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贝尔顿·费莱舍从小在家乡加里福利亚州海沃上学,随后获斯坦福大学经济学学士、硕士、及博士学位。1961-1965年间,Belton Fleisher 执教于芝加哥大学,于1965年加入俄亥俄州立大学并担任经济学教授至今。1963-1964年间,他还任教于伦敦政治经济学院。1989年,他首次来到中国,并在人民大学福特班授课。1990年,他再次到中国人民大学授课,从那时起,他的研究开始以中国经济为主。Fleisher教授曾在《美国经济评论》、《政治经济期刊》、《经济与统计评论》、《比较经济学杂志》、《发展经济学杂志》、《经济学教育杂志》、《中国经济评论》等顶级期刊杂志上,独立或合作发表文章四十余篇。同时,他还著有书籍和评论集,其出版的七本书中包括《青年犯罪经济学》(1966)、《劳动经济学:理论与根据》(普伦蒂斯霍尔出版社,1970第一版,1980年与Thomas J. Kniesner共同执笔出版第二版),后者被许多人视为最早的现代劳动经济学课本。同时Fleisher教授也担任若干专题论文集的主编,其中有《中国经济的差异性,外溢性及市场发展》(英国爱德华埃尔加出版社,2007,与李海峥和宋顺锋共同主编),及《政策改革与中国市场》(爱德华埃尔加出版社,2008.3,与Edward C. Hope, Anita Alves Peña和Dennis T. Yang共同主编)。现在,Fleisher教授任《中国经济评论》副主编。
Curriculum Vitae
Belton M. Fleisher
Professor Emeritus Ohio State University
Senior Fellow China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research &
Senior Fellow Center for Economics, Finance, and Management Studies
Executive Editor China Economic Review
email Fleisher.1@osu.edu
Professional Positions
Executive Editor, China Economic Review 2010-
Co-Editor 2000-2010
Professor Emeritus of Economics, The Ohio State University, July 1, 2011—
Senior Fellow and Special Term Lecturer, Center for Economics, Finance, and Management, Hunan University, Changsha, China, 2013—
Senior Fellow and Special Term Lecturer, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research in the Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, 2008—
Professor of Economics, The Ohio State University, October 1, 1969-June 30, 2011
(Assistant Professor July 1965-1966; Associate Professor October 1966-1969)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Chicago 1961-1965.
Research Associate, Center for Human Resource Research, Ohio State University, Oct. 1, 1965-2011
Fellowships, Awards, Honors, and Special Appointments
Research Associate, IZA (March 2007--)
Shaw Foundation Professor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, January 28-February 28, 1999.
Stock Exchange of Thailand/Pacific-Basin Capital-Markets Research Foundation Competitive Research Award for paper "An Empirical Investigation of Underpricing in Chinese IPOs," presented at the 9th Annual Pacific-Basin Capital-Markets Research Association Finance Conference, Shanghai, August 1997 (with Dongwei Su).
Pacific Cultural Foundation (Taiwan), Grant to study "Confucianism, Industrial Relations, and Human Resource Development (with Stephen M. Hills and Wen L. Li), 1993.
Pacific Cultural Foundation (Taiwan), Grant to study "Ownership Forms, Education, and Productivity in Industrial Enterprises: The Case of Mainland China," 1991.
