

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-27

姓名:王宁利 性别:男 职称:教授 招生院所:附属同仁医院 招生类型:科学与专业学位(博) 科学与专业学位(硕) 招生专业:眼科学(博) 眼科学(硕) 研究方向名称:青光眼 白内障 屈光 电子信箱:

1. 中华医学会眼科分会 主任委员
2. 中华医学会眼科分会青光眼学组,组长
3. 北京医学会眼科分会主任委员
4. 第八届国家药典委员会,委员
5. WHO中国防盲合作中心,主任
6. 全国防盲技术指导组,组长
7. 中国医师协会眼科分会会长
8. 全国政协委员
9. 亚太眼科学会(APAO)现任主席
10. 国际眼科理事会(ICO) 理事会成员
11. 国际眼科科学院 院士
12. 首都医科大学眼科学院 院长
13. 中国医师协会眼科学分会 主任委员
14. 中华预防医学会公共卫生眼科学分会 主任委员
1. 1978-1983:青海医学院 学士
2. 1983-1987:青海医学院附属医院眼科 住院医生
3. 1987-1992:广州中山医科大学 博士
4. 1992-1994:广州中山医科大学中山眼科中心青光眼专科 主治医生
5. 1994-1998:广州中山医科大学中山眼科中心 副教授, 副主任医师
6. 1996-1996:新加坡国家眼科中心 临床培训
7. 1998-2001:广州中山医科大学中山眼科中心 教授,主任医师,硕士生导师,科副主任
8. 1998-2000:美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(Univ. Calif. San Diego),希利(Shiley)眼科中心 博士后
9. 2002-2010:北京同仁医院眼科中心 副院长,中心常务副主任
10. 201101-:北京同仁眼科中心 主任
11. 20132-201710:北京市眼科研究所 所长
12. 201407-201610:首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 党委书记、副院长
13. 201610-201710:首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 院长
1. Li Liu., Xu Mai., Liu Hanruo., Li Yang., Wang Xiaofei., Jiang Lai., Wang Zulin., Fan Xiang., Wang Ningli*. A Large-Scale Database and a CNN Model for Attention-Based Glaucoma Detection. . IEEE Trans Med Imaging,. 2020,39(2):413-424.SCI
2. Liu Hanruo., Li Liu., Wormstone I Michael., Qiao Chunyan., Zhang Chun., Liu Ping., Li Shuning., Wang Huaizhou., Mou Dapeng., Pang Ruiqi., Yang Diya., Jiang Lai., Chen Yihan., Hu Man., Xu Yongli., Kang Hong., Ji Xin., Chang Robert., Tham Clement., Wang NIingli*.Development and Validation of a Deep Learning System to Detect Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy Using Fundus Photographs.. JAMA Ophthalmol. . 2019,137(12):1353–1360. .SCI
3. Zhao Jialiang., Mariotti Silvio Paolo., Resnikoff Serge., Wang Yuqin., Yu Shicheng., He Mingguang., Fan Yingchuan., Zou Haidong., Zhang Wenfang., Jia Yading., Wang Lihua., Guan Huaijin., Xu Xiao., Zhan Leilei., An Lei., Ye Quanfu., Wang Ningli*.Correction: Assessment of trachoma in suspected uspected endemic areas within 16 provinces in mainland China. . PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019,13(6): e**. .SCI
4. Mao Feifei., Yang Xiaohui., Yang Ke., Cao Xusheng., Cao Kai., Hao Jie., Zhang Ye. Wang Ningli.*. Six-Year Incidence and Risk Factors for Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a Rural Chinese Population: The Handan Eye Study. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019,60:4966-4971..SCI
5. 石砚,王宁利*.Outcomes of microcatheter-assisted trabeculotomy following failed angle surgeries in primary congenital glaucoma. EYE. 2017,31(1):132-139.SCI
6. 孙芸芸,李仕明#,王宁利*.Effect of Uncorrection and Full Correction on Myopia Progression in 12-year-old Children. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2017,255(1):189-195.SCI
7. 文江平,鲁辛辛,王宁利*.A non-invasive risk score for predicting incident diabetes among rural Chinese people: A village-based cohort study. PLOS one. 2017,12(11):e**.SCI
8. 张敬学,王宁利*.Regulation of Reentrainment Function Is Dependent on a Certain Minimal Number of Intact Functional ipRGCs in rd Mice. journal of ophthalmology. 2017,2017(2017):1-8.SCI
