姓名:李威 性别:男 职称:主任医师、副教授 招生院所:地坛医院 招生类型:科学与专业学位(硕) 招生专业:内科学(传染病)(硕) 研究方向名称:肝癌、肺癌等实体肿瘤的临床及基础研究 电子信箱:vision988@126.com
1. 美国医师协会会员
2. 美国纽约科学院会员
3. 中华医学会 医学病毒学分会青年委员会 副主任委员
4. 中华医学会 感染分会青年委员会 副主任委员
5. 中国医师会 感染分会青年委员会 委员
6. 北京医学会 医学病毒学分会 委员
7. 国家自然科学基金会 评审专家
8. 北京医师协会 介入专科分会(肿瘤学组) 委员
9. 北京医学会 介入分会青委会 委员
10. 国际微波消融技术联盟 秘书长
11. 国家肿瘤微创治疗技术创新战略联盟 执行委员会 委员
12. 国家肿瘤微创治疗技术创新战略联盟 专家委员会 委员
13. 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会 肝脏肿瘤分会 青委会 委员
14. 国家肿瘤微创治疗技术创新战略联盟 国际交流部 部长
15. 《Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics》编辑
16. 北京市科学技术协会第九次大会 正式代表
17. 中国抗癌协会(CSCO)肿瘤介入学专业委员会 化疗与免疫治疗专家委员会 常委
18. 北京健康促进会肝胆胰中青年专家委员会 常委
19. 中国抗癌协会(CSCO)肿瘤介入学专业委员会 肿瘤危急重症及支持治疗专家委员会 委员
20. 中国抗癌协会(CSCO)肿瘤介入学专业委员会 胸部肿瘤专家委员会 委员
21. 中国医师协会介入医师分会 青委会 委员
22. 中国医师协会介入医师分会介入医学工程与生物技术专家委员会 委员
23. 国家药品监督管理总局(SFDA)医疗器械技术审评中心 评审专家
24. 美国肿瘤介入学协会(SIO) 会员
25. 中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)介入放射学专业委员会 委员
26. 中国抗癌协会(CACA)肿瘤消融专业委员会 委员
27. 国家肿瘤微创治疗产业技术创新战略联盟 肝癌微创专业委员会 副主任委员
28. 中国肺癌防治联盟AI专业委员会 委员
29. 中国肺癌防治联盟免疫治疗专业 常委
1. 199601-200107:北京大学医学部临床医学系 本科生
2. 200108-200803:美国新泽西州医科和口腔科大学 博士研究生
3. 200505-200812:美国新泽西州州立大学附属医院 住院医师
4. 200901-201101:美国Rush大学医学中心 医师、博士后、讲师、研究组长
5. 201102-201211:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 主治医师
6. 201212-201312:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 副主任医师
7. 201401-201508:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 副教授,感染科病房副主任,北京市重点实验室主任
8. 201505-201803:首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 副教授,肿瘤微创介入治疗中心副主任、二病区主任
9. 201605-201608:美国Johns Hopkins Hospital介入中心 进修医师
10. 201804-:首都医科大学附属北京地坛医院 肿瘤诊治中心主任
1. Song R, Chen Z*, Li W*.Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) treated with a novel antiviral medication, favipiravir (T-705) Infection.. Infection. 2020,48(2):295-298.SCI
2. Yuan Z^, Wang Y^, Zhang J, Zheng J, Li W*.A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes After Radiofrequency Ablation and Microwave Ablation for Lung Cancer and Pulmonary Metastases.. J Am Coll Radiol . 2019,16:302-314.SCI
3. Yuan Z, Xing A, Zhang J, Zheng J, Li W*.Safety and technical feasibility of percutaneous ablation for lymph node metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma.. International Journal of Hyperthermia . 2019,36(1):160-168.SCI
4. Liu B, Chen H, Li W*.The combination of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and thermal ablation versus TACE alone for hepatocellular carcinoma. . Cochrane Data base of Systematic Reviews . 2019,5:Art. No.: CD013345.SCI
5. Yuan C^, Yuan Z^, Cui X, Gao W, Zhao P, He N, Cui S, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Li W*, Zheng J*.Efficacy of ultrasound-, computed tomography-, and magnetic resonance imaging-guided radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma.. J Cancer Res Ther.. 2019,15(4):784-792.SCI
6. Yuan Z#, Wang Y#, Zhang J, Zheng J, Li W*.A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Outcomes After Radiofrequency Ablation and Microwave Ablation for Lung Cancer and Pulmonary Metastases. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2019,16:302-314.SCI
