中央财经大学体育经济与管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Professor Hans Westerbeek
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-20
Professor Hans Westerbeek
BPhysEd, MSc Human Movement, Groningen;MBA, Deakin; PhD International Marketing, Deakin
Dean, College of Sport and Exercise Science
Prior to taking on the role of Dean,College of Sport and Exercise Science in 2013, Professor Hans Westerbeek was the founding Director (January 2010) of the Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL).
Professor Westerbeek started his academic career at Deakin University in 1994 in the sport management program. He was also a Senior Research Associate in the Centre for Business Research at Deakin before moving to La Trobe University in 2003. During his time there he held several positions, including Chair of Sport Management and Head of School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management.
He is a past President (and founding Board member) of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand and of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Australia. He continues to serve as a Chair of Sport Management at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium). He is a member of Club Melbourne and also a Board member of Australian Football League (AFL) Europe, the AFL-endorsed governing body in Europe.
Before migrating to Australia in 1994, he worked as a marketing professional in the Netherlands. He co-founded the European Association for Sport Management and was a founding member of the European Union's European Network of Sport Science Institutes.
Professor Westerbeek is an active researcher, corporate facilitator, author and consultant to numerous organisations and governments in a variety of countries including Australia, the USA, Malaysia, China, the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, the Netherlands, Brazil, India, Switzerland, New Zealand and Japan.
He has worked for more than 50 different organisations including:
Western Mining Company
Coles Myer
Hewlett Packard
Al Jazira Sport and Cultural Club
the Australian Football League
the Australian Paralympic Committee
Tennis Australia
Cricket Australia
Netball Victoria
PGA of Australia
Australian Sports Commission
Australian Institute of Sport
Royal Dutch Football Association
Innosport Netherlands
Dutch Olympic Committee
Saujana Golf and Country Club (Malaysia)
FIFA (football)
FIVB (volleyball)
Professor Westerbeek has received numerous awards recognising his work including:
an Honorary Life Membership of the Alumni
Sport Management Society of the Hanze University of Applied Science in the Netherlands, for contributions to the field of sport management;
an Exceptional Contributions Award from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Australia upon retiring from the Board of Management after 6 years of service;
the Henry Fong Award for contributions to Global Citizenship, awarded by the International Network of Universities (including a full Scholarship as a visiting Professor to James Madison University in the USA and Malmo University in Sweden);
a Recognition of Exemplary Service for serving as Vice President (2002) and President (2003-2005) of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.
Recent publications
Professor Westerbeek has (co)authored more than 200 scientific, popular science and opinion articles, 23 books and 16 book chapters. His books have been translated in Dutch, Greek, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. A selection of this work is presented below.
De Bosscher, V., Shibli, S., Westerbeek,H.M., & Bottenburg van, M. (2015). Successful elite sport policies. An international comparison of the Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS 2.0) in 15 nations. Germany, Meyer and Meyer.
Shilbury, D., Westerbeek, H.M., Funk, D.,Quick, S. & Karg, A. (2014). Strategic Sport Marketing. 4th edition.Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Verhoogt, P., Westerbeek, H.M., Boer de, W.& Schoemaker, J. (2013). Sport and innovation: a success story? an international survey about innovation in sport. Nieuwegein: the Netherlands,ARKO Sports Media.
Theeboom, M., Westerbeek, H.M. & De Knop, P. (2012) (Eds.). EU-involvement in sport. Between inspiration and regulation. Brussels: Academic Scientific Publishers.
Hoye, R., Smith, A., Nicholson, M.,Stewart, B. & Westerbeek, H.M. (2012). Sport Management: Principles and Applications. 3nd edition. London/New York: Routledge.
Refereed journal articles
Eime, R.M., Sawyer, N., Harvey, J.T.,Casey, M.M., Westerbeek, H.M, Payne, W.R. (2014). Integrating Public Health and Sport Management: Sport participation trends 2001-2010. Sport Management Review.
Truyens, J., Bosscher de, V., Heyndels, B.& Westerbeek, H.M. (2013). A resource-based perspective on countries’competitive advantage in elite athletics . International Journalof Sport Policy and Politics.
