姓名:吴昊 性别:男 职称:主任医师、教授 招生院所:北京佑安医院 招生类型:科学与专业学位(博) 科学与专业学位(硕) 招生专业:内科学(传染病)(博) 内科学(传染病)(硕) 研究方向名称:新发、突发传染病和性病艾滋病 电子信箱:whdoc@sina.com
1. 中国性病艾滋病防治协会副秘书长
2. 中国性病艾滋病防治协会学术委员会副主任委员
3. 中国预防性病艾滋病基金会专家委员会副主任委员
4. 卫健委应急咨询委员会委员
5. 卫健委传染病标准委员会委员
6. 卫健委艾滋病专家咨询委员会委员
7. 中华医学会感染免疫分会常务委员
8. 中华科技奖评审委员会委员
9. 北京医学会医学病毒学会副主任委员
10. 中华医学会医学病毒学分会委员
1. 197809-198307:徐州医学院 本科
2. 198309-199009:江苏省淮阴市传染病医院 住院医师和主治医师
3. 199009-199307:首都医科大学 硕士
4. 199307-199403:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院医务科 干事
5. 199404-199510:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院8病区 主治医师
6. 199511-199810:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院8病区 副主任医师/副教授
7. 199810-200010:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院感染科 副主任医师/副教授
1. Xu L#, Wang J#, Liu Y, Xie L, Su B, Mou D, Wang L, Liu T, Wang X, Zhang B, Zhao L,Hu L, Ning H, Zhang Y, Deng K, Liu L, Lu X, Zhang T, Xu J, Li C, Wu H*, Deng H* and Chen H*.CRISPR-Edited Stem Cells in a Patient with HIV and Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. The New England Journal of Medcine. 2019,381(13):1240-1247.SCI
2. Xing Hu#,Xiaojie Huang#,Hui Chen,Tong Zhang,Jianhua Hou, Aixin Song,Lei Ding,Weiyuan Liu,Hao Wu,*and Fankun Meng*.Diagnostic effect of shear wave elastography imaging for differentiation of malignant liver lesions: a meta-analysis. BMC gastroenterology. 2019,19:60.SCI
3. Na Guo#, Lifeng Liu#, Xiaodong Yang#,Ting Song,Guanxin Li, Li Li, Taiyi Jiang,Yanqing Gao,Tong Zhang* ,Bin Su* and Hao Wu*.Immunological Changes in Monocyte Subsets and Their Association With Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells in HIV-1-Infected Individuals With Syphilis: A Brief Research Report. Frontiers in immunology. 2019,10:714.SCI
4. Zhiyuan Yang#,Xiaojie Huang#,Xinchao Liu,Jianhua Hou,Wenfang Wu, Aixin Song, Kathrine Meyers, Tong Zhang, Hui Chen* and Hao Wu*.Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Chinese Version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in People Living With HIV. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2019,10:346.SCI
5. Yinqiu Huang#,Xiaojie Huang#,Hui Chen, Hao Wu* and Yaokai Chen*.Efficacy and Safety of Raltegravir-Based Dual Therapy in AIDS Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2019,10:1225.SCI
6. Yang H, Li X, Yang X, Lu P,Wang Y, Jiang Z, Pan H, Zhao L, Zhu Y, Khan IU, Shen Y, Lu H, Zhang T, Jiang G, Ma Z*, Wu H* and Zhu H*.Dual effects of the novel ingenol derivatives on the acute and latent HIV-1 infections. Antiviral Research. 2019,169:104555.SCI
7. Ting S,Wang L,Su B,Zeng W,Jiang T,Zhang T,Sun G*,Wu H*.Diagnostic value of alpha-fetoprotein, Lens culinaris agglutinin-reactive alpha-fetoprotein, and desgamma- carboxyprothrombin in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. The Journal of international medical research. 2019,-:1-9.SCI
8. Xiaojie Huang#, Kathrine Meyers #, Xinchao Liu#, Xia Li, Tong Zhang, Wei Xia,Jiahua Hou, Aixin Song, Haolan He, Chongxi Li, Shenghua He, Weiping Cai,Huolin Zhong, Chengyu Huang, Shuiqing Liu, Hui Wang, Xuemei Ling, Ping Ma,Rongxia Ye, Gang Xiao, Taisheng Li, Ding Ding, Kristine Yaffe, Hui Chen*,Yaok.The Double Burdens of Mental Health Among AIDS Patients With Fully Successful Immune Restoration: A Cross-Sectional Study of Anxiety and Depression in China. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2018,9:384.SCI