7. Yuan Z, Wang Y, Hu C, Gao W, Zheng J*, Li W* .Efficacy of Percutaneous Thermal Ablation Combined With Transarterial Embolization for Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Hepatectomy and a Prognostic Nomogram to Predict Survival.. Technology in cancer research & treatment. 2018,1(17):1-13 .SCI
8. Sobieszczyk MJ#, Yuan Z#, Li W*, Krimsky W*.Biopsy of peripheral lung nodules utilizing cone beam computer tomography with and without transbronchial access tool: a retrospective analysis. . J Thorac Dis. 2018,10(10):5953-5959.SCI
9. Wang Y, Ma L, Yuan Z, Zheng J*, Li W*.Percutaneous thermal ablation combined with TACE versus TACE monotherapy in the treatment for liver cancer with hepatic vein tumor thrombus: A retrospective study. PLoS One. 2018,13(7):e**.SCI
10. Wang Y, Ma L, Sheng S, Yuan Z, Zheng J*, Li W*.Combination therapy of TACE and CT-guided partial hepatic segment ablation for liver cancer. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2018,19:1-10.SCI
11. Yuan Z#, Wang Y#, He ML, Zheng J*, Li W*.Successful ablation for pulmonary artery tumor thrombosis more than 5 cm with massive hepatocellular carcinoma and multiple pulmonary metastases. Translational Cancer Research. 2018,1:1-2.SCI
12. Bai M, Li W, Yu N, Zhang H, Long F, Zeng A.The crosstalk between beta-catenin signaling and type I, type II and type III interferons in lung cancer cells. American Journal of Translational Research . 2017,9(6):2788-2797.SCI
13. Lu XF#, Song BB#, Weng WJ, Xia H, Su Bin, Wu H, Zhang T, Li W*, Gao YQ*.CD4+ T Memory Stem Cells Correlate with Disease Progression in Chronically HIV-1-Infected Patients.. Viral Immunology. 2017,Oct:10.1089/vim.2017.0017.SCI
14. Wang Y, Lu XF, Li W*, Wu H*.Gut-homing α4β7 CD4+ T cells, a potential key player in both acute HIV infection and HIV-associated cancers.. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 2017,Oct:10.1038/cmi.2017.104.SCI
15. Wang Y#, Zheng JS#, Chen H#, Hu CX, Sun B, Wang HY, Shi QS, Long J, Zhang HH, Li W* .A Prognostic Nomogram for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases After Percutaneous Thermal Ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2017,6:1-10.SCI
16. Gao WF#, Wang R#, Wang XJ#, Wu H#, Wang Y, Lu XF, Li L, Zheng JS*, Li W*.Vitamin D serum levels and receptor genetic polymorphisms are associated with HBV and HIV infections and IFNλ levels. Biomarkers in Medicine. 2017,11(9):733-740.SCI
17. Li W, Wang Y, Gao W, Zheng J*.HCC with tumor thrombus entering the right atrium and inferior vena cava treated by percutaneous ablation. BMC Surgery. 2017,17(1):21.SCI
18. Zhao GX, Liu LF, Su B, Zhang T, Chen P, Li W*, Wu H*.The dynamic changes of interferon lambdas related genes and proteins in JAK/STAT pathway in both acute and chronic HIV-1infected patients. AIDS Research and Therapy. 2017,14(1):31.SCI
19. Li W, Wang Y, Gao W, Zheng J.Combination of Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization and CT-guided Percutaneous Segment Ablation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Therapy. Medicine. 2016,95:47.SCI
