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美国科罗拉多大学经济学博士(波德主校区, University of Colorado at Boulder),美国佐治亚理工大学(Georgia Institute of Technology)经济学院教授(终身教授),中央财经大学中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心特聘教授及博士生导师。主要研究领域为劳动经济,应用计量方法及中国经济,并专注于人力资本方向研究。 

Haizheng Li
Professor of Economics
School of Economics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0615
Phone: 404-894-3542
Email: Haizheng.li@econ.gatech.edu
(Updated in July, 2015)
I.Earned Degrees
Ph.D., Economics, University of Colorado-Boulder, USA, August 1997
M.A., Economics, University of Colorado-Boulder, USA, 1995
M.A., Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, P. R. China, 1991
B.E., Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, P. R. China, 1988
II. Employment
Professor, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, July
2010 – present
Associate Professor, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
USA, August 2004 – June 2010
Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
USA, September 1998 – August 2004
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, USA, August 1997 – August 1998
Graduate Instructor, Department of Economics, University of Colorado-Boulder,
Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1996 – May 1997
Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant, Department of Economics, University of
Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1992 – August 1996
Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, July 1991 – July 1992
III. Professional Positions Held
1. Editorial Board
Guest Editor, China Economic Review, 2013
Editorial Advisory Board, China Economic Review, 2005 – present
Editorial Board, Labor Economy and Relation (a Chinese journal), 2008 – present
2. Professional Associations
Council member, China Labor Association, 2011 – present
Member, Academic Publication Council, Chinese Economists Society, 2009 – 2014
Member, Board of Regents, Chinese Economists Society, 2008 – 2011
Chair, Board of Regents, Chinese Economists Society, 2008
President, Chinese Economists Society, 2006 – 2007
Vice President, Chinese Economists Society, 2003 – 2004
3. Special-Term Professor and Researcher
Research fellow, IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor), 2014 – present
Special-Term Professor
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central
University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, 2008 – present
Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies, Hunan
University, 2013 – present
International Research Center for Human Resources, Hunan University,
2008 – 2013
Research Associate, China Research Center, Atlanta, 1999 – present
Special-Term Oversea Professor, Renmin University of China, 2010 – present
University Lecture Professor, Hunan University, China, 2010 – present
Special-Term Professor and Chief 985-Project Economist
Hunan University, Changsha, China, 2004 – 2008
Special-Term Professor, College of Business, Renmin University of China,
2008 – 2011
Academic Committee Member
Hanqing Advance Institute, Renmin University of China, 2007 – 2010
Special-Term Professor, Hunan University of Commerce, 2006 – 2009
Adjunct Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2007
4. International Organization and Government Agency
Fellow, Center for Human Resource Research, Beijing Municipal Government, 2013 –
Changjiang Scholar, Ministry of Education, China, 2012
Chair, Expert Supervising Board for Large Data Projects, National Natural Science
Foundation of China, 2011 – present
Review Panelist (oversea expert) for “Changjiang Scholar Award,” Ministry of
Education, China, 2009
Review Panelist (oversea expert), National Natural Science Foundation of China,
2006 – present
Consultant, World Bank, 2005 – 2006
Special Research Fellow, Shanghai Development and Reform Commission,
Shanghai, China, 2002 – 2005
5. Other
Academic Senate and General Faculty Assembly Representative, Georgia Institute
of Technology, elected for a three-year term, 2008 – 2011
Director, Information and Computer Technology, School of Economics, Georgia
Institute of Technology, 2004 – 2009
Co-director, Georgia Tech—China (Shanghai) Summer Program, Georgia Tech,
2004 – 2007
Co-director, Study Abroad Program-“Political Economy of China”, Sam Nunn
School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001 – 2002
IV. Research Interests
Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Economic Development, Chinese Economy
V. Courses Taught
Advanced econometrics (Ph.D.)
Econometrics methods (Master)
Economic forecasting (Undergraduate & Master)
Labor economics (Undergraduate)
Research methods (Master)
Issues in China Studies (Undergraduate)
Intermediate microeconomics (Undergraduate)
China economic transformation (Undergraduate)
Principle of Economics (Undergraduate)
Principle Microeconomics (Undergraduate)
VI. Refereed Publications
“The Earnings Effect of Health and Health-Related Activities: A Panel Data Approach”
(with Yuxi Xiao, Belton Fleisher), Applied Economics, Vol. 47(14), pp. 1407-1423, 2015.
“Human Capital Estimates in China: New Panel Data 1985-2010” (with Qinyi Liu, Bo Li,
Barbara Fraumeni, and Xiaobei Zhang), China Economic Review, pp. 397-418, 2014.
“Access to College and Heterogeneous Returns to Education in China” (with Xiaojun
Wang, Belton Fleisher, and Shi Li), Economics of Education Review, Vol. 42, pp. 78-92,
“Human Capital in China, 1985-2008” (with Yunling Liang, Barbara M. Fraumeni,
Zhiqiang Liu, and Xiaojun Wang), Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 59(2), pp. 212-
234, 2013.
“Social Networks and Study Abroad --The Case of Chinese Visiting Students in the US”
(with Lan Ding), China Economic Review, Vol. 23(3), pp. 580-589, 2012.
“Economic Transition, Higher Education and Worker Productivity in China” (with Belton
Fleisher, Yifan Hu, and Seonghoon Kim), Journal of Development Economics, Vol.
94(1), pp. 86-94, 2011.
“Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China” (with Belton
Fleisher and Min Qiang Zhao), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp.
215-231, 2010.
“Determinants of Online Merchant Rating: Content Analysis of Yahoo Merchant
Comments" (with Zhe Qu and Han Zhang), Decision Support Systems, Vol. 46, pp. 440-
449, 2008.
“Political Freedom, Economic Freedom and Income Convergence: Do Stages of
Economic Development Matter?” (with Zhenhui Xu), Public Choice, Vol. 135, pp. 183-
205, 2008.
“Industry Consolidation and Price in the U.S. Linerboard Industry” (with Jifeng Luo),
Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 14(2), pp. 93-115, 2008.
“Economic Convergence in Seven Asian Countries” (with Zhenhui Xu), Review of
Development Economics, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 531-549, 2007.
“Economic Transition and Demand Pattern: Evidence from China’s Paper and
Paperboard Industry” (with Jifeng Luo and Patrick McCarthy), China Economic Review,
Vol. 17(3), pp. 321-336, 2006. (Reprinted in Market Development in China: Spillovers,
Growth and Inequality, edited by Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li and Shunfeng Song,
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 124-145, 2007.