9. Xiaojie Huang#, Xinchao Liu#, Jieqing Chen#, Yugang Bao, Jianhua Hou, Xiaofan Lu, Wei Xia, Hua Xia, Aixing Song, Zhiying Liu, Bin Su, Hui Chen*, Yaokai Chen*, Hao Wu*.Evaluation of Blood-Based Antibody Rapid Testing for HIV Early Therapy: A Meta-Analysis of the Evidence. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018,9:1458.SCI
10. Yinqiu Huang#, Xiaojie Huang#, Yadong Luo, Yihong Zhou, Xingbao Tao, Chen H, Aixin Song, Yaokai Chen*, Hao Wu*.Assessing the Efficacy of Lopinavir/Ritonavir-Based Preferred and Alternative Second-Line Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Key Evidence to Support WHO Recommendations. Front Pharmacol. 2018,9:890.SCI
11. Aixin Song#, Xinchao Liu#, Xiaojie Huang#, Kathrine Meyers, Djin-Ye Oh, Jianhua Hou,Wei Xia, Bin Su, Ni Wang, Xiaofan Lu, Huan Xia, Xiaodong Yang, Hui Chen*and Hao Wu*.From CD4-Based Initiation to Treating All HIV-Infected Adults Immediately: An Evidence-Based Meta-analysis. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018,9:212.SCI
12. Su B#, Fu Y#, Liu Y, Wu H, Ma P, Zeng W, Zhang T*, Lian S*, Wu H*.Potential Application of microRNA Profiling to the Diagnosis and Prognosis of HIV-1 Infection. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2018,9:3185.SCI
13. Huang X#, Liu X#, Chen J#, Bao Y, Hou J, Lu X, Xia W, Xia H, Song A, Liu Z, Su B, Chen H*, Chen Y*, Wu H*.Evaluation of Blood-Based Antibody Rapid Testing for HIV Early Therapy: A Meta-Analysis of the Evidence. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018,9:1458.SCI
14. Xia H, Jiang W, Zhang X, Qin L, Su B, Li Z, Sun J, Zhang Y, Zhang T, Lu X*, Wu H*.Elevated Level of CD4+ T Cell Immune Activation in Acutely HIV-1-Infected Stage Associates With Increased IL-2 Production and Cycling Expression, and Subsequent CD4+ T Cell Preservation. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018,9:616.SCI
15. Xiaojie Huang#, Jianhua Hou#, Aixin Song, Xinchao Liu, Xiaodong Yang, Junjie Xu,Jing Zhang, Qinghai Hu, Hui Chen, Yaokai Chen, Kathrine Meyers* and Hao Wu*.Efficacy and Safety of Oral TDF-Based Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Pharmacol.. 2018,9:799.SCI
16. Zhiying Liu#, Luxin Qiao#, Yulin Zhang, Yunjin Zang, Ying Shi, Kai Liu, Xin Zhang, Xiaofan Lu, Lin Yuan, Bin Su, Tong Zhang, Hao Wu*, Dexi Chen*.ASPP2 plays a dual role in gp120-induced autophagy and apoptosis of neuroblastoma cells.. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE. 2017,11:150.SCI
17. Peng Chen#, Bin Su#, Tong Zhang, Xiaojing Zhu, Wei Xia, Yan Fu, Guoxian Zhao, Huan Xia, Lili Dai, Lijun Sun, Lifeng Liu*, Hao Wu*.Perturbations of Monocyte Subsets and Their Association with T Helper Cell Differentiation in Acute and Chronic HIV-1-Infected Patients.. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 2017,8:272.SCI
18. Zhu J#, Zhang T#, Cao L, Li A, Zheng K, Zhang N, Su B, Chen Z, Chen N, Wu H*, He Q*.Toll like receptor 7 polymorphisms in relation to disease susceptibility and progression in Chinese patients with chronic HBV infection.. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017,7(1):12417.SCI
