

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-27

姓名:逄宇 性别:男 职称:研究员、教授 招生院所:胸科医院 招生类型:科学学位(博) 科学学位(硕) 招生专业:内科学(传染病)(博) 内科学(传染病)(硕) 研究方向名称:结核病分子流行病学及宿主免疫互作 电子信箱:pangyupound@163.com

1. 中国防痨协会结核病基础专业分会秘书长
2. 中华医学会结核病学分会临床检验专业委员会副主任委员
3. 中国防痨协会国际交流工作委员会委员
4. 《结核病与肺部健康杂志》编委会委员
5. 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会结核病防治分会基础学组 副组长
6. 中国研究型医院学会空间微生物学与感染专业委员会常务委员
7. Microbial Drug Resistance(SCI杂志) 编委
8. 中华医学会结核病学分会副秘书长
9. 中华医学会结核病学分会青委会常务副主任委员
1. 200009-200407:北京大学生命科学学院 理学学士
2. 200409-200907:北京大学生命科学学院 理学博士
3. 200907-201010:北京市结核病胸部肿瘤研究所 助理研究员
4. 201010-201207:中国疾病预防控制中心 助理研究员
5. 201207-201507:中国疾病预防控制中心 副研究员
6. 201507-201701:中国疾病预防控制中心 研究员
1. Zhuo-Hong Yan#,Bing Zhao,Yu Pang,Xiao-Jue Wang ,Ling Yi,He-Lin Wang,Bin Yang ,Pan-Jian Wei,Hong-Yan Jia,Shu-Ping Li,Yan-Lin Zhao*,Hong-Tao Zhang*,.Generation of mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan-specific monoclonal antibodies and their ability to identify mycobacterium isolates.. J Microbiol Immunol Infect.. 2020,S1684-1182(20):30033-5.SCI
2. Hou J #, Pang Y# , Yang X , Chen T , Yang H , Yang R , Chen L , Xu L *.Outbreak of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Strain in a High School in Yunnan, China.. Am J Trop Med Hyg.. 2020,Feb 24:19-0533.SCI
3. Jianjie Wang#, Meilan Zhou, Zi Chen, Cong Chen, Gang Wu, Yingping Zuo, Xin Ren, Zhuan Chen, Weihua Wang*, Yu Pang*.Survival of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Central China: a retrospective cohort study. Epidemiol Infect.. 2020,Feb 19:148:e50.SCI
4. Huo F #, Zhang F #, Xue Y , Shang Y , Liang Q , Ma Y , Li Y , Zhao L , Pang Y *.Increased prevalence of levofloxacin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China is associated with specific mutations within the gyrA gene. Int J Infect Dis.. 2020,Mar(92):241-246.SCI
5. Ma Y #, Fan J #, Li S #, Dong L , Li Y , Wang F , Huo F , Pang Y * Qin S *.Comparison of Lowenstein-Jensen medium and MGIT culture system for recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from abscess samples.. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis.. 2020,96(4):114969.SCI
6. Du J #, Shu W #, Liu Y #, Wang Y , Zhan Y , Yu K , Gao J , Li L* , Pang Y *.Multicenter feasibility study to assess external quality panels for molecular diagnostics for tuberculosis in China.. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.. 2020,39(2):339-343.SCI
7. Shu W #, Du J #, Liu Y#, Wang Y , Huo F, Jiang G , Li L* , Pang Y *.External quality control of phenotypic drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China.. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.. 2020, Jan 2:【未填写起止页码】.SCI
8. Dong W # , Li S # , Wen S # , Jing W , Shi J , Ma Y , Huo F , Gao F *, Pang Y*, Lu J *.In Vitro Susceptibility Testing of GSK656 against Mycobacterium Species. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.. 2020,64(2):pii: e01577-19.SCI
9. Liu R #, Li J #, Tan Y #, Shang Y , Li Y , Su B , Shu W , Pang Y *, Gao M *, Ma L*.Multicenter evaluation of the acid-fast bacillus smear, mycobacterial culture, Xpert MTB/RIF assay, and adenosine deaminase for the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis in China.. Int J Infect Dis.. 2020,Jan;90:119-124.SCI
10. Yifeng Ma # , Jun Fan # , Shanshan Li # , Lingling Dong , Yunxu Li , Fen Wang , Fengmin Huo , Yu Pang* , Shibing Qin*.Comparison of Lowenstein-Jensen medium and MGIT culture system for recovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from abscess samples. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. . 2020,96(4):114969.SCI
11. Zhang F # , Li S# , Wen S, Zhang T, Shang Y , Huo F , Xue Y , Li L* , Pang Y *.Comparison of in vitro Susceptibility of Mycobacteria Against PA-824 to Identify Key Residues of Ddn, the Deazoflavin-Dependent Nitroreductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.. Infect Drug Resist.. 2020,Mar 11;13:815-822.SCI
