

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

鏉ㄥ▉锛岀敺锛?986骞?2鏈堝嚭鐢燂紝鐢樿們鍏板窞浜恒傚崥澹紝鍓爺绌跺憳锛屽崥澹敓/纭曞+鐢熷甯堛傜爺绌舵柟鍚戜负鐩嗗北鑰﹀悎纰庡睉娌夌Н璁板綍缁煎悎鍒嗘瀽銆佸惈娌规皵鐩嗗湴鍒嗘瀽銆佸熀浜庣粏绮掓矇绉鐞嗚鐨勮嚧瀵嗘补姘斾笌椤靛博娌规皵鍌ㄥ眰鈥滅敎鐐光濆湴璐ㄨ瘎浠枫傜洰鍓嶄富鎸佸浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁瀛﹀熀閲戦」鐩?椤癸紝鍙備笌鈥滃崄涓変簲鈥濆浗瀹剁鎶閲嶅ぇ涓撻」2椤广備互绗竴浣滆呰韩浠藉湪鍦板棰嗗煙鐭ュ悕鏈熷垔銆奊ondwana Research銆嬨夿asin Research銆嬨奣ectonophysics銆嬨奍nternational Journal of Coal Geology銆嬨奙arine and Petroleum Geology銆嬨奝alaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology銆?/span>銆奐ournal of Asian Earth Sciences銆?/span>绛夊彂琛ㄥ鏈鏂囧绡囥傜幇鎷呬换銆婄煶娌圭瀛﹂氭姤銆嬮潚骞寸紪濮斻併奣erra Nova銆嬪壇涓荤紪銆?016骞?鏈堝叆閫変腑鍥界煶娌瑰ぇ瀛︼紙鍖椾含锛夐潚骞存嫈灏栦汉鎵嶈鍒掋?/span>

2005.09-2009.07 鍏板窞澶у 璧勬簮鐜瀛﹂櫌 鍦拌川瀛︿笓涓?瀛﹀+瀛︿綅
2009.09-2014.06 鍖椾含澶у 鍦扮悆涓庣┖闂寸瀛﹀闄?鏋勯犲湴璐ㄥ涓撲笟 鍗氬+瀛︿綅
2011.09-2014.06 娉曞浗闆锋仼绗竴澶у 鍦扮悆绉戝绯?鍦扮悆涓庣幆澧冪瀛︿笓涓?鍗氬+瀛︿綅

2014.07 - 鑷充粖 涓浗鐭虫补澶у锛堝寳浜級闈炲父瑙勫ぉ鐒舵皵鐮旂┒闄?/span>
鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡锛?a href="mailto:yangw@cup.edu.cn" rel="nofollow">yangw@cup.edu.cn; yangwgeo@163.com


1. 杩戝勾鍙戣〃鐨勪富瑕佹湡鍒婅鏂?/strong>锛?/span>
[1] Wei Yang, Marc Jolivet, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Zhaojie Guo*, Zhicheng Zhang, Chaodong Wu, Source to sink relations between the Tian Shan Range and Junggar Basin (northwest China) from Late Paleozoicto Quaternary: evidence from detrital U-Pb zircon geochronology, Basin Research, 2013, 25 (2): 219-240.
[2] Wei Yang, Marc Jolivet, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Zhaojie Guo*, Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of southwestern Tian Shan: Evidence from detrial zircon U-Pb and apatite fission track ages of the Ulugqat area, Northwest China, Gondwana Research, 2014, 26 (3-4): 986-1008.
[3] Wei Yang*, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Marc Jolivet, Zhaojie Guo, Laurie Bougeois, Roderic Bosboom, Ziya Zhang, Bei Zhu, Gloria Heilbronn, Magnetostratigraphic record of the early evolution of the southwestern Tian Shan foreland basin (Ulugqat area), interactions with Pamir indentation and India-Asia collision, Tectonophysics, 2015, 644-645: 122-137.
[4] Wei Yang*, Baruch Spiro, Zhao-Jie Guo, Allan Pentecost, Cenozoic lacustrine stromatolites from the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, NW China and adjacent areas: indicators for palaeoclimatic and tectonic evolution, Geological Journal, 2017, 52: 249-262. .