“Factors Affecting Payment Choices in Online Auctions” (with Han Zhang), Decision
Support Systems, Vol. 42(2), pp. 1076-1088, 2006.
“Reporting Errors, Ability Heterogeneity, and Returns to Schooling in China?” (with Yi
Luo), Pacific Economic Review, Special Issue edited by Orley C. Ashenfelter and Junsen
Zhang, Vol. 9, pp.191-207, 2004.
“Labor Supply in Urban China” (with Jeffrey Zax), Journal of Comparative Economics,
Vol. 31(4), pp. 795-817, 2003.
“Economic Transition and Returns to Education in China”, Economics of Education
Review, Vol. 22(3), pp. 317-328, 2003.
“The Determinants of China’s Temporary Rural-Urban Migration” (with Steven
Zahniser), Urban Studies, special issue, edited by Kenneth A. Small, Vol. 39(12), pp.
2219 – 2235, 2002.
“A Conditional Logit Approach to U.S. State-to-State Migration” (with P. S. Davies and
M. J. Greenwood), Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 41(2), pp. 337-360, 2001.
“Economic Efficiency and Social Insurance Reforms in China”, Contemporary Economic
Policy, Vol. 18(2), pp. 194-204, 2000.
Refereed Journal Publications in Chinese:
“Regional Difference Labor Force Quality based on Human Capital Measure” (with Tang
Tang), Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics, in Chinese, Volume
1(8), pp. 72-80, 2015.
“China’s Human Capital Measurement: Method, Results and Application” (with Bo Li,
Yuefang Qiu, Dazhi Guo), Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics, in
Chinese, Vol. 1(5), pp. 69-78, 2014.
“Regional Distribution and Development of Human Capital in China” (with Na Jia,
Xiaobei Zhang, and Barbara Fraumeni), Economic Research Journal, in Chinese, Issue 7,
pp. 49-62, 2013.
“Human Capital Measurement and Index Construction in China,” (with Yunling Liang,
Barbara Fraumeni, Zhiqiang Liu, and Xiaojun Wang), Economic Research Journal, in
Chinese, Issue 8, 2010. (reprinted in China Social Science Digest, No. 12, 2010.)
Published Books/Book Chapters
“Human Capital: Schooling” (with Qinyi Liu), in: Oxford Companion to the Economics
of China, edited by Shenggen Fan, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang,
Oxford University Press, pp. 465-471, 2014.
“Human Capital Comparisons among Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei” in: Beijing Human
Resources Development Report 2013-2014, Beijing Human Recourses Bluebook Series,
edited by Zhiwei Zhang, Social Science Literature Press, Beijing, China, in Chinese,
“The Rural-Urban Disparity of Human Capital in China” (with Xiaobei Zhang, Na Jia,
and Yunling Liang), Chinese Economists Society Presidential Forum, in: Economic
Reform and Future Development Directions, edited by Yanling Yang and Kunwan Li,
Nankai University Press, pp.209-227, 2012.
“Human Capital In Beijing-A Measurement Based on Jorgenson-Fraumeni Income
Approach” (with Na Jia and Xiaobei Zhang), in: Beijing Human Resources Development
Report 2010-2011, Beijing Human Recourses Bluebook Series, edited by Zhiwei Zhang,
Social Science Literature Press, Beijing, China, in Chinese, pp57-79, 2011
“Human Capital Index in China” (with Barbara Fraumeni), in: The Changing Wealth of
Nations, Washington, DC: World Bank, Chapter 6, pp. 105-114, 2010.
“High Education in China--Complement or Competition to US Universities,” in: National
Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) invited book chapter, American Universities in
Global Competition, edited by Charles T. Clotfelter, University of Chicago Press,
Chapter 8, pp. 269-304, 2010.
“Market Development in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality”( with Belton Fleisher
and Shunfeng Song), ISBN 978 1 84542 851 8, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007.
“Regional Disparity of Industrial Development and Productivity in China” (with Belton
Fleisher), in: Regional Disparities in China, World Bank, edited by Anwar Shah, Chunli
Shen, and Heng-fu Zou, The World Bank invited contribution, People’s Publishing, 2006,
pp.244-281, in Chinese.
“Wage Determination and Education in China’s Rural Industry” (with Aselia
Urmanbetova), in: Private Enterprises and China’s Economic Development, edited by
Shuanglin Lin, Zhenzhong Wang, and Zhunsheng Yin, Peking University Press, in
Chinese, 2005, pp. 97-112.
“Labor Policy, Employment, and Unemployment,” in: China Today: An Encyclopedia of
Life in The People’s Republic, edited by Jing Luo, Greenwood Press, Vol. I, 2005, pp.
“How Will China’s Accession to the WTO Affect Its Labor Markets? –A CGE
Approach” (with T. Rutherford and G. Yang), in: Development through Globalization:
China's Opportunity and Challenge in the New Century, edited by G. Wen et. al., in
Chinese, Renmin University Press, Beijing, 2001, pp. 130-144.
“Another Look at Mortgage Lending Discriminations: A Review of Findings” (with T. D.
Boston, U. Nair, and W. Belton), in: Leading Issues in Black Political Economy, edited
by T. Boston, 2002, pp. 419-440.
“Economic Transition and Labor Supply in China” (with Jeffrey Zax), in: China's Labor
Market and Problems of Employment, edited by Y. Wang and A. Chen, in Chinese,
Southwest University of Economics and Finance Press, 2000, pp. 217-233.
“Cost and Efficiency of Health Care Insurance in Taiwan - Implications to the Health
Care Reform in Mainland China,” in: The Asian Financial Crisis and Taiwan’s Economy,
edited by B. Chen and S. Huang, in Chinese, China Economic Press, Beijing, 2000, pp.
“Financing Social Security for China: Who Will Pay?" (with Janusz Mrozek), in: Social
Security Reform in China, edited by D. Xu, Z. Yin, and Y. Zheng, in Chinese, Economic
Science Press, Beijing, 1999, pp. 292-304.
Book: Labor Economics and Human Resources Management (with T. Yang and G. Qi),
in Chinese, China Renmin University of Press, 1999.
