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发表论文(1)Greenhouse gas emissions in response to straw incorporation, water management and their interaction in a paddy field in subtropical central China,Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,2017,通讯作者
(2)Soil microbial C:N ratio is a robust indicator of soil productivity for paddy fields,Scientific Reports.,2016,第1作者
(3)Three-dimensional spatial variability in soil microorganisms of nitrification and denitrification at a row-transect scale in a tea field,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,2016,通讯作者
(4)Ammonia deposition in the neighbourhood of an intensive cattle feedlot in Victoria, Australia,Scientific Reports,2016,第7作者
(5)Is green tea still “green”,Geography and Environment.,2016,第1作者
(6)Nitrous oxide emissions from household vegetable fields in the rural residential areas of hilly subtropical central China,Environment Pollution and Climate Change,2016,通讯作者
(10)Nitrogen removal and mass balance in newly-formed Myriophyllum aquaticum mesocosm during a single 28-day incubation with swine wastewater treatment,Journal of Environmental Management,2016,第4作者
(11)Lower C sequestration and N use efficiency by straw incorporation than manure amendment on paddy soils,Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2016,第3作者
(12)Nitrous oxide emissions from a Masson pine forest soil in subtropical central China,Pedosphere,2015,通讯作者
(13)Spatio-temporal variability of shallow groundwater quality in a hilly red-soil agricultural catchment in subtropical central China,International Journal of Geosciences,2015,通讯作者
(14)Intensive rice agriculture deteriorates the quality of shallow groundwater in a typical agricultural catchment in subtropical central China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,通讯作者
(15)Wet-season spatial variability of N2O emissions from a tea field in subtropical central China,Biogeosciences,2015,通讯作者
(16)Rice agriculture increases base flow contribution to catchment nitrate loading in subtropical central China,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2015,通讯作者
(17)The significance of Myriophyllum elatinoides for swine wastewater treatment: Abundance and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in sediments,Plos one,2015,通讯作者
(18)Spatio-temporal variability in N2O emissions from a tea-planted soil in subtropical central China,Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss,2015,通讯作者
(19)Pedo-transfer functions for estimating the hydraulic properties of paddy soils in subtropical central China,Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science,2015,通讯作者
(20)Emissions of NO and N2O in wetland microcosms for swine wastewater treatment,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,第4作者
(21)Contrasting effects of straw and straw-derived biochar amendments on greenhouse gas emissions within double rice cropping systems,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2014,通讯作者
(22)Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to diffuse pollution in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China,Journal of Environmental Science ,2014,通讯作者
(23)Linking rice agriculture to nutrient chemical composition, concentration and mass flux in catchment streams in subtropical central China,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2014,通讯作者
(24)Relating land use patterns to stream nutrient levels in red soil agricultural catchments in subtropical central China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2014,通讯作者
(25)Wet-season spatial variability of N2O emissions from a tea field in subtropical central China,Biogeosciences discussion,2014,通讯作者
(26)Organic carbon mineralization responses to temperature increases in subtropical paddy soils,Journal of soils and sediments,2014,第2作者
(27)Effects of biochar amendment on the net greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas intensity in a Chinese double rice cropping system,European Journal of Soil Biology,2014,第3作者
(28)Fate of 14C-labeled dissolved organic matter in paddy and upland soils in responding to moisture,Science of the Total Environment,2014,第3作者
(30)Atmospheric dry and wet nitrogen deposition in a catchment in subtropical China,Atmospheric Environment,2013,通讯作者
(31)Spatial variability and distribution of N2O emissions from a tea field during a dry season in southern subtropical China,Geoderma,2013,第1作者
(32)Landscape pattern changes at the catchment scale: a case study in the upper Jinjing river catchment in subtropical southern China from 1933 to 2005,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,2013,通讯作者
(33)Application of the SWAT Model to the Xiangjiang River Watershed in Subtropical Central China,Water Science and Technology,2013,通讯作者
(34)A long-term sensitivity analysis of the denitrification and decomposition model,Environmental Modelling and Software,2013,第4作者
(35) Simulation of N2O emissions and mitigation options for rainfed wheat cropping on a Vertosol in the subtropics,Soil Research,2013,第1作者
(37) Simulating the response of N2O emissions to fertilizer N application and climatic variability from a rain-fed and wheat-cropped soil in Western Australia, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2012,第1作者
(38)Soil organic carbon dynamics in a dryland cereal cropping system of the Loess Plateau under long-term nitrogen fertilizer applications,Plant Soil,2012,通讯作者
(39)Annual dynamics of N2O emissions from a tea field in southern subtropical China,Plant, Soil and Environment,2012,通讯作者
(41)Mitigating over-fertilization of vegetables with plant growth regulators,Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment,2012,通讯作者
(42)Is the C:N:P stoichiometry in soil and soil microbial biomass related to the landscape and land use in southern subtropical China,Global Biogeochemical Cycles,2012,第1作者
(43)Relationships between methane emissions and soil microorganisms in a double-rice field in southern subtropical China,Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences,2012,通讯作者
(45)Modeling the water balance processes for understanding the components of river discharge in a non-conservative watershed,Transactions of the ASABE,2011,第2作者
(47)Spatial variability of soil nutrients and GIS-based nutrient management in Yongji County, China.,International Journal of Geographic Information Science,2010,第3作者
(48) Simulation of N2O emissions from an irrigated dairy pasture treated with urea and urine in Southeastern Australia,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2010,第2作者
(49)Modelling nitrate leaching and optimizing water and nitrogen management under irrigated maize in desert oases in Northwestern China. ,Journal of Environmental Quality,2010,第2作者
(50)Spatial variability of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a hilly red soil landscape in subtropical China.,Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2010,通讯作者
(51)Narrowing the agronomic yield gap with improved nitrogen use efficiency: a modeling approach.,Ecological Applications,2010,第4作者
(52)Three dimensional spatial distribution modeling of soil texture under agricultural systems using a sequence indicator simulation algorithm. ,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2010,通讯作者
(53) Impacts of fertilizer practices on environmental risk of nitrate in semiarid farmlands in the Loess Plateau of China,Plant Soil,2010,通讯作者
(54)Can the spatial prediction of soil organic matter contents at various sampling scales be improved by using regression kriging with auxiliary information ,Geoderma,2010,第1作者
(55)Estimating the nitrogen status of crops using a digital camera, Field Crops Research,2010,第1作者