National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Economics Research and Education in China, Appointment to teach at the Economics Training
Center of the People's University of China, Beijing, China February-June, 1989 and September-December, 1990
U.S. Department of H.E.W., Social Security Administration, Grant to study Economic Responses to Poor Health in Older Males (with D.O. Parsons) 1977 - 1979
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Contract to study the Behavior of Laid-off Workers in Manufacturing (with D.O. Parsons) 1975 - 1976
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Grant on Household Formation, Fertility, and Market activity (with D.O. Parsons) The Ohio State University, 1973 - 1976
U.S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Grant on Disaggregate Study of the Effects of Unemployment on Labor Supply (with D.O. Parsons) The Ohio State University, 1973 - 1974
U.S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Research Grant on Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Behavior of Men and Youth (with D. O. Parsons and R. D. Porter) The Ohio State University, 1971 - 1972
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (at London School of Economics), 1963 - 1964
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellow, Stanford University, Autumn, 1959 -Spring, 1960
Stanford University, Department of Economics,
Degrees: M. A., April, 1959, Ph.D., September, 1961
Stanford University, September, 1953 - June, 1957
Degree: A. B., June, 1957, Major: Economics; Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Graduate with Great Distinction and Department Honors
Refereed Journal Articles and Invited Articles.
“The Long-term Health Effects of Early-life Malnutrition: Evidence from the 1959-1961 China Famine” (With Seonghoon Kim and Jessica Ya Sun). Singapore Management University. Health Economics (forthcoming)
"How Much Does Social Status Matter to Longevity? – Evidence from China’s Academician Election" (with Gordon G. Liu, O Hyun Kwon, and Xindong Xue) (2015) Health Economics (forthcoming).
“Knowledge Capital, Innovation, and Growth in China”(with William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi ZHOU). Journal of Asian Economics (2015).
“Evolution of the Industrial Wage Structure in China Since 1980 (with O Hyun Kwon and Simon Chang). Pacific Economic Review 20 (2015), 77-44
“The Earnngs Effects of Health and Health-Related Activities: a Panel Data Approach,” (with Yuxi Xiao and Haizheng Li). Applied Economics 2015.
“Access to Higher Education and Inequality: The Chinese Experiment,” (with Haizhing Li, Shi Li, and Xiaojun Wang. Economics of Education Review, 42 (2014), 78-92
“The Lasting Impact of Mothers’ Fetal Malnutrition on Their Offspring: Evidence from the China Great Leap Forward Famine,” (with Seonghoon Kim, Quheng Deng, and Shi Li). World Development 54, 232-242
“Long-term Effects of Early Childhood Malaria Exposure on Education and Health: Evidence from Colonial Taiwan,”(with Simon Chang, Seonghoon Kim, and Shi-yung Liu.) Economic Development and Cultural Change 62, 519-536.
“Are Patent Laws Harmful to Developing Countries? Evidence From China” (with William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi ZHOU). Keynote Lecture, The 2012 APJAE Symposium on Advances in the Studies of the Chinese Economy: Growth, FDI, Trade and Intellectual Property Rights. City University of Hong Kong, June 2012. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 20 (2013), (pp 4-19).
“Economic Transition, Higher Education, and Worker Productivity in China,” (with Haizheng Li, Yifan Hu, and Seonghoon Kim), Journal of Development Economics 94 (2011), 86-94.
“Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China,” (with Haizheng Li and Min Qiang Zhao) Journal of Development Economics 92,2 (2010), 215-231.
The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China (with William McGuire, Dinghuan Hu, and Xiaobo Zhang), China Economic Review 21, 2010, 456-469.
Pitfalls in Evaluating Teaching: The Case of Higher Education (with Bruce Weinberg and Masanori Hashimoto), Journal of Economic Education 40 (3) 2009 227-261.
Problems of China’s Rural Labor Markets and Rural-Urban Migration, (with Dennis T. Yang), Chinese Economy 39,3 2006 , 6-25.
Returns to Schooling during Early Transition: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Russia, (with Xiaojun Wang and Klara Sabirianova Peter) Journal of Comparative Economics 33,2, 2005, 351-370 .
Returns to Schooling in China under Planning and Reform, (with Xiaojun Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics 33,2, 2005, 265-277.
China’s Labor Markets (with Dennis T. Yang), China Economic Review 14,4 (2004), 426-433.
Heterogeneous Expectations and Stock Prices in Segmented Markets: Application to Chinese Firms (with Lianfa Li), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 44 (2004): 521-538.