VII. Research Grants Received
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Director’s
Grant, “A Study on NSFC’s 13th Five-Year Plan in Supporting Research in Economics,”
RMB 100,000 (Chinese Currency), Grant # 71440003, 2014-2015.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “On
NSFC’s Support for Economic Research”, RMB 100,000 (Chinese Currency), Grant #
71350004, July 2013- December 2013.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “Human
Capital Index System Improvement and Further Research,” General Grant, Grant #
71273288,RMB 540,000 Yuan (Chinese currency, approximately $90,000), including the
cost-sharing of RMB 27,000 from the Central University of Finance and Economics,
three-year project, January 2013-December 2016.
Principal Investigator, European Union, “Human Capital and Skill Formation,” a subgrant
from the project "Life-Long Learning, Innovation, Growth & Human Capital
Tracks in Europe"(LLLight), Euro €110,250, 2012-2016.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Director’s
Grant, “A Policy Study for Supervising and Managing NSFC Grants for Large Data
Projects—Project Start and Annual Review”, RMB 150,000 (Chinese Currency),
Scientific Department Director Grant, Grant # 71240020, 2012-2013.
Principle Investigator, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs,“ A Study of
Evaluation Mechanism for International Talents”, RMB 20,000 (Chinese currency),
Grant # 20110002015, 2012.
Principle Investigator, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, “A Study of
Compensation Mechanism for Recruiting International Talents”, RMB 30,000 (Chinese
currency), Grant # 20110002015, 2011.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Director’s
Grant, “A Policy Study for Supervising and Managing NSFC Grants for Large Data
Projects”, RMB 120,000 (Chinese Currency), Scientific Department Director Grant,
Grant # 71140002, 2011-2012.
Principal Investigator, China Ministry of Education, “The Contribution of Education to
Economy”, RMB 30,000 (Chinese Currency), June 2010.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), “China
Human Capital Index”, RMB 260,000 (Chinese Currency), General Grant, Grant #
70973147, 2010-2012.
Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Director’s
Grant, “NSFC Policy Study for Funding Data Collection and Sharing”, RMB 80,000
(Chinese Currency), 2009-2010.
Principal Investigator, “Human Capital Study in China”, USD $82,879, various funding
sources in China, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009-2011.
Principal Investigator, Hunan University 985-Project, “Economic Transition and
Development”, RMB 1.25 million (Chinese Currency), 2005-2007.
Principal Investigator, Sloan Foundation Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies,
“Price Volatility, Inventory and Industry Consolidation in Pulp & Paper Industry”(with
Patrick McCarthy and Rehim Kilic), $78,166 (plus tuition waiver for graduate students),
two-year project, June 2004-July 2006.
Principal Investigator, Sloan Foundation Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies,
“Price Behavior (and Forecasting and Elasticities) in Pulp & Paper Industry” (With
Shomu Banerjee, J-C Lu, Patrick McCarthy, and Arthur Ragauskas), $230,456 (plus
tuition waiver for graduate students), three-year project, June 2001-December 2004.
Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on research, “Two Projects on China’s Labor Market”,
$3,000, March 2004.
Ford Foundation-Chinese Economists Society Teaching Grant, “Introductory
Econometric Methods”, teach this course in Hunan University, Hunan, China, $2,000,
May 2004.
Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on Graduate Research, $3000, August 2001.
Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Program Fund, $1,250, April 2001.
Ministry of Education, P. R. China, “Chunhui Project” Grant, amount: international
airfare for research trip to China, July 2000.
Chinese Economist Society and China Reunification Alliance, Research Trip Grant,
amount: half international airfare and all expenses for visiting Taiwan for two weeks,
June, 1998.
Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on Curriculum Development, “Classroom Demonstration
of Computer Technologies in Econometrics”, $2,037, July 1998.
Ford Foundation-Chinese Economists Society Teaching Grant, “Introductory Business
and Economic Forecasting”, $1,700, April 1998.
VIII. Research Reports
“Human Capital in China, 2015,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2015.
“Human Capital in China, 2014,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2014.
“Human Capital in China, 2013,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2013.
“Human Capital in China, 2012,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2012.
“Human Capital in China, 2011,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2011.
“Human Capital in China, 2010,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2010.
“Human Capital in China, 2009,” China Human Capital Report Series, 2009.
Report for the Chinese government, “Human Capital Measurement and Human Capital
Contribution,” March 2010.
Report for the World Bank, “Regional Disparity of Industrial Development and
Productivity in China” (with Belton Fleisher and Minqiang Zhao), July 2005.
Report for Shanghai Development Reform Commission, “Comparative Studies of
Policies for Encouraging Employment,” December 2004.
Report for Boston Research Group, Inc., “Demand Analysis for the Hartsfield-Jackson
Atlanta International Airport,” Summer 2004.
Report for the Sloan Foundation Industry Center-Center for Paper Business and Industry
Studies--project, Price Behavior in the Pulp and Paper Industry, “Forecasting
Containerboard Price” (with Lidia Marko), 2003.
Report for Shanghai Development Planning Commission, “Industrial Structure and
Economic Growth,” September 2002.
Report for Shanghai Development Planning Commission, “Economic Incentives and
Corporate Relocations,” May 2002.
IX. Education Programs Involved
Title VI Project, Department of Education of US Federal Government, exploring
semester-long study exchange, internship opportunity, and language study program in
China, fall 2004-2008.
Co-director, Georgia Tech - China (Shanghai) Summer Program, Georgia Institute of
Technology (as one of the few faculty members created this 9-week long institute-wide
program that has 40-60 students enrolled per year), 2004-2007.
Co-director, Study Abroad Program-“Political Economy of China,” Sam Nunn
School of International Affairs, an eight-week long program with 20-25 students enrolled
per year, Fall 2000-Summer 2001 and Fall 2001-Summer 2002.
X. Conference Organizing and Session Chairing
Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Asian Finance Association 2015 Annual Meeting,
Changsha, China, June 30-July 1, 2015. (Nobel Laureate Robert C. Merton, professor of
Finance in MIT Sloan School of Management and University Professor Emeritus at
Harvard University, delivered a keynote speech, and the conference has 40 parallel
Organizer, The Sixth International Symposium on Human Capital and the Labor Market,
Beijing, China, October 30-31, 2014.
Organizer, The Fifth International Symposium on Human Capital and the Labor Market,
Beijing, China, December 15, 2013. (It includes plenary session and ten parallel sessions.
Keynote speakers include Mark R. Rosenzweig, Frank Altschul Professor of Economics,
Yale University, and Zhenghua Jiang, former Vice Chairman, National People’s
Congress. Participants include domestic and international scholars, and officials from the
OECD, etc.)
Organizer, The Large Data Project Conference, Chinese Natural Science Fund, Bei-Dai-
He, August 1-2, 2013.