12. Lin S #, Wei S , Zhao Y , Lin J *, Pang Y*.Epidemiology Of Human Pulmonary Infection With Nontuberculous Mycobacteria In Southeast China: A Prospective Surveillance Study.. Infect Drug Resist.. 2019,Nov 12;12:3515-3521.SCI
13. Zhengwei Liua#, Huali Dong # , BeiBei Wua , Mingwu Zhanga , Yelei Zhua , Yu Pang∗ , Xiaomeng Wang*.Is rifampin resistance a reliable predictive marker of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in China: A meta-analysis of findings. J. Infect. . 2019,79(4):349-356.SCI
14. Fengmin Huo# , Jie Lu# , Zhaojing Zong, Wei Jing, Jin Shi , Yifeng Ma , Lingling Dong , Liping Zhao , Yufeng Wang , Hairong Huang ,Yu Pang*.Change in prevalence and molecular characteristics of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis over a 10-year period in China. BMC Infect. Dis. . 2019,19(1):689.SCI
15. Jian Du#, Wei Shu, Yuhong Liu, Yufeng Wang, Ying Zhan, Kexin Yu,Jingtao Gao, Liang Li*,Yu Pang*.Development and validation of external quality assessment panels for mycobacterial culture testing to diagnose tuberculosis in China. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.. 2019,38(10):1961-1968.SCI
16. Tingting Zhang,* Guanglu Jiang,* Shu’an Wen,* Fengmin Huo, Fen Wang, Hairong Huang*,Yu Pang*.Para-aminosalicylic acid increases the susceptibility to isoniazid in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infect Drug Resist. 2019,12:825-829.SCI
17. Mingguan Lin# , Yeteng Zhong , Zhuolin Chen, Chong Lin , Hua Pei , Wei Shu, Yu Pang*.High incidence of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Hainan Island, China. Trop. Med. Int. Health . 2019,24(9):1098-1103.SCI
18. Qingtao Liang#, Yu Pang# , Yang Yang , Hua Li , Chao Guo , Xinting Yang, Xiaoyou Chen*.An improved algorithm for rapid diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis from pleural effusion by combined testing with GeneXpert MTB/ RIF and an anti-LAM antibody-based assay. BMC Infect. Dis. . 2019,19(1):548.SCI
19. Hui Liu#, Fang Dong,Jinrong Liu, Jianhua Liu, Yu Pang, Shunying Zhao,Jie Lu*, Huimin Li*.Successful management of Mycobacterium abscessus complex lung disease in an otherwise healthy infant. Infect Drug Resist . 2019,12:1277-1283.SCI
20. Jing Wang#, Yu Pang#, Wei Jing#, Wei Chen#,Ru Guo#,Xiqin Han, Limin Wu, Guangxu Yang, Kunyun Yang,Cong Chen, Lin Jiang,Chunkui Cai, Zhi Dou, Lijuan Diao,Hongqiu Pan, Jianyun Wang, Feifei Du, Tao Xu, Lixia Wang, Renzhong Li*,Naihui Chu*.Efficacy and safety of cycloserine-containing regimens in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a nationwide retrospective cohort study in China. Infect Drug Resist . 2019,12:763-770.SCI
21. Qiyao Chai#, Xudong Wang, Lihua Qiang, Yong Zhang, Pupu Ge, Zhe Lu, Yanzhao Zhong, Bingxi Li , Jing Wang , Lingqiang Zhang, Dawang Zhou , Wei Li, Wenzhu Dong, Yu Pang, George Fu Gao , Cui Hua Liu *.A Mycobacterium tuberculosis surface protein recruits ubiquitin to trigger host xenophagy. Nat Commun. 2019,10(1):1973.SCI
22. Yu Pang # , Wei Jing # , Jie Lu# , Zhaojing Zong , Fengmin Huo , Lingling Dong , Guangming Dai , Yunxu Li , Hairong Huang ⁎, Naihui Chu ⁎.No in vitro synergistic effect of bedaquiline combined with fluoroquinolones, linezolid, and clofazimine against extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. . 2019,94(4):361-364.SCI
23. Zhijian Zhanga# , Jie Lub# , Yingzhen Dua# , Fei Xie#, Yufeng Wang, Baojun Suna *, Yu Pang,*.Comparison of in vitro synergistic effect between clarithromycin or azithromycin in combination with amikacin against Mycobacterium intracellulare. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2019,18:183-186.SCI