19. Huang X#, Li H#, Meyers K#, Xia W, Meng Z, Li C, Bai J, He S, Cai W, Huang C, Liu S, Wang H, Ling X, Ma P, Tan D, Wang F, Ruan L, Zhao H, Wei H, Liu Y, Yu J, Lu H, Wang M, Zhang T, Chen H*, Wu H*.Burden of sleep disturbances and associated risk factors: A cross-sectional survey among HIV-infected persons on antiretroviral therapy across China.. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017,7(1):3657.SCI
20. Yuan Lin#, Wei Feili#, Zhang Xin, Guo Xianghua, Lu Xiaofan, Su Bin, Zhang Tong, Wu Hao*, Chen Dexi*.Intercellular Adhesion Molecular-5 as Marker in HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder.. AGING AND DISEASE. 2017,8(3):250-256.SCI
21. Guoxian Zhao#, Lifeng Liu#, Bin Su, Tong Zhang, Peng Chen, Wei Li*, Hao Wu*.The dynamic changes of interferon lambdas related genes and proteins in JAK/STAT pathway in both acute and chronic HIV-1infected patients. AIDS RESEARCH AND THERAPY. 2017,14(1):31.SCI
22. Yang Wang, Xiaofan Lu, Hao Wu*, Wei Li*.Gut-homing α4β7 CD4+ T cells: potential key players in both acute HIV infection and HIV-associated cancers.. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2017,15(2):190-192.SCI
23. Z. LIU, Y. ZHANG, F. WEI, M. XU, D. MOU, T. ZHANG,W. LI,D. CHEN,H. WU*.Detection of GB virus C genomc sequence in the cerebrospinal fluid of a HIV-infected patient in China: a case report and literature review. Epidem inology and Infection. 2016,144(1):106-112.SCI
24. Zhao J, Nie J, Jiao Y, Li L, Zhang T, Liu Q,Huang W, Wu H*, Wang Y*.Effect of the maturation of neutralizing antibodies on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope evolution in HIV-infected subjects. Infection Genetics and Evolution. 2016,38:82-9.SCI
25. Hao Wu#, Ning Li#, Ronghua Jin, Qinghua Meng, Peng Chen, Guoxian Zhao, Rui Wang,Li Li, Wei Li.Cytokine levels contribute to thepathogenesis ofminimal hepaticencephalopathy in patients withhepatocellular carcinoma via STAT3. Scientific RepoRts. 2016,6:18528.SCI
26. Liu Z, Li W, Xu M, Sheng B, Yang Z, Jiao Y, Zhang T, Mou D, Chen D, Wu H*.Development of an in-house multiplex nested RT-PCR method for detecting acute HIV-1 infection in high risk populations. Current HIV Research. 2015,13(4):315-24.SCI
27. YanmeiJiao,Jingjing SongYonghong Zhang,WeiLi,TongZhang,Shwan M. Qi, Hao Wu*.Short communication: Longitudinal changes in peripheral blood NK cells during the first year of HIV-1 Infection in CD4Low and CD4High patient groups.. AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES. 2015,10(3):e**.SCI
28. Chen Y,Li N, Zhang T,Huang X, Cai F, Meng Z, Zhang X, Jiang C, Xu X, Montefiori DC, Gao F*, Wu H*.Comprehensive Characterization of the Transmitted/Founder env Genes From a Single MSM Cohort in China. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015,69(4):403-412.SCI
29. Yonghong Zhang#, ShokouhMakvandi-Nejad#, Ling Qin,Yan Zhao,Tong Zhang, Lili Wang,Emmanouela Repapi,Stephen Taylor, Andrew McMichael ,Ning Li*,Tao Dong*, Hao Wu* .Interferon-induced transmembrane protein-3 rs12252-C is associated with rapid progression of of acute HIV-1 infection in Chinese MSM cohort. AIDS. 2015,29(8):889-94.SCI