Skill Differentials, Return to Schooling, and Market Segmentation in a Transition Economy: The Case of Mainland China (with Xiaojun Wang) Journal of Development Economics 73,1 (2004), 715-728.
Potential Residual and Relative Wages in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises, (with Xiaojun Wang) Journal of Comparative Economics 31,3 (September, 2003), 429-443 .
Foreign GTAs Can Be Effective Teachers of Economics, (with Masanori Hashimoto and Bruce Weinberg) Journal of Economic Education 33,4 (Fall 2002), 299-326.
Efficiency Wages and Work Incentives in Urban and Rural China (with Xiaojun Wang) Journal of Comparative Economics, 29,4 (December 2001), 645-662.
Why Does Return Volatility Differ in Chinese Stock Markets?, (with Dongwei Su). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7,5 (1999), pp. 557-586
Efficiency of Chinese Stock Markets: Some Preliminary Evidence (with Dongwei Su), Accounting and Business Review 6,2 (1999), pp 171-188.
An Empirical Investigation of Underpricing in Chinese IPOs, (with Dongwei Su), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7:172-202 (1999)
Risk, Return, and Regulation in Chinese Stock Markets, (with Dongwei Su), Journal of Economics and Business 50:239-256 (1998), pp. 239-56
What Explains the High IPO Returns in China? (with Dongwei Su), Emerging Markets Quarterly, Summer, 1998.
The Role of Housing Privatization and Labor-Market Reform in China's Dual Economy, (with Stephen M. Hills and Yong Yin) China Economic Review, 8,1; 1-18 (Spring, 1997).
Education and Regional Economic Development in China: The Case of Shanghai, (with Stephen Hills) Comparative Economic Studies, XXXIX no. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1997)
The Coast-Noncoast Income Gap, Productivity, and Regional Economic Policy in China, (with Jian Chen), Journal of Comparative Economics, 25, no. 2; 220-36 (October, 1997).
Regional Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China, (with Jian Chen) Journal of Comparative Economics 22, 2:141-164 (April, 1996)
Education, Enterprise Organization, and Productivity in the Chinese Paper Industry, (with Keyong Dong and Yunhua Liu). Economic Development and Cultural Change 44, 3; 571-87 (April, 1996).
Financial Intermediation, Inflation, and Capital Formation in Rural China, (with Y. Liu and H. Li), China Economic Review 5, 1 (Spring, 1994), 101-116.
Economies of Scale, Plot Size, Human Capital, and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture, (with Yunhua Liu), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 32, 3 (Autumn, 1992), 111-123.
Marginal Productivity, Money, and Wage rates in China, 1952-1987, (with Hongyi Li, Yueran Wen, and Kejian Yang) Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 31, 2 (Summer, 1991), 57-65.
The Loanable-Funds Approach to Teaching Principles of Macroeconomics (with Kenneth J. Kopecky) Journal of Economic Education (Winter, 1987) 19-33.
Husband's Health and the Wife's Labor Supply, (with Mark C. Berger), Journal of Health Economics, 3 (1984), 63-75.
Minimum Wage Regulation in Retail Trade, Eastern Economic Journal, April 1981, 4 75-95.
Individual Labor Force Decisions and Unemployment in Local Labor Markets (with George F. Rhodes, Jr.), Review of Economics and Statistics, 61, (November 1979), 629-34.
Fertility, Women's Wage Rates, and Labor Supply, American Economic Review 69, (March, 1979) 14-24 (with G. Rhodes).
Mother's Home time and the Production of Child Quality, Demography, 14, No. 2 May 1977 197-212.
Unemployment and the Labor Force Participation of Married Men and Women: A Simultaneous Model (with George Rhodes), Review of Economics and Statistics, 58, November 1976 398-406.
Employment and Wage Rates in Retail Trade Subsequent to the 1961 Amendment of the Fair Labor Standards Act (with William J. Shkurti), Southern Economic Journal, 34, July 1968 37-48.
