

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

1994年9月—1998年7月在长春地质学院学习,获应用地球物理系学士学位,1998年7月—1999年8月在松辽委东北勘测设计研究院工作,1999年9月—2002年7月在吉林大学(原长春地质学院)学习,获固体地球物理学理学硕士学位,2002年9月—2006年4月在日本东北大学(Tohoku University)留学,获得地球工学博士学位。2006年6月入职于中国石油大学(北京),2008年6月晋升副教授,2015年6月晋升教授。2008年9月至2009年5月在斯坦福大学地球物理系及科罗拉多矿业学院地球物理系访问交流。
主要研究方向:① 跨频带地震岩石物理理论、实验及仪器开发;② 基于数字岩芯的岩石物理研究; ③复杂介质中地震波与电磁波传播理论。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目 3 项,“教育部博士点新教师”1 项、“留学回国基金”1 项,以项目骨干参加 973与863 课题各 1 项,2008 年入选“北京市科技新星计划”,2010 年入选“北京市优秀人才资助计划”,2015年获“第六届刘光鼎地球物理青年科学技术奖”。以第一发明人授权的专利 8 项;在国内外重要学术期刊与会议上共发表论文56篇,被SCI收录的文章共23篇次。代表性的成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在本领域国际顶级期刊 IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Geophysical Research Letters,Geophysical Journal International 以及 Journal of Geophysical Research,并兼任上述期刊的审稿专家。2008 年以来,兼任国家 863 计划评审专家组成员。
姓 名:赵建国
中国石油大学(北京) 地球物理与信息工程学院 物探系
电子邮件: jgzhao761215@aliyun.com; zhaojg@cup.edu.cn
电 话:; **
1998年8月—1999年8月,松花江辽河治理委员会东北勘测设计研究院物探队 工作
1. 跨频带地震岩石物理理论、实验及仪器开发;
2. 基于数字岩芯的岩石物理研究;
3. 复杂介质中地震波与电磁波传播理论;
2016-2019 针对碳酸盐岩储层的跨频段(从地震频率—超声频率)岩石物理实验与建模研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:**,负责
2012-2016 全极化孔中雷达多极化联合的频率域全波形反演与极化属性分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:**,负责
2012-2015 差分式声共振技术的低频岩石物理理论与实验研究,中国石油大学(北京)基础研究项目,KYJJ2012-05-02,负责
2013-2018 深层温压条件下非均质岩石中多频段弹性波传播,国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目,2013CB228603,排名3
2011-2013 “物探新方法新技术”:非均质储层低频地震响应特征研究及应用,中石油集团公司十二五计划项目,排名2(副课题长)
2007-2010 基于全极化孔中雷达的正反演以及雷达极化技术的方法研究,国家自然科学青年基金,项目编号:**,负责
2007-2010 全极化孔中雷达的极化分解技术研究,教育部“高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金”,,负责
2008-2010 全极化孔中雷达的正反演研究,教育部留学回国基金项目,负责
2009-2011 “北京市科技新星计划”项目,北京市科委,负责
2010-2010 “北京市优秀人才资助计划”项目,负责
2007-2010 重﹑磁和地震联合反演解释技术,863计划子课题,排名2
2009-2011 Advanced DARSIII system development,与斯坦福大学国际合作项目:重点实验室平台建设部分,排名2
2002 获得日本国政府文部省国费奖学金支持,留学日本东北大学
2009 入选“北京市科技新星计划”
2009 入选“世界石油大会(WPC)中国国家委员会青年工作委员会”
2010 入选“北京市优秀人才培养资助计划”
2011 聘为教育部留学归国基金评审专家
2015 获第六届“刘光鼎地球物理青年科学技术奖”
[1] Jian-Guo Zhao, Genyang Tang, Jixin Deng, Xiaolong Tong, Shangxu Wang, “Determination of rock acoustic properties at low frequency: A differential acoustical resonance spectroscopy device and its estimation technique”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 40, 1–8, doi:10.1002/grl.50346, 2013 (JCR1区TOP期刊,IF=4.253,SCI, EI)
[2] Jing-Ba, Jian-guo Zhao*, Jose M. Carcione, Xing-xing Huang, “Compressional wave dispersion due to rock matrix stiffening by clay squirt ?ow”, Geophysical Research Letter, DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069312, 2016 (JCR1区,IF=4.253, SCI, EI, 通讯作者)
[3] Shangxu Wang, Jian-Guo Zhao*, Zhen-hua Li, Jerry M. Harris, Youli Quan, “Differential Acoustic Response Spectroscopy for Acoustic Measurement of Small and Irregular Samples,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117(B06203), June, 2012(JCR2区TOP期刊,SCI, EI,IF=3.703, 通讯作者 )
