

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-26




先后在河南广播电视大学濮阳分校(1987-1992)、攀枝花学院(1995-2000)和中国传媒大学(2003-今)从事过教育工作。1998到2000年初,有过短暂的执业律师经历,2002年8月到12月期间,是丹麦人权研究所(Danish Institute for Human Rights)的访问学者。



Curriculum vitae(Wang Sixin)

Wang Sixin, male, LLM(1995) & J.D.(2003), post doctoral researcher of Communication University of China (CUC), associate professor of the faculty of law , vice-chairman of the Media Law and Policy Research Centre. He graduated from Law Department of HeNan University (1987), SouthWest University of Political Science & Law (1995) and Post Graduate Institute of Chinese Academe of Social Science (CASS) (2003).

His working experiences includes: a teacher of TV and Broadcasting University of Henan Province, branch of Puyang city (1987-1992); a teacher of Panzhihua College (1995-2000) and CUC (2003- ). During 1998 and 2000, he was a lawyer and a visiting scholar of the Danish Institute of Human Rights during Aug, 2002 to Dec.2002.

He concentrates his academic study Currently on Human Rights and Basic theory of Mass Communication Law. He was an author of over 10 published academic articles in different journals; co-translator of U.N.Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary (Sanlian Publishing House, 2003), etc.; co-author of Introduction of Move and TV Law (Fudan University Publishign House, 2005),etc.and a participator of many Human Rights Programs, one of them is an EU Program, named in Study on China Human Rights Education.

He had been and will continue to be a teacher of various subject, including the History of Foreign Legal System, the History of Western Legal Thoughts, the Rights to Speak as well as the Basic Theory of Mass Communication Law (in English), etc., of CUC. His contact information is as follow:



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