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    Iowa State University
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于2013年获得爱荷华州立大学经济学博士学位。其研究方向包括实验经济学、行为经济学、劳动经济学,其成果发表在 Applied Economics 等期刊上。

Fanzheng Yang
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research
Central University of Finance and Economics
Beijing, China, 100081
Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Labor Economics
Ph.D. Economics, Iowa State University, USA
May 2013
Dissertation: “Using laboratory experiments to study otherwise unobservable labor market interactions.”
M.A. Economics, Wuhan University, China
B.A. Economics; B.S. Mathematics; LL.B. Law (Three Bachelor’s Degrees
with honors), Wuhan University, China
June 2008
June 2006
Assistant Professor, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research Sep.2013–present
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
Fanzheng Yang, “Peer-Dependent Incentives and Prepaid Bonuses: An Experimental Investigation of Productivity Improvement”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2019, Vol. 81, 152–163
Fanzheng Yang, “With or Without Siblings: Sorting into Competition in the Experimental Labor Market”, with Li Yu, China Economic Review, 2016, Vol. 41, 284-298
Fanzheng Yang, “The Effects of Compensation Schemes and Performance Feedback on Employee’s Self-Selection: An Experimental Investigation”, in Sebastian J. Goerg and John R. Hamman (eds.), Research in Experimental Economics, 2016, Vol. 19, 159-187
Fanzheng Yang, “The Impact of Social Identity on Trust in China: Experimental Evidence from Cross-Group Comparisons”, with Weiwei Weng, Applied Economics, 2014, Vol. 46, No. 16, 1855-1860.
“Are Only-Children Difficult Team Members?”, with Weiwei Weng, Under Review
“Goofing Off or Working Hard: The Effects of Systematic Job Riskiness on Effort Investment”, with Yujiao Shi and Weiwei Weng, Under Review
“Learning to Trust: Belief Updating from Noisy Information”, with Tanya S. Rosenblat and Weiwei Weng
“‘Fair’ Quota Scheme and Reginal Inequality”, with Weiwei Weng
“Cross-sided Belief Bias and Marriage Market Matching”, with Weiwei Weng
“Quota Schemes and Students’ Reporting Behavior: Theory and Experimental Investigation”, with Weiwei Weng
“Customer Trust Vulnerability: Implications for Branding Strategies”, with Tanya S. Rosenblat and Weiwei Weng
“The Effects of China’s New Population Policies on Human Capital Development”
“Only Children and Teamwork”, the Inaugural Wuhan Cherry Blossom Workshop in Experimental Economics (March 2018); 2017 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics (December 2017), Shandong University (November 2017)
“Goofing Off or Working Hard: The Effects of Systematic Job Riskiness on Effort Investment”, International Economic Science Association Conference (June 2017); Hong Kong Baptist University Workshop on Experimental Economics (April 2017)
“Learning to Trust: Belief Updating from Noisy Information”, 2017 Beijing Normal University Conference on Experimental Economics (October 2017); Renmin University of China (November 2014); North-American Economic Science Association Conference (November 2012); Iowa State University (October 2012)
“Is the ‘Fair’ Quota Scheme Fair”, 2016 Beijing Normal University Conference on Experimental Economics (December 2016)
“Differences in Cooperative Attitude between Only Children and Children with Siblings: Evidence from an Experimental Chinese Labor Market”, the 5th Annual Xiamen University International Conference on Experimental Economics (December 2014); Tsinghua University (December 2014); International Economic Science Association Conference (June 2014)
“With or Without Siblings: Sorting in Competition in Experimental Chinese Labor Market”, the 5th International Symposium on Human Capital and the Labor Market (December 2013); Iowa State University (November 2012); International Economic Science Association Conference (June 2012)