24. Shu’an Wen#, Wei Jing#, Tingting Zhang#, Zhaojing Zong, Yi Xue, Yuanyuan Shang, Fen Wang,Hairong Huang*,Naihui Chu*, Yu Pang*.Comparison of in vitro activity of the nitroimidazoles delamanid and pretomanid against multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. . 2019,38(7):1293-1296.SCI
25. Rongmei Liu#, Qian Liang#,Yuanyuan Shang#, Yifeng Ma, Fen Wang, Lingling Dong, Hairong Huang*, Mengqiu Gao*, Yu Pang*.GeneXpert of stool versus gastric lavage fluid for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in severely ill adults. Infection. 2019,47(4):611-616.SCI
26. Liu Y #, Pang Y , Du J , Shu W , Ma Y , Gao J , Zhang L , Xu S* , Li L *.An Overview of Tuberculosis-Designated Hospitals in China, 2009-2015: A Longitudinal Analysis of National Survey Data.. Biomed Res Int.. 2019,Aug 20;2019:**.SCI
27. Xu J#, Li P , Zheng S , Shu W , Pang Y *..Prevalence and risk factors of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial infections in the Zhejiang Province of China.. Epidemiol Infect. . 2019,Sep 11;147:e269.SCI
28. H Duan(#); X Chen(#); Z Li(#); Y Pang(#); W Jing(#); P Liu; T Wu; C Cai; J Shi; Z Qin; H Yin; C Qiu; C Li; Y Xia; W Chen; Z Ye; Z Li; G Chen; S Wang; Y Liu; L Chu; M Zhu; T Xu; Q Wang; J Wang; Y Du; J Wang; N Chu(*); S Xu(*).Clofazimine improves clinical outcomes in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2019,25(2):190-195.SCI
29. Li X #, Deng Y , Wang J , Jing H , Shu W , Qin J , Pang Y *, Ma X *..Rapid Diagnosis Of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Impacts Expenditures Prior To Appropriate Treatment: A Performance And Diagnostic Cost Analysis.. Infect Drug Resist. . 2019,Nov 14;12:3549-3555.SCI
30. Yu Pang(#); Jun An(#); Wei Shu(#); Fengmin Huo; Naihui Chu; Mengqiu Gao;Shibing Qin; Hairong Huang; Xiaoyou Chen; Shaofa Xu(*).Epidemiology of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis among Inpatients, China, 2008-2017. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019,25(3):457-464.SCI
31. Tang Peijun(#); Xu Ping(#); Shu Wei; Wang Xiafang; Guo Jian; Song Huafeng; Li Sumei; Pang Yu(*); Wu Meiying(*). Additional benefits of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay for the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with prior exposure to fluoroquinolones.. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2019,12:87-93.SCI
32. Tan Y(#); Su B(#); Shu W; Cai X; Kuang S; Kuang H; Liu J(*); Pang Y(*).Epidemiology of pulmonary disease due to nontuberculous mycobacteria in Southern China, 2013-2016. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2018,18:168.SCI
33. Kang Wanli(#); Wu Meiying; Yang Kunyun; Ertai A; Wu Shucai; Geng Shujun;Li Zhihui; Li Mingwu; Pang Yu(*); Tang Shenjie(*).Factors associated with negative T-SPOT.TB results among smear-negative tuberculosis patients in China.. Scientific Reports. 2018,8(1):0-4236 .SCI
34. Ma Y(#); Pang Y(#); Shu W(#); Liu Y H; Ge Q P; Du J(*); Li L(*); Gao W W(*).Metformin reduces the relapse rate of tuberculosis patients with diabetes mellitus: experiences from 3-year follow-up. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 2018,37(7):1259-1263.SCI
35. Wu Xiaoguang(#); Pang Yu(#); Song Yanhua(#); Dong Wenzhu; Zhang Tingting;Wen Shuan; Huang Hairong(*); Gao Mengqiu(*). Implications of a school outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Northern China.. Epidemiology and Infection. 2018,146(5):584-588.SCI
36. Xu Caihong(#); Pang Yu(#); Li Renzhong(#); Ruan Yunzhou; Wang Lixia; Chen Mingting; Zhang Hui(*).Clinical outcome of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients receiving standardized second-line treatment regimen in China.. Journal of Infection. 2018,76(4):348-353.SCI
37. Zhang Z(#); Lu J(#); Song Y; Pang Y(*).In vitro activity between linezolid and other antimicrobial agents against Mycobacterium abscessus complex. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018,90(1):31-34.SCI