9. Alex S. Huang(外),王宁利*.Aqueous Angiography in Living Nonhuman Primates Shows Segmental, Pulsatile, and Dymamic Angiographic Aqueous Humor Outflow. Ophthalmology. 2017,124(6):793-803.SCI
10. 张新媛,王宁利*,邓世靖,孙旭光,赵琳(学).Dry eye syndrome in patients with diabetes melitus:prevalence,etiology,and clinical characteristics. journal of ophthalmology. 2017,2016(10.1155):**.SCI
11. 李树宁,李仕明#,王宁利*.Distribution and associations of intraocular pressure in 7- and 12-year-old Chinese children: The Anyang Childhood Eye Study. PLOS ONE. 2017,12(8):e**.SCI
12. 王玫,王宁利*.Etiological characteristics of chlamydia trachoma conjunctivitis of Primary Boarding School students in the Qinghai Tibetan area. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 2017,59(6):555-560.SCI
13. 康梦田,王宁利*,李仕明.Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and its Association with Refractive error in Chinese Children: The Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2017,44(8):701-709.SCI
14. 李仕明,康梦田#,王宁利*.Studies using concentric ring bifocal and peripheral add multifocal contact lenses to slow myopia progression in school-aged children: a meta-analysis. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2017,37(1):51-59.SCI
15. 李猛,王怀洲,张熙芳,王宁利*.Comparison of time-domain, spectral-domain and swept-source OCT in evaluating aqueous cells in vitro. Science China Life Sciences. 2017,59(12):1319–1323.SCI
16. 李仕明,康梦田,王宁利*.Chinese Eye Exercises and Myopia Development in School Age Children: A Nested Case-control Study. Sci Rep. 2016,6(10):28531.SCI
17. 康梦田,王宁利*.Chinese Eye Exercises and Myopia Development in School Age Children A Nested Case-control Study. scientific reports. 2016,6:28531-28539.SCI
18. 侯若武,章征#,王宁利*.Intracranial pressure (ICP) and optic nerve subarachnoid space pressure (ONSP) correlation in the optic nerve chamber: the Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure (iCOP) study. Brain Research. 2016,1635(2016):201-208.SCI
19. 李静,王宁利*.Normative values of retinal oxygen saturation in rhesus monkeys: the Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure(iCOP) Study.. Plos One. 2016,11(3):e**.SCI
20. 章征,王宁利*.Dynein, kinesin and morphological changes in optic nerve axons in a rat model with cerebrospinal fluid pressure reduction: the Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure (iCOP) study.. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2016,94:266-275.SCI
21. 李松峰,王宁利*.The association between the choroidal thickness and the anterior chamber segment in the subjects only with narrow angle. International Journal of Ophthalmology. 2016,9(8):1143-1147.SCI
22. 李仕明,王宁利*.Laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK) versus photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for correction of myopia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016,2(pub2):CD009799.SCI
23. 李仕明,王宁利*.Corneal power, anterior segment length and lens power in 14-year-old Chinese children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Sci Rep. 2016,6(10):20243.SCI
24. 贾红艳,王宁利*.Genome-wide association study identifies five new susceptibility loci for primary angle closure glaucoma. nature genetics. 2016,48(5):556-562.SCI
