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: observed characteristics of aerosol mass loading,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2017,第3作者(31)Chemical characterization and source identification of PM<sub>2.5</sub> at multiple sites in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2017,第11作者(32)Size-resolved source apportionment of particulate matter in urban Beijing during haze and non-haze episodes,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2016,第11作者(33)Concurrent measurements of size-segregated particulate sulfate, nitrate and ammonium using quartz fiber filters, glass fiber filters and cellulose membranes,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者(34)太原大气颗粒物中水溶性无机离子质量浓度及粒径分布特征,环境科学,2016,第5作者(35)Mixing layer height and its implications for air pollution over Beijing, China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2016,第11作者(36)Vehicular emissions in China in 2006 and 2010,J Environ Sci (China),2016,第11作者(37)长白山背景站大气 VOCs 浓度变化特征及来源分析,环境科学,2016,第11作者(38)华北典型农区夏季大气污染特征及变化趋势研究,环境科学与技术,2016,第5作者(39)Redefining the importance of nitrate during haze pollution to help optimize an emission control strategy,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者(40)Source appointment of fine particle number and volume concentration during severe haze pollution in Beijing in January 2013,Environ Sci Pollut Res Int,2016,第11作者(41)Characteristics of aerosol size distributions and chemical compositions during wintertime pollution episodes in Beijing,Atmospheric Research,2016,第11作者(42)Characteristics of atmospheric organic and elemental carbon aerosols in urban Beijing, China,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者(43)Seasonal variation and secondary formation of size-segregated aerosol water-soluble inorganic ions during pollution episodes in Beijing,Atmospheric Research,2016,第11作者(44)Chemical composition of size-segregated aerosols in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau,Atmospheric Research,2016,第11作者(45)Characteristics, source apportionment and reactivity of ambient volatile organic compounds at Dinghu Mountain in Guangdong Province, China,Sci Total Environ,2016,第7作者(46)Regional pollution characteristics and formation mechanism over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area,Journal of Geophysical Research,2016,第9作者(47)Submicron aerosols during the Beijing Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation conference in 2014,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者(48)Characterization of submicron particles during biomass burning and coal combustion periods in Beijing, China,Sci Total Environ,2016,第11作者(49)Aerosol direct radiative forcing in desert and semi-desert regions of northwestern China,Atmospheric Research,2016,第4作者(50)2013—2014 年《 大气污染防治行动计划》 实施效果及对策建议,环境科学研究,2016,第7作者(51)The observation-based relationships between PM2.5and AOD over China,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2016,第11作者(52)京津冀地区严重光化学污染时段O3的时空分布特征,环境科学研究,2016,第5作者(53)Size distributions and health risks of particulate trace elements in rural areas in northeastern China,Atmospheric Research,2016,第11作者(54)Chemical composition of size-segregated aerosols in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau,Atmospheric Research,2016,第11作者(55)The Campaign on Atmospheric Aerosol Research Network of China: CARE-China,Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,2015,第11作者(56)Atmospheric wet and dry deposition of trace elements at 10 sites in Northern China,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2015,第11作者(57)Atmospheric wet and dry deposition of trace elements at 10 sites in Northern China,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2015,第11作者(58)Aerosol physicochemical properties and implications for visibility during an intense haze episode during winter in Beijing,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2015,第11作者(59)Size-resolved source apportionment of particulate matter in urban Beijing during haze and non-haze episodes,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2015,第11作者(60)Vertical variations of aerosols and the effects responded to the emission control: application of lidar ceilometer in Beijing during APEC, 2014,Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2015,第11作者(61)Characterization of organic aerosols in Beijing using an aerodyne high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2015,第11作者(62)The variability of biomass burning and its influence on regional aerosol properties during the wheat harvest season in North China,Atmospheric Research ,2015,第11作者(63) Long-range transport and regional sources of PM2.5 in Beijing based on long-term observations from 2005 to 2010,Atmospheric Research ,2015,第11作者(64)Comments on “Half-century nitrogen deposition increase across China: A gridded time-series dataset for regional environmental assessments” by Chaoqun Lu and Hanqin Tian. Atmospheric Environment (2014), 97:68–74,Atmospheric Environment,2015,第11作者(65)Atmospheric wet and dry deposition of trace elements at 10 sites in Northern China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2015,第11作者(66)Aerosol physicochemical properties and implications for visibility during an intense haze episode during winter in Beijing,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2015,第11作者(67)Size distribution of carbonaceous aerosols at a high-altitude site on the central Tibetan Plateau (Nam Co Station, 4730ma.s.l.),Atmospheric Research,2015,第3作者(68)Mechanism for the formation of the January 2013 heavy haze pollution episode over central and eastern China,SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences,2014,第1作者(69) Mineral dust and NOx promote the conversion of SO2 to sulfate in heavy pollution days,Scientific Report,2014,第11作者(70)Seasonal and diurnal variation in particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) at an urban site of Beijing: analyses from a 9-year study,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2014,第11作者(71)The heaviest particulate air-pollution episodes occurred in northern China in January, 2013: Insights gained from observation,Atmospheric Environment,2014,第11作者(72) Size-resolved aerosol chemical analysis of extreme haze pollution events during early 2013 in urban Beijing, China,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2014,第11作者(73)Ozone weekend effects in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2014,第11作者(74)Characterization of submicron aerosols during a month of serious pollution in Beijing, 2013,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2014,第11作者(75)阜康大气气溶胶中水溶性无机离子粒径分布特征研究,环境科学,2014,第3作者(76) Multilevel measurements of fluxes and turbulence over an urban landscape in Beijing,Tellus B,2013,第2作者(77)Size-resolved aerosol trace elements at a rural mountainous site in Northern China: importance of regional transport.,Science of Total Environment,2013,第2作者(78)Spatial distribution and temporal variations of atmospheric sulfur deposition in Northern China: insights into the potential acidification risks,Atmosperic Chemistry and Physics,2013,第2作者(79)Acid neutralization of precipitation in Northern China,Acid neutralization of precipitation in Northern China,Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association,2012,第1作者(80)Characterization of volatile organic compounds in the urban area of Beijing from 2000 to 2007,Characterization of volatile organic compounds in the urban area of Beijing from 2000 to 2007,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2012,第1作者(81)Spatial-temporal variations of surface ozone and ozone control strategy for Northern China,Spatial-temporal variations of surface ozone and ozone control strategy for Northern China,ACP ,2012,第2作者(82)Seasonal variations in aerosol optical properties over China,Seasonal variations in aerosol optical properties over China,JGR,2011,第1作者(83)Effects of Environmental Factors on N2O Emission from and CH4 Uptake by the Typical Grasslands in the Inner Mongolia,Effects of Environmental Factors on N2O Emission from and CH4 Uptake by the Typical Grasslands in the Inner Mongolia,Chemosphere,2005,第1作者
发表著作( 1 ) 中国陆地和淡水湖泊与大期间碳交换观测,Observation of Carbon Exchange on Typical Terrestrial Ecosystem and Fresgwater,科学出版社,2008-03,第1作者
科研项目( 1 ) 中国气溶胶组分及浓度的时空分布地面联网观测研究, 主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12( 2 ) 大气灰霾溯源, 主持,国家级,2012-10--2017-07( 3 ) 京津冀城市群大气霾污染形成机制及调控原理研究, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2017-12( 4 ) 区域大气氧化能力与空气质量定量关系及调控原理, 主持,国家级,2017-07--2020-12
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28
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