[5] Wei Yang*, Jianfeng Li, Zhaojie Guo, Marc Jolivet, Gloria Heilbronn, New apatite fission track ages from the western Kuqa Depression: implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the South Tian Shan, Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 2017, 91 (2): 396-413.
[6] Wei Yang*, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Qianyou Wang, Yuan Yuan, Chen Zhang, Lei Chen, Whole-aperture characteristics and controlling factors of pore structure in the Chang 7th continental shale of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Southeastern Ordos Basin, China, Interpretation, 2018, 6 (1): 1-17.
[7] Wei Yang*, Ling Fu, Chaodong Wu, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Ziya Zhang, Chen Zhang, Bei Zhu, Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of Cenozoic sediments in the southwestern Tarim Basin, NW China: implications for Eocene鈥揚liocene source-to-sink relations and new insight into Cretaceous鈥揚aleogene magmatic sources, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 156: 26-40.
[8] Wei Yang*, Rusi Zuo, Zhenxue Jiang, Dongxia Chen, Yan Song, Qun Luo, Qianyou Wang, Hongji Zhu, Effect of lithofacies on pore structure and new insights into pore-preserving mechanisms of the over-mature Qiongzhusi marine shales in Lower Cambrian of the southern Sichuan Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 98: 746-762.
[9] Wei Yang*, Rusi Zuo, Xu Wang**, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Qun Luo, Jixuan Zhai, Qianyou Wang, Chen Zhang, Ziya Zhang, Sensitivity of lacustrine stromatolites to Cenozoic tectonic and climatic forcing in the southern Junggar Basin, NW China: New insights from mineralogical, stable and clumped isotope compositions, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 514: 109-123.
[10] Wei Yang*, Rusi Zuo, Dongxia Chen, Zhenxue Jiang, Lishuang Guo, Ziyi Liu, Rong Chen, Yunpeng Zhang, Ziya Zhang**, Yan Song, Qun Luo, Qianyou Wang, Jianbo Wang, Lei Chen, Yaohua Li, Chen Zhang, Climate and tectonic-driven deposition of sandwiched continental shale units: New insights from petrology, geochemistry, and integrated provenance analyses (the western Sichuan subsiding Basin, Southwest China), International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019, 211: 103227.
[11] Wei Yang*, Qianyou Wang, Yaohua Wang, Zhenxue Jiang, Yan Song, Yaohua Li, Dan Liu, Rusi Zuo, Xiaomin Gu, Fan Zhang, Pore characteristic responses to categories of depositional microfacies of delta-lacustrine tight reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, NW China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 104423, doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104423.
[12] Liyao Hua1, Wei Yang1*, Qianyou Wang, Yan Song, Zhenxue Jiang, Lishuang Guo, Yunpeng Zhang, Jianbo Wang, Influence of the actively migrated diagenetic elements on the hydrocarbon generation potential in tuffaceous shale, Fuel, 2019, 256 (15), 115795.
[13] Zhenxue Jiang*, Zhuo Li, Feng Li, Xiong-Qi Pang, Wei Yang, Luo-fu Liu, Fu-jie Jiang, Tight sandstone gas accumulation mechanism and development models, Petroleum Science, 2015, 12: 587-605.
[14] Zhenxue Jiang*, Xianglu Tang, Zhuo Li, Wenming Ji, Wei Yang, Yuan Yuan, Pengfei, Wang, Fengyang Xiong, Critical controlling factors of shale gas enrichment and accumulation, and remaining uncertainties, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2015, 89 (s1): 251-252.
[15] Dongdong Liu, Marc Jolivet, Wei Yang, Ziya Zhang, Feng Cheng, Bei Zhu, Zhaojie Guo*, Latest Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic basin-range interactions in South Tian Shan (northwest China) and their tectonic significance: Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb ages, Tectonophysics, 2013, 599: 197-213.
[16] Roderic Bosboom*, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Wentao Huang, Wei Yang, Zhaojie Guo, Oligocene clockwise rotations along theeastern Pamir: Tectonic and paleogeographic implications, Tectonics, 2014, 33 (2): 53-66.
[17] Roderic Bosboom*, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Arjen Grothe, Henk Brinkhuis, Giuliana Villa, Oleg Mandic, Marius Stoica, Wentao Huang, Wei Yang, ZhaoJie Guo, Wout Krijgsman, Linking Tarim sea retreat (west China) and Asian aridification in the late Eocene, Basin Research, 2014, 26 (5): 621-640.