[4] Jian-guo Zhao* Xing-xing Huang Wei-fang Liu Wei-jun Zhao Jian-yong Song Bin XiongShang-xu Wang, “2.5-D frequency-domain viscoelastic wave modelling using finite-element method”, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 211, Issue 1, 1 October 2017, Pages 164–187,https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx273 (JCR2区,IF=2.560, SCI, EI)
[5] Jian-guo Zhao, Shang-xu Wang, Han-jun Yin etc, “Differential Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy: Improved theory and application in the low frequency range”, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 202, pp. 1775-1791, 2015 (JCR2区,IF=2.560, SCI, EI)
[6] Xin-yuan Luan, Bang-rang Di, Jian-xin Wei, Jian-guo Zhao*, and Xiang-yang Li, “Creation of synthetic samples for physical modelling of natural shale”, Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 64, pp. 898-914, 2016 (JCR3区,SCI, EI, 通讯作者)
[7] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Radar polarimetry analysis applied to single-hole fully polarimetric borehole radar,” IEEE Transaction on Geosc. and Remote Sensing, vol. 44, pp. 3547-3554, Dec. 2006 (JCR2区TOP期刊,SCI, EI, IF=3.873)
[8] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Consistency analysis of subsurface fracture characterization with several polarimetry techniques,” IEEE Geosc. and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.4, No. 3, pp. 359-363, July 2007 (JCR2区,SCI, EI,IF=1.832)
[9] Hai, Liu, Jian-guo Zhao*, and Motoyuki Sato, “A Hybrid Dual-Polarization GPR System for Detection of Linear Objects”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 14, pp. 317-320, 2014(JCR3区,SCI,EI,通讯作者)
[10] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Experimental implementation and assessment of two polarimetric calibration approaches applied for a fully polarimetric borehole radar”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 232-242, 2008. (JCR4区,SCI,EI, IF=0.787)
[11] Jian-guo Pan, Hong-bin Wang, Chuang Li, and Jian-guo Zhao*, “Effect of pore structure on seismic rock-physics characteristics of dense carbonates”, Applied Geophysics, Vol. 12(1), DOI: 10. 1007/s11770-014-0477-1, 2015 (JCR4区,SCI, 通讯作者)
[12] 赵建国,史瑞其,陈竞一,潘建国,王宏斌,“粘性声波方程数值正演中的匹配Z变换完全匹配层吸收边界”,地球物理学报,2014, 57(4),1284-1291: doi: 10. 6038/cjg**(SCI)
[13] 赵建国,史瑞其,陈竞一,赵维俊,王宏斌,潘建国,“辅助微分方程完全匹配层在声波方程数值模拟中的应用”,吉林大学学报,2014,44(2),pp. 675-683 (核心)
[14] Jian-Guo Zhao, Rui-Qi Shi, “A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition for the finite-element time-domain modeling of elastic wave equation”, Applied Geophysics, 2013, Vol. 10, No.3, p. 323-336: DOI: 10.1007/s11770-013-0388.(SCI, EI)
[15] Han-jun Yin, Jian-guo Zhao, Geng-yang Tang, Li-ming Zhao, Xiao-yi Ma, and Shang-xu Wang*, “Pressure and Fluid Effect on Frequency-Dependent Elastic Moduli in Fully Saturated Tight Sandstone”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, DOI: 10.1002、2017JB014244,2017 (JCR2区TOP期刊,SCI, EI,IF=3.703)
[16] Han-jun Yin, Jian-guo Zhao, Geng-yang Tang, Xiao-yi Ma, and Shang-xu Wang*, “Numerical and experimental investigation of a low-frequency measurement technique: differential acoustic resonance spectroscopy”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 342-353, 2016 (SCI, EI)
[17] 赵建国, 刘财, 杨宝俊, 李哲. 地震波在海底淤泥中传播的[Y]模型模拟研究. 吉林大学学报, 2000,30, 89-94.