The Effect of Income on Delinquency, American Economic Review, 48, March 1966 1188-37
The Effect of Unemployment on Juvenile Delinquency, Journal of Political Economy, 71, December 1963 (pp. 543-55).
Some Economic Aspects of Puerto Rican Migration to the United States, Review of Economics and Statistics, 45, (April, 1963) (pp. 245-53).
Books, Monographs, Articles in Conference Proceedings, and Edited Collections.
“China’s Evolving Labor Market,” Chapter 9 in Policy Reform in Chinese Markets (with Nicholas C. Hope, Anita Alves Pena, and Dennis Tao Yang, eds.).Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008.
Policy Reform in Chinese Markets (with Nicholas C. Hope, Anita Alves Pena, and Dennis Tao Yang, eds.).Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2008.
Market Development China (with Haizheng Li and Shunfeng Song, eds.) Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2007.
“Higher Education in China: A Growth Paradox?” in Yum K. Kwan and Eden S. H. Yu (eds.), Critical Issues in China’s Growth and Development, Aldershot UK and Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 3-21.
International Journal of Manpower, Labour Markets in Transition: The Case of Eastern Europe (Guest Editor) 23(1), 2002.
"Explaining IPO Underpricing in China" (with Dongwei Su) in Baizhu Chen (ed.), Financial Market Reform in China: Progress, Problems, and Prospects. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999.
"The Role of Housing Privatization and Labor-Market Reform in China," (with Stephen M. Hills and Yong Yin), in James G. Wen and Danqing Hu (ed.) Reformability of China's State Sector. Singapore: World Scientific Publishers, pp. 395-408 (1997).
Labor Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy. (with T.J. Kniesner) 3rd edition. Englewood, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984. Chinese translation--Beijing: Overseas Chinese Publishing House, 1989.
Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Ginn Press, 1989 (With E. J. Ray and T. J. Kniesner)
Minimum Wage Regulation in the United States. Washington, DC.: National Chamber Foundation, 1983.
Economics. Dubuque, IA: W.C. Brown Co., 1985. (with T. J. Kniesner)
Minimum wage Regulation in Retail Trade. Washington, DC.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981.
A Primer in Economics (with K.J. Kopecky and D. T. Paul). Beverly Hills, California: Glencoe Press, 1976.
"Asset Adjustment and Labor Supply of Older Workers" (with D.O. Parsons and R.D. Porter), in Income Maintenance and Labor Supply: Econometric Studies, edited by Glen G. Cain and Harold Watts, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1973 279-327.
"The Optimal Measure of the Impact of Manpower Programs on Crime: Comment", in Evaluating the Impact of Manpower Programs, M. Borus (ed.), Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1972.
Labor Economics: Theory and Evidence. Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Tokyo: Sogo Rodo Kenkyusho, 1975.
Chapter 3, "Variation in Labor Force Participation" and Chapter 4, "Incidence of Unemployment" in association with Karl Egge, in The Pre-Retirement Years, Vol. I, U.S. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration, Research Monograph No. 15, Washington, DC., 1970.
The Economics of Delinquency. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, Inc.,1966.
"The Impact of Puerto Rican Migration to the United States", in Mark Perlman (ed.) Human Resources in the Urban Economy, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1963 (pp. 179-94).
Edited Symposia, Roundtables, etc.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 20, March, 2013. Guest Editor, The 2012 APJAE Symposium on Advances in the Studies of the Chinese Economy: Growth, FDI, Trade and Intellectual Property Rights. City University of Hong Kong, June 2012..
China Economic Review (2009).20(3). Symposium of selected papers presented at the 6th International Conference on the Chinese Economy, CERDI/IDREC (Clermont-Ferrand France) Is China’s Development Sustainable? (with Mary-Françoise Renard).
