

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28

汤超颖 女博导中国科学院大学






2004.12 --- 至今 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院任教
1994.6 --- 2004.11 北京商学院任教




Zhu, W., Chen, Q., Tang, C.,Cao, G., Hou, Y., & Qiu, J. (2016). Brain structure links everydaycreativity to creative achievement.Brain and cognition,103,70-76.
Tang, C. (2015). Accessedexternal knowledge, centrality of intra‐team knowledge networks, and R&Demployee creativity.R&D Management. (SSCI)
Tang, C., & Kaufman, J. C.(2015). Personal characteristics that distinguish creative scientists from lesscreative scientists.The Journal of Creative Behavior. (SSCI)
Tang, C., & Naumann, S. E.(2015). Team diversity, mood, and team creativity: The role of team knowledgesharing in Chinese R & D teams. Journal of Management & Organization. (SSCI)
Tang, C., & Naumann, S. E.(2015). Paternalistic leadership, subordinate perceived leader–member exchangeand organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Management &Organization,21(03), 291-306. (SSCI)
Tang, C., & Ye, L. (2015).Diversified Knowledge, R&D Team Centrality and RadicalCreativity.Creativity and Innovation Management,24(1), 123-135. (SSCI)
Tang, C., Baer, J., &Kaufman, J. C. (2015). Implicit theories of creativity in computer science inthe United States and China. Journal of Creative Behavior, 49(2), 137-156. (SSCI)
Byrge, C., & Tang*, C. Y.(2015). Embodied creativity training: Effects on creative self-efficacy andcreative production.Thinking Skills and Creativity,16, 51-61.(SSCI)
Tong, D., Li, W., Tang, C.,Yang, W., Tian, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhang, Q. (2015). An illustrated heuristicprototype facilitates scientific inventive problem solving: A functionalmagnetic resonance imaging study. Consciousness and Cognition, 34, 43-51.(SSCI)
Tang, C., Shang, J., Naumann,S. E., & Zedtwitz, M. (2014). How team identification and expertiseidentification affect R&D employees' creativity. Creativity and InnovationManagement, 23(3), 276-289. (SSCI)
Tang, C., & Ding, X.(2014). Graduate students’ creative professional virtual community behaviorsand their creativity. Computers in Human Behavior, 41, 464-470. (SSCI)
Tang, C. (2014). The impact ofconnecting with Professional Virtual Forum, team member and external person onR&D employee creativity. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 204-212. (SSCI)
Tang, C., Seal, C. R., &Naumann, S. E. (2013). Emotional labor strategies, customer cooperation andbuying decisions. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 13, 1-15.
Tang, C., Seal, C. R., Naumann,S. E., & Miguel, K. (2013). Emotional Labor: The role of employee actingstrategies on customer emotional experience and subsequent buying decisions.International Review of Management and Marketing, 3(2), 50-57.
Tang, C., & Gao, Y. (2012).Intra-department communication and employees' reaction to organizationalchange: The moderating effect of emotional intelligence.Journal ofChinese Human Resources Management,3(2), 100-117. (Best Paper of 2013,Emerald)
Tang, C., Sun, J., & Ille,F. R. (2011). Information handling styles, advertising and brand attitude: AChinese brand case study. International Journal of China Marketing, 6, 32-38.
Tang, C. (2010). An empiricalstudy on firm R&D team's creativity: Implications from China's hi-techindustries. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, 1(3), 275-284.
Tang, C. & Shi, J. N.(2012). A case study on a Chinese manufacturing company's catch-up strategy andR&D talent's creative role identity management. TechnologicalEntrepreneurship in China. Edited by Claudio Petti, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Tang, C. (2012). Leadership,knowledge sharing and research and development team creativity. Annual Serieson Recent Advances on Technology and Innovation Management, IEEE: Advances inTechnology and Innovation Management, 2012.
Tang, C., & Ding, X.(2013).Stress, Mood and Creativity of R&D. Proceedings of the2013’International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science,2013,9.
Tang. C., Wei, D., & Ye, L.(2013). Knowledge Network and R&D Creativity. Proceedings of the2013’International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science,2013, 9.
Tang, C., & Liang, L.(2013).Growth Needs, Compensation Design, Intrinsic Motivation and R&DCreativity. Proceedings of 2012 3rd International Asia Conference on IndustrialEngineering and Management Innovation,2013,1.
Zhou, J., Tang, C., & Lu,T. (2013). Institutional Design and Operation for Building up the InnovativeEnterprises in China. Poceedings of PICMET 2013: Technology management in theIT-driven services, 2013, 8.
