

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-03


37、 H. Lian, D. Wang D. O’Regan, R. Agarwal, Periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential equaitons
with a p-Laplacian, Analysis, 37(1) (2017) 1-11.
36、 H. Lian, W. Jing, R.P. Agarwal, Unbounded solutions of second order discrete BVPs on infinite intervals,
Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications, 9 (2016), 357-369. (SCI)
35、 D. Bai, H. Lian, H. Wang, Exact multiplicity of solutions for discrete second order Neumann boundary value problems,
Boundary Value Problem, 2015, 2015:229. doi: 10.1186/s13661-015-0495-1 (SCI)
34、 H. Lian, H. Wang, T.Gao, M. Wu, Positive solutions of singular algebra systems with a parameter,
Communications in Applied Analysis, 19 (2015), 565-578.
33、 F. Geng, H. Lian, Bifurcation of Limit Cycles From a Quasi-homogeneous Degenerate Center,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25 (2015) ** (SCI)
32、 H. Lian, D. Wang, Z. Bai, R.P. Agarwal, Periodic and subharmonic solutions for a class of second order p-Laplacian
Hamiltonian systems, Boundary Value Problem, 2014, 2014:260. doi:10.1186/s13661-014-0260-x(SCI)
31、 H. Lian, J.Zhao, R.P. Agarwal, Upper and lower solution method for nth-order BVPs on an infinite interval,
Boundary Value Problems, 2014:100 (2014) doi: 10.1186/1687-2770-2014-100. (SCI)
30、 Z. Bai, Y. Chen, H. Lian, On the existence of blow up solutions for a class of fractional differential equations,
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 17:4 (2014) 1175-1187 (SCI)
29、 J. Zhao,H. Lian, Positive Solutions for a Kind of Singular Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with
Integral Boundary Conditions, Dynamical systems and Differential Equations/Differential and Difference Quations. (2013) 639-652.
28、 J. Zhao, B. Chu, H. Lian, Existence of solutions of multi-point boundary value problems on time scales at resonance,
Advances in Difference Equations, 2013:351 (2013) doi:10.1186/1687-1847-2013-351(SCI)
27、 H. Lian, Patricia J. Y. Wong, Sh.Yang, Solvability of Three-Point Boundary Value Problems at Resonance with a p-Laplacian on Finite and Infinite Intervals, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012:658010, (2012) 17 pages doi:10.1155/2012/658010 (SCI)
26、 H. Lian, J. Zhao, Existence of Unbounded Solutions for a Third-Order Boundary Value Problem on Infinite Intervals, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,2012: 357697, (2012) doi:10.1155/2012/357697(SCI)
25、 H.Liu, J.Zhao, F.Geng, H. Lian, Positive solutions for fractional boundary value problem with sign-changing nonlinerity, Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2012, 42:2(2012)241-248 (in Chinese)
24、 Y. Duan, H. Lian, Solvability for Second-Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problems on a Half-line, Annals of Differential Equations 2012, 28:2(2012)157-163.
23、 H. Lian, Y. Wang, Numerical solution of the singularly perturbed problem with integral boundary condition, Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2012, 42(20)(2012)184-190 (in Chinese)
22、 H. Lian, Z. Cui, The Existence of Unbounded Solutions to Three-Point Boundary Value Problem over a Semi-Infinite Interval, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2012, 32A(3)2012, 489-499. (in Chinese)
21、J. Zhao, H. Lian, W. Ge, Existence of positive solutions for nonlinear m-point boundary value problems on time scales, Boundary Value Problem, 2012, 2012:4, doi: 10.1186/1687 -2770-2012-4. (SCI)
20、 F. Geng, D.Zhu, H. Lian, Bifurcations of Heterdimensional Cycles in R^4, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 32A(2)(2011)129-140. (in Chinese)
19、H. Lian, F. Geng, Multple unbounded solutions for a boundary value problem on infinite intervals, Boundary Value Problem, 2011, 2011:51, doi: 10.1186/1687 -2770-2011-51. (SCI)
18、 H. Pang, H. Lian, W. Ge, Positive solutions to a four-point boundary value problem of higher-order differential equation with a p-Laplacian, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Information,28(2010) 59-74.
17、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Calculus of variations for a boundary value problem of differential system on the half line, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 58(2009) 58-64. (SCI, EI)
16、 H. Lian, P. Wang, W. Ge, Unbounded upper and lower solutions method for Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem on infinite intervals Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 70(2009) 2627-2633. (SCI, EI)
15、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Positive solutions for the three-point boundary value problem of second-order differential equations on infinite intervals, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 51(2008) 1221-1228. (In Chinese)
14、 H. Feng, H. Lian, W. Ge, A symmetric solution of a multipoint boundary value problem with one-dimensional p-Laplacian at resonance, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 69(2008) 3964-3972. (SCI, EI)
13、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Positive solutions for a four-point boundary value problem with the p-Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 68(2008) 3493-3503. (SCI, EI)
12、 H. Lian, H. Pang, W. Ge, Solvability for second-order three-point boundary value problems at resonance on a half-line, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 337(2008) 1171-1181. (SCI)
11、 H. Pang, H. Lian, W. Ge Multiple positive solutions for second-order four-point boundary value problem, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 54(2007) 1267-1275. (SCI, EI)
10、 H. Lian, H. Pang, W. Ge: Triple positive solutions for boundary value problems on infinite intervals, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 67(2007) 2199-2207. (SCI, EI)
9、 Y. Wang, H. Lian, W. Ge Periodic solutions for a second order nonlinear functional differential equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 20(2007) 110-115. (SCI, EI)
8、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Calculus of variations with Dirichlet boundary value problem for perturbed second-order differential equations on a half-line, Ann. Differential Equations, 22(3) (2006) 323-326.
7、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Solvability for second-order three-point boundary value problems on a half-line, Applied Mathematics Letters, 19(2006) 1000-1006. (SCI, EI)
6、 H. Lian, W. Ge, Existence of positive solutions for Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems on the half-line, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 321(2006) 781-792. (SCI)
5、 P. Wang, H. Lian, Stability in terms of two measures of impulsive integro- differential equations via variation of the Lyapunov method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 177(2006) 387-395. (SCI, EI)
4、 P. Wang, H. Lian, Existence of Periodic Solutions for Second-order Hopfield Neural Network, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 29(1) (2006) 104-110. (In Chinese)
3、 P. Wang, H. Lian, On the stability in terms of two measures for perturbed impulsive integro-differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 313(2006) 642-653. (SCI)
2、 P. Wang, H. Lian, Wu YH, Global asymptotic stability of high-order delay Hopfield neural networks with time-varying coefficients, Zeitschrift fur Analysis and iher Anwendungen, 24(2005)419-429. (SCI)
1、 H. Lian, On Convergence of the Solutions of Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations, Journal of Hebei University (Natural Science Edition), 23(2003)357-361. (in Chinese)