20. Liu Q, Li XL, Liu JJ, Song XH, Jiang XY, Li W, Zhang H, Pan CQ.Efficacy and safely of endometerial ablation for treating abnormal uterine bleeding in pre- and postmenopausal women with liver cirrhosis.. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2016,42(12):1753-1760.SCI
21. Liu Z, Zhang Y, Wei F, Xu M, Mou D, Zhang T, Li W, Chen D*, Wu H*.Detectable GB virus C genomic sequence in the cerebrospinal fluid of a HIV-infected patient in China: a case report and literature review. Epidemiol Infect . 2016,144:106-112.SCI
22. Wu H, Li N, Jin R, Meng Q, Chen P, Zhao G, Wang R, Li L, Li W*.Cytokine Levels Contribute to the pathogenesis of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Patients via STAT3 activation. Scientific Reports. 2016,1:18528.SCI
23. Gao Y#, Li W#, Meng Q, Liu H, Zhu Y*.Analysis of 15 patients with abnormal liver function as the first systemic lupus erythematosus symptom.. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica. 2016,Vol. LXXIX:441-446.SCI
24. Bai M, Li W, Yu N, Zhang H, Long F, Zeng A.The crosstalk between beta-catenin signaling and type I, type II and type III interferons in lung cancer cells.. American Journal of Translational Research. 2016,1:1-2.SCI
25. Yin T#, Li W#, Zhao P, Wang Y, Zheng J.Treatment Efficacy of CT-guided Percutaneous Microwave Ablation for Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clinical Radiology. 2016,pii: S0009-9260(16):30446-9.SCI
26. Hu Z, Luo Z, Wan Z, Wu H, Li W, Zhang T*, Jiang W*.HIV-associated memory B cell perturbations. Vaccine. 2015,33:2524-2529.SCI
27. Jiao Y#, Li N#, Chen X, Zhang T, Li H, Li W, Huang X, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Wu H*.Acute HIV infection is beneficial for controlling chronic hepatitis B. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2015,60(1):128-34.SCI
28. Li W, Jin R, Chen P, Zhao G, Li N*, Wu H*.Clinical correlation between HBV infection and concomitant bacterial infections. Scientific Reports . 2015,4;5:15413.SCI
29. Yuan L, Liu A, Qiao L, Sheng B, Xu M, Li W*, Chen D*.The relationship of CSF and plasma cytokine levels in HIV-infected patients with neurocognitive impairment. BioMed Research International. 2015,2015:506872.SCI
30. Lu X, Li Z, Li Q, Jiao Y, Ji Y, Zhang H, Liu Z, Li W*.Preferntial loss of gut-homing a4b7 CD4+T cells and their functional subsets in the circulation in acute HIV-1 infection. Cellular & Molecualr Immunology. 2015,13(6):776-784.SCI
31. Sun X#, Li W#, Liu W, Wang R, Li Q, Wu H*.Genetic polymorphisms of Trim5a are associated with disease progression in acutely and chronically HIV-infected patients. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015,8(9):16199-206.SCI
32. Liu Z#, Li W#, Xu M, Sheng B, Yang Z, Jiao Y, Zhang T, Mou D, Chen D*, Wu H*.Development of an In-House Multiplex Nested RT-PCR Method for Detecting Acute HIV-1 Infection in High Risk Populations . Curr HIV Res. 2015,13(4):315-24.SCI