China Economic Review (2009). 20(4). Symposium on Health Care Reform in China (with Åke Blomqvist and Kerry Tan).
China Economic Review (2009), 20(3). Symposium on Urban Developments in China: Papers from the 2007 Conference of the Chinese Economists Society, Changsha, China. (with Josef Brada, Scott Rozelle, and Johan Swinnen)
Comparative Economic Studies (2009). 51(3). Introduction to the Symposium on Recent Developments in Urban China (by Josef Brada, Belton M. Fleisher, Scott Rozelle, and Johan Swinnen).
China Economic Review (2009), 20(1) Symposium on Chinese Macroeconomic, Monetary, and Financial Policies.
China Economic Review (2009), 20(2). Symposium on Agriculture in Transition (coedited with Josef Brada, Scott Rozelle, and Johan Swinnen).
China Economic Review (2007),18(3) Symposium of selected papers presented at the 5th International Conference on the Chinese Economy, CERDI/IDREC (Clermont-Ferrand France), “China in the World Economy: Internal Challenge and International Challenges.
Journal of Comparative Economcs (2005) A Symposium on Cross-Country Differences in Changes in the Returns to Schooling in Transition Economies: The Chinese and Eastern European Experiences 33(2).
China Economic Review (2005), 16(4) Symposium of selected papers presented at the 4th International Conference on the Chinese Economy, CERDI/IDREC (Clermont-Ferrand France), “The Efficiency of China’s Economic Policy.”
China Economic Review (2004), “Roundtable on Commercial Law and Regulation in China” (editor) 14(4).
China Economic Review (2002), Special Issue, “Has China Become a Market Economy?” (editor) 12(2,3).
China Economic Review (2000), Roundtable Discussion Issue on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization (editor) 11(4).
Book Reviews and Review Articles:
“Demystifying the Chinese Economy,”by Justin Yifu Lin.Translated from the original Chinese by Stephanie Wang with further updates and revisions by Francesca Yu Sang and Bruce Ross-Larson. Journal of Economic Literature, 5, June, 2013 (forthcoming).
“Labor Markets, Employment Policy, and Job Creation,” (ed.) Lewis C. Solmon and Alec R. Levenson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (1996)
"Public Sector Payrolls," (ed.) David A. Wise, Journal of Economic Literature, XXVI, June, 1988.
"Labor Economics: Wages, Employment, and Trade Unionism", by Allan M. Carter and F. Ray Marshall, American Economic Review, 57, December 1967.
"Labor Migration and Economic growth", by Stanley L. Friedlander, American Economic Review, 56, September 1966.
"Unemployment and the American Economy" (A.M. Ross, ed.), American Economic Review, 54, December 1964.
Working Papers (including papers submitted for publication)
“Employment, Wages, and Technical Change in the Chinese Economy”, (With Nicholas C. Holtkamp ,William H McGuire, Yaqin Su, and Xiaojun Wang)
“Supported or Supporting? Family Structure and Employment Choice of the Elderly in Urban China” (with Liyuan Ma and Li Yu )
“Imitation, Innovation, and the Role of Knowledge Capital in China’s Economic Development” (with William H. McGuire)
“The Importance of Human Capital in China’s Regional Income Gaps” (with Tang Tang, Haizheng Li and Wenwei Li), China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research,.
“The Labor Market Effect of Schooling and Health Human Capital: A Panel Data Approach” (with Haizheng Li and Yuxi Xiao), China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research
“Human Capital and Economic Convergence: Evidence from China” (with Xiaobei Zhang, Haizheng Li, and Xiaojun Wang). China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research,
Conferences, Guest Lectures, etc. (recent)
“Wages versus Amenities in the Growth of Secondary Industry Employment” (With Nicholas C. Holtkamp, William H McGuire, and Yaqin Su) Peking University National School of Development, Center for New Structural Economics on New Structural Economics, “Rising Wages in Developing Countries: Implications for Economic Transformation,” December 15, 2015.