38. Xu P(#); Pang Y(#); Xu J; Chen H; Tang P; Wu M(*),.Cytokine-induced killer cell therapy as a promising adjunctive immunotherapy for multidrug-resistant pulmonary TB: a case report. Immunotherapy. 2018,10(10):827-830.SCI
39. Huo Fengmin(#); Luo Jingjing(#); Shi Jin; Zong Zhaojing; Jing Wei; Dong Wenzhu; Dong Lingling; Ma Yifeng; Liang Qian; Shang Yuanyuan; Huang Hairong(*);Pang Yu(*).A 10-Year Comparative Analysis Shows that Increasing Prevalence of Rifampin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China Is Associated with the Transmission of Strains Harboring Compensatory Mutations. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2018,62(4):e02303-17.SCI
40. Shi Jin(#); Dong Wenzhu; Ma Yifeng; Liang Qian; Shang Yuanyuan; Wang Fen; Huang Hairong(*); Pang Yu(*).GeneXpert MTB/RIF Outperforms Mycobacterial Culture in Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Salivary Sputum.. Biomed Research International. 2018,2018:**.SCI
41. Wang Qingfeng(#); Pang Yu(#); Jing Wei(#); Liu Yufeng; Wang Na; Yin Hongyun; Zhang Qing; Ye Zhizhong; Zhu Min; Li Fujian; Liu Ping; Wu Tingting; Chen Wei; Wu Wei; Qin Zhihua; Qiu Chao; Deng Qunyi; Xu Tao; Wang Jing; Guo Ru;Du Yadong; Wang Jun; Huang Hairong(*); hen Xiaohong(*); Chu Naihui(*).Clofazimin e for Treatment of Extensively Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis in China.. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2018,62(4) :e02149-17.SCI
42. Zong Zhaojing(#); Huo Fengmin(#); Shi Jin(#); Jing Wei; Ma Yifeng; Liang Qian; Jiang Guanglu; Dai Guangming; Huang Hairong(*); Pang Yu(*).Relapse Versus Reinfection of Recurrent Tuberculosis Patients in a National Tuberculosis Specialized Hospital in Beijing, China. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018,9:0-1858.SCI
43. Zong Zhaojing(#); Jing Wei(#); Shi Jin(#); Wen Shu'an; Zhang Tingting; Huo Fengmin; Shang Yuanyuan; Liang Qian; Huang Hairong(*); Pang Yu(*).Comparison of In Vitro Activity and MIC Distributions between the Novel Oxazolidinone Delpazolid and Linezolid against Multidrug-Resistant and Extensively Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in China. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2018,62(8):e00165-18.SCI
44. An Jun(#); Bai Xuejuan(#); Gao Mengqiu; Chu Naihui; Huang Hairong; Xu Hongyin; Zhang Xiuping; Li Baoxia; Huang Cailiu; Cai Haixia; Zhang Fengqin; Pang Yu(*); Li Liang(*).Antituberculosis drug prescribing for inpatients in a national tuberculosis hospital in China, 2011-2015.. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2018,14:17-22.SCI
45. Pang Y(#); Zhu D(#); Zheng H; Shen J; Hu Y; Liu J(*); Zhao Y(*).Prevalence and molecular characterization of pyrazinamide resistance among multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Southern China.. BMC Infect Dis. 2017,17(1):711.SCI
46. Liu Z(#); Pan A(#); Wu B; Zhou L; He H; Meng Q; Chen S; Pang Y(*); Wang X(*).Feasibility of a new model for early detection of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a developed setting of eastern China. Trop Med Int Health. 2017,22(10):1328-1333.SCI
47. Pang Y(#)(*); Zong Z(#); Huo F; Jing W; Ma Y; Dong L; Li Y; Zhao L; Fu Y;Huang H(*).In Vitro Drug Susceptibility of Bedaquiline, Delamanid, Linezolid, Clofazimine, Moxifloxacin, and Gatifloxacin against Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Beijing, China. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017,61(10):e00900-17.SCI
48. Pang Y(#); Shang Y(#); Lu J; Liang Q; Dong L; Li Y; Zhao L; Jiang G;Huang H(*).GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in the diagnosis of urinary tuberculosis from urine specimens. Sci Rep. 2017,7(1):6181.SCI
