

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-26

外国语学院成立于 2002 年 6 月,其前身是1994 年 9 月成立的中国政法大学外语系,主要从事公共外语和专业外语的教学与科研,专业外语下设英语、德语专业。其目标是培养“厚基础、宽口径、高素质”的既有扎实的英语、德语基本功,又有深厚的人文底蕴,还具有法学知识背景的适应市场经济需要的复合型人才。法律外语是我院的优势和特色。

外国语学院现有在编教职工 90 人,专任教师 75 人。其中,博士生导师 1 人,教授 6 人,副教授 20 人,讲师 31 人,其他教师 18 人,博士、硕士学位获得者 38 人。经过多年的办学,我院已经形成一支外语功底扎实且又熟悉法律的教师队伍,并在法律语言的研究和翻译方面取得了丰硕成果。外语资料室有外语工具书及图书杂志三万多册,还建有网络化多媒体教学教室 4 间,语音实验室 6 间。

英语专业教学贯彻全国高等院校英语专业(四年制)教学大纲,重视基础知识的教学和听、说、读、写、译等基本技能的训练,注重全面提高学生实际运用英语的能力。主要课程:综合英语、高级英语、法律英语、法律英语应用、英语阅读、英语听力、英语口语、英语视听说、英文写作、翻译理论和实践、英语国家概况、英语语言学、英语词汇学、英语修辞和文体学、英美文学史及作品选读、第二外语(法、德、日、俄)、计算机、及民法、刑法、民诉、刑诉、行政法和行政诉讼法、商法、经济法概论、国际法、国际私法、法理、宪法等十一门法律主干课程以及其他选修课程。此专业的主要特色是:注重英语与法律的结合教育,法律英语课程仅在我院及全国其他几所高校开设。此外,本专业实行 5 年双学位培养模式,学生从大三起可以免试攻读法学学士学位。同时,从2005级开始,学院实行双学位 +硕士连读培养模式:英语专业的学生,在其第一学年学习结束后,对其综合考核并择优选拔 10名学生进行双学位培养,在获得文学学士和法学学士两个本科专业的学位后,进入中美法学院攻读法学硕士研究生。

德语专业旨在培养在教育、科研、涉外企业、对外事务、对外经贸、信息处理等部门从事教育、研究、翻译、管理等工作的具有较强开拓精神和能力的复合型德语人才。本专业特色是:实行 5 年双学位 +2 年法律硕士连读的培养模式,学生在前 5 年可以取得文学和法学两个学士学位,后 2 年学习结束后,择优取得法学硕士学位。

此外外国语学院还承担着全校公共外语的教学与科研工作。在全国英语四、六级考试中,中国政法大学的通过率和优秀率在北京各高校中名列前茅。 2004 年,中国政法大学成为全国英语 180 所教学改革试点之一,在教学方法、硬件设施上都达到了一个更高的层次。


为把专业知识用于实践,及时接触社会、了解社会,外国语学院领导高度重视学生的社会实践能力。积极引导学生参与 “世界反贪大会”、“ 21 世纪法学教育及法学院校长国际研讨会”、“ WTO 与法律服务国际研讨会”、“国际司法论坛”等国际会议的会务及翻译工作,同时还组织同学参加社会实习和实践活动,学生圆满完成任务的同时开拓了视野,提高了能力。外国语学院学生活动丰富多彩,每年一度的 “英语文化活动月”(包括英语演讲比赛、英文话剧表演、英语歌曲大赛、英语征文大赛、英文电影文化节、英文模拟场景等)在法大校园和首都各高校中产生了强烈的影响。此外,外国语学院学生兴趣广泛、多才多艺、能歌善舞,在各种比赛中频频获奖。

The School of Foreign Languages , formerly the English Department of China University of Political Science and Law, was establi-shed in June of 2002. It now has two major set-ups: English and German. The school takes its main task to training students both in language proficiency and suffi-cient knowledge in western cultures and law, so as to meet the demands of the society and the future world.
At present, the school boasts a staff of 84, of which 1 doctorate tutor, 6 profe-ssors, 20associate professors, and 25 le-cturers. Over the years of teaching and researching, they have accumulated rich experiences in both language and law. A faculty equally well informed in foreign languages and legal knowledge contributes well to the school"s achievements in such areas as linguistic, legal language study and translation.
The courses of English major of the school focus on the teaching of basic knowledge and the training of listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating and inte-roperating skills in order to improve the students" comprehensive ability. It inclu-des: Elementary English, Intermediate English, Advanced English, English Grammar, History of English and American Literature, Backgrounds to English Speaking Countries, Readings in English Newspapers and Periodicals, English Wri-ting, Translation, English and American Literature, Introduction to Linguistics, American Intellectual Property Law, Ame-rican Contract Law, a second foreign language (Japanese, German, French or Russian) and computer science. Besides, students are also provided with 11 main law courses like civil law, criminal law, civil procedure law, criminal procedure law, commercial law, international economic law etc.
As for the German major, the students are trained with knowledge of not only language, but also education, science research, translation and management, so that they can work in such fields as research institute, foreign trade, foreign affairs and law. The advantage of the major is that the students will get both literature and law degree in 5 years, and then after 2 years" further study, they can get the master"s degree of law.
Besides, the school also takes care of the foreign language teaching of all the non-English major students of the university. In the national CET4 and CET6 tests, the passing and excellence rate of its students head the list of universities in Beijing . Since it"s being selected as one of the 180 experimental universities of English teaching reform in 2004, the school has seen more improvement in its teaching methods and facilities.
Students of the School of Foreign Languages are well motivated in joining social activities, in order to put their knowledge into practice. In the inte-rnational conferences such as World Anti-Corruption Conference and the Inte-rnational Symposium on WTO and Legal Se-rvices organized by Ministry of Justice, students of SFL took an active role in the in interpreting activities, and made good achievement. Every summer vacation, League Committee of the SFL organizes students to participate in various social practices and probations.
In the 10 years since its founding, the School of Foreign Languages has made continuous efforts in its development and achieved remarkable progress. After entering the 21 st century, it will grasp new opportunities and attain even grater accomplishment.