“Imitation, Innovation, and the Role of Knowledge Capital in China’s Economic Development,” Department of Economics, Nankai University, June 2015.
“The Importance of Human Capital in China’s Regional Income Gaps”, Chinese Economists Society, Chongqing, China, June 2015.
“Knowledge Capital, Innovation, and Growth in China”, Virginia Polytechnic University Blacksburg, Virgina, April 2015.
“China Data and Data Sources: Some Reconciliations”, Chinese Economists Society session at ASSA conference Philadelphia, 2014.
“Exploration of New and Existing Data for the Chinese Economy: Food, Health, and Economic Well Being”, Association of Comparative Economic Studies session at ASSA conference Philadelphia, 2014.
“International Trade, Labor, and Knowledge Capital in China Since WTO”, Session accepted for Chinese Economists Society session at ASSA conference San Diego, CA, 2013 (organized with William H. McGuire).
Lecture/discussion on strategies for research and publication in international economics journals, presented to the China Center for Health Economics Research, Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, June, 2012.
“Innovation Knowledge Capital and Innovation in China” (with William H. McGuire, Adam N. Smith, and Mi ZHOU). Invited Lecture at Conference in Honor of Ronald Coase, University of Buffalo, May, 2012.
“Evolution of the Industrial Wage Structure in China Since 1980 (with O Hyun Kwon and Simon Chang), Chinese Academy of Social Science, June 2012.
Graduate Student Advising/Dissertation Committees (recent)
Min Qiang (Kent) Zhao (PhD 2011); dissertation committee member (“Employment, Unemployment, and Non-Single Women: Three Essays”). Assistant Professor Xiamen University Wan Yangnan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE).
William H. McGuire (PhD 2012); dissertation committee member (Essays on Voluntary Standards in International Trade). University of Washington Tacoma.
Seonghoon Kim (PhD 2013); dissertation committee member (Essays in Economics of Social Security Disability Insurance and Health). Singapore Management University.
Professional Associations
Member, American Economic Association, Association for Comparative Economic Studies, and Chinese Economists Society. Research Associate IZA.


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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20
  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-栗玉香 教授
    女,汉族,1963年10月生,河南辉县市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院党总支副书记学术经历博士:北京师范大学教育经济与管理专业2001.9-2004.7硕士:河南大学教育管理专业1986.9-1989.7学士:河南大学教育学专业1982.9-1986.7高级访问:美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)2012.9-2013.9工作经历1992年7月至1995年9月 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨燕英 教授
    女,汉族,北京市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院公共事业管理系副主任、学院学位委员会委员学术经历博士:中央财经大学财政学院财政专业(财政税收理论与政策),2008.9-2011.6硕士:中央财经大学财政学院财政学专业,2004.9-2006.6学士:中央财经大学财政系财政学专业,1984.9-1988.6访问:香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系,2013.4-2013.7工作经 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐焕东 教授
    徐焕东,1962年11月生,湖北省黄冈市罗田县人,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院教授学习和工作经历1999.7—至今,中央财经大学政府管理学院任教1989.3—1999.7,原中央财政管理干部学院任教1988.7—1989.3,北京市财政局预算处工作1985.7—1988.7,财政部财政科学研究所财政专业1983.7—1985.7,湖北省财政专科学校任教1979.9—1983.7,中南财经政法大学财 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20
  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王福重 教授
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20
  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李文彬 教授
    李文彬,男,汉族,1965年6月生,山东省临朐县人,经济学博士,工商管理博士后,教授,硕士生导师学术经历博士后:中央财经大学工商管理专业2008.12-2010.11博士:中国人民大学商学院产业经济学专业(企业国际化经营方向)2003.9-2006.6硕士:山东大学政治经济学专业(企业管理方向)1993.9-1996.6学士:山东大学经济学系经济学专业1984.9-1988.6工作经历1994年1 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20