49. Tan Y(#); Li Q(#); Wang Q(#); Sun H(#); Chen J; Cai X; Yao Y; Bao X; Wang C; Liu Y; Wu X; Pang Y(*); Zhao Y(*).Evaluation of the MTBDRplus 2.0 assay for the detection of multidrug resistance among persons with presumptive pulmonary TB in China. Sci Rep. 2017,7(1):3364.SCI
50. Ma Y(#); Pang Y(#); Du J(#); Liu Y; Li L(*); Gao W(*).Clinical outcomes for multi- and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis patients with adjunctive resectional lung surgery in Beijing, China. J Thorac Dis. 2017,9(3):841-845.SCI
51. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Lu, Jie(#); Liu, Min(#); Wang, Yufeng; Zhao, Yanlin(*);Pang, Yu(*).In vitro activity of clarithromycin in combination with other antimicrobial agents against Mycobacterium abscessus and Mycobacterium massiliense.. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,. 2017,49(3):383-386.SCI
52. Pang, Yu(#); Zhang, Zhijian(#); Wang, Yufeng; Wang, Shengfen; Song, Yuanyuan; Zhao, Bing; Zhou, Yang; Ou, Xichao; Li, Qiang; Xia, Hui; Zheng, Yang;Fang, Xiangqun(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).Genotyping and Prevalence of Pyrazinamide-and Moxifloxacin-Resistant Tuberculosis in China, 2000 to 2010.. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2017,61(2):e02170-16.SCI
53. Wang, Li(#); Zhang, Zhiguo(#); Yan, Qiuli(#); Lu, Jie; Gao, Baoyin; Zhao, Yanlin; Pang, Yu(*).Diagnostic dilemma of pulmonary tuberculosis among adults with severe mental illness in Beijing, hina.. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2017,17(1):83.SCI
54. Chen L(#); Pang Y(#); Ma L; Yang H; Ru H; Yang X; Yan S; Jia M; Xu L(*).First Insight into the Molecular Epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from the Minority Enclaves of Southwestern China. Biomed Res Int. 2017,2017:**.SCI
55. Han Xi Qin(#); Pang Yu(#); Ma Yan(#); Liu Yu Hong; Guo Ru; Shu Wei; Huang Xue Rui; Ge Qi Ping; Du Jian(*); Gao Wei Wei(*) .Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Adverse Drug Reactions among Previously Treated Tuberculosis Patients in China. 生物医学与环境科学(英文版). 2017,30(2):139-142.SCI
56. Pang Y(#)(*); Zheng H(#); Tan Y; Song Y; Zhao Y(*).In vitro activity of bedaquiline against nontuberculous mycobacteria in China. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017,61(5):e02627-16.SCI
57. Pang, Yu(#); Tan, Yaoju(#); Chen, Jin(#); Li, Yanming(#); Zheng, Huiwen;Song, Yuanyuan; Zhao, Yanlin(*).Diversity of nontuberculous mycobacteria in eastern and southern China: a cross-sectional study. European Respiratory Journal. 2017,49(3):**.SCI
58. Pang Y(#); Lu J(#); Huo F; Ma Y; Zhao L; Li Y; Liang Q; Chu N(*); Gao M(*);Huang H(*).Prevalence and treatment outcome of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis plus additional drug resistance from the National Clinical Center for Tuberculosis in China: A five-year review. J Infect. 2017,75(5):433-440.SCI
59. Jing W(#); Pang Y(#); Zong Z; Wang J; Guo R; Huo F; Jiang G; Ma Y; Huang H(*); Chu N(*).Rifabutin Resistance Associated with Double Mutations in rpoB Gene in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates. Front Microbiol. 2017,14(8):1768.SCI
60. Tan Y(#); Su B; Zheng H; Song Y; Wang Y; Pang Y(*).Molecular Characterization of Prothionamide-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Southern China. Front Microbiol. 2017,8(1):2358.SCI
61. Pang Y(#)(*); Lu J(#); Su B; Zheng H; Zhao Y(*).Misdiagnosis of tuberculosis associated with some species of nontuberculous mycobacteria by GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay. Infection. 2017,45(5):677-681.SCI
62. Du, Jian(#); Pang, Yu(#); Ma, Yan(#); Mi, Fengling; Liu, Yuhong; Li,Liang(*).Prevalence of tuberculosis among health care workers in tuberculosis specialized hospitals in China.. Journal of Occupational Health. 2017,59(3)::292-295.SCI