[18] Marc Jolivet*, Gloria Heilbronn, C茅cile Robin, Laurie Barrier, Sylvie Bourquin, Zhaojie Guo, Yingying Jia, Laure Guerit, Wei Yang, Bihong Fu, Reconstructing the Late Palaeozoic-Mesozoic topographic evolution of the Chinese Tian Shan: available data and remaining uncertainties, Advances in Geosciences, 2013, 37: 7-18.
[19] Roderic Bosboom*, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Arjen Grothe, Henk Brinkhuis, Giuliana Villa, Oleg Mandic, Marius Stoica, Tanja Kouwenhoven, Wentao Huang, Wei Yang, Zhaojie Guo, Timing, cause and impact of the late Eocene stepwise sea retreat from the Tarim Basin (west China), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 403: 101-118.
[20] Qun Luo, Chen Zhang, Quanqi Dai, Dongdong Liu, Wei Yang, Luofu Liu, Xiangye Kong, Xinpeng Wang, Xiaoyu Liu, Lei Chen, Characterization of compact carbonate pore鈥搕hroat network systems in the Xiagou Formation in Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 159: 853-868.
[21] Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang*, Keyu Liu, Wei Yang*, Shu Jiang, Jingqiang Tan, Investigation of fractal characteristics and methane adsoorption capacity of the Upper Triassic Lacustrine shale in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Fractals, 2019, 27 (1): **-1 - **-15.
[22] Lei Chen, Zhenxue Jiang*, Shu Jiang*, Keyu Liu, Wei Yang*, Jingqiang Tan, Fenglin Gao, Nanopore Structure and Fractal Characteristics of Lacustrine Shale: Implications for Shale Gas Storage and Production Potential, Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 390: 1-20.
[23] Qianyou Wang, Yaohua Li, Wei Yang*, Zhenxue Jiang, Yan Song, Shu Jiang, Qun Luo, Dan Liu, Finite Element Simulation of Multi-Scale Bedding Fractures in Tight Sandstone Oil Reservoir, Energies, 2020, 13, 131: 1-20.
[24] 鏉ㄥ▉*, 濮滄尟瀛? 閮彫鏉? Gloria Heilbronn. 濉旀媺鏂旇垂灏斿共绾虫柇瑁傜郴涓?涓柊涓栨椿鍔ㄤ笌娣卞眰娌规皵鎴愯棌. 鍚夋灄澶у瀛︽姤 (鍦扮悆绉戝鐗?, 2015, 45 (1): 1515-18.
[25] 鏉ㄥ▉*, 閮彫鏉? 濮滄尟瀛? Gloria Heilbronn, 寮犳櫒, 鐜嬫濈淮. 瑗垮崡澶╁北鍓嶉檰鐩嗗湴渚忕綏绾掔櫧鍨╃邯鐩嗗北鏍煎眬鈥旀潵鑷灞戦攩鐭冲勾浠e鐨勮瘉鎹? 澶у湴鏋勯犱笌鎴愮熆瀛? 2017, 41 (3): 533-550.
[26] 閮戝繝鏂? 鐜嬩咕鍙? 钁涗簯閿? 鏉ㄥ▉*, 瀹嬪博, 濮滄尟瀛? 鍒樿亙, 宸﹀鏂? 閯傚皵澶氭柉楣忚タ閮ㄥ欢闀跨粍闀?~闀?娈佃嚧瀵嗗偍灞傚井瑙傚瓟闅欑壒寰佸樊寮? 绉戝鎶鏈笌宸ョ▼, 2018, 18 (15): 1671-1815.
[27] 濮滄尟瀛? 鏉庡崜, 鍞愮浉璺? 绾枃鏄? 鏉ㄥ▉*, 鍘熷渾, 鐜嬫湅椋? 椤靛博姘旀垚钘忓瘜闆嗕富鎺у洜绱犵爺绌跺強鐩爣浼橀? 鍚夋灄澶у瀛︽姤 (鍦扮悆绉戝鐗?, 2015, 45 (1): 1515-32.