Westerbeek, H.M. & Linley, M. (2012)Building city brands through sport events: theoretical and empirical perspectives.Journal of Brand Strategy. 1 (2), 1-13.
Spaaij, R. and Westerbeek, H.M. (2010) Sport business and social capital: a contradiction in terms? Sport in Society.13 (09), 1359-1376.
Smith, A. & Westerbeek, H.M. (2007) Sport as a Vehicle for Deploying Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Corporate Citizenship. 7(25), 43-54.
Popular science/opinion pieces
Westerbeek, H.M. (2014). What sport will look like in 2032 , The Age online. Published 20 August(Australia).
Westerbeek, H.M. (2014). Melbourne sports capital of the world, not quite , The Age online and in print.Published 12 August (Australia).
Westerbeek, H.M. (2014). FIFA is back to its core business but Platini should replace Blatter. The Conversation. Published on 6 June (Australia).
Westerbeek, H.M. (2014). Qatar saga shows why fifa should return football to the fans . The Conversation.Published on 6 June (Australia).
Westerbeek, H.M. (2014). Making young Australians good sports through fair play , The Age online. Published 27 May(Australia).
Conference presentations
Professor Westerbeek has delivered more than 200 presentations at conferences, invited keynote lectures, and expert meetings on all continents except Antarctica (suffice to say that he is looking forward to his first conference presentation over there!).
Postgraduate research students
Professor Westerbeek currently supervises five PhD students at Victoria University and three PhD students at the Free University of Brussels.
Research grants
Professor Westerbeek has been a leader of,or contributor to, more than 60 academic and research consultancy projects with a total funding allocation of more than $AUD 6 million.
Research consultancy examples include:
Research into the opinion of football fans about the newly introduced play-off structure in the Dutch Premier Football League', on behalf of Eredivisie CV: company owned by Dutch Royal Football Association. (Netherlands)
‘Sponsorship Value Audit' for NSW Rowing (Sydney, Australia)
‘Tennis Victoria Organisation Audit' for Tennis Victoria (Melbourne, Australia).
Applied research examples include:
Literature review female active-wear buyer behaviour. Report for the Australian Sporting Goods Association. ISEAL team.
Victorian Sport Integrity Capability Analysis, Report prepared for Sport and Recreation Victoria. ISEAL team.
Active and Healthy Ageing through Sport.Report prepared for the Australian Sports Commission, ISEAL team.
Sporting excellence through partnership and development – phase 1. For the Kerala government, Trivandrum, India, ISEALteam.
Determination of objective and subjective performance characteristics of an AFL football. For the Australian Football League, ISEAL team.
Fundamental research examples include:
Early childhood preference formation of sport and sport team.
Sponsorship as co-branding: identification with transnational sporting brands and the impact on sponsor product preference
Examining Social Responsibility in Sport
Organisations: Towards a Policy Framework.
Appearances in the media
Professor Westerbeek is a regular contributor to critical debate in the global media having delivered more than 140 interviews to print and broadcast media in countries such as Australia, India, Russia, the Netherlands, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Denmark,Portugal, Belgium, the UK, and the USA. He also is a regular online contributor.
College of Sport and Exercise Science
Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL)
Areas of expertise
Business of football (soccer)
Commercial development of sport Destination marketing/branding through major sport events
Social value of sport
Sport business and sport marketing
Strategic management of sport and sport organisations
Structure and design of (elite) sport systems
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首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-侯娜
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-库桂生
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-余冬平
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-郝朝艳
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘建伟
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20中央财经大学国防经济与管理研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-王沙骋
首页本院概况院长致辞研究院简介研究院领导组织机构学术委员会学位委员会教学委员会学生工作组考核聘任组党政联席会院务会党支部工会办公室教学科研管理办公室新闻中心综合新闻工作速递通知公告师资队伍学术团队派遣教学国际专家行政团队访问学术研究学术广角讲座研讨论文媒体声音研究生论文教学培养研究生培养本科生教学博士后继续教育管理制度下载专区党群学生博士研究生硕士研究生硕博连读研究生会支部生活工会活动光荣榜就业信 ...中央财经大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-20