63. Tan Y(#); Su B; Zheng H; Wang Y; Pang Y(*).Prothionamide susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using the resazurin microtitre assay and the BACTECMGIT 960 system. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017,36(5):779-782.SCI
64. Xie ZY(#); Huang GF; Gao H; Chi YQ; Wang YX; Pang Y(*); Wang JP(*).Nosocomial Infection Surveillance in a Tuberculosis Specialized Hospital in China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2017,30(9):691-694.SCI
65. Pang Y(#); Du J(#); Qin ZZ(#); Greenwald Z; Liu Y; Mi F; Zhao Y; Li L(*).An overview on tuberculosis-specific hospitals in China in 2009: Results of a national survey. Eur Respir J. 2016,47(5):1584-1587.SCI
66. Li, Yanming(#); Pang, Yu(#); Tong, Xunliang; Zheng, Huiwen; Zhao, Yanlin(*); Wang, Chen(*).Mycobacterium kansasii Subtype I Is Associated With Clarithromycin Resistance in China.. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016,7:2097-2097.SCI
67. Wang, Ting(#); Feng, Guo-Dong(#); Pang, Yu(#); Yang, Yi-Ning; Dai, Wen; Zhang, Lin; Zhou, Lin-Fu; Yang, Jia-Lei; Zhan, Li-Ping; Marais, Ben J; Zhao,Yan-Lin(*); Zhao, Gang(*).Sub-optimal Specificity of Modified Ziehl-Neelsen Staining for Quick Identification of Tuberculous Meningitis.. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016,7:2096.SCI
68. Pang, Yu(#); Su, Biyi(#); Zheng, Huiwen; Zhang, Zhiguo; Ma, Aijing;Wang, Yufeng; Zhao, Yanlin(*).Factors Associated with Missed Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Automated BACTEC MGIT 960 System.. Biomed Research International. 2016,2016:**.SCI
69. Zhang, Dan(#); Wang, Yufeng; Lu, Jie; Pang, Yu(*).In Vitro Activity of beta-Lactams in Combination with beta-Lactamase Inhibitors against Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2016,60(1):393-399.SCI
70. Liu, Zhengwei(#); Pang, Yu(#); Chen, Songhua; Wu, Beibei; He, Haibo;Pan, Aizhen; Wang, Xiaomeng(*).A First Insight into the Genetic Diversity and Drug Susceptibility Pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Zhejiang, China.. Biomed Research International. 2016,2016:**.SCI
71. Liqun Zhang(#); Yu Pang(#); Xia Yu(#); Yufeng Wang; Jie Lu; Mengqiu Gao(*);Hairong Huang(*); Yanlin Zhao(*),.Risk factors for pulmonary cavitation intuberculosispatients from China. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2016,5(10):e110.SCI
72. An, Jun(#); Gao, Mengqiu; Chu, Naihui; Huang, Hairong; Pang, Yu(*); Li,Liang(*).Transregional movement of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in north China: an underlying threat to tuberculosis control.. Scientific Reports. 2016,6:29727.SCI
73. Pang, Yu(#); Dong, Haiyan(#); Tan, Yaoju(#); Deng, Yunfeng(#); Cai, Xingshan; Jing, Hui; Xia, Hui; Li, Qiang; Ou, Xichao; Su, Biyi; Li, Xuezheng;Zhang, Zhiying; Li, Junchen; Zhang, Jiankang; Huan, Shitong; Zhao, Yanlin(*).Rapid diagnosis of MDR and XDR tuberculosis with the MeltPro TB assay in China.. Scientific Reports. 2016,6:25330.SCI
74. Pang, Yu(#); Zhao, Aihua(#); Cohen, Chad; Kang, Wanli; Lu, Jie; Wang,Guozhi; Zhao, Yanlin; Zheng, Suhua(*).Current status of new tuberculosis vaccine in children.. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2016,12(4):960-970.SCI
75. Wang T(*); Feng GD(#); Pang Y(#); Liu JY; Zhou Y; Yang YN; Dai W; Zhang L; Li Q; Gao Y; Chen P; Zhan LP; Marais BJ; Zhao YL(*); Zhao G(*).High rate of drug resistance among tuberculous meningitis cases in Shaanxi province, China,. Sci Rep. 2016,6:25251.SCI
76. Yu Pang(#)(*); Zhongdong Wang(#); Huiwen Zheng; Yuanyuan Song; Yufeng Wang; Yanlin Zhao(*).Pyrazinamide resistance determined by liquid culture at low pH better correlates with genetic mutations in MDR tuberculosis isolates. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2015,119(12):142-144.SCI