科研项目( 1 ) 基于景观尺度的亚热带农业生态系统水、碳、氮、磷物质循环的数学模型模拟, 主持,部委级,2010-07--2013-06
( 2 ) 红壤退化的阻控和定向修复与高效优质生态农业关键技术研究与试验示范, 主持,国家级,2009-01--2011-12
( 3 ) 农业生态系统氮磷循环与调控, 参与,部委级,2010-01--2012-12
( 4 ) 典型地区农田地力定向培育理论与技术对策, 主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12
( 5 ) 流域碳氮循环模型构建与检验, 主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
( 6 ) 亚热带丘陵园艺土壤氧化亚氮排放的时空变异特征研究, 主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12
( 7 ) 流域农业氮磷污染源头防控决策支持系统, 主持,部委级,2013-01--2015-12
( 8 ) 长沙市引进国际高端人才三年行动计划, 主持,省级,2012-01--2014-12
( 9 ) Management of nutrients for improved profitability and sustainability of crop production in central Burma, 参与,研究所(学校),2016-01--2019-12
( 10 ) 化肥农药使用耦合效应综合评价方法, 主持,国家级,2016-07--2021-06
( 11 ) 南方红壤丘陵经营性茶园氧化亚氮减排机理和调控研究, 主持,国家级,2017-01--2021-12

参与会议(1)Modelling N2O emissions from agroecosystems using WNMMLi, Y2010-12-01
(2) N2O emissions and spatial variability in a tea field in subtropical ChinaFu, X, Li, Y, Xiao, R, Liu X, Tong, C, Wu, J2010-12-01
(3)Modelling N2O emissions from agroecosystems: the WNMM experiencesLi Y and Chen DL2010-08-01
(4)N2O emissions from a tea field in subtropical ChinaXiaoqing Fu, Yong Li, Runlin Xiao, Chengli Tong, Jinshui Wu2010-08-01



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