1、 主持 动力系统模型中的非线性分析,校内基金, 2008.06-2010.05
2、 主持 《偏微分方程数值解》教学内容和教学模式研究, 校内基金,2010.01-2010.12
3、 参与 混杂动态网络的动力学析、设计及应用研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2010.01-2012.12
4、 参与 非线性动力模型解的存在性、性态分析及应用, 中央高校基本科研业务费, 2011.01-2012.12
5、 主持 奇异泛函微分方程边值问题的定性分析, 中央高校基本科研业务费,2011.01-2011.12
6、 主持 不连续微分系统的定性分析, 数值模拟及应用, 中央高校基本科研业务费, 2011.01-2011.12
7、 主持 泛函微分方程边值问题的变分法, 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),2012.01-2014.12
8、 参与 变分不等式问题的有限元高精度算法, 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),2012.01-2014.12
9、 参与 奇异摄动微分方程边值问题的数值方法, 中央高校基本科研业务费,2011.01-2014.12
10、 主持 北京市青年英才项目, 2013.1.1-2015.12.30
11、 主持 高阶微分方程边值问题, 中央高校基本科研业务费,2015.01-2015.12
12、 主持 几类高阶微分、差分系统的定性分析, 中央高校基本科研业务费,2015.01-2017.12
13、 参与 深层异常高压致密砂砾岩油藏衰竭式开采渗流规律研究, 国家自然科学基金(面上基金),2017.01-2022.12
14、 参与 变分法在多时滞微分方程及微分系统中的应用研究, 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),2017.01-2020.12
15、 主持 高阶微分方程的特征值问题, 中央高校基本科研业务费,2017.06-2018.6

葛渭高,田玉,廉海荣, 应用常微分方程[M], 科学出版社, 北京, 2010.

1 2010年中国地质大学(北京)第七届青年教师教学基本功大赛校二等奖;
2 2012校第十届“地载学体,质蕴师恩”我爱我师十佳优秀教师;
3 2012年校教学成果一等奖(基于地学人才培养的数学建模教学改革体系建设与实践),排名5;
4 2013校第十一届“地载学体,质蕴师恩”我爱我师十佳优秀教师;
5 2013年获校级“五四”优秀团员;
6 2015年获第六届研究生学术文化节“挚爱吾师”称号;

培养硕士生10余名, 毕业5名.
招收硕士研究生, 学科方向为:

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  • 中国地质大学北京导师教师师资介绍简介-李丽华副教授
    1.基本情况李丽华副教授、硕士生导师。主要从事GNSS数据处理,变形监测分析与灾害预警等相关研究。主讲《GNSS测量原理及应用》等课程,参编《卫星定位原理与应用》等教材。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部博士点基金、中央高校基本科研优秀教师项目和中央高校基本科研项目等4项,参与了基金委国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项和国家863计划等项目7项。以第一作者在JournalofsurveyingandE ...
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