

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-20

Associate Professor, LEED AP
PhD in Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida
PhD in Management Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Central University of Finance and Economics
Shahe Higher Education Park, Beijing, China 102206
Office:Bldg 4, Rm 338
Email:yuan.chang@cufe.edu.cn; changyuan82@163.com

Research Interests
Life-cycle assessment, green building and infrastructure systems, sustainable engineering modeling

Associate professor, Central University of Finance and Economics
Assistant professor, Central University of Finance and Economics
Postdoctoral research fellow, Northwestern University
Research assistant, University of Florida

Construction project risk management (undergraduate)
Introduction to sustainable construction (undergraduate)
Introduction to construction engineering (undergraduate)
Green building construction and management (undergraduate)
High-performance green building delivery systems (graduate)
Sustainable built environment decision-making method (graduate)

Selected Publications(SCI/SSCI, *corresponding author)
Meng, F.X., Liu, G.Y.,Chang, Y., Su, M.R., Hu, Y.C., Yang, Z.F.*, 2019. Quantification of urban water-carbon nexus using disaggregated input-output model: a case study in Beijing (China).Energy, in press.
Zhang, P.P., Zhang, L.X.*,Chang, Y., Xu, M., Hao, Y., Liang, S., Liu, G.Y., Yang, Z.F., Wang, C., 2019. Food-Energy-Water (FEW) nexus for urban sustainability: a comprehensive review.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 142:215-224.

Chang, Y.*, Li, X.D., Masanet, E., Zhang, L.X., Huang, Z.Y., Ries, R., 2018.Unlocking the green opportunity for prefabricated buildings and construction in China.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 139:259-261.

Wang, C.B.,Chang, Y., Zhang, L.X.*, Chen, Y.S., Pang, M.Y., 2018. Quantifying uncertainties in greenhouse gas accounting of biomass power generation in China: System boundary and parameters.Energy, 158:121-127.

Zhang, J.X.,Chang, Y.*, Zhang, L.X., Li, D., 2018. Do technological innovations promote urban green development?—A spatial econometric analysis of 105 cities in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 182:395-403.

Yang, J.H.,Chang, Y., Zhang, L.X.*, Hao, Y., Yan, Q., Wang, C.B., 2018. The Life-cycle Energy and Environmental Emissions of a Typical Offshore Wind Farm in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 180:316-324.

Yao, Y.*,Chang, Y., Huang, R.Z., Zhang, L.X., Masanet, E., 2018. Environmental implications of the methanol economy in China: well-to-wheel comparison of energy and environmental emissions for different methanol fuel production pathways.Journal of Cleaner Production, 172:1381-1390.

Zhang, J.X.,Chang, Y.*, Wang, C.B., Zhang, L.X., 2018. The green efficiency of industrial sectors in China: A comparative analysis based on sectoral and supply-chain quantifications.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 132:269-277.

Chang, Y.*, Gu, Y.R., Zhang, L.X., Wu, C.Y., Liang, L., 2017. Energy and environmental implications of using geothermal heat pumps in buildings: An example from north China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 167:484-492.

Zhang, J.X., Liu, Y.M.*,Chang, Y., Zhang, L.X., 2017. Industrial eco-efficiency in China: A provincial quantification using three-stage data envelopment analysis.Journal of Cleaner Production, 143:238-249.

Wang, C.B.,Chang, Y., Zhang, L.X.*, Pang, M.Y., Yan, H., 2017. A life-cycle comparison of the energy, environmental and economic impacts of coal versus wood pellets for generating heat in China.Energy, 120:374-384.

Zhang, L.X.*, Hao, Y.,Chang, Y., Pang, M.Y., Tang, S.J., 2017. Emergy based resource intensities of industry sectors in China.Journal of Cleaner Production, 142:829-836.

Yu, C.*, Shi, L., Wang, Y.T.,Chang, Y., Cheng, B.D*., 2016. The eco-efficiency of pulp and paper industry in China: an assessment based on slacks-based measure and Malmquist–Luenberger index.Journal of Cleaner Production, 127:511-521.

Chang, Y.*, Li, G.J., Yao, Y., Zhang, L.X., Yu, C., 2016. Quantifying the water-energy-food nexus: current status and trends.Energies, 9(2):65. (Invited Paper)

Chang, Y.*, Huang, Z.Y., Ries, R., Masanet, E., 2016. The embodied air pollutant emissions and water footprints of buildings in China: A quantification using disaggregated input-output life cycle inventory model.Journal of Cleaner Production, 113:274-284.

Chang, Y.*, Huang, R.Z., Ries, R., Masanet, E*., 2015. Life-cycle comparison of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption for coal and shale gas fired power generation in China.Energy, 86:335-343.

Wang, C.B., Zhang, L.X.*,Chang, Y., Pang, M.Y., 2015.Biomass direct-fired power generation system in China: An integrated energy, GHG emissions, and economic evaluation for Salix.Energy Policy, 84:155-165.

Yao, Y.*,Chang, Y., Masanet, E*., 2014. A hybrid life-cycle inventory for multi-crystalline silicon PV module manufacturing in China.Environmental Research Letters,9:114001.

Masanet, E.*,Chang, Y., Yao, Y., Briam, R., Huang, R.Z., 2014. Reflections on a massive open online life cycle assessment course.International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,19(12):1901-1907.

Masanet, E.*,Chang, Y., 2014. Who cares about LCA? A survey of 900 prospective LCA practitioners.Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18(6):787-791.

Chang, Y.*, Huang, R.Z., Masanet, E*., 2014. The energy, water, and air pollution implications of tapping China's shale gas reserves.Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 91:100-108.

Chang, Y.*, Huang, R.Z., Ries, R., Masanet, E., 2014. Shale-to-well energy use and air pollutant emissions of shale gas production in China.Applied Energy, 125:147-157.

Chang, Y.*, Ries, R., Man, Q.P., Wang, Y.W., 2014. Disaggregated I-O LCA model for building product chain energy quantification: a case from China.Energy and Buildings, 72:212-221.

Chang, Y.*, Ries, R., Wang, Y.W., 2013. Life-cycle energy of residential buildings in China.Energy Policy, 62:656-664.

Masanet, E.*,Chang, Y., Gopal, A., Larsen, P., Morrow. W., Sathre, R., Shehabi, A., Zhai, P., 2013. Life-cycle assessment of electric power systems.Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 38:107-136.

Chang, Y.*, Ries, R., Lei, S.H., 2012. The embodied energy and emissions of a high-rise education building: a quantification using process-based hybrid life cycle inventory model.Energy and Buildings, 55:790-798.

Chang, Y.*, Ries, R., Wang, Y.W., 2011. The quantification of the embodied impacts of construction projects on energy, environment, and society based on I-O LCA.Energy Policy, 39(10):6321-6330.

Chang, Y.*, Ries, R., Wang, Y.W., 2010.The embodied energy and environmental emissions of construction projects in China: an economic input-output LCA model.Energy Policy, 38(11):6597-6603.

Professional Services
Reviewer ofApplied Energy; Applied Geography; Carbon Management; Climate Policy; Ecological Indicators; Energy; Energy and Buildings; Energy Efficiency; Energy Policy; Environmental Science & Technology; Global Ecology and Conservation; Journal of Cleaner Production; Journal of Environmental Management; Natural Resources Forum (NRF): A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal; Resources, Conservation and Recycling; Science of the Total Environment; Utilities Policy; 2010 ASCE Construction Research Congress

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