
【5月15日】【商学院“龙马奋进·校庆70周年学术系列讲座” 暨“共享经济-用户认知与组织成长”系列讲座】分享,馈赠与市场交易:相似与不同

本站小编 Free考研/2020-04-20

讲座题目:分享,馈赠与市场交易:相似与不同 (Sharing, Gift-giving, and Marketplace Exchange: Similarities and Differences)
时间:2019年5月15日 10:00-11:30
地点:主教 615
讲座者:Russell W. Belk, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada
讲座者介绍: Russell W. Belk 是加拿大约克大学舒立克商学院讲席教授。Belk教授从上个世纪80年代开始在国际顶级期刊发表了系列关于馈赠、分享等论文,尤其是在2007、2010、2013和2014年对共享经济进行了持续的研究,逐步廓清了共享经济的形态,成为后续“共享经济”研究的主要参考内容,其成果被WOS明确标注为“高被引文献”,是目前该领域最具影响力的作者之一( Emerald Citation of Excellence(2017))。
【Title】 Sharing, Gift-giving, and Marketplace Exchange: Similarities and Differences
【Abstract】 Three basic forms of exchange are sharing, gift-giving, and marketplace exchange. While they sometimes overlap, it is important to make these distinctions and not to confuse one with another form of exchange. Besides arguing why this is the case, this talk also goes into different motives underlying these types of exchange and variations such as self-gifts, the sharing economy, perfect gifts, online exchange, and the role of money, emotions, and materialism on how we exchange goods and services. There are cultural differences in these practices as well and come comparisons are made between China and the West.
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