33. Yuan C^, Yuan Z^, Cui X, Gao W, Zhao P, He N, Cui S, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Li W*, Zheng J*.Interferon gamma, Interleukin-6, and -17a levels were correlated with minimal hepatic encephalopathy in HBV patients. Hepatology International . 2015,9(4):218-223.SCI
34. Yuan L, Liu A, Qiao L, Sheng B, Xu M, Li W*, Chen D*.The relationship of CSF and plasma cytokine levels in HIV-infected patients with neurocognitive impairment. BioMed Research International. 2015,2015:506872.SCI
35. Li W, Li N, Sun GZ, Wu H*.Reply to Zhang et al “The Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates in China”. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2014,58(10):1494.SCI
36. Li W, Teng GJ, Tong HF, Jiao YM, Zhang T, Chen H, Wu H*.Study on risk factors for severe hand, foot and mouth disease in China.. PLOS ONE. 2014,9(1):e87603.SCI
37. Wang W#, Li W#, Yang X, Zhang T, Wang YX, Zhong R, Jiao YM, Li TZ, Jiang TY, Tian YK, Wu H*.Interleukin-8 is elevated in severe hand, foot and mouth disease.. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries . 2014,8(1):094-100.SCI
38. Wang W#, Wu H#, Jiao YM, Halm-Lutterodt NV, Li W*.IL-6 and IFNgamma are elevated in severe mumps cases.. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2014,8(2):208-214.SCI
39. Li W#, Teng GJ#, Tong HF, Jiao YM, Zhang T, Chen H*, Wu H*.Study on risk factors for severe hand, foot and mouth disease in China. PLOS ONE. 2014,9(1):e87603.SCI
40. Li W#, Sun GZ#, Yu YH#, Li N, Chen M, Jin RH, Jiao YM, Wu H*.Increasing occurrence of antimicrobial resistant hypervirulent (hypermucoviscous) Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in China. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2014,58(2):225-232.SCI
41. Chen JQ#, Li W#, Huang XJ, Guo CP, Zou R, Yang QY, Zhang HW, Zhang T, Chen H*, Wu H*.Evaluating total lymphocyte count as a surrogate marker for CD4 cell count in the management of HIV-infected patients in resource-limited settings: a study from China. PLOS ONE. 2013,8(7):e69704.SCI
42. Yu YH#, Zhao XY#, Wang W, Wu H, Chen M, Hua WH, Wang HZ, Wei T, Jiao YM, Sun GZ*, Li W*.Diagnostic performance of interferon-gamma releasing assay in HIV-infected patients in China. PLOS ONE. 2013,8(8):e70957.SCI
43. Liu Z#, Li W#, Wang J, Pan J, Sun S, Yu Y, Zhao B, Ma Y, Zhang T, Qi J, Liu G, Lu F*.Identification and characterization of the first Escherichia coli strain carrying NDM-1 gene in China. PLOS ONE. 2013,8(6):e66666.SCI
44. Li W#, Huang X#, Liu Z, Wang Y, Zhang H, Tong H, Wu H*, Lin S*.Type III interferon induces apoptosis in human lung cancer cells. PLOS ONE. 2012,28(3):1117-1125.SCI
45. 李威,张小丹,童红飞,黄晓婕,吴昊,汪雯*.鼠神经生长因子治疗HIV/AIDS合并隐球菌性脑膜炎临床观察. 中国病毒病杂志. 2012,2(4):277-280.核心期刊
46. Guo HC, Bu HQ, Luo J, Wei WT, Liu DL, Chen H, Tong HF, Wang ZH, Wu HY, Li HH, Zuo MM, Li W*, Lin SZ*.Emodin potentiates the antitumor effects of gemcitabine in PANC-1 pancreatic cancer xenograft model in vivo via inhibition of inhibitors of apoptosis. International Journal of Oncology. 2012,40(6):1849-57.SCI