30. Yan-mei Jiao, Wen-jia Weng, Quan-sheng Gao, Wei-jun Zhu, Wei-ping Cai, Ling-huaLi,Hong-jun Li*, Yan-qing Gao*, Hao Wu*.Hepatitis C therapy with interferon- a and ribavirin reduces the CD4 cellcount and the total, 2LTR circular and integrated HIV-1 DNA in HIV/HCVco-infected patients. Antiviral Research. 2015,118:118-22.SCI
31. XiaofanLu,ZhenLi,QunhuiLi,YanmeiJiao,YunxiaJi,HongweiZhang,ZhuomingLi,Wei Li*, Hao Wu*.Preferential loss of gut-hominga4b7 CD4 1 T cell sandtheircirculating functional subsets in acute HIV-1 infection. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2015,13(6):776-784.SCI
32. Xin Sun#, Wei Li#, Wenzhen Liu, Rui Wang, Qunhui Li, Hao Wu*.Genetic polymorphisms of Trim5aare associated with disease progressionin acutely and chronically HIV-infected patients. Int J Clin Exp Med . 2015,8(9):16199-16206.SCI
33. Wei Li, Ronghua Jin, Peng Chen, Guoxian Zhao, Ning Li*,Hao Wu*.Clinical correlation betweenHBV infection and concomitant. Scientific RepoRts. 2015,5:15413.SCI
34. Wei Li,NingLi,Rui Wang, Qunhui Li*,HaoWu*.Interferon gamma, interleukin-6, and -17a levels were correlated. Hepatol Int. 2015,9(2):218-23.SCI
35. Yan-Mei Jiao, Cui-e Liu,Li-Jing Luo,Wei-Jun Zhu,TongZhang,Li-Guo Zhang,Li-Shan Su,Hong-Jun Li*,Hao Wu*.CD4+CD25+CD127regulatory cells playmultiple roles inmaintainingHIV-1 p24 production in patients on long-term treatment:HIV-1 p24-producing cells and suppression of anti-HIV immunity. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2015,37:42-49.SCI
36. Xiaojie Huang#, Yuanlong Xu#, Qiuying Yang, Jieqing Chen, Tong Zhang, Zaicun Li,Caiping Guo, Hui Chen*, Hao Wu* ,Ning Li*.Efficacy and biological safety oflopinavir/ritonavir based anti-retroviraltherapy in HIV-1-infected patients: ameta-analysis of randomized controlled. Scientific RepoRts. 2015,5:8528.SCI
37. Jiao Y#, Li N#, Chen X, Zhang T, Li H, Li W, Huang X, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Wu H*..Acute HIV infection is beneficial for controlling chronic hepatitis B.. Clin Infect Dis. . 2015,60(1):128-134..SCI
38. Yanmei Jiao,Xin Sun, Xiaojie Huang,Wei Li, Tong Zhang,Hao Wu*.Compare mDCs and pDCs between two distinct. AIDS Research and Therapy. 2014,11:22:-.SCI
39. Zhang Haihong, Jiao Yanmei, Li Hongjun, Zhu Weijun, Li Wei, Huang Xiaojie, Zhang Yonghong, Zhang Tong, Lian Shi,Wu Hao*.Longitudinal Changes in Total, 2-LTR Circular, and Integrated HIV-1 DNA Duringthe First Year of HIV-1 Infection in CD4 Low and CD4 High Patient Groups with HIV-1. Viral Immunology. 2014,27(9):478-82.SCI
40. Wen Wang, Wei Li, Xue Yang, Tong Zhang, Yuxuan Wang, Rui Zhong,Yanmei Jiao, TongzengLi, Taiyi Jiang, Yakun Tian, Hao Wu*.Interleukin-8 is elevated in severe hand, foot, and mouth disease. JID. 2014,8(1):94-100.SCI
41. Lili Dai, Supriya D. Mahajan, Caiping Guo, Tong Zhang, Wen Wang, Tongzeng Li, Taiyi Jiang,Hao Wu*, Ning Li*.Spectrum of central nervous system disorders in hospitalized HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2014,(1-2):88-92.SCI
42. Lili Dai, Supriya D. Mahajan, Caiping Guo, Tong Zhang, Wen Wang, Tongzeng Li, Taiyi Jiang,Hao Wu*, Ning Li*.Spectrum of central nervous system disorders in hospitalized HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2014,(1-2):88-92.SCI
43. Li W, Teng GJ, Tong HF, Jiao YM, Zhang T, Chen H, Wu H*.Study on risk factors for severe hand, foot and mouth disease in China. PLoS ONE. 2014,9(1):e87603.SCI