25. 侯若武,章征#,王宁利*.Pressure balance and imbalance in the optic nerve chamber: The Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure (iCOP) Study. Science China Life Sciences. 2016,59(5):495-503.SCI
26. 张烨,王宁利*.Dynamic Iris Changes as a Risk Factor in Primary Angle Closure Disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016,57:218-226.SCI
27. 李仕明,王宁利*.Distribution of Ocular Biometry in 7- and 14-Year-Old Chinese Children. Optometry and vision science. 2015,92(5):566-572.SCI
28. 李仕明,李偲圆,王宁利*.Effect of undercorrection on myopia progression in 12-year-old children. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2015,253(8):1363-1368.SCI
29. 李仕明,王宁利*.Near Work Related Parameters and Myopia in Chinese Children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. PLOS ONE. 2015,10(8):e**.SCI
30. 贾力蕴,王宁利*.A common variant near TGFBR3 is associated with primary open angle glaucoma.. Hum Mol Genet.. 2015,2015(128):1-13.SCI
31. 张烨,王宁利*.Quantiative Analysis of Iris Changes Following Mydriasis in Subjects with Different Mechanisms of Angle Closure. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015,56(1):563-570.SCI
32. 章征,王宁利*.Retinoblastoma in a young adult mimicking Coats’ disease. Int J Ophthalmol. 2015,5(5):625-629.SCI
33. 李仕明,王宁利*.Time Outdoors and Myopia Progression over 2-Years in Chinese Children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015,56(8):4734-4740.SCI
34. 万修华,王宁利*.Effect of refractive correction on ocular optical quality measurement using double pass system. Chinese Medical Journal. 2015,126(22):4289-4294.SCI
35. 张烨,王宁利*.The Handan Eye Study: Comparison of Screening Methods for Primary Angle Closure Suspects in a Rural Chinese Population. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2015,21(4):268-75.SCI
36. 章征,王宁利*.Intracranial pressure fluctuations: a potential risk factor for glaucoma?. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2015,93(1):84-85.SCI
37. 王宁利*.重视青光眼检查技术规范促进结果互认[J]. 中华眼科杂志. 2014,(5):321-322.核心期刊
38. Wan XH, Li SM, Xiong Y, Liang YB, Li J, Wang FH, Li J, Jhanji V, Wang NL*..Ocular monochromatic aberrations in a rural Chinese adult population. Optom Vis Sci.. 2014,91(1):68-75.SCI
39. Fu J, Li SM, Li SY, Li JL, Li H, Zhu BD, Yang Z, Li L, Wang NL*..Prevalence, causes and associations of amblyopia in year 1 students in Central China : The Anyang childhood eye study (ACES). . Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.. 2014,252(1):137-43.SCI
40. Zhang Y, Li SZ, Li L, He MG, Thomas R, Wang NL..Quantitative analysis of iris changes after physiologic and pharmacologic mydriasis in a rural Chinese population.. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. . 2014,55(7):4405-12.SCI
41. 王宁利*,王怀洲,洪洁等.房水流出通路重建术与 Schlemm 管成形术治疗开角型青光眼的初步临床对比研究[J].. 中华眼科杂志. 2014,(5):338-342.核心期刊
42. Yang K, Wang FH, Liang YB, Wong TY, Wang JJ, Zhan SY, Wang NL*.. Associations between cardiovascular risk factors and early age-related macular degeneration in a rural Chinese adult population.. Retina.. 2014,34(8):1539-53.SCI
43. Zhang Y, Li SZ, Li L, Thomas R, Wang NL*..The Handan Eye Study: comparison of screening methods for primary angle closure suspects in a rural Chinese population. . Ophthalmic Epidemiol.. 2014,21(4):268-75.SCI