Organizer, The Fourth International Symposium on Human Capital, Beijing, China, Dec
14, 2012. (It included three sessions for human capital related working paper discussion.
Participants include domestic and international scholars, and officials from the World
Bank and the Chinese government like Department of Human Resources and Social
Security, the Organization Department of Beijing Municipal Committee, etc.)
Organizer, The Third International Symposium on Human Capital, Beijing, China,
October 28, 2011. (Participants include domestic and international scholars, and officials
from the World Bank, OECD, and the Chinese government like State Administration of
Foreign Experts Affairs, NSFC, etc.)
Organizer, The Second International Symposium on Human Capital, Beijing, China,
October 15, 2010.( World bank and local experts as well as leaders from The Ministry of
Education, National Development and Reform Commission, Development Research
Center of the State Council, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Science and Technology, National Bureau of Statistics, Beijing Municipal
Organization Department, Shanghai Development and Reform Commission attended the
Local Organizer, Elsevier Author Workshop, Central University of Finance and
Economics, Beijing, China, June 26, 2010.
Plenary Session Chair, Beijing municipal government conference, “World Talent, World
City,” Beijing, May 28, 2010.
Session Chair, Allied Social Science Association Annual Convention, January 3-5, 2010,
Atlanta, Chinese Economists Society Session, “Children and Economics,” January 4,
Conference Organizer, International Symposium on Measuring Human Capital and Its
Impact on Welfare and Growth--Inaugurating the China Human Capital Index, Beijing,
China, October, 9-10. (Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow, Stanford University, a pioneer
scholar in the study of human capital and economic growth, and Professor Dale
Jorgenson, Harvard University, developer of measuring human capital in national
accounts, delivered keynote speeches. Researchers and scholars from a number of
countries attended the meeting.)
Organizing Committee Chair, Chinese Economists Society (CES) China Annual
Conference on “Economic Transition, Regional Growth, and Sustainable Development,”
Changsha, China, July 27-30, 2007. (This meeting drew about 360 participants from
more than 14 countries. Keynote speakers include Nobel Laureate Kenneth Arrow, Nobel
Laureate Sir James Mirrlees, Gregory Chow from Princeton University, T. Paul Schultz
from Yale University, and Vice Minister Yong Shang, China Ministry of Science and
Technology. The fund raised for this meeting was more than $300,000.)
Organizing Committee Chair, Chinese Economists Society European Conference on
“Economic Transition at Midlife: Lessons from the Development of Markets and
Institutions,” Protoroz, Slovenia, May 11-14, 2007. (This meeting drew more than 50
participants. Keynote speakers include GÉRARD ROLAND from University of
California-Berkeley and JANEZ ŠUŠTERŠIČ from University of Primorska and Institute
of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development.)
Principal Organizer, Chinese Economists Society Summer U.S. Conference 2004 at
Atlanta, “Technology, Human Capital, and Economic Development,” July 30-31, 2004.
Session Chair, Chinese Economists Society Conference, “Governing Rapid Growth in
China: Efficiency, Equity and Institutions,” Shanghai, China, July 2-4, 2006.
Session Chair, Allied Social Science Association, 2006 Annual Convention, January 6-8,
2006, Boston, Chinese Economists Society Session "International Trade and Regulations
in China,” January 7, 2006.
Session Chair, Chinese Economists Society Conference, “Sustainable Economic Growth
in China: Investing in Human Capital and Environment,” Chongqing, China, June 24-26,
Session Chair, Chinese Economists Society Conference, “International Symposium of
China’s Agriculture,” Hangzhou, China, June 25-28, 2004.
Session Chair, Allied Social Science Association, 2002 Annual Convention, January 4-7,
2002, Atlanta. Chinese Economists Society Session "Outstanding Issues in China's
Economy,” January 5, 2002.
Economics Program Coordinator, Organizing Committee, The 21st International
Symposium on Forecasting, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, June 17-
20, 2001.
XI. Invited Presentation/Keynote Addresses
The Fifth Changqing Foundation Public Lecture, keynote speaker, Beijing, China, June
16, 2015, “Human capital and pre-college education”.
The International Symposium: Human Capital and Challenge of economic growth in
China, Shaanxi Normal University, keynote speaker, Xi’an, China, June 6-7, 2015,
“Rural human capital in China and the economic growth in future”.
The Sixth International Symposium on Human Capital, keynote speaker and organizer,
Beijing, China, October 31, 2014, “Measuring China’s Human Capital-2014”.
The Chinese Economists Society President Forum, Invited presenter, Guangzhou, China,
June 13, 2014, “Reform of China’s Graduate Education”.
The 26th Annual Meetings of the Chinese Economics Society of Australia- “China at the
Crossroads: The New Phase of Economic Reforms, Industrial Upgrading and Economic
Development”, keynote speaker, Melbourne, Australia, 6-9 July, 2014, “Regional
Distribution and Growth of China’s Human Capital 1985-2010: Urbanization, Education
and Aging”.
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute Seminar Series, Organized by Fudan
University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, invited speaker, Shanghai, China,
28 May, 2014, “Human Capital Distribution and Trend in China: Where does Shanghai
Stand?” .
The Fifth International Symposium on Human Capital, keynote speaker and organizer,
Beijing, China, December 15, 2013, “Measuring China’s Human Capital-2013”.
International Symposium on "Labor Aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility and
Public Policy," organized by the United Nations ILO Training Centre in Turin and
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, China, May10-13, 2013,
“Human Capital per Labor of China”.
The Fourth International Symposium on Human Capital, keynote speaker and organizer,
Beijing, China, December 14, 2012,“China’s Human Capital-2012”.
The Beijing Municipal Personnel Workshop, invited speaker, Beijing, China, December
13, 2012, “What to Learn from International Experience in Research Administration
The LLLight’ in ’Europe Research Plenary, invited participant, Friedrichshafen,
Germany, October 9-12, 2012, “Studies on lifelong learning policy”.
The Chinese Economists Society President Forum, Invited presenter, Kunming, China,
December 15-17, 2012, “Salary Mechanism in Attracting International Talents”.
The Third International Symposium on Human Capital, keynote speaker and organizer,
Beijing, China, October 28, 2011, “Measuring China’s Human Capital-2011”.
University of Southern California, US-China Institute conference on “The State of the
Chinese Economy: Implications for China and the World,” invited speaker, Los Angles,
February 24-25, 2011, “Human Capital in China”.