44. Li W, Sun GZ, Yu YH, Li N, Chen M, Jin RH, Jiao YM, Wu H*.Increasing occurrence of antimicrobial resistant hypervirulent (hypermucoviscous) Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in China. CID. 2014,58(2):225-32.SCI
45. Xiaojie Huang,Sara Lodi,Zoe Fox,Wei Li,Andrew Phillips,Kholoud Porter,Irja Lutsar,Anthony Kelleher,Ning Li,Xiaoning Xu,Hao Wu* and Anne M Johnson.Rate of CD4 decline and HIV-RNA change following HIV Seroconversion in men who have sex with men: a comparison between the Beijing PRIMO and CASCADE cohorts. J AIDS. 2013,62(4):441-446.SCI
46. L LI,Shi X,Lu Q,Zhang S,Wang X,Jiang X,H WU*.Role of Human CD4 D1D2 Domain in HIV-1 Infection. Immunol Invest. 2013,42(2):106-21.SCI
47. Chao Wang,YouXin Wang,XiaoJie Huang,Xia Li,YouXin Wang,Tong Zhang,LiJuan Wu,Juan Du,XiaoQin Lu,Shuang Shao,FeiFei Zhao,ManShu Song,Michele Ball,Hao Wu*,Wei Wang*.Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Immunization and Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Beijing,China. Plos One. 2012,7(10):1-8.SCI
48. Yang H, Wu H, Hancock G, Clutton G, Sande N, Xu X, Yan H, Huang X, Angus B, Kuldanek K, Fidler S, Denny TN, Birks J, McMichael A, Dorrell L.Antiviral inhibitory capacity of CD8+ T cells predicts the rate of CD4+ T-cell decline in HIV-1 infection. JID. 2012,206(4):552-61.SCI
49. Zhang M, Zhang H, Zhang T, Ji Y, Jiao Y, Wu H*.Longitudinal Changes of Peripheral Blood DC Subsets and Regulatory T Cells in Chinese Chronic HIV-1-Infected Patients during Antiretroviral Therapy. PLoS One. 2012,7(5):e37966.SCI
50. Zheng Wang,Mingshun Zhang,Yan Wang,Yanmei Jiao,Lu Zhang,Lin Li,Zuhu Huang,Hao Wu,Jingyun Li,Shan Lu,Shixia Wang.A versatile vector for the production of pseudotyped viruses expressing gp120 antigens from different clades of primary HIV-1 isolates. J Virol Methods. 2012,8(11):1630-37.SCI
51. Jiao Y, Zhang T, Wang R, Zhang H, Huang X, Yin J, Zhang L, Xu X, Wu H*.Plasma IP-10 Is Associated with Rapid Disease Progression in Early HIV-1 Infection. Viral Immunol. 2012,25(4):333-337.SCI
52. Xue Yang, Yan-mei Jiao,#, Rui Wang, Yun-xia Ji, Hong-wei Zhang, Yong-hong Zhang, De-xi Chen, Tong Zhang and Hao Wu*.High CCR5 Density on Central Memory CD4+ T cells in Acute HIV-1 Infection is Mostly Associated with Rapid Disease Progression. plos one. 2012,7(11):e49526.SCI
53. Z. LIU, L. LI, Z. CHEN, M. XU, T. ZHANG, Y. JIAO, B. SHENG, D. CHEN and H. WU*.Prevalence of GB virus type C viraemia in MSM with or without HIV-1 infection in Beijing, China. Epidemiol. Infect. 2012,140(12):2199-2209.SCI
54. Hua W, Jiao Y, Zhang H, Zhang T, Chen D, Zhang Y, Chen X, Wu H*.Central Memory CD4 Cells Are an Early Indicator of Immune Reconstitution in HIV/AIDS Patients with Anti-Retroviral Treatment. Immunol Invest. 2012,41:1-14.SCI
55. Wei Li, Xiaojie Huang, Hongfei Tong, Yuxuan Wang, Tong Zhang, Wen Wang, Lili Dai,Tongzeng Li, Shengzhang Lin*, Hao Wu*.Comparison of the Regulation of b-Catenin Signaling by Type I, Type II and Type III Interferons in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. plos one. 2012,7(10):e47040.SCI
56. Jiao Y, Song Y, Kou B, Wang R, Liu Z, Huang X, Chen D, Zhang T, Wu H*. Primary CXCR4 Co-receptor Use in Acute HIV Infection Leads to Rapid Disease Progression in the AE Subtype. Viral Immunol. 2012,25(4):262-267.SCI