44. Fu J, Li SM, Liu LR, Li JL, Li SY, Zhu BD, Li H, Yang Z, Li L, Wang NL.Anyang Childhood Eye Study Group. Prevalence of amblyopia and strabismus in a population of 7th-grade junior high school students in Central China: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study (ACES). . Ophthalmic Epidemiol. . 2014,21(3):197-203..SCI
45. 王宁利*,解晓斌,陈伟伟等.基于磁共振成像的无创颅内压及跨筛板压力差测量方法的标准与规范探讨[J].. 中华眼科杂志. 2014,50(12):936-940.SCI
46. 张烨,李思珍,王宁利*等..周边前房深度扫描分析仪的可重复性及一致性研究——邯郸眼病研究[J].. 中华实验眼科杂志. 2014,32(12):1122-1125.核心期刊
47. 王宁利*,乔春艳.从各国青光眼指南谈目标眼压[J]. 中华眼科杂志. 2014,50(4):318-320.核心期刊
48. W. Shi, H. Z. Wang, W. X. Song, W. L. Yang, W. Y. Li, and N. L. Wang,.Axonal Loss and Blood Flow Disturbances in the Natural Course of Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy'. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013,126:1292-7..SCI
49. Y. L. Wang, Z. Z. Wang, L. Zhao, S. H. Xiong, Q. Li, N. L. Wang, and A. Q. Sun. Finite Element Analysis of Neodymium: Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Incisions for the Prevention of Anterior Capsule Contraction Syndrome. Chin Med J (Engl) . 2013,126:692-6.SCI
50. G. Qing, N. Wang, Q. Lu, and S. Zhang, 'Different Y. Zhao, K. Yang, F. Wang, Y. Liang, Y. Peng, R. Shen, T. Wong, and N. Wang*,.Associations between Metabolic Syndrome and Syndrome Components and Retinal Microvascular Signs in a Rural Chinese Population: The Handan Eye Study' . Graefes Arch Clin Exp . 2012,250:741-9..SCI
51. N. Wang, X. Xie, D. Yang, J. Xian, Y. Li, R. Ren, X. Peng, J. B. Jonas, and R. N. Weinreb,.Orbital Cerebrospinal Fluid Space in Glaucoma: The Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure (Icop) Study. Ophthalmology. 2012,119: 2065-73 .SCI
52. Z. Lin, B. Vasudevan, Y. B. Liang, Y. C. Zhang, L. Y. Qiao, S. S. Rong, S. Z. Li, N. L. Wang, and K. J. Ciuffreda,.Baseline Characteristics of Nearwork-Induced Transient Myopia. Optom Vis Sci. 2012, 89 :1725-33.SCI
53. R. Ren, N. Wang, X. Zhang, G. Tian, and J. B. Jonas .Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Correlated with Body Mass Index' . Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2012,250 :445-6..SCI
54. J. Yu, E. J. Johnson, F. Shang, A. Lim, H. Zhou, L. Cui, J. Xu, T. Snellingen, X. Liu, N. Wang, and N. Liu,. Measurement of Macular Pigment Optical Density in a Healthy Chinese Population Sample. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012,53:2106-11.SCI
55. Z. Zhang, D. Yang, J. Sang, R. Hou, K. Liu, Z. Li, X. Xie, J. B. Jonas, and N. Wang*.Reproducibility of Macular, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, and Onh Measurements by Oct in Rhesus Monkeys: The Beijing Intracranial and Intraocular Pressure (Icop) Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012,53:4505-9..SCI
56. Wang L, Zhang X, Cai S, Ma J, Liu X, Wang N.Correlated or not: Glaucoma prevalence and modern industrialization. Med Hypotheses. 2011,76(2):220-4.SCI
57. Dejiao Li, Ningli Wang, Bingsong Wang, Tao Wang, Shuning Li, Lijia Chen, Dapeng Mu..Correlation between pupil diameter and angle configuration in the dark room provocative test. J Glaucoma. 2011,20(6):331-335.SCI
