
【11月21日】【国际经济与贸易学院 “格致?博雅”学术名家论坛 (第二期)】Global Value Chain Analysis

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-20

报告题目:Global Value Chain Analysis
报告嘉宾:Erik Dietzenbacher (University of Groningen)
地 点:中央财经大学学院南路校区主教702会议室
联 系 人:王峰
Erik Dietzenbacher,荷兰格罗宁根大学经济与商学院教授,国际投入产出协会会士(fellow);国际投入产出协会主席、中国投入产出学会名誉理事长。主要研究领域包括国际贸易、全球价值链、能源与环境等,在《American Economic Review》、《Journal of Environmental Economics and Management》、《Ecological Economics》、《Economic Systems Research》等国际知名期刊发表几十篇文章;WIOD数据库发起人之一。
Abstracts: Overlooking the developments in input-output analysis in the last 20 years, it appears that two of them have been crucial. First, the Kyoto Protocol and, second, the rise of international fragmentation.Production processes are split into ever smaller pieces, with firms in different countries specializing in different bits. Such international fragmentation has led to an explosion of trade in intermediate products. Indirectly, this is trade in embodied jobs and income, but also in resources, energy, and emissions. Much of what is consumed is produced via global value chains and contributes to climate change via carbon dioxide emissions. This change in focus toward the international content of traded goods started in the mid-1990s and induced a renewed interest in input-output analysis. The change started through analyses of complex interdependent international production structures and their links to social inequality and the environment. This surge in interest created a demand for international input-output tables that led the construction of large, global multi-country datasets. This presentation gives an overview of global value chain analysis (focusing both on emissions and on value added). It emphasizes the historical background but also highlights the recent and future developments.
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