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赵强 男 回族 博导 高能物理研究所






2004年7月,作为英国工程和物理科学研究基金会(EPSRC)的高级研究人员(Advanced Fellow)在Surrey大学从事强子物理理论研究;


1.Q. Wang, X.-H. Liu and Q. Zhao, Open charm effects in $e^+e^-o J/psi eta$, $J/psi pi^0$ and $phieta_c$, Phys. Rev. D 84, 014007 (2011); arXiv:1103.1095[hep-ph].
2. J.-S. Yu, Z.-F. Sun, X. Liu, Q. Zhao, Categorizing resonances $X(1835)$, $X(2120)$ and $X(2370)$ in the pseudoscalar meson family, Phys. Rev. D 83, 114007 (2011); arXiv:1104.3064[hep-ph].
3. Q. Zhao, Understanding the radiative decays of vector charmonia to light pseudoscalar mesons, Phys. Lett. B 697, 52 (2011); arXiv:1012.1165 [hep-ph].
4. Q. Wang, X.-H. Liu and Q. Zhao, Study of $eta_c$ and $eta_c^prime$ decays into vector meson pairs, arXiv:1010.1343[hep-ph].
5. F.-K. Guo, C. Hanhart, G. Li, Ulf-G. Meißner, Q. Zhao, Effect of charmed meson loops on charmonium transitions, Phys. Rev. D 83, 034013 (2011); arXiv: 1008.3632[hep-ph].
6. X.-H. Liu and Q. Zhao, Further study of the helicity selection rule evading mechanism in $eta_c,chi_{c0}, h_c o Bar{B}$, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 38, 035007 (2011); arXiv:1004.0496 [hep-ph].
7. Q. Zhao, Puzzles in charmonium decays, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 207–208, 347 (2010).
8. Q. Zhao, Chiral Quark Model Approach for the Study of Baryon Resonances, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. No. 186, 253 (2010); Proceeding of New Frontiers in QCD 2010.
9. F.-K. Guo, C. Hanhart, G. Li, Ulf-G. Meißner, Q. Zhao, Novel analysis of the decays psi’ -> h_c pi^0 and eta_c’-> chi_{c0} pi^0, Phys. Rev. D 82, 034025 (2010); arXiv:1002.2712[hep-ph].
10. Y.J. Zhang and Q. Zhao, Lineshape of $e^+ e^-o D^* ar D+c.c.$ and electromagnetic form factor of $D^*o D$ transition in the time-like region, Phys. Rev. D 81, 074016 (2010) ; arXiv:1002.1612[hep-ph].
11. X.H. Liu and Q. Zhao, The evasion of helicity selection rule in $chi_{c1}o VV$ and $chi_{c2}o VP$ via intermediate charmed meson loops, Phys. Rev. D 81, 014017 (2010); arXiv:0912.1508 [hep-ph].
12. Y.J. Zhang and Q. Zhao, The lineshape of $psi(3770)$ and low-lying vector charmonium resonance parameters in $e^+ e^-o Dar D$, Phys. Rev. D 81, 034011 (2010); arXiv:0911.5651 [hep-ph].
13. X.H. Zhong and Q. Zhao, Strong decays of newly observed $D_{sJ}$ states in a constituent quark model with effective Lagrangians, Phys. Rev. D 81, 014031 (2010); arXiv:0911.1856 [hep-ph].
14. J.J. Wu, Q. Zhao and B.S. Zou, Study $a_0(980)$-$f_0(980)$ mixing in charmonium decays, Chinese Phys. C 34, 848 (2010); Proceeding of International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi (PHIPSI09), Oct. 2009, Beijing.
15. G. Li, Y.J. Zhang, Q. Zhao, and B.S. Zou, Isospin violating mechanisms in quarkonium hadronic decays, Chinese Phys. C 34, 842 (2010); Proceeding of International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi (PHIPSI09), Oct. 2009, Beijing.
16. Y.J. Zhang, G. Li and Q. Zhao, Manifestation of intermediate meson loop effects in charmonium decays, Chinese Phys. C 34, 1181 (2010); Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Quark and Nuclear Physics, Sept. 2009, Beijing.
17. X.H. Zhong and Q. Zhao, $K^-p$ scattering and hyperon excitations in a chiral quark model, Chinese Phys. C 34, 1428 (2010); Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Quark and Nuclear Physics, Sept. 2009, Beijing.
18. X.H. Liu, Y.J. Zhang and Q. Zhao, Vector meson rescattering effect in understanding the threshold enhancement observed in $J/psiogamma par{p}$, Chinese Phys. C 34, 1402 (2010); Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Quark and Nuclear Physics, Sept. 2009, Beijing.
19. X.H. Zhong and Q. Zhao, Lambda resonances studied in $K^- po Sigma^0pi^0$ in a chiral quark model, Chinese Phys. C33, 1377 (2009).
20. I. Aznauryan, V. Braun, V. Burkert, S. Capstick, R. Edwards, I.C.Cloet, M. Giannini, T.-S. H. Lee, H.-W. Lin, V. Mokeev, C.D. Roberts, E. Santopinto, P. Stoler, Q. Zhao, and B.S. Zou, Theory Support for the Excited Baryon Program at the JLab 12 GeV Upgrade, arXiv:0907.1901[nucl-th].
21. X.-H. Liu, Y.-J. Zhang and Q. Zhao, Possible mechanism for producing the threshold enhancement in $J/psio gamma par{p}$, Phys. Rev. D80, 034032 (2009); arXiv:0903.1427[hep-ph].
22. Y.J. Zhang, G. Li and Q. Zhao, Towards a dynamical understanding of the non-$D ar D$ decay of $psi(3770)$, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 172001 (2009); arXiv:0902.1300 [hep-ph].
23. Q. Zhao, G. Li and C.H. Chang, Further insights into the "$hopi$ puzzle", Chinese Phys. C 34, 299 (2010); arXiv:0812.4092[hep-ph]. Proceeding of "The Conference on Interdisciplinary Fields of Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology", Aug. 2-4, 2008, Yunnan, China.
24. X.-H. Liu and Q. Zhao, Tetraquark $X(udar{s}ar{s})$ production in pn → ΛΛX, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 18, 309 (2009). Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings STORI’08, Sept. 14-18, 2008, Lanzhou, China.
25. X.-H. Zhong and Q. Zhao, The $K^-po Sigma^0pi^0$ reaction at low energies in a chiral quark model, Phys. Rev. C 79, 045202 (2009); arXiv:0811.4212 [nucl-th].
26. D.M. Asner et al., Physics at BES-III, Edited by K.T. Chao and Y.F. Wang, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A 24, Supplement 1, (2009); arXiv:0809.1869.
27. Y.-J. Zhang, Q. Zhao and C.-F. Qiao, Possible contributions to $e^+e^- o J/psi + eta_c$ due to intermediate meson rescatterings, Phys. Rev. D78, 054014 (2008); arXiv:0806.3140 [hep-ph].
28. X.H. Liu and Q. Zhao, Search for a promising tetraquark candidate $X(udar{s}ar{s})$ in $pno LambdaLambda X$, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36, 015003 (2009); arXiv:0805.1119[hep-ph].
29. G. Li, Y.J. Zhang, and Q. Zhao, Study of $e^+ e^-o omegapi^0$ via hadronic loops, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36, 085008 (2009); arXiv:0803.3412 [hep-ph].