58. Ruojin Ren, Ningli Wang, Xiaojun Zhang, Tongtong Cui, Jost B. Jonas.Trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference correlated with neuroretinal rim area in glaucoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2011,249(7):1057-63.SCI
59. Li S, Wang X, Wu G, Fu J, Li S, Wan X, Wang N..Comparison of two retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurement patterns of RTvue optical coherence tomography.. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2011,39(3):222-9.SCI
60. Yang K, Liang YB, Gao LQ, Peng Y, Shen R, Duan XR, Friedman DS, Sun LP, Mitchell P, Wang NL, Wong TY, Wang JJ..Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in a rural Chinese population: the Handan Eye Study.. Ophthalmology. 2011,118(7):1395-401.SCI
61. Ruojin Ren, Xiaojun Zhang, Ningli Wang, Bin Li, Guogong Tian, Jost B. Jonas..Cerebrospinal fluid pressure in ocular hypertension. Acta Ophthalmol. 2011,89(2):e142-8.SCI
62. FU Jing, LI Shu-ning, WANG Xiao-zhen, WU Ge-wei, MU Da-peng, WANG Jian and WANG Ning-li*.Measurement of anterior chamber volume with rotating scheimpflug camera and anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Chinese Medical Journal. 2010,123(2):203-207.SCI
63. 辛晨;王宁利*;乔利亚.滤过泡形态对青光眼患者眼表结构和舒适度的影响 . 眼科. 2010,19(1):19-24.核心期刊
64. 路晖;傅涛;王宁利*.大鼠前房内抗原在淋巴器官分布的定量研究. 眼科新进展. 2010,30(12):1108-1110.核心期刊
65. Jiang L, Liang Y, Qiu B, Wang F, Duan X, Yang X, Huang W, Wang N*.Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in a rural Chinese adult population: the Handan Eye Study.. Nephron Clin Pract. 2010,114(4):c295-302.SCI
66. Li Q., Wang N., Qing G..Glass fragment in the anterior chamber caused corneal endothelial dysfunction eight years after penetrating trauma. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology . 2010,54(4) :358-359.
67. Wang X., Harmon J., Zabrieskie N., Chen Y., Grob S., Williams B., Lee C., Kasuga D., Shaw P.X., Buehler J., Wang N*., Zhang K.Using the Utah Population Database to assess familial risk of primary open angle glaucoma. Vision Research. 2010,50(23):2391-2395.SCI
68. 乔利亚;梁远波;卢清君;唐炘;彭忆;陈虹;郭淑珍;王宁利*.真空小梁成形术对原发性开角型青光眼及高眼压症的降眼压作用的初步研究. 眼科. 2010,19(1):33-36.核心期刊
69. 王晓贞;李松峰;吴葛玮;李树宁;王宁利*.超声乳化白内障摘出术对抗青光眼术后白内障眼眼压及滤过泡的影响. 眼科新进展. 2010,30(6):551-554.核心期刊
70. 甄毅;王宁利*;郭彦;张馨蓓.日间与昼夜眼压曲线对异常眼压测量能力的比较. 眼科研究. 2010,28(4):360-364.核心期刊
71. Li S., Wang H., Mu D., Fu J., Wang X., Wang J., Wang N*.Prospective evaluation of changes in anterior segment morphology after laser iridotomy in Chinese eyes by rotating Scheimpflug camera imaging. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2010,38 (1):10-14.SCI
72. Qing G., Zhang S., Wang B., Wang N*.Functional MRI signal changes in primary visual cortex corresponding to the central normal visual field of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 2010,51(9) :4627-4634.SCI
73. Cui L., Zhou H., Yu J., Sun E., Zhang Y., Jia W., Jiao Y., Snellingen T., Liu X., Lim A., Wang N., Liu N..Noncoding variant in the complement factor H gene and risk of exudative age-related macular degeneration in a Chinese population.. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science . 2010, 51 (2):1116-1120.SCI