Tang, C., & Bao, X. (2009).A case study of R&D team’s development process in Chinese Academy ofSciences. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Management ofTechnology, Oct.23-25,. Hangzhou, China, 243-246.
Tang, C., & Wang, L.(2009). An empirical study on R&D team’s creativity: The role of leader’sempowerment behaviors and knowledge sharing. Proceedings of the 6thinternational symposium on Management of Technology (ISMOT), 2009, Oct.23-25,Hangzhou, China, Zhe Jiang University, 193-197. (Best Paper Award)
Tang, C., & Gong, Z.(2009).The mediating effect of mood on paternalistic leadership and teamperformance. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Management ofTechnology (ISMOT), 2009, Oct.23-25, Hangzhou, China, Zhe Jiang University.
Gao, P., Zhang, L., Tang, C.,Li, Y. (2008). An Empirical Research on the Impact of Trust, Conflict andConstructive Controversy on Creativity in R&D Team. The 5th InternationalConference on Innovation and Management, December10-11, 2008, Maastricht, theNetherlands, 2008, 342-347.
Li, Y., Tang, C., & Gao, P.(2008). Chinese validation of the team climate inventory: A measure of teamclimate for innovation in R&D teams. The 5th International Conference onInnovation and Management, December10-11, 2008, Maastricht, the Netherlands,861-867.
Pei, R., Tang, C., Gao, P.,& Wang, J. (2008). Impact of inner structure of organizational justice onteam performance: The mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior.The 5th International Conference on Innovation and Management, December10-11,Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2008, 354-361.
Tang, C., & Wang, L.(2009). An empirical study on R&D team’s creativity: The role of leader’s empowermentbehaviors and knowledge sharing. Proceedings of the 6th international symposiumon Management of Technology (ISMOT), 2009, Oct.23-25, Hangzhou, China, ZheJiang University, 193-197. (Best Paper Award)
Tang, C., & Gong, Z.(2009).The mediating effect of mood on paternalistic leadership and teamperformance. Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on Management ofTechnology (ISMOT), 2009, Oct.23-25, Hangzhou, China, Zhe Jiang University.
Gao, P., Zhang, L., Tang, C.,Li, Y. (2008). An Empirical Research on the Impact of Trust, Conflict andConstructive Controversy on Creativity in R&D Team. The 5th InternationalConference on Innovation and Management, December10-11, 2008, Maastricht, theNetherlands, 2008, 342-347.
Li, Y., Tang, C., & Gao, P.(2008). Chinese validation of the team climate inventory: A measure of teamclimate for innovation in R&D teams. The 5th International Conference onInnovation and Management, December10-11, 2008, Maastricht, the Netherlands,861-867.
Pei, R., Tang, C., Gao, P.,& Wang, J. (2008). Impact of inner structure of organizational justice onteam performance: The mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior.The 5th International Conference on Innovation and Management, December10-11,Maastricht, the Netherlands, 2008, 354-361.
Tang, C., Li, G., & Gong,Z. (2008). Group mood, knowledge sharing and project group brainstormingproductivity. International Conference on e-Risk Management2008 Jun.27th-30th,Atlantis Press, 714-719.
Tang, C., Ma, S., Gong, Z.(2008). How leader-member exchange quality influences the team cohesiveness.Proceedings of the 2008 international conference 2008 International ConferenceTechnology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities inthe 21st Century, 510-516.
Tang, C. & Zhou, J. (2007).IPR, Modularity and the Organization Mode of the KIBS Activity. Proceedings ofthe Fifth International Symposium on Management of Technology, Zhe JiangUniversity Press,1321-1325.


2015-2018, leader of the National Nature Science Foundation of China, “A study of the multi-level model of R&D team creativity in innovative enterprises”(project number **).
2015-2018, participate in EU granted project Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for higher education, “Creativity E-modules in education”.
2015-2017, leader of a project of Science and Technology Development Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ”Resources integration and the commercialization of science and technology output in Chinese Academy of Sciences”.
2012-2015, leader of the National Nature Science Foundation of China, “The impact of knowledge network, external knowledge absorption on R&D team creativity and related policies study”(project number **).


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