47. Li W#, Huang X#, Tong H, Wang Y, Zhang T, Wang W, Dai L, Li T, Lin S*, Wu H*.Comparison of the regulation of β-catenin signaling by type I, type II and type III interferons in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. PLOS ONE. 2012,7(10):e47040.SCI
48. 代丽丽,张彤,张薇,易银,郭彩萍,李威*.32例AIDS伴发中枢神经系统感染病人临床分析. 中国艾滋病性病. 2012,18(6) :365-367.核心期刊
49. 李威,吴昊,张宏伟*.干扰素lambda对人肺腺癌细胞A549的增殖抑制作用及其机制研究. 现代肿瘤生物. 2012,20(7):1337-1340.核心期刊
50. Li W, Henderson LJ, Major EO, Al-Harthi L*.IFN gamma promotes HIV replication in astrocytes by antagonizing the beta-catenin pathway in a DKK1 and STAT3-dependent manner. Journal of Immunology. 2011,186(12):6771-8.SCI
1. 北京市高层次创新创业人才(领军人才) 省部级 201701
2. 北京市百千万人才工程人才 省部级 201605
3. 年度十佳学术论文奖 年度十佳学术论文奖 校级 201605
4. 北京市卫生系统高层次人才 北京市卫生系统高层次人才 省部级 201410
5. 首都十大疾病科技攻关创新型科技成果奖 首都十大疾病科技攻关创新型科技成果奖 省部级 201205
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-27
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姓名:杨松性别:男职称:主任医师、副教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:酒精性肝病肝癌的发病机制及诊疗研究电子信箱:sduyangsong@163.com社会任职1.中国医师协会感染科医师分会青年委员2.中华医学会感染病分会肝炎学组委员3.中华医学会热带病与寄生虫病分会肝炎学组委员4.北京医学会肝病分会青年委员会副主任委员5.北京医师协 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27首都医科大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-李鑫
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姓名:陈京龙性别:男职称:主任医师、副教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:病毒相关性肿瘤发病机制及诊治研究电子信箱:@qq.com社会任职1.中国研究型医院学会肝病专业委员会常务委员2.国家肿瘤微创治疗产业技术创新战略联盟-中西医结合微创治疗专业委员会常务委员3.北京医师协会肿瘤专业委员会委员4.国家远程医疗与互联网医学中心肿瘤专家委员 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27首都医科大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-郜桂菊
姓名:郜桂菊性别:女职称:主任医师、教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:艾滋病相关的基础与临床研究电子信箱:ggj1997@163.com社会任职1.中国民族医药学会传染病分会理事2.中国性病艾滋病防治协会学术委员会病毒免疫学组成员3.《中国皮肤性病学杂志》在线审稿专家4.《传染病信息》在线审稿专家5.北京市抗病毒治疗专家组成员个人简历 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27首都医科大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-赵红心
姓名:赵红心性别:女职称:主任医师、教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(博)科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(博)内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:艾滋病相关的基础与临床电子信箱:drzhao66@ccmu.edu.cn社会任职1.北京医学会感染分会委员2.中国艾滋病性病杂志常务编委3.北京市职业病诊断鉴别诊断专家4.中国防痨协会结核/艾滋病双重感染分会常委5.卫健委艾 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27首都医科大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-谢雯
姓名:谢雯性别:女职称:主任医师、教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(博)科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(博)内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:病毒性肝炎及相关肝病的基础及临床研究电子信箱:xiewen6218@sohu.com社会任职1.北京市科委生物医药专业评审专家库评审委员2.CFDA药物评审委员3.《中国临床医生》编委4.《中华肝脏病杂志》编委5.国家科技奖励 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27首都医科大学硕士研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-谢尧
姓名:谢尧性别:男职称:主任医师、教授招生院所:地坛医院招生类型:科学与专业学位(硕)招生专业:内科学(传染病)(硕)研究方向名称:病毒性肝炎发病机制、预防和临床治疗电子信箱:xieyao**@163.com社会任职1.中华实验和临床病毒学杂志编委2.中华实验和临床感染学杂志编委3.中国肝脏病杂志编委4.实用肝脏病杂志编委5.中华肝脏病杂志编委6.中华医学会北京肝病学分会丙肝学组副组长7.北京医学 ...首都医科大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-27