74. Li S, Xiong Y, Li J, Wang N, Dai Y, Xue L, Zhao H, Jiang W, Zhang Y, He J.Effects of monochromatic aberration on visual acuity using adaptive optics. Optometry and Vision Science. 2009,86(7):868-74.SCI
75. Zhang S, Wang H, Lu Q, Qing G, Wang N*, Wang Y, Li S, Yang D, Yan F.Detection of early neuron degeneration and accompanying glial responses in the visual pathway in a rat model of acute intraocular hypertension. Brain Research. 2009,1303:131-43.SCI
76. Li J, Xiong Y, Wang N*, Li S, Dai Y, Xue L, Zhao H, Jiang W, Zhang Y.Effects of spherical aberration on visual acuity at different contrasts.. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 2009,35(8):1389-95.SCI
77. Wang XZ, Zhang H, Li SN, Wang NL*.The effects of phacoemulsification on intraocular pressure and ultrasound biomicroscopic image of filtering bleb in eyes with cataract and functioning filtering blebs. Eye. 2009,23:112-6.SCI
78. Lei K, Wang N*, Wang L, Wang B.Morphological changes of the anterior segment after laser peripheral iridotomy in primary angle closure. Eye. 2009,23(2):345-50.SCI
79. Chen L, Jia L, Wang N*, Tang G, Zhang C, Fan S, Liu W, Meng H, Zeng W, Liu N, Wang H, Jia H..Evaluation of LOXL1 polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome in a Chinese population. Molecular Vision. 2009,15:2349-57.SCI
80. Liang YB, Wong TY, Sun LP, Tao QS, Wang JJ, Yang XH, Xiong Y, Wang NL*, Friedman DS.Refractive errors in a rural Chinese adult population the Handan eye study. Ophthalmology. 2009,116(11):2119-27.SCI
81. Wen J, Liang Y, Wang F, Sun L, Guo Y, Duan X, Liu X, Tao Q, Wong TY, Lu X, Wang N*.Association of C-reactive protein and metabolic syndrome in a rural Chinese population. Clinical Biochemistry. 2009,42(10-11):976-83..SCI
82. Jia LY, Tam OS, Chiang WY, Wang NL*.Multiple Gene Polymorphisms Analysis Revealed a Different Profile of Genetic Polymorphisms of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Northern Chinese. Molecular Vision. 2009,15:89-98.SCI
83. Liang YB, Friedman DS, Wong TY, Wang FH, Duan XR, Yang XH, Zhou Q, Tao Q, Zhan SY, Sun LP, Wang NL*. Handan Eye Study Group. Rationale, design, methodology, and baseline data of a population-based study in rural China: the Handan Eye Study.. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2009,16(2):115-27.SCI
84. Duan XR, Liang YB, Friedman DS, Sun LP, Wei WB, Wang JJ, Wang GL, Liu W, Tao QS, Wang NL*, Wong TY.Prevalence and Associations of Epiretinal Membranes in a Rural Chinese Adult Population: The Handan Eye Study. . Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2009,50(5):2018-23.SCI
85. Lu H, Lu QJ, Fu T, Pan ZJ, Wang NL*.The effects of glaucoma filtering surgery on anterior chamber-associated immune deviation and contribution of lymphatic drainage in rats. Eye. 2009,23(1):215-21.SCI
86. Ding J, Ding N, Wang N*, Lu Q, Lu N, Yang D, Bu X, Han S, Li J.Determination of conventional protein kinase C isoforms involved in high intraocular pressure-induced retinal ischemic preconditioning of rats. Vision Research. 2009,49(3):315-21.SCI
