

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-20


工学学士 电子信息工程
管理学学士 工商管理

中国, 北京

信息学 (Informatics)


2012.9 - 2017.5
爱荷华大学 商学院

2017.7 – 现在
中央财经大学 信息学院

研究方向 社会网络分析,社交媒体挖掘,数据挖掘与商务智能,健康管理,大数据预测

1.Wang, X., Zhao, K., and Street, N. (2017). Analyzing and predicting user participations in online health communities —A social support perspective. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 19(4), e130.(影响因子:5.175,JCR Q1-Health Care Sciences & Services,JCR Q1-Medical Informatics, 入藏号:待更新)

2.Pearson, J. L., Amato, M. S., Wang, X., Zhao, K., Cha, S., Cohn, A. M., Papandonatos, G. D., & Graham, A. L. (2017). How US Smokers Refer to E-cigarettes: An Examination of User-Generated Posts from a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention, 2008–2015. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(2), 253–257. (影响因子:4.609,JCR Q1- Substance Abuse, JCR Q1- Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, 入藏号: WOS:017)

3.Cohn, A. M., Zhao, K., Cha, S., Wang, X., Amato, M. S., Pearson, J. L., M., Papandonatos, G. D., & Graham, A. L. (2017). A descriptive study of the prevalence and typology of alcohol-related posts in an online social network for smoking cessation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 78(5), 665-673.(影响因子:2.5,JCR Q2-Psychology,JCR Q3-Substance Abuse, 入藏号:WOS:003)

4.Graham, A. L., Zhao, K., Papandonatos, G. D., Erar, B., Wang, X., Amato, M. S., Cha, S., Cohn, A. M., & Pearson, J. L. (2017).A prospective examination of online social network dynamics and smoking cessation. PLOS ONE. 12(8), e**. (影响因子:2.806,JCR Q1-Multidisciplinary Sciences 入藏号:WOS:077)

5.Zhao, K., Wang, X., Cha, S., Cohn, A. M., Papandonatos, G. D., Amato, M. S., Pearson, J. L., & Graham, A. L. (2016). A multirelational social network analysis of an online health community for smoking cessation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(8), e233. (第一作者为本人导师, SCI, 影响因子:5.175,JCR Q1- Health Care Science & Services,JCR Q1- Medical Informatics,入藏号: WOS:028)

6.Zhao, K., Wang, X., Yu, M., & Gao, B. (2014). User Recommendations in Reciprocal and Bipartite Social Networks–An Online Dating Case Study. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(2), 27–35. (第一作者为本人导师, SCI,影响因子:2.340,JCR Q1- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, JCR Q1- Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 入藏号: WOS:005)

1.Wang, X., Zhao, K.,Cha, S., Amato, M. S., Cohn, A. M., Pearson, J. L., George D. Papandonatos & Graham, A. L. (2017). Identifying Smoking Status from User-Generated Content in An Online Community for Smoking Cessation—A Machine Learning Approach, In Proceedings of 27th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2017,在线发表,检索号:待更新)

2.Lin, Q., Wang, X., and Zhao, K. (2017) Reciprocal Recommendation in Online Dating by Binary Matrix Completion with Data-Dependent Regularization. In Proceedings of 1st INFORMS workshop on Data Science (INFORMS DS 2017, Best Paper Award, 在线发表, 检索号:待更新)

3.Wang, X., Zuo, Z., Chang, Zhang, Y., Zhao, K., Chang, Y., & Chou, C., (2016). Investigating Regional Prejudice in China through the Lens of Weibo. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2016 , SCI 检索, 入藏号:WOS:034)

4.Zuo, Z., Wang, X., Eichmann, D., and Zhao, K. (2016). Research Collaborations in Multidisciplinary Environments – a Case Study of iSchools, In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW 2016 Companion,检索号:待更新)

5.Chang, Y., Chou, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. and Hsu, W. (2016). Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Microblog Message Using Neural Network-based Vector Representation for Measuring Regional Prejudice. In Proceedings of 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016,在线发表, EI: 20**8)

6.Wang, X., Zhao, K., Pant, G. and Rodriguez, J. (2015). The Diffusion of User Roles via Social Networks in Online Health Communities," In Proceedings of 25th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2015,在线发表,EI:20**1)

7.Wang, X., Zuo, Z. and Zhao, K. (2015). The Evolution and Diffusion of User Roles in Online Health Communities – A Social Support Perspective. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2015, SCI 检索, 入藏号: WOS:006, EI 检索,检索号:20**1)

8.Wang, X., Zuo, Z. and Zhao, K. (2015). The Evolution of User Roles in Online Health Communities – A Social Support Perspective. In Proceedings of 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015,在线发表, EI: 20**9)

9.Wang, X., Zhao, K. and Street, N. (2014). Social Support and User Engagement in Online Health Communities. In Proceedings of International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH 2014, EI检索, 检索号:20**2)

10.Wang, X., and Zhao, K. (2014). Social Support and User Engagement in Online Health Communities. In Proceedings of 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014,在线发表, EI: 20**3)

11.Wang, X., Xiao, B., Lin, Z. and Lu, Y. (2012). A Tweets Recommendation Algorithm Based on User Relationship and Text Emotional Tendentiousness. In 2012 3rd IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2012, SCI 检索, 入藏号: WOS:0003**, EI 检索,检索号:20**5)

12.Wang, X., Xiao, B., Lin, Z. and Chen, H. (2011). An Empirical Research of Critical Incident of Earthquake Disaster Based on Credible Association Mining. In 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2011,EI检索,检索号:201**)

13.Wang, X., Cao, X. and Zhang, X. (2011). Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation Based on Triangular Fuzzy Number and The Theory of Knowledge Cycle. In 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM 2011, EI检索,检索号:201**)

研究项目 美国国家卫生研究院基金资助项目 授权号R01CA192345
社会兼职及荣誉 ·会议分会主持
1.2017 INFORMS: Analyzing Social Networks and Social Media for Healthcare
2.2016 INFORMS: Predictive Analytics in Data Science
3.2015 INFORMS: Social Network Analytics
4.2015 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference: Big Data Analytics & Informatics
1.International Journal of Medical Informatics
2.Journal of Medical Internet Research
1.2017, 2016 Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS)
2.2017 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science (INFORMS DS)
3.2017, 2016, 2015 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction (SBP)
4.2016 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
5.2016 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
6.2016, 2015 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM)
7.2016 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
8.2015 Internet Conference on Smart Health (ICSH)
9.2015, 2014 Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST)
10.2015 ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
11.2014 INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Analytics (INFORMS DMA)
12.2014 Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (MWAIS)
学术组织会员 ·Association for Information Systems.
·Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
获奖情况 ·2015.4SBP会议数据挑战赛冠军(Winning Entry of 2015 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction Grand Challenge: The Origins of Regional Discrimination in China)
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