[18] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “A fully polarimetric borehole radar based numerical modelling:fully polarimetric response to synthetic natural fractures,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) ,pp. 66-70, July, 2010, Cambridge. (EI,ISTP)
[19] Jian-xin Wei, Jian-guo Zhao, Shuai Da, Ping-bo Ding, Bang-rang Di, and Shu-yuan Qin, “Estimations of P- and S-wave velocities and anisotropy from measurements on artificial fractured samples”, Geophysics, 2018(JCR3区,SCI, EI , accepted)
[20] Rong Peng, Bangrang Di, Jianxin Wei, Pinbo Ding, Jianguo Zhao, Xiao Pan, and Zichun Liu, “Experimental study of the seismoelectric interface response in wedge and cavity models”, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 210, Issue 3, 1 September 2017, Pages 1703–1720, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx253 (JCR2区,IF=2.560, SCI, EI)
[21] Chai, X., S. Wang, S. Yuan, J. Zhao, L. Sun, and X. Wei, 2014, Sparse reflectivity inversion for nonstationary seismic data: Geophysics, 79, no. 3, V93-V105, doi: 10.1190/GEO2013-0313.1. (SCI, EI)
[22] Cheng Jingyi, Jian-Guo Zhao, “Application of the nearly perfectly matched layer to seismic wave propagation modeling in elastic anisotropic media,” Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., Vol. 101, No.6, pp. 2866-2871, Dec. 2011 (JCR3区,SCI, EI,IF=1.860)
[23] Hai-qiang Lan, Jing-yi Chen, Zhong-jie Zhang, You-shan Liu, Jian-guo Zhao, and Rui-qi Shi, “Application of a perfectly matched layer in seismic wavefield simulation with an irregular free surface”, Geophysical Prospecting, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478. 12260
[24] 未晛,王尚旭,赵建国,唐跟阳,邓继新,“含流体砂岩地震波频散实验研究”,地球物理学报,vol. 58(9), pp. 1-9
[25] 邓继新,周浩,王欢,赵建国,王尚旭,“基于储层砂岩微观孔隙结构特征的弹性波频散响应分析”地球物理学报,2015,58(9),3389-3400
[26] 未晛,王尚旭,赵建国,邓继新,“致密砂岩纵横波速度影响因素的实验研究”,石油物探,vol. 54(1),pp. 9-16, 2015(EI)
[27] 史瑞其,王尚旭,郭锐,赵建国,“非结构化网格有限元弹性波数值模拟”,石油地球物理勘探,2013, 48(6),915-923(EI)
[28] Can ozsoy, Jingyi Chen, Qunshan Zhang, Jian-guo Zhao, and Gulsah Metin, “Nearly perfectly matched layer boundary condition for second-order anisotropic acoustic wave equations”, Journal of seismic exploration, Vol. 22, pp. 489-500, 2013 (SCI,EI)
[29] Ji-xin Deng, Shang-xu Wang, Gen-yang Tang, Jian-guo Zhao, “The influence of mesoscopic flow on the P-wave attenuation and dispersion in a porous medium permeated by aligned fractures”, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2013, 57(3), 482-506 (SCI,EI)
[30] Chun-hui Dong, Shang-xu Wang, Jian-guo Zhao, and Genyang Tang, “Numerical experiment and analysis of the differential acoustic resonance spectroscopy for elastic property measurements”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2013, 10(5): doi:10.1088/1742-2132/10/5/054002 ( SCI, EI)
[31] Ruiqi Shi, Shangxu Wang, and Jian-Guo Zhao, “An unsplit complex-frequency-shifted PML based on matched Z-transform for FDTD modeling of seismic wave equations,” Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 218-229, 2012.(JCR4区,SCI, EI,IF=0.787)
[1] 赵建国,王尚旭,王宏斌,李闯,龙腾,胡洋铭,“跨频段岩石物理测量技术进展及在碳酸盐岩储层预测中的应用”,中国地球物理年会,2017年10月(特邀报告)