[28] 鐜嬩咕鍙? 鏉ㄥ▉*, 宸﹀鏂? 濮滄尟瀛? 鏉庤鍗? 鍒樿亙, 宕旀斂鍔? 钄″墤閿? 宕斿摬, 椤惧皬鏁? 鏉庡叞, 寰愪寒. 鑱斿悎寰背CT鍜岄珮鍘嬪帇姹炵殑鑷村瘑鍌ㄥ眰瀛斿枆缃戠粶缁撴瀯宸紓瀹氶噺璇勪环. 鑳芥簮涓庣幆淇? 2019, 41 (7): 80-86.
[29] 宸﹀鏂? 鏉ㄥ▉*, 鐜嬩咕鍙? 濮滄尟瀛? 闄堝啲闇? 宸濊タ鍧抽櫡椤诲娌崇粍闄嗙浉椤靛博宀╃浉鎺у埗涓嬬殑寰鍌ㄩ泦鐗瑰緛. 鐗圭娌规皵钘? 2019, 6: 缃戠粶棣栧彂.
2. 杩戝勾鍙戣〃鐨勪富瑕佷細璁鏂?/strong>锛?/span>
[1] Wei Yang*, Baruch Spiro, Cenozoic lacustrine stromatolites from the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, NW China and adjacent areas: indicators for paleoclimatic and tectonic evolution, GSA Annual meeting, 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA.
[2] Wei Yang*, Zhenxue Jiang, Zhuo Li, Zhiye Gao, Dongdong Liu, Characteristics and controlling factors of pores in 7th Member shale reservoirs in the southeastern Ordos Basin, Geomechanics, Geomechanics and Georesources (IC3G) 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
[3] Wei Yang*, Zhenxue Jiang, Yuan Yuan, Pengfei Wang, Hexin Huang, Effective index from element geochemistry in evaluating depositional environment of continental shale and the remaining uncertainties. CHINA SHALE GAS, 2015.
[4] Wei Yang*, Siwei Wang, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Marc Jolivet, Zhaojie Guo, Laurie Bougeois, Roderic Bosboom, Ziya Zhang, Bei Zhu, Gloria Heilbronn, Magnetostratigraphic Record of the Early Evolution of the Southwestern Tian Shan Foreland Basin (Ulugqat Area), Interactions with Pamir Indentation and India-Asia Collision, AGU Fall Meeting, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
[5] 鏉ㄥ▉*, 濮滄尟瀛? 闄堝啲闇? 宸﹀鏂? 鐜嬩咕鍙? 宸濆崡涓嬪瘨姝︾粺绛囩瀵虹粍椤靛博宀╃浉瀵瑰井-涓瓟瀛旈殭缁撴瀯鐨勫奖鍝? 涓浗鐭跨墿宀╃煶鍦扮悆鍖栧瀛︿細绗?6灞婂鏈勾浼? 2017, 瑗垮畨.
[6] 鏉ㄥ▉*, 鐜嬫棴, 鐜嬩咕鍙? 鍑嗗櫠灏旂泦鍦板崡缂樺強閭诲尯鏂扮敓鐣屾箹鐩稿彔灞傜煶绋冲畾鍚屼綅绱犵爺绌跺強鍏舵瀯閫犫旂幆澧冩剰涔? 绗竴灞婂叏鍥芥皵浣撳悓浣嶇礌鎶鏈笌鍦扮悆绉戝搴旂敤鐮旇浼? 2017, 鍏板窞.
[7] 鏉ㄥ▉*, 濮滄尟瀛? 閮彫鏉? Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Marc Jolivet, Roderic Bosboom, Laurie Bougeois, Gloria Heilbronn. 濉旀媺鏂旇垂灏斿共绾虫柇瑁傜郴涓?涓柊涓栨椿鍔ㄤ笌娣卞眰娌规皵鎴愯棌. 绗叚灞婁腑鍥界煶娌瑰湴璐ㄥ勾浼? 2015, 鍖椾含.
[8] 鏉ㄥ▉, 閮彫鏉? 鍑嗗櫠灏旂泦鍦板崡缂樺眰搴忕灞戦攩鐭冲勾浠e鍙婂叾瀵圭泦灞辨牸灞婕斿寲鐨勬寚绀? 绗洓灞婃瀯閫犲湴璐ㄥ涓庡湴鐞冨姩鍔涘瀛︽湳鐮旇浼? 2011, 鍗椾含.