57. Cohen CJ,Molina JM,Cahn P,Clotet B,Fourie J,Grinsztejn B,Wu H, Johnson MA,Saag M,Supparatpinyo K,Crauwels H,Lefebvre E,Rimsky LT,Vanveggel S,Williams P,Boven K,ECHO Study Group.THRIVE Study Group.Efficacy and Safety of Rilpivirine (TMC278) Versus Efavirenz at 48 Weeks in Treatment-Naive HIV-1–Infected Patients:Pooled Results From the Phase 3 Double-Blind Randomized ECHO and THRIVE Trials. J AIDS. 2012,60(1):30-42.SCI
58. Du Qiumei,Jiao Yanmei,Wang wei,Wu Hao*,Zhang Liguo*.Preferential depletion of CD2low plasmacytoid dendritic cells in HIV infected patients. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2011,8(5):441-444.SCI
59. Xiao-jie Huang,Hai-ying Li,De-xi Chen,Xi-cheng Wang,Zai-cun Li,Ya-song Wu,Tong Zhang,Yan-qing Gao and Hao Wu*.Clinical Analysis of Skin Lesions in 796 Chinese HIV-positive Patients. Acta Derm Venereol. 2011,91(5):552-556.SCI
60. Dong T,Zhang Y,Xu KY,Yan H,James I,Peng Y,Blais ME,Gaudieri S,Chen X,Lun W,Wu H,Qu WY,Rostron T,Li N,Mao Y,Mallal S,Xu X,McMichael A,John M,Rowland-Jones SL.Extensive HLA-driven viral diversity following a narrow-source HIV-1 outbreak in rural China. Blood. 2011,118(1):98-106.SCI
61. Calvin J Cohen,Jaime Andrade-Villanueva,Bonaventura Clotet,Jan Fourie,Margaret A Johnson,Kiat Ruxrungtham,Hao Wu,Carmen Zorrilla,Herta Crauwels,Laurence T Rimsky,Simon Vanveggel,Katia Boven.on behalf of the THRIVE study group.Rilpivirine versus efavirenz with two background nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in treatment-naive adults infected with HIV-1 (THRIVE):a phase 3,randomized,non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2011,378:229-237.SCI
62. YongHong Zhang,YanChun Peng,HuiPing Yan,Keyi Xu,Masumichi Saito,Hao Wu,XinYue Chen,Srinika Ranasinghe,Nozomi Kuse,Tim Powell,Yan Zhao,WeiHua Li,Xin Zhang,Xia Feng,Ning Li,Aleksandra Leligdowicz,XiaoNing Xu,Mina John,Masafumi Takiguchi,Andrew McMichael,Sarah Rowland-Jones and Tao Dong.Multilayered Defense in HLA-B51–Associated HIV Viral Control. J Immunol. 2011,187(2):684-691.SCI
63. Yanmei Jiao,Wei Hua,Tong Zhang,Hao Wu*.Characteristics of CD8+ T Cell Subsets in Chinese Patients with Chronic HIV Infection during Initial ART. AIDS Research and Therapy. 2011,8(15):-.SCI
64. Weijun Zhu,Yanmei Jiao,Rongyue Lei,Wei Hua,Rui Wang,Yunxia Ji,Zhiying Liu,Feili Wei,Tong Zhang,Xuanlin Shi,Hao Wu*,Linqi Zhang*.Rapid Turnover of 2-LTR HIV-1 DNA during Early Stage of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Plos One. 2011,6(6):e21081.SCI
65. Jiao Yanmei,Wang Pengfei,Zhang Tong,Zhu Huanzhang,Wu Hao*.HIV-1 co-receptor usage based on V3 Loop sequence analysis: Preferential suppression of CXCR4 virus post HAART?. Immunological Investigations. 2011,40(6):597-613.SCI
66. Hong Shang,Xiaoxu Han,Xuanling Shi,Teng Zuo,Mark Goldin,Dan Chen,Bing Han,Wei Sun,Hao Wu,Xinquan Wang and Linqi Zhang .Genetic and neutralization sensitivity of diverse HIV-1 env clones from chronically infected patients in China. J Biol Chem. 2011,286:14531-14541.SCI
67. Liu J, Wu H, Gao F, Gao GF.The Membrane Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Acts as a Dominant Immunogen Revealed by a Clustering Region of Novel Functionally and Structurally Defined Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Epitopes. JID. 2010,202(8):1171-80.SCI