77. Du, Jian(#); Emilio, Dirlikov(#); Pang, Yu(#); Ma, Yan; Mi, Fengling;Liu, Yuhong; Li, Liang(*).Tuberculosis Hospitalization Fees and Bed Utilization in China from 1999 to 2009: The Results of a National Survey of Tuberculosis Specialized Hospitals.. PLos One. 2015,10(10):e**.SCI
78. Pang, Yu(#); Zhou, Yang(#); Wang, Shengfen; Song, Yuanyuan; Ou, Xichao;Zhao, Bing; Zhang, Zhijian; Zhao, Yanlin(*),.Prevalence and risk factors of mixed Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infections in China.. Journal of Infection. 2015,71(2):231-237.SCI
79. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Pang, Yu(#)(*); Wang, Yufeng; Cohen, Chad; Zhao,Yanlin(*); Liu, Changting(*).Differences in risk factors and drug susceptibility between Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare lung diseases in China.. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2015,45(5):491-495.SCI
80. Yang, Xiujun(#); Yuan, Yanli(#); Pang, Yu(#); Wang, Bo; Bai, Yunlong;Wang, Yanhua; Yu, Baozhu; Zhang, Zhiying; Fan, Ming(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).The burden of MDR/XDR tuberculosis in coastal plains population of China.. PLos One. 2015,10(2):e**.SCI
81. Zou, Lin(#); Liu, Min; Wang, Yufeng; Lu, Jie; Pang, Yu(*).Determination of in vitro synergy between linezolid and other antimicrobial agents against Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2015,95(6):839-842.SCI
82. Pang, Yu(#); Lu, Jie(#); Yang, Jian; Wang, Yufeng; Cohen, Chad; Ni, Xin(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).A novel method for diagnosis of smear-negative tuberculosis patients by combining a random unbiased Phi29 amplification with a specific real-time PCR. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2015,95(4):411-414.SCI
83. Pang, Yu(#); Kang, Wanli(#); Zhao, Aihua(#); Liu, Guan; Du, Weixin; Xu,Miao; Wang, Guozhi(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*); Zheng, Suhua(*).The effect of bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination at birth on immune response in China.. Vaccine. 2015,33(1):209-213.SCI
84. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Lu, Jie(#); Liu, Min(#); Wang, Yufeng; Qu, Geping; Li,Hongxia; Wang, Jichun; Pang, Yu(*); Liu, Changting(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).Genotyping and molecular characteristics of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of Infection. 2015,70(4):335-345.SCI
85. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Li, Tianzhi(#); Qu, Geping; Pang, Yu(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).In vitro synergistic activity of clofazimine and other antituberculous drugs against multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.. Internation al Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2015,45(1):71-75.SCI
86. Zhijian Zhang(#); Jie Lu(#); Yufeng Wang; Yu Pang(*); Yanlin Zhao(*).Automated liquid culture system misses isoniazid heteroresistance in Mycobacteriumtuberculosis isolates with mutations in the promoter region of the inhA gene. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2015,34(3):555-560.SCI
87. Du J(#); Pang Y(#); Liu Y; Mi F; Xu S(*); Li L(*).Survey of tuberculosis hospitals in China: current status and challenges. PLoS One. 2014,9(11):e111945.SCI
88. Pang, Yu(#); Wang, Yufeng; Zhao, Shunying; Liu, Jinrong; Zhao, Yanlin;Li, Huimin(*).Evaluation of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay in gastric lavage aspirates for diagnosis of smear-negative childhood pulmonary tuberculosis.. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2014,33(10):1047-1051.SCI
89. Pang, Y.(#); Ruan, Y-Z.(#); Zhao, J.(#); Chen, C.(#); Xu, C-H.; Su, W.; Huan, S-T.; Li, R-Z.(*); Zhao, Y-L.; Chin, D. P.; Wang, L-X.Diagnostic dilemma: treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients with inconsistent rifampicin susceptibility. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2014,18(3):357-362.SCI