[2] 赵建国,王尚旭,马宵一,龙腾,胡洋铭,“跨频段岩石物理测量技术进展及在砂岩储层预测中的应用”,中国地球物理年会,2017年10月(特邀报告)
[3] 黄兴兴,赵建国,狄帮让,熊彬,李登魁,栾睿琪,“频率域2.5维有限元粘弹性波数值模拟”,中国地球物理年会,2017年10月(口头报告)
[4] Jian-guo Zhao, Teng Long, Yang-ming Hu, Zhi Li, Jixin Deng, and Bin Xiong, “Multi-band Laboratory Study on Seismic Rock Physics Properties of Carbonate Rock”, SEG-China, Carbonate Reservoir E&P Workshop, Chengdu, China, October, 2017(特邀报告)
[5] Yangming Hu, Jianguo Zhao*, Teng long, Xingxing Huang, and Bin, Xiong, “Elastic simulation of carbonate rock under confining pressure using micro-CT imaging”, Seg-China, 2017, Chengdu. (Oral) (通讯作者)
[6] T. Long, J. G. Zhao*, J. X. Deng, X. Y. Ma and Y. M. Hu, “Theoretical modeling and experimental analysis on velocity dispersion of carbonate”, 87th SEG conference, 2017, Houston. (Oral) (通讯作者)
[7] X. X. Huang, J. G. Zhao*, Y. Xu, B. R. Di, Y. M. Hu and Z. W. Wang, “2.5D frequency-domain finite-element modeling in viscoelastic media using unstructured mesh”, 87th SEG conference, 2017, Houston. (Oral) (通讯作者)
[8] X. X. Huang, J. G. Zhao*, Y. Xu, T. Long, Q. Zhang, and C. X. Liu, “Stiffness Reduction Method for Finite-element Scheme Elastic Wave Modelling in Heterogeneous Media - An Alternative to PML”, 78th EAGE conference, 2016, Vienna. (Oral) (通讯作者)
[9] J. G. Zhao, X. X. Huang, X. Y. Ma, H. J. Yin, L. M. Zhao, and S. X. Wang, “Experimental Studies on Dense Carbonates - An Analysis of Elastic Properties Dependent on Pore Structure”, 78th EAGE conference, 2016, Vienna. (Oral)
[10] Jian-guo Zhao, Shang-xu Wang, Zhe Li, Xian Wei and Han-jun Yin. Studies on dispersion of reservoir rocks using multi-band direct laboratory measurement methodology with micor-CT scnning. 76th EAGE conference, 2014, Amsterdam, Holand.
[11] Xin-yuan Luan, Bang-rang Di, Jian-xin Wei, Jian-guo Zhao, and Fei Gong, “Physical simulation research of synthetic shale”, SEG paper, October, 2015, USA
[12] X. X. Huang, J. G. Zhao, Y. Xu, T. Long, Q. Zhang, and C. X. Liu, “Stiffness Reduction Method for Finite-element Scheme Elastic Wave Modelling in Heterogeneous Media - An Alternative to PML”, 78th EAGE conference, 2016, Vienna. (Oral) (通讯作者)
[13] J. G. Zhao, X. X. Huang, X. Y. Ma, H. J. Yin, L. M. Zhao, and S. X. Wang, “Experimental Studies on Dense Carbonates - An Analysis of Elastic Properties Dependent on Pore Structure”, 78th EAGE conference, 2016, Vienna. (Oral)
[14] 赵建国,王尚旭,未晛,殷晗钧,马宵一,“跨频段地震岩石物理测量体系的建立”,地震岩石物理国际会议,2014.8, 上海同济大学(特邀报告)
[15] Haiqiang Lan, Jingyi Chen, Youshan Liu, and Jianguo Zhao, Application of the perfectly matched layer in numerical modeling of wave propagation with an irregular free surface. SEG, 2014
[16] Jian-guo Zhao, Shang-xu Wang, Zhe Li, Xian Wei and Han-jun Yin. Studies on dispersion of reservoir rocks using multi-band direct laboratory measurement methodology with micor-CT scnning. 76th EAGE conference, 2014, Amsterdam, Holand.
[17] Hai-qiang Lan, Jing-yi Chen, You-shan Liu, Jian-guo Zhao, “Application of the perfectly matched layer in numerical modeling of wave propagation with an irregular free surface”, SEG paper, September, 2013, Houston, USA.