The Chinese Economists Society (CES) President Forum, Invited special guest, Nankai
University, Tianjin, China, December 10, 2010, “Human Capital and Its Contributions”.
High-Level Working Group on Skills and Human Capital, hosted by the Lisbon Council,
Invited speaker, Brussels, November 16, 2010,“Measuring Human Capital in China”.
The Second International Symposium on Human Capital, Keynote speaker and organizer,
Beijing, China, October 15, 2010, “Construction of China’s Human Capital Index
Compensation Study Association of Higher Education Annual Meeting, keynote speaker,
Tibet, China, July 27, 2010, “Compensation Survey: Objectives and Approach”.
The 31st IARIW General Conference by International Association for Research in
Income and Wealth, invited plenary session presentation, St. Gallen, Switzerland, August
23-28, 2010, “Human Capital in China.”
The 25th Anniversary of Sino-US Exchange on Economics Education (Ford Class)
Renown Scholar Forum, Remin University of China, invited speaker, Beijing, China, July
23, 2010, “Human Capital in China”.
Plenary session speaker, International Symposium on Measuring Human Capital and Its
Impact on Welfare and Growth--Inaugurating the China Human Capital Index, Beijing,
China, October, 9-10, 2009, “China Human Capital Index”.
Hunan University, Symposium on Talent and Human Resources, invited speaker,
Changsha, December. 20, 2008, “Internationalize Higher Education”.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Conference on American Universities in
a Global Market, invited to participate as a contributor, Woodstock, Vermont, October 2-
4, 2008, “Higher Education in China-- Complement or Competition to American
China Research Center and Georgia Tech Center for International Business Education &
Research workshop on China Business Briefing, February 22, 2008, “China’s Economy:
Current Issues and Prospects”.
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Pre-Conference on American
Universities in a Global Market, invited to participate as a contributor, Cambridge, MA,
September 28, 2007, “Higher Education in China-- Complement or Competition to
American Universities”.
Guangxi Autonomous Region, Provincial Department of Human Resources, speech to
officials, August 5, 2007, “Policies for Attracting Talents during the Course of Economic
Renmin University of China, School of Economics, Beijing, China, March 21, 2007,
“Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China”.
TAPPI Papermakers & PIMA International Leadership Conference 2007, Jacksonville,
Florida, March 10-16, 2007, “Pulp and Paper Industry in China: Current Status, Trends,
and Implications for International Producers”.
Hunan Business College invited presentation, Changsha, China, December, 13, 2006,
“Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China”.
Central University of Finance and Economics invited presentation, Beijing, China,
December 5, 2006, “Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in
Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies, Atlanta, September 28, 2005, “Research
Presentation for the Board of Executives”.
Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, December 21, 2004, Shanghai, China,
“Policies for Promoting Employment” (speech to officials).
Paper Summit and Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI) Spring
Technical Conference, May 3, 2004, Atlanta, “Prices, Industry Consolidation, and Profit
Margins” (with Patrick McCarthy).
The 66th Executives' Conference in the Pulp and Paper industry, September 24-25, 2003,
Atlanta, “Understanding the Price Movement in the Pulp and Paper Industry, What We
Have Learned”.
China Research Center Conference on “China: Opportunities & Challenges for U.S
Companies,” February 7, 2003, Atlanta, “The Chinese Economy: A Bull or Bear?”
Shanghai Development and Reform Commission, June 2002, Shanghai, China,
“Economic Incentives and Corporate Relocation” (speech to officials).
The Fifth Georgia Tech Global Business Forum, “China at the Turn of the Century:
Opportunities for U.S. Firms,” April 1999, Georgia Tech. “The Chinese Labor Market
and Related Issues for Investors”.
International Seminar on Social Security Education, Jointly sponsored by Renmin
University of China and The Employee Benefits Forum for China in United Kingdom,
December 3-4, 1998, Beijing, China, “The Economics of Social Security”.
A Symposium on the Asian Economic Crisis: New Perspectives on China, Japan and the
Region Workshop, Jointly sponsored by Clark Atlanta University and the East-West
Center, November 5, 1998, Atlanta, “China's State-owned Enterprises and Economic
XII. Invited Panelist/ Discussant
The Third Global Deans' Forum on Labor Science (invited panelist), October 14, 2013,
Beijing, China, “Global Unemployment & Strategies to Deal with the Challenges,” by
School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China ILR School, Cornell
The Atlanta Fed-Stetson School 4th Southeastern International/Development Economics
workshop (invited discussant), December 3, 2010, Atlanta, USA, “Migration and Human
Capital Development in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan”.
Allied Social Science Association, 2004 Annual Convention, January 4, 2004, San Diego,
Joint ACES/AEA session (invited discussant), “Returning to Schooling in China under
Planning and Reform”.
World Bank-Chinese Economists Society Round Table, “Challenges and Implications of
China Joining WTO,” July 8, 2000, Shanghai, China. Paper discussed: “Quantifying the
Impact of China Joining the WTO,” by Shantong Li and Fan Zhai.
The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists, May 7-8, 1999, Boston.
Paper discussed: “Tax Preference for Fringe Benefits and the Health Insurance Offered
by Employers,” by A. Royalty, Stanford University.
Allied Social Science Association, 1999 Annual Convention, January 1999, New York.
Paper discussed: "How Does Your Output Grow? Tests on Poolability in Panel
Cointegration,” by McCoskey & Kao.
XIII. Reviewer for Journals and Publishers
Economic Inquiry, Journal of Development Economics, World Development, Journal of
Comparative Economics, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Population
Economics, Public Finance Review, Transportation Research, China Economic Review,
Chinese Economy, Journal of Economic Transition, Review of Development Economics,
Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of International Economic Studies, Journal of
Finance, and Journal of Economics and Finance.
McGraw-Hill, Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, South-Western College Publishing
XIV. Individual Student Guidance
Graduate students supported and thesis advisor (Georgia Institute of Technology):
Tingting Tong, Xiuli Sun, Chongyu Lu, Yuxi Xiao, Lei Lei, Gewei Wang, Pallavi
Damani, Feng Zhang, Payal Saran, Jifeng Luo, Lidia Marko, Aselia Urmanbetova, Sheila
Rezak, Yi Luo.