87. Sun X, Zhang S, Wang N*, Liang Y, Wang L, Fan S, Sun L.Utility Assessment among Patients of Primary Angle Closure/Glaucoma in China: A Preliminary Study.. British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2009,93(7):871-4.SCI
88. Ren R, Wang N*, Li B, Li L, Gao F, Xu X, Jonas JB.Lamina cribrosa and peripapillary sclera histomorphometry in normal and advanced glaucomatous Chinese eyes with various axial length. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2009,50(5):2175-84.SCI
89. Qing G, Wang N*, Tang X, Zhang S, Chen H.Clinical characteristics of pigment dispersion syndrome in Chinese patients.. Eye. 2009,23(8):1641-6.SCI
90. Lei K, Wang N, Wang L*, Wang B.. Morphological changes of the anterior segment after laser peripheral iridotomy in primary angle closure . Eye. 2009,23(2):345-50.SCI
91. Jia LY, Tam OS, Chiang WY, Wang NL*, et al.. Multiple Gene Polymorphisms Analysis Revealed a Different Profile of Genetic Polymorphisms of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in Northern Chinese. Molecular Vision. 2009,15:: 89-98.SCI
92. Lu H, Lu QJ, Fu T, Wang NL*, et al. .The effects of glaucoma filtering surgery on anterior chamber-associated immune deviation and contribution of lymphatic drainage in rats. Eye. 2009, 23(1) :215-21.SCI
93. Wang FH, Liang YB, Zhang F, Wang JJ, Wei WB, Tao QS, Sun LP, Friedman DS, Wang NL*, Wong TY.. Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in rural china: the handan eye study. Ophthalmology. 2009,116(3):461-7.SCI
94. Qing G, Wang N*.Reticulated hyaluronic acid implant (SK-GEL) dislocated into anterior chamber for 10 months. Eye . 2009,23(5):1230.SCI
95. Huang Y, Li Z, Wang N*, van Rooijen N, Cui Q. .Roles of PI3K and JAK pathways in viability of retinal ganglion cells after acute elevation of intraocular pressure in rats with different autoimmune backgrounds. BMC Neurosci. 2008,11(9):78.SCI
96. 李肖春,马建民,王宁利*.PDTC对大鼠Tenon’s囊成纤维细胞增生及凋亡的影响. 眼科研究. 2008,26(6):417-419.核心期刊
97. Li J, Wang N*, Wang J.. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases of human lens epithelial cells in the cultured lens capsule bag. Eye. 2008,22(3):439-44.SCI
98. Qiao LY, Wang NL*, Liang YB, et al.. Penetration of topically applied levofloxacin into eyes with thin-wall filtering bleb after trabeculectomy. Eye. 2008,22(5): 666-70.SCI
99. Duan XM, Lu QJ, Xue P, Wang NL*. Proteomic analysis of aqueous humor from patients with myopia. Molecular Vision. 2008,14:370-377.SCI
100. Yu M, Chen X, Wang N*, Cai S, Li N, Qiu J, Brandt CR, Kaufman PL, Liu X.. H-1152 effects on intraocular pressure and trabecular meshwork morphology of rat eyes. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2008,24(4):373-9.SCI
101. Gong WF, Chiang WY, Chen LJ, Wang NL* .Evaluation of LOXL1 polymorphisms in primary open-angle glaucoma in southern and northern Chinese. Molecular Vision. 2008,14:2381-2389.SCI
102. Wang NL, Lu QJ, Li JH. Prostaglandin induces the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in ciliary melanocytes. Chinese Medical Journal. 2008,121(13):1173-1176.SCI
103. Qing GP, Wang NL*. Clinical Signs and Characteristics of Pigmentary Glaucoma in Chinese. Jpn J Ophthalmol . 2008,52:162–166.