68. Jiao Y, Zhang T, Wang S, Liu Q, Zhou H, Lu S, Wu H*.Profile of HIV-1 infected patients from an AIDS clinic in Beijing from 2007-2008. Curr HIV Res. 2010,8:515-520.SCI
69. Yan YX, Gao YQ, Sun X, Wang W, Huang XJ, Zhang T, Li M, Zang CP, Li ZC, Wu H*.Prevalence of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infections in HIV-positive Chinese patients. Epidemiol Infect. 2010,2:1-7.SCI
70. Li ZC, Li HJ,Dai ll,Gao YQ,Cai WP, LiHY, Huang, XJ, Zhang T, Wu H*.Liver injury in HIV-1-infected patients receiving non-nucleosides reverse transcriptase inhibitors-based antiretroviral therapy. Chinese Medical Journal. 2010,123:3587-90.SCI
71. Sheng A#, Lan J#, Wu H#, Lu J, Wang Y, Chu Q, Jia Z, Song M, Liu L, Wang W.A clinical case–control study on the association between mannosebinding lectin and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection among northern Han. Int J Immunogenet. 2010,37:445-54.SCI
72. Honghai Zhang,Yunjin Zang,Yu Sun,Ronghua Jin,Hao Wu,Meixia Wang,Ning Li,Dexi Chen.A new approach utilizing real-time qPCR to assay in vitro base excision repair. DNA Repair. 2010,9:898-906.SCI
73. Wu Yasong, Li Ning, Zhang Tong, Wu Hao, Huang Chun, Chen Dexi.Mitochondrial DNA base excision repair and mitochondrial DNA mutation in human hepatic HuH-7 cells exposed to stavudine. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. Mutat Res. 2009,664:28-38.SCI
74. Yanmei Jiao,Juan Li,Wei Hua,Yanqing Gao,Tong Zhang,Hao Wu*.Amplification of Complete HIV-1 Envelope Genes from Purified CD4+ T Cell Populations. N A J Med Sci. 2009,2(4):123-126.SCI
75. Yanmei Jiao, JunLiang Fu, Shaojun Xing, Baoyun Fu, Zheng Zhang, Ming Shi, Xicheng Wang, Jiyuan Zhang, Lei Jin, Fubiao Kang, Hao Wu*, Fu-Sheng Wang*.The decrease of regulatory T cells correlates with excessive activation and apoptosis of CD8+ T cells in HIV-1-infected typical progressors, but not in long-term non-progressors. Immunology. 2009,128:366-375.SCI
76. Li H, Chen X, Jin X, Liu Z, Huang X, Cao Z, Guo C, Dong T, Wu H*.Proliferation, but not interleukin 2 production, of Gag-specific CD8+ T cells is associated with low HIV viremia and high CD4 counts in HIV-1-infected Chinese individuals. J AIDS. 2009,1(52):1-8.SCI
77. Chris Ka-fai Li#, Hao Wu#, Huiping Yan#, Shiwu Ma, Lili Wang, Mingxia Zhang, Xiaoping Tang, Nigel J. Temperton, Robin A. Weiss, Jason M. Brenchley, Daniel C. Douek, Juthathip Mongkolsapaya, Bac-Hai Tran, Chen-lung Steve Lin, Gavin R Screaton, Jin-lin Hou, Andrew J. McMichael, and Xiao-Ning Xu.T Cell Responses to Whole SARS Coronavirus in Humans. Immunology. 2008,181:5490-5500.SCI
78. Fang Wang, Tao Wen, XinYue Chen, Hao Wu*.Protective effects of pirfenidone on D-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats. Inflamm Res. 2008,57:183-188.SCI
79. Xicheng Wang, Zheng Zhang, Shuye Zhang, Junliang Fu, Jinxia Yao, Yanmei Jiao, Hao Wu* and Fu-Sheng Wang*.B7-H1 up-regulation impairs myeloid DC and correlates with disease progression in chronic HIV-1 infection. Eur J Immunol. 2008,38:3226-3236.SCI
80. Haiying Li, Xiaojie Huang, Caiping Guo, Wen Wang, Zaicun Li, Tong Zhang, Qiaoli Peng, Xinyue Chen, Hao Wu*.Heightened T-cell proliferation without an elevation of CD4 T cell spontaneous apoptosis in AIDS patients. Clin Immunol. 2008,129:499-508.SCI