Ph.D. dissertation committee (Georgia Institute of Technology):
Tuugi Chuluun (Finance), Jifeng Luo (IT Management), Zhe Qu (IT Management),
Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee (Finance), Beng Wee Goh (Accounting), Rasha Ashraf
(Finance), Haibin Sun (Industrial and Systems Engineering), Ni Wang (Industrial and
Systems Engineering), Lei Wedge (Finance), Jingjing Zhang (Pubic Policy), An Na
(Industrial and Systems Engineering), Sandy Lai (Finance), Wei Huang (Finance).
Senior thesis advisor:
Deven Kanungo, Hsin-Chih Wang, Eda Sabancioglu, Kelly Chu.
Master thesis committee:
Celso Vila Nova de Souza Júnior (Economics), Kelly Vila Nova de Souza Júnior
(Economics), Marcus L. Caylor (Economics).
Graduate students advised in China
Hunan University
Ph.D student advisor:
Zhiyong Liu, Lan Ding, Peng Qi, Mi Zhou, Xiaobei Zhang, Qinyi Liu, Lanfang
Deng, Xianfang Xiong
Master student advisor:
Xian Fu, Renyu Li, Li Liang, Zhimin Xing, Yang Peng, Luping Yang, Sumei Guo,
Huixia Wang, Ying Wang, Yanni Xu, Xiaobei Zhang, Lin Ding, Hongling Wang,
Qiujie Wu, Xiaomin Yan, Biao Luo, Lina Zhai, Li Zhang, Jiao Wang, Tianyu He,
Beibei Yang, Run Yi, Tao Fang, Deping Zi.
Central University of Finance and Economics
Ph.D. student advisor:
Yunling Liang, Na Jia, Bo Li, Dazhi Guo, Tang Tang, Yuefang Qiu, Junzi He,
Yuzhe Ning, Xing Chen.
Master student advisor:
Huajuan Chen, Jinquan Gong, Xinping Tian, Jun Li, Dandan Wu, Yuanyuan Xin,
Chen Zhang, Yang He, Wenwei Li, Yan Li, Tianjing Li, Wenbo Wu.
XV. International Exchanges
Visiting scholars hosted:
Bin Li, Professor, Hunan University, 2009.
Yao Ouyang, Professor, Hunan College of Business, spring 2007.
Yongyuan Hu, Professor, Hunan University, fall 2006 – fall 2007.
Jianhua Wang, Associate Professor, Hunan University, fall 2006 – fall 2007.
Co-advising Ph.D. students hosted:
Lanfang Deng, Minke Ouyang, Junzi He, Huabin Xing, Dazhi Guo, Tang Tang,
Weitao Chen, Na Jia, Xiaobei Zhang, Yanjiong Yu, Zhenyu Shang, Hua Wang, Xiaojun
Zhang, Lan Ding, Juanjie Long, Yingwen Xu.
XVI. Campus Contributions
Review Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair, School of Economics, Fall, 2012 –
Review Promotion and Tenure Committee member, Ivan Allen College, Fall, 2012 –
Faculty Post-tenure Review Committee Chair, School of Economics, 2011.
Faculty Recruiting Committee Chair, School of Economics, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 2010 – 2011.
Committee member, the Allen Institute Planning Committee, Georgia Institute of
Technology, 2010.
Academic Senate and General Faculty Assembly Representative, Georgia Institute of
Technology, elected for a three-year term, 2008 – 2011.
Director, Information and Computer Technology, School of Economics, Fall 2004 –
Board member, Faculty Advisory Board to the Library, Georgia Tech, appointed by the
Provost, fall 2007 – present.
Committee member:
Chair Search Committee, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Junior Recruiting
Committee, Ph.D. Program Development Committee, Ivan Allen College Information
Technology Committee, Student Grievance Committee, Faculty Recruiting Committee,
Graduate Committee, Undergraduate Committee, Ph. D. Proposal Development
Committee, Ivan Allen College Faculty Advisory Board
XVII. Consulting Services
World Bank, China’s Industrial Development, 2005.
Expert witness testimony for Wilson & Lakes LLP, court case: Long v Amanda Mfg. et
al, 2003 – 2007.
Shanghai Development Reform Commission, Employment Policies, 2002 – 2005.
Boston Research Group, Inc., “Demand Analysis for the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta
International Airport,” 2004.
XVIII. Honors and Awards
Gold Star Award, Ivan Allen College, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015.
Leadership Award, the Chinese Economists Society, 2013.
Changjiang Scholar Fellowship Award, Ministry of Education, China, 2012.
Faculty Legacy Award, Ivan Allen College, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011.
Leadership Award for President, the Chinese Economists Society, 2008.
James C. Campbell Thesis Research Award, Department of Economics, University of
Colorado-Boulder, 1996.
University Fellowship from the Graduate School at the University of Colorado-Boulder,
Morris E. Garnsey Fellowship Award, Department of Economics, University of
Colorado-Boulder, 1994.
Graduate School Dean’s Small Grant Award, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1993.
University Fellowship from the Graduate School at the University of Colorado, 1993.
Guanghua Graduate Fellowship, Renmin (People’s) University of China, Beijing, P. R.
China, 1991.
Research Excellence Award from Hubei Provincial Government, Huazhong University of
Science & Technology, P. R. China, 1987.
XIX. Professional Membership
American Economic Association, Econometric Society, Society of Labor Economists,
Western Economic Association, and Chinese Economists Society
XX. Conference Presentations
First World Congress of Comparative Economics Rome, “Full Time versus Part Time
Students--Does Regular Employment Lower Returns to Schooling?” (with Qinyi Liu,
Peer Ederer), Rome, Italy, June 25-27, 2015.
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, “The Importance of Human Capital in
China’s Regional Income Gaps” (with Tang Tang, Belton Fleisher, Wenwei Li),
Chongqing, China, June 8, 2015.
Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES)/ASSA conference, “Human
Capital and Innovation in Chinese Manufacturing Firms” (with Xiuli Sun), Boston,
USA, January 3-5, 2015.
Symposium on China's Economy and Governance, “The Regional Distribution and Trend
of China's Human Capital 1985-2010: The Impact of Urbanization, Education, and
Population Aging” (with Qinyi Liu, Barbara Fraumeni, Xiang Zheng), Chicago, USA,
August 27, 2014.
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, “The Evaluation of Higher Education in
China by Topsis& Information Entropy: A Case of 68 Universities Affiliated to MOE”
(with Lan Ding, Zeng Yao), Guangzhou, China, June 13, 2014.
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, “The Formation of Complex Problem
Solving Skills” (with Qinyi Liu), Guangzhou, China, June 13, 2014.
