

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28

电子邮件: chenms@ihep.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市石景山区玉泉路19号乙
邮政编码: 100049
研究领域TeV 高能对撞机物理实验


招生方向TeV物理实验,LHC, CMS


1)参与H->ZZ->4l 末态物理分析,利用该末态研究Higgs粒子性质;





荣誉、奖励信息(1) CMS国际合作组青年研究员奖, 其他, 2017
(2) 中科院“粒子物理前沿卓越创新中心”第一届“青年拔尖人才奖”, , 院级, 2014

发表论文(1)CMS Collaboration,Search for an Lμ???Lτ gauge boson using Z?→?4μ events in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV,Phys. Lett. B,2019,其他(合作组作者)
(2)CMS Collaboration,Combined measurements of Higgs boson couplings in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV,EPJC,2019,其他(合作组作者)
(3)CMS Collaboration,Search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV,JHEP,2018,其他(合作组作者)
(4)CMS Collaboration,Observation of ttˉH production,PRL,2018,其他(合作组作者)
(5)CMS Collaboration,Measurements of properties of the Higgs boson decaying into the four-lepton final state in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV,JHEP,2017,其他(合作组作者)
(6)ATLAS and CMS Collaborations,Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at √s= 7 and 8 TeV,JHEP,2016,其他(合作组作者)
(7)CMS Collaboration,Measurement of differential and integrated fiducial cross sections for Higgs boson production in the four-lepton decay channel in pp collisions at √s= 7 and 8 TeV,JHEP,2016,其他(合作组作者)
(8)CMS Collaboration,Search for a Higgs boson in the mass range from 145 to 1000 GeV decaying to a pair of W or Z bosons,JHEP,2015,其他(合作组作者)
(9)ATLAS and CMS Collaborations,Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments,Phys. Rev. Lett.,2015,其他(合作组作者)
(10)CMS Collaboration,Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV,EPJC,2015,其他(合作组作者)
(11)CMS Collaboration,Constraints on the spin-parity and anomalous HVV couplings of the Higgs boson in proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV,Phys. Rev. D,2015,其他(合作组作者)
(12)CMS Collaboration,Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the m + m - and e + e - decay channels at the LHC,Phys. Lett. B,2015,其他(合作组作者)
(13)CMS Collaboration,Evidence for the direct decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to fermions,Nature Physics,2014,其他(合作组作者)
(14)CMS Collaboration,Measurement of the properties of a Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state,Phys.Rev. D,2014,其他(合作组作者)
(15)CMS Collaboration,The role of interference in unraveling the ZZ-couplings of the newly discovered boson at the LHC,Phys. Rev. D,2014,其他(合作组作者)
(16)CMS Collaboration,Observation of the diphoton decay of the Higgs boson and measurement of its properties,EPJC,2014,其他(合作组作者)
(17)CMS Collaboration,Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top-quark pair,J. High Energy Phys.,2014,其他(合作组作者)
(18)CMS Collaboration,Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via its Decays to Z Boson Pairs,Phys. Rev. Lett.,2013,其他(合作组作者)
(19)CMS Collaboration,Precision studies of the Higgs boson decay channel H→ZZ→4l with MEKD,Phys. Rev. D,2013,其他(合作组作者)
(20)CMS Collaboration,Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC,Phys. Lett. B,2012,其他(合作组作者)
(21)CMS Collaboration,Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV,Phys. Lett. B,2012,其他(合作组作者)
(22)CMS Collaboration,A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider,Science,2012,其他(合作组作者)
(23)CMS Collaboration,Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the decay channel H→ZZ→4l in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV,Phys. Rev. Lett.,2012,其他(合作组作者)
(24)CMS Collaboration,Observation of Z decays to four leptons with the CMS detector at the LHC,J. High Energy Phys.,2012,其他(合作组作者)
(25)CMS Collaboration,Search for new physics with same-sign isolated di-lepton events with jets and missing transverse energy at the LHC,J. High Energy Phys.,2011,其他(合作组作者)


科研项目( 1 ) CMS实验希格斯物理研究, 主持,市地级,2013-07--2016-07
( 2 ) 中科院****项目, 主持,部委级,2014-01--2017-12
( 3 ) 国家自然科学基金委国际合作课题-CMS实验希格斯性质研究, 主持,国家级,2016-07--2020-12
( 4 ) 中科院前沿重点项目-希格斯实验研究和新粒子、新物理实验寻找, 参与,部委级,2016-08--2021-07
( 5 ) 973-大型强子对撞机实验CMS、ATLAS和ALICE物理研究, 参与,国家级,2012-08--2017-07
( 6 ) 国家重点研发计划课题-CMS实验希格斯性质研究和新粒子寻找, 主持,国家级,2018-05--2023-04
( 7 ) 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目-大型强子对撞机物理实验研究, 主持,国家级,2019-01--2021-12

参与会议(1)CMS and ATLAS Progress中国物理学会高能物理分会第十届全国会员代表大会暨学术年会2018-06-23
(2)Higgs properties II - Higgs combinations第五届大型强子对撞机物理国际会议2017-05-15
(3)Combined results of the 126 GeV Higgs boson couplings using all decay channels measured by the CMS detector国际高能物理大会Mingshui Chen2014-07-02
(4)Combination and interpretation of Scalar Boson search results from CMSRencontres de Moriond EW 2013陈明水2013-03-02


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