1. *Q. Zhao, A coherent view of the charmonium hadronic and radiative decays, Invited plenary talk at 474th International Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar, “Strong Interaction: From Methods to Structures”, Feb. 11-16, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany.
2. *Q. Zhao, Effects of charmed meson loops on charmonium transitions, Invited plenary talk at The 4th International Conference on Charm Physics - Charm 2010, Oct. 21-24, 2010, Beijing.
3. *Q. Zhao, Puzzles in charmonium decays, Invited seminar in the University of Edinburgh, Aug. 16, 2010, U.K.
4. *Q. Zhao, Open channel effects and puzzles in charmonium decays, Invited plenary talk on “QCD from the Bound State’s Perspective”, Aug. 2-6, 2010, ECT*, Trento, Italy.
5. *Q. Zhao, Puzzles in charmonium decays, Invited plenary talk at 15th International Conference in QCD, June 28- July 3, 2010, Montpellier, France.
6. *Q. Zhao, Chiral quark model for meson production in the resonance region, Invited parallel talk at 12th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of Nucleon (MENU2010), May 31- June 4, 2010, Williamsburgh, USA.
7. *Q. Zhao, “Quark model” and “missing resonances” – A tail-chasing game? Invited plenary talk at JLab/EBAC meeting on baryon resonances, May 23-26, 2010, JLab.
8. *Q. Zhao, Evasion of helicity selection rule and its implication of heavy quarkonium decays, Invited plenary talk at International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium 2010 (QWG2010), May 18-21, 2010, Fermi National Laboratory, USA.
9. *Q. Zhao, Revisiting some long-standing puzzles in charmonium decays, 3rd France China Particle Physics Laboratory Workshop, April 7-10, 2010, Lyon, France.
10. *Q. Zhao, Chiral quark model approach for the study of baryon resonances, New Frontiers in QCD 2010, Feb. 1-19, 2010, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Japan.
11. *Q. Zhao, Isospin violating mechanisms in quarkonium hadronic decays, International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi (PHIPSI09), Oct. 13-16, 2009, Beijing.
12. *Q. Zhao, Manifestation of intermediate meson loop effects in charmonium decays, The 5-th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Sept. 21-26, 2009, Beijing.


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