The Third World KLEMS Conference: Growth and Stagnation in the World Economy,
“Human Capital Estimates in China, New Panel Data 1985-2010”(with Qinyi Liu, Bo Li,
Barbara Fraumeni, Xiaobei Zhang), Tokyo, Japan, May 19-20, 2014.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Human Capital Estimates in China,
New Panel Data 1985-2010”(with Qinyi Liu, Bo Li, Xiaobei Zhang, Barbara Fraumeni),
Philadelphia, USA, January 3-5, 2014.
The 8th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications,
“Full Time versus Part Time Students--Does Regular Employment Lower Returns to
Schooling?” (with Qinyi Liu), Athens, Greece, July 22-25, 2013.
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, “Full Time versus Part Time Students--
Does Regular Employment Lower Returns to Schooling?” (with Qinyi Liu), Chengdu,
China, June 8, 2013.
Doctoral Colloquium, LLLight’ in ’Europe Research Plenary, “Full Time versus Part
Time Students, Does Regular Employment Lower Returns to Schooling?” (with Qinyi
Liu), Friedrichshafen, Germany, October 9-12, 2012.
Doctoral Colloquium, LLLight’ in ’Europe Research Plenary, “Language skills and the
transferability of human capital--An empirical investigation based on PSID (Panel Study
of Income Dynamics) data?”(with Bo Li), Friedrichshafen, Germany, October 9-12,
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference, “Human Capital in China” (with
Yunling Liang, Barbara M. Fraumeni, and Xiaojun Wang), Beijing, China, June 19-20,
International Academy of Business and Economics summer conference, “The Labor
Market Effect of Schooling and Health Human Capital - A Panel Data Approach” (with
Yuxi Xiao), Barcelona, Spain, June 3-5, 2011.
World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration, “The Labor Market Effect
of Schooling and Health Human Capital - A Panel Data Approach” (with Yuxi Xiao),
Cairo, Egypt, October 29-31, 2010.
Chinese Economists Society 2010 Xiamen Conference, “Social Network and Study
Abroad: The Case of Chinese students in U.S.” (with Lan Ding), Xiamen, China, June
Chinese Economists Society (CES) China Annual Conference on “Economic Transition,
Regional Growth, and Sustainable Development”, “Human Capital and China’s
Regional Disparity: A Productivity Perspective” (with Belton Fleisher, Zhiyong Liu),
Changsha, China, July 27-30, 2007.
Chinese Economists Society (CES) European Conference in Slovenia on “Economic
Transition at Midlife: Lessons from the Development of Markets and Institutions”, “Job
Choices, Sectoral Attachment, and Educational Attainment in China’s Transition
Economy” (with Belton Fleisher and Shi Li), May 11-14, 2007.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Regional Inequality and Productivity
Growth in China: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment, Infrastructure, and Human
Capital” (with Belton Fleisher and Minqiang Zhao), Chicago, January 5-7, 2007.
Chinese Economists Society Conference on “Governing Rapid Growth in China:
Efficiency, Equity and Institutions”, “Regional Inequality in Industrial Production in
China” (with Belton Fleisher and Kent M. Zhao), Shanghai, China, July 2-4, 2006.
Technical Association of Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI) 2006 Papermakers Conference,
“Inventory, Price, and Output in the Linerboard Industry” (with Feng Zhang), Atlanta,
April 24-28, 2006.
Forest Products Society Conference on “China's Boom: Implications for Investment &
Trade in Forest Products and Forestry”, “Economic Transition and Demand Pattern:
Evidence from China’s Paper and Paperboard Industry”, (poster presentation, with
Jifeng Luo and Patrick McCarthy), Vancouver, Canada, Jan18-21, 2006.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Higher Education and Worker
Productivity in China” (with Belton Fleisher and Yifan Hu), Boston, January 6-8, 2006.
Econometric Society World Congress 2005, “Sorting, Selection, and Transformation of
Return to College Education in China” (with Belton Fleisher and Xiaojun Wang),
London, UK, August 19-24, 2005.
Chinese Economists Society Conference on “Sustainable Economic Growth in China:
Investing in Human Capital and Environment”, “Sorting, Selection, and Transformation
of Return to College Education in China” (with Belton Fleisher and Xiaojun Wang),
Chongqing, China, June 24-26, 2005.
Chinese Economists Society Conference on “Sustainable Economic Growth in China:
Investing in Human Capital and Environment”, “Productivity, Human Capital, and
Provincial Inequality in China” (with Belton Fleisher and Minqiang Zhao), Chongqing,
China, June 24-26, 2005.
International Industrial Organization Conference 2005, “Price Volatility and Vertical
Integration: Evidence from Pulp and Paper Industry” (with Gewei Wang), Atlanta, USA,
April 8-9, 2005.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Sorting, Selecting, and Semiparametric
Estimation of Returns to College in China” (with Belton Fleisher, Shi Li and
Xiaojun Wang), Philadelphia, January 7-9, 2005.
American Economic Association Annual Meeting, “Job Choice and Sectoral Attachment
in China’s Transitional Economy” (with Belton Fleisher, Shi Li), Philadelphia, January
7-9, 2005.
The Third Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2004), “Determinants of Online Merchant
Rating: Content Analysis of Yahoo Merchant Comments” (with Zhe Qu and Han Zhang),
Washington D. C, December 11-12, 2004.
Chinese Economists Society Annual Conference on Technology, Human Capital and
Economic Development, “Economic Transition and Demand Pattern: Evidence from
China’s Paper and Paperboard Industry” (with Jifeng Luo and Patrick McCarthy),
Atlanta, July 30-31, 2004.
Chinese Economists Society, International Symposium on Private Enterprises and
Economic Development, “The Effect of Education and Wage Determination in China’s
Rural Industry” (with Aselia Urmanbetova), Beijing, June 18-22, 2004.
PulPaper 2004 Conference, “Consolidation, Profitability, and Efficiency in the U.S. Pulp
& Paper Industry” (with Patrick McCarthy), Helsinki, Finland, June 1-3, 2004.
The 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, “How People Select Their
Payment Methods in Online Auctions? An Exploration of eBay Transaction” (with Han
Zhang), Big Island, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2004.