“Behavioral Incentives in an Experimental Labor Market: Individual Performance and Self-selection”, Central University of Finance and Economics (June 2012); Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Economic Science Association (December 2011); Iowa State University (April 2011)
Central University of Finance and Economics
Advanced Microeconomics: Game Theory (graduate)
Topics on Human Capital (graduate)
Topics on Labor Economics (graduate)
Experimental Economics (graduate)
Spring 2014,15,16,17,18
Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Fall 2013,14,16,17,18
Behavioral Economics (graduate)
Spring 2015
Advanced Macroeconomics (graduate)
Fall 2017
Project: The Impact of China’s Reformed One-Child Policy on Human Capital Development: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Founder: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Amount: 190,000 RMB
Role: Principal Investigator
Project: The Micro- and Macro- Analysis of Low Fertility Rate in China
Founder: Program for Innovation Research in CUFE
Amount: 150,000 RMB
Role: Co-principal Investigator
Project: Labor Market Sustainability in China: A Study of Work and Marriage Choices of Working Women
Founder: Hong Kong Baptist University Strategic Development Fund
Amount: 107,760 HKD
Role: Co-principal Investigator
Journal of Public Economics, Applied Economics, China Economic Review


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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁东 研究员
    袁东,管理学博士、研究员,硕士生导师。曾任中央广播电视大学、教育部干部;中央财经大学副校长、党委副书记、纪委书记;中国驻纽约总领事馆领事、中国驻洛杉矶总领馆教育参赞。主要研究方向包括教育经济学、高等教育管理、高校人力资源管理等。在《教育研究》、《高等教育研究》、《中国行政管理》、《国家行政学院学报》、《国家教育行政学院学报》、《教育与经济》等刊物上发表学术论文70多篇。专著:1.《高等学校人力资源 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李京文 教授 院士
    中国工程院院士、中国社会科学院学部委员、教授、博士生导师。1933年生,1951年考入武汉大学经济系,1952年被选拔到苏联先后在普列汉诺夫国民经济学院和莫斯科国立经济学院学习,1958年毕业并获经济学硕士学位。回国后先后在国家计委、国家建委、建材部和国家建材总局等单位担任技术员、工程师、教研室主任、处长、司长、总局局长助理;1985-1998任中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所所长,同时还担 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-施青军 教授
    男,汉族,1966年2月生,山西省临猗人,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国注册会计师、中国注册税务师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院行政管理系主任。兼中国财政学会理事,以及财政部、公安部、国务院扶贫办等部委特聘绩效评价咨询专家。学术经历博士:财政部财政科学研究所财政学专业经济学博士1999.9-2002.7硕士:财政部财政科学研究所财政学专业税收方向经济学硕士1988.9-1991.7学士:山西财经学院 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-栗玉香 教授
    女,汉族,1963年10月生,河南辉县市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院党总支副书记学术经历博士:北京师范大学教育经济与管理专业2001.9-2004.7硕士:河南大学教育管理专业1986.9-1989.7学士:河南大学教育学专业1982.9-1986.7高级访问:美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)2012.9-2013.9工作经历1992年7月至1995年9月 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨燕英 教授
    女,汉族,北京市人,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院公共事业管理系副主任、学院学位委员会委员学术经历博士:中央财经大学财政学院财政专业(财政税收理论与政策),2008.9-2011.6硕士:中央财经大学财政学院财政学专业,2004.9-2006.6学士:中央财经大学财政系财政学专业,1984.9-1988.6访问:香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系,2013.4-2013.7工作经 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐焕东 教授
    徐焕东,1962年11月生,湖北省黄冈市罗田县人,现任中央财经大学政府管理学院教授学习和工作经历1999.7—至今,中央财经大学政府管理学院任教1989.3—1999.7,原中央财政管理干部学院任教1988.7—1989.3,北京市财政局预算处工作1985.7—1988.7,财政部财政科学研究所财政专业1983.7—1985.7,湖北省财政专科学校任教1979.9—1983.7,中南财经政法大学财 ...
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  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王福重 教授
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20
  • 中央财经大学政府管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李文彬 教授
    李文彬,男,汉族,1965年6月生,山东省临朐县人,经济学博士,工商管理博士后,教授,硕士生导师学术经历博士后:中央财经大学工商管理专业2008.12-2010.11博士:中国人民大学商学院产业经济学专业(企业国际化经营方向)2003.9-2006.6硕士:山东大学政治经济学专业(企业管理方向)1993.9-1996.6学士:山东大学经济学系经济学专业1984.9-1988.6工作经历1994年1 ...
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