[18] Lanbo Liu, Zhao Zhao, and Jian-guo Zhao, Characterization of fractures using interferometry techniques with multi-hole, multi-polarization borehole radar, SEG paper, September, 2013, Houston, USA
[19] 刘澜波,赵建国,“用于地下裂隙系统探测的全极化孔中雷达干涉成像技术”,世界华人地质大会,2013年6月
[20] 赵建国,王尚旭,“基于差分共振声谱的低频岩石物理性质测量技术”,2013年全国储层声学与测井技术前沿研讨会,2013年6月
[21] Lanbo Liu, Zhao Zhao, and Jian-guo Zhao, Characterization of fractures using interferometry techniques with multi-hole, multi-polarization borehole radar, SEG paper, September, 2013, Houston, USA
[22] 刘澜波,赵建国,“用于地下裂隙系统探测的全极化孔中雷达干涉成像技术”,世界华人地质大会,2013年6月
[23] 赵建国,王尚旭,“基于差分共振声谱的低频岩石物理性质测量技术”,2013年全国储层声学与测井技术前沿研讨会,2013年6月
[24] Jian-Guo Zhao, Shi-kun Dai, “2.5-Dimensional EM modelling and inversion and applications in CSEM subsurface sensing,” The 10th China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop, pp. 256-257, 2011/11/18-2011/11/20.
[25] Shi-kun Dai, Jian-Guo Zhao, “Electromagnetic wavefield transform in dissipative media,” The 10th China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop, pp. 258-260, 2011/11/18-2011/11/20.
[26] Jian-Guo Zhao and Motoyuki Sato, “A fully polarimetric borehole radar based numerical modelling ,”pp. 320-323, 2011/11/18-2011/11/20.
[27] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Comparison of radar polarimetric techniques for subsurface fracture characterization and classification,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS 2006 POSTER SECTION), Denver, Colorado, July 31-August 04, 2006 (ISTP)
[28] 赵建国,“基于全极化孔中雷达的数值模拟:人工合成裂隙的极化雷达响应”,论文编号(201007-266),中国科技论文在线(www.paper.edu.cn), July, 2010
[29] 付建伟,赵建国,“声波测井实验仪中的发射电路实现”,电子产品世界,2010,17, 34-37
[30] 赵建国,“全极化孔中雷达的极化校正技术”,论文编号(200801-844),中国科技论文在线(www.paper.edu.cn), Feb.,2008.
[31] 赵建国,佐藤源之, “全极化孔中雷达的最新进展”,2007年10月--23届中国地球物3会,pp. 512
[32] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Subsurface fracture characterization by a fully polarimetric borehole radar and its polarimetric analysis,” 3rd International Workshop on WATER DYNAMICS, 16-17 November, 2005, Sendai, Japan
[33] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Subsurface fracture characterization based on radar polarimetry by borehole radar,” Proc. of the 8th Workshop on Subsurface Electromagnetic Measurement (Technical Report of IEICE), A.P2004-181, pp. 61-68, October 25-26, 2005
[34] J. G. Zhao and M. Sato, “Application of polarimetry analysis technique based on Pi-SAR polarimetry methodology to Single-hole Polarimetric borehole radar,” The 11th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, Chiba, Tokyo, pp. 68-78, 2005.10
[1] 一种同时获取储层岩石低频弹性性质与密度的方法与系统(发明专利号:ZL3.0),2013年,赵建国
[2] 一种储层岩石低频岩石物理模量测量系统(发明专利号:ZL4.7),2013年,赵建国
[3] 一种测量孔隙岩石渗透率的方法和装置(发明专利号:ZL 2.1),2016年,赵建国
[4] 一种油气田压裂废液的处理方法(发明专利号:ZL2.9),2016,闫秀懿,赵建国
[5] 一种储层岩心样品制备系统及储层岩心样品的制备方法(发明专利号:9.x),2016年,赵建国
[6] 一种岩石样品物理模量光学测量装置及方法(ZL7.0),2017年,赵建国、赵嵩卿
[1] 一种储层岩心样品制备系统.专利号:ZL7.0,授予时间:2014年,赵建国
[2] 一种岩石样品物理模量光学测量装置及方法. 专利号:ZL8.1,授予时间:2014年,赵建国
[3] 一种储层岩石低频岩石物理模量测量系统. 专利号: ZL0.2,授予时间:2013年,赵建国
[4] 一种高压气体采样装置. 专利号:ZL0.2,授予时间:2012年,朱雷,赵建国,闫秀懿
[5] 反应釜加热装置.专利号:ZL3.1,授予时间:2014年,闫秀懿,赵建国,王伟
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