International Conference on “The Integration of the Greater Chinese Economies: Causes,
Consequences, and Implications”, “Estimate the Demand for China's Pulp and Paper
Products” (with Jifeng Luo and Patrick McCarthy), Hong Kong, China, June 26-28,
Allied Social Science Association, 2002 Annual Convention, “Measurement Error,
Omitted Ability Bias, and Returns to Schooling” (with Yi Luo), Atlanta, January 4-7,
Chinese Economists Society International Conference on “Urbanization in China:
Challenges and Strategies of Growth and Development”, “The Determinants of China’s
Rural Exodus” (with Steven Zahniser), Xiamen, China, June 26-28, 2001.
Allied Social Science Association, 2001 Annual Convention, “Economic Transition and
Returns to Education in China,” New Orleans, January 4-7, 2001.
The International Conference on “Development through Globalization: China’s
Opportunities and Challenges in the New Century”, “How Will China’s Accession to the
WTO Affect Its Labor Markets? – A CGE Approach” (with T. Rutherford and G. Yang),
Shanghai, China, July 4-7, 2000.
The 4th Biennial Conference of the Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations,
“Economic Transition and Labor Supply Responses in China” (with Jeffrey Zax).
Contemporary Economic Policy invited presenter, Sydney, Australia, January 11-16,
Allied Social Science Association, 2000 Annual Convention, “Labor Supply Response in
Transitional China” (with Jeffrey Zax), Boston, January 2000.
The International Conference on “Labor Market and Unemployment Policy in
Transitional China”, “Economic Transition and Labor Supply in China” (with Jeffrey
Zax), Chengdu, China, July 1-5, 1999.
Allied Social Science Association, 1999 Annual Convention, “A Semi-parametric
Estimation of Labor Supply and Specification Tests,” New York, January 1999.
Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, “A Semi-parametric Estimation
of Labor Supply and Specification Tests,” Denver, Colorado, April 1998.
Western Social Science Association Annual Conference, “Ownership, Efficiency and the
Dilemma of China’s State-owned Enterprises,” Denver, Colorado, April 1998.
International Symposium on “Establishing a Market-Oriented Social Security System in
China”, “Financing A Social Security System for China: Who Will Pay?” (with Janusz
Mrozek), Beijing, China, June 1998.
North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, “Symmetrically
Censored GMM Estimation for Tobit Models with Dependent and Heterogeneous
Observations,” Iowa City, Iowa, June 1996.
Allied Social Science Association, 1996 Annual Convention, “Ownership, Efficiency and
the Dilemma of China’s State-owned Enterprises,” San Francisco, California, January


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    赵景华,南京大学博士,教授、博士生导师,中央财经大学政府管理学院学术委员会主任,中央财经大学政府战略与绩效评价研究中心主任。曾任山东大学管理学院院长,兼任山东省人民政府顾问、省经济管理研究基地首席专家,教育部第一届工商管理类学科专业指导委员会委员,联合国工业发展组织企业战略特聘教师,管理学学会国际联盟中国委员会委员,山东省比较管理研究会会长,中国人民大学、厦门大学兼职教授,政协第八届、第九届山东省 ...
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    个人简历江西丰城人,中国政法大学法学博士主要学习经历:2008.09-2012.07,华东政法大学,管理学学士2012.09-2015.07,华东政法大学,法学硕士2015.09-2018.07,中国政法大学,法学博士2016.10-2018.09,德国明斯特大学,博士生联合培养2018年7月进入中央财经大学法学院工作,现为师资博士后研究人员研究领域:民法学术成果1、论文“论使用可能性丧失的损害赔 ...
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    袁东,管理学博士、研究员,硕士生导师。曾任中央广播电视大学、教育部干部;中央财经大学副校长、党委副书记、纪委书记;中国驻纽约总领事馆领事、中国驻洛杉矶总领馆教育参赞。主要研究方向包括教育经济学、高等教育管理、高校人力资源管理等。在《教育研究》、《高等教育研究》、《中国行政管理》、《国家行政学院学报》、《国家教育行政学院学报》、《教育与经济》等刊物上发表学术论文70多篇。专著:1.《高等学校人力资源 ...
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    中国工程院院士、中国社会科学院学部委员、教授、博士生导师。1933年生,1951年考入武汉大学经济系,1952年被选拔到苏联先后在普列汉诺夫国民经济学院和莫斯科国立经济学院学习,1958年毕业并获经济学硕士学位。回国后先后在国家计委、国家建委、建材部和国家建材总局等单位担任技术员、工程师、教研室主任、处长、司长、总局局长助理;1985-1998任中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所所长,同时还担 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-施青军 教授
    男,汉族,1966年2月生,山西省临猗人,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国注册会计师、中国注册税务师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院行政管理系主任。兼中国财政学会理事,以及财政部、公安部、国务院扶贫办等部委特聘绩效评价咨询专家。学术经历博士:财政部财政科学研究所财政学专业经济学博士1999.9-2002.7硕士:财政部财政科学研究所财政学专业税收方向经济学硕士1988.9-1991.7学士:山西财经学院 ...
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    女,汉族,1963年10月生,河南辉县市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院党总支副书记学术经历博士:北京师范大学教育经济与管理专业2001.9-2004.7硕士:河南大学教育管理专业1986.9-1989.7学士:河南大学教育学专业1982.9-1986.7高级访问:美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)2012.9-2013.9工作经历1992年7月至1995年9月 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨燕英 教授
    女,汉族,北京市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院公共事业管理系副主任、学院学位委员会委员学术经历博士:中央财经大学财政学院财政专业(财政税收理论与政策),2008.9-2011.6硕士:中央财经大学财政学院财政学专业,2004.9-2006.6学士:中央财经大学财政系财政学专业,1984.9-1988.6访问:香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系,2013.4-2013.7工作经 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐焕东 教授
    徐焕东,1962年11月生,湖北省黄冈市罗田县人,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院教授学习和工作经历1999.7—至今,中央财经大学政府管理学院任教1989.3—1999.7,原中央财政管理干部学院任教1988.7—1989.3,北京市财政局预算处工作1985.7—1988.7,财政部财政科学研究所财政专业1983.7—1985.7,湖北省财政专科学校任教1979.9—1983.7,中南财经政法大学财 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王福重 教授
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20
  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李文彬 教授
    李文彬,男,汉族,1965年6月生,山东省临朐县人,经济学博士,工商管理博士后,教授,硕士生导师学术经历博士后:中央财经大学工商管理专业2008.12-2010.11博士:中国人民大学商学院产业经济学专业(企业国际化经营方向)2003.9-2006.6硕士:山东大学政治经济学专业(企业管理方向)1993.9-1996.6学士:山东大学经济学系经济学专业1984.9-1988.6工作经历1994年1 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20