[9] 鏉ㄥ▉, 閮彫鏉? 鍑嗗櫠灏旂泦鍦板崡缂樼灞戦攩鐭冲勾浠e鍙婃簮鍖烘剰涔? 鍏ㄥ浗宀╃煶瀛︿笌鍦扮悆鍔ㄥ姏瀛︾爺璁ㄤ細, 2010, 鍖椾含.
[10] 濮滄尟瀛? 鏉庡崜, 鍞愮浉璺? 绾枃鏄? 鏉ㄥ▉, 鍘熷渾, 鐜嬫湅椋? 椤靛博姘旀垚钘忓瘜闆嗕富鎺у洜绱犵爺绌跺強瀛樺湪鐨勯棶棰? 绗叚灞婁腑鍥界煶娌瑰湴璐ㄥ勾浼? 2015, 鍖椾含.
3. 鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈锛?/span>
[1] 鏉ㄥ▉,绛? 涓绉嶄究鎼哄紡宀╃煶鎶楀壀寮哄害娴嬭瘯瑁呯疆鍙婃柟娉?鍙戞槑涓撳埄,鎺堟潈: ZL 6.4
[2]鏉ㄥ▉,绛? 涓绉嶉檰鐩歌嚧瀵嗗偍灞傜汗灞傜粨鏋勭簿纭垎绫诲彇鏍风殑瑁呯疆鍙婃柟娉?鍙戞槑涓撳埄,鎺堟潈: ZL 7.8
[3] 鏉ㄥ▉,绛? 鍒╃敤寰尝蹇熷埗澶囦笉鍚屽惈姘撮ケ鍜屽害椤靛博鏍峰搧鐨勮澶?瀹炵敤鏂板瀷涓撳埄,鎺堟潈: ZL 8.8
4. 绉戠爺濂栧姳锛?/span>
[1] 涓浗瑗块儴闄嗙浉鑷村瘑娌规垚钘忓瘜闆嗘満鐞嗗強鍏跺簲鐢ㄦ垚鏁堬紝涓浗鐭虫补涓庡寲瀛﹀伐涓氳仈鍚堜細锛?/span>绉戞妧杩涙涓绛夊锛?019
5. 涓绘寔鍜屽弬涓庣殑涓昏椤圭洰锛?/span>
[1] 鍑嗗櫠灏旂泦鍦板崡缂樹腑鏂颁笘婀栫浉鍙犲眰鐭崇壒寰佸強鍏舵瀯閫犫旂幆澧冩剰涔夛紙**锛?鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾锛堥潚骞村熀閲戯級, 涓绘寔, 璧锋鏃堕棿锛?017.01-2019.12.
[2] 椤靛博宀╃浉瀵瑰井瑙傚偍闆嗙┖闂寸壒寰佺殑褰卞搷锛?462017BJB07锛? 涓浗鐭虫补澶у锛堝寳浜級鎷斿皷浜烘墠绉戠爺鍚姩鍩洪噾椤圭洰, 涓绘寔, 璧锋鏃堕棿锛?017.01-2019.12.
[3] 涓嶅悓绫诲瀷椤靛博姘旂敓鎴愭満鐞嗕笌瀵岄泦瑙勫緥鐮旂┒-涓敓鐣岄檰鐩镐笉鍚岀泦鍦扮被鍨嬮〉宀╂皵璧嬪瓨鏂瑰紡涓庡瘜闆嗚寰嬬爺绌讹紙2016ZX05034-001-005锛? 鍥藉绉戞妧閲嶅ぇ涓撻」浠诲姟, 椤圭洰楠ㄥ共, 璧锋鏃堕棿: 2016.01-2020.12.
[4] 浜斿嘲-榫欓┈婧粍瀵屾湁鏈鸿川椤靛博鍌ㄥ眰绮剧粏鎻忚堪涓庨〉宀╂皵鎴愯棌鏈虹悊-椤靛博姘旀垚钘忚绱犲尮閰嶅強缁煎悎璇勪环锛?017ZX05035-002-007锛? 鍥藉绉戞妧閲嶅ぇ涓撻」浠诲姟, 椤圭洰楠ㄥ共, 璧锋鏃堕棿: 2017.01-2020.12.

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