81. Ji-Yuan Zhang, George Fu Gao, Hao Wu, and Fu-Sheng Wang*.PD-1 upregulation is correlated with HIV-specific memory CD8+ T-cell exhaustion in typical progressors, but not in long-term non-progressors. Blood. 2007,109:4671-4678.SCI
82. Tao Wen, Zhi-Ming Wu, Yan Liu, Yu-Fen Tan, Feng Ren, Hao Wu*.Upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 with hemin prevents D-galactosamine and lipopolysaccharide-induced acute hepatic injury in rats. Toxicology. 2007,237:184-193.SCI
83. 9.Zhi-ming Wu, Tao Wen, Yu-fen Tan, Yan Liu, Feng Ren, Hao Wu*.Effects of Salvianolic Acid A on Oxidative Stress and Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2007,100(2):115-120.SCI
84. Chen Y, Wu H, Gupta P.Characterization of the gp120 of circulating HIV type 1 in a group of infected Chinese blood/plasma donors with asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of the disease. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2006,22(11):1167-71.SCI
85. LI Jue,LU Jun-feng,Wu Hao and LI Jing-yun.Phenotypic resistance of resistant strains of HIV type-1 subtype B in China. Chin Med J. 2006,1972-1977:1167-71.SCI
86. Ai-Ping Lu,Hao Wu,Hui Jian.Correlation between CD4, CD8 cell infiltration in gastric mucosa,Helicobacter pylori infection and symptoms in patients with chronic gastritis. World J Gastroenterol. 2005,11(16):2486-90.SCI
87. Zheng Zhang,Hao Wu,Fu-Sheng Wang.Longitudinal alteration of circulating dendritic cell subsets and its correlation with steroid treatment in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Clinical Immunology. 2005,116:225-235.SCI
88. Yong-Hong Zhang,Hao Wao*.Analysis of causes for liver function deterioration in patients with HIV/HCV co-infection. Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International. 2004,3(4):538-542.SCI
89. Yuxian He, Yusen Zhou, Hao Wu, Wanbo Li and Shibo Jiang.Identification of Immunodominant Sites on the Spike Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus: Implication for Developing SARS Diagnostics and Vaccines. Journal of Immunology. 2004,173:4050-57.SCI
90. Zhao Dawei,Wu Hao,Chen Jianghong.Early X-ray and CT appearances of severe acute respiratory syndrome:an analysis of 28 cases. Chin Med J. 2003,116(6):823-826.SCI
1. 《艾滋病抗病毒治疗实践》,副主编,人民卫生出版社,201503
2. 《艾滋病抗病毒治疗实用手册》,副主编,人民卫生出版社,201503
3. 《艾滋病诊疗学》,主译,人民卫生出版社,200907
4. 《艾滋病防治手册》,副主编,协和医科大学出版社,200509
5. 《SARS影像学》,副主编,协和医科大学出版社,200409
1. HIV/HCV共感染及HIV单独感染者临床特点及发病机制研究 中华医学科技奖二等奖 省部级 201812
2. HIV/HCV混合感染者临床特征及HIV-1细胞嗜性研究 华夏医学科技奖二等奖 省部级 201611
3. HIV急性感染对慢性HBV作用机制研究 北京市创新型科技成果奖 省部级 201511
4. 我国艾滋病新流行形势下的综合防控策略及应用研究 国家科技进步奖二等奖 国家级 201506
5. 我国艾滋病疫情特点、疾病进展关键因素及防治措施研究 辽宁省科技进步一等奖 省部级 201411
6. 我国男男性接触(MSM)人群HIV-1新发感染及疾病进展模式研究 北京市创新型科技成果奖 省部级 201311
7. 艾滋病队列干预及致病机制研究 北京市创新型科技成果奖 省部级 201211
8. 严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)临床与基础研究 国家科技进步二等奖 国家级 200611
9. 突发事件对医护人员、患者、民众心理状态的影响及对策研究 北京市科技进步奖二等奖 省部级 200502
10. 严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)临床与基础研究 北京市科技进步一等奖 省部级 200502
11. 丙型肝炎IgM抗体试剂盒研制 北京市卫生局科技进步二等奖 省部级 199508
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-27
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