90. Zhang, Dan(#); An, Jun(#); Wang, Yufeng; Pang, Yu(*).Genetic diversity of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a resource-limited region of China.. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2014,29:7-11.SCI
91. Zhang, Dan; Liu, Beizhong; Wang, Yufeng; Pang, Yu(*).Rapid molecular screening for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in a resource-limited region of China. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2014,19(10):1259-1266.SCI
92. Zhang, Z.(#); Liu, M.(#); Wang, Y.; Pang, Y.(*); Kam, K. M.(*); Zhao, Y.(*).Molecular and phenotypic characterization of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates resistant to kanamycin, amikacin, and capreomycin in China. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 2014,33(11):1959-1966.SCI
93. Zhang, L.(#); Pang, Y.(#); Yu, X.(#); Wang, Y.; Gao, M.(*); Huang, H.(*); Zhao, Y.(*).Linezolid in the treatment of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Infection. 2014,42(4):705-711.SCI
94. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Wang, Yufeng; Pang, Yu(*); Kam, Kai Man.Ethambutol resistance as determined by broth dilution method correlates better than sequencing results with embB mutations in multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2014,52(2):638-641.SCI
95. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Pang, Yu(*); Wang, Yufeng; Liu, Changting(*); Zhao,Yanlin(*).Beijing genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is significantly associated with linezolid resistance in multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in China.. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2014,43(3):231-235.SCI
96. Chen, Qiuyang(#); Pang, Yu(#); Liang, Qingfu(#); Lin, Shufang; Wang,Yufeng; Lin, Jian; Zhao, Yong; Wei, Shuzhen; Zheng, Jinfeng(*); Zheng, Suhua(*).Molecular characteristics of MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in Fujian, China. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2014,94(2):159-161.SCI
97. Zhang, Zhijian(#); Lu, Jie(#); Wang, Yufeng; Pang, Yu(*); Zhao, Yanlin(*).Prevalence and molecular characterization of fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in China.. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2014,58(1):364-369.SCI
98. Zhao, Xiuqin(#); Wang, Yufeng; Pang, Yu(*).Antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular characterization of Mycobacterium intracellulare in China.. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2014,27:332-338.SCI
99. Zhijian Zhang(#); Yufeng Wang(#); Yu Pang(*); Changting Liu(*).Comparison of different drug susceptibility test methods to detect rifampin heteroresistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2014,58(9):5632-5635.SCI
100. Pang Y(#); Du J(#); Zhang ZY; Ou XC; Li Q; Xia H; Qu Y(*); Zhao YL(*).The feasibility of sputum transportation system in China: effect of sputum storage on the mycobacterial detection. Biomed Environ Sci. 2014,27(12):982-986.SCI
101. Zhang, Dan(#); An, Jun; Wang, Jianmin; Hu, Chuan; Wang, Zhengui; Zhang,Ruyue; Wang, Yufeng; Pang,Yu(*).Molecular typing and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Chongqing Municipality, China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2013,13:310-316.SCI
1. 《结核病实验室检验规程》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201506
1. 中华医学会结核病学分会2017年度人才奖 中华医学会结核病学分会2017年度人才奖 无 201705
2. 吉林省结核病耐药监测技术平台的建立和耐药谱研究 吉林省科学技术奖 三等奖 201611
3. 我国耐药结核病流行状况及关键防治技术的研究 中华预防医学会科学技术奖 三等奖 201601
4. 我国耐药结核病流行状况及关键防治技术的研究 中华医学会科技奖 二等奖 201412
5. 棉花纤维细胞伸长发育的基础研究 中华人民共和国教育部自然科学 一等奖 200901

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