104. wang ningli.Interesting fundus lesion after LASIK mishap. Eye. 2007,21:680-682.SCI
105. wang ningli.Effects of MISA A on Actin Cytoskeleton of Cultured HTM Cells and Intraocular Pressure of Rats and Glaucomatous Monkeys. Current Eye Research. 2007,32:843-850.SCI
106. wang ningli.Enhanced protein expressions of sortilin and p75(NTR) in retina of rat following elevated intraocular pressure-induced retinal ischemia. Neurosci Lett. 2007,429:169-174.SCI
107. wang ningli.The epidemiology of age-related eye diseases in mainland china. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2007,14:399-407.SCI
108. wang ningli .Laser-induced chorioretinal venous anastomosis using combined lasers with different wavelengths. Eye. 2007,21:962-967.SCI
109. wang ningli .A method of measuring anterior chamber volume using the anterior segment optical coherence tomographer and specialized software. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007,143:879-881.SCI
110. wang ningli.Laser treatment to large iris cyst secondary to trabeculectomy. Can J Ophthalmol. 2007,42:316-317.SCI
1. 《《中国县级医院眼科验光教程》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201708
2. 《《同仁眼科手术基础教程》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201702
3. 《《视路疾病与视野改变》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201611
4. 《《图解青光眼手术操作与技巧》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201608
5. 《《眼科学》国家卫计委住院医师规范化培训规划教材》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201601
6. 《《沙眼》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201510
7. 《《眼科学》第 3 版》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201507
8. 《《临床与科研——临床需求导向的科学研究》》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201505
9. 《整合眼科学》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201412
10. 《国内名院、名科、知名专家临床诊疗思维系列丛书—眼科学分册》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201108
11. 《眼科设备原理与应用》,主编,人民卫生出版社,201012
12. 《眼科超声》,主编,人民军医出版社,201008
13. 《活体超声生物显微镜眼科学(第2版)》,主编,科学出版社,201003
14. 《眼科学(5年制)》,主编,北京大学医学出版社,200908
15. 《非穿透青光眼手术》,主编,科学出版社,2009
16. 《眼科学(3年制)》,主编,北京大学医学出版社,2008
17. 《眼科学》,主编,人民卫生出版社,2008
18. 《神经眼科学》,主译,人民卫生出版社 ,2007
19. 《青光眼专家释疑 》,主编,人民卫生出版社,2007
20. 《临床青光眼图谱》,主编,人民卫生出版社 ,2007
21. 《眼超声诊断学》,主编,科学技术文献出版社,2006
22. 《同仁验光配镜实用技术》,主编,人民军医出版社,2006
23. 《同仁眼科讲座》,主编,郑州大学出版社,2005
24. 《《眼科学》全国高等院校五年制统编教材》,副主编,北京大学医学出版社,2004
25. 《眼解剖与临床》,主编,北京大学医学出版社,2003
26. 《2002眼科学新进展》,主编,人民卫生出版社,2003
27. 《活体超声生物显微镜眼科学》,主编,科学出版社,2002
28. 《现代青光眼研究进展》,主编,科学出版社,2000
1. 2020全球最具影响力百名眼科医生 202003
2. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术) 近视眼防控技术的研究与应用 一等奖 201912
3. 国家“”教学名师 201909
4. APGC asia-pacific award 201804
5. 亚太青光眼学会杰出成就奖 201804
6. 吴杨奖 201712
7. 新型非过滤跑依赖性青光眼手术的建立与应用 北京市科学技术奖 二等奖 201711
8. 谈家桢临床医学奖 201711
9. 何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖 201710
10. 中国医学科学家奖 201707
11. 全国创新争先奖 201705
12. APAO senior achievement award 201703
13. 原发性开角型青光眼新防治技术的建立及应用 国家科学技术进步奖 二等奖 201412
14. 原发性闭角型青光眼发病机制与防治体系的建立及应用 国家科学技术进步奖 二等奖 201312
15. 原发性开角型青光眼机制分型及新诊治模式的创建和应用 中华医学科技奖 一等奖 201212
16. 原发性闭角型青光眼防治技术及推广 中华医学科技奖 一等奖 201112
17. Arthur Lim Award 2011
18. 青光眼性神经损伤的机制及保护研究 高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学奖二等奖 二等奖 2009
19. 中华眼科杰出成就奖 2009
20. 高等学校科学研究优秀成果自然科学奖 一等奖 2008
21. 中华医学科技奖 三等奖 2007
22. 北京市科学技术奖 二等奖 2003
23. 中华医学科技奖 2002
24. 中国高校自然科学奖 一等奖 2001
25. 广东省科学技术奖 三等奖 2001
26. 第七届全国青光眼学术会议优秀论文奖 1999
27. 中山医科大学医疗成果奖 三等奖 1998
28. 第二次全国中青年学术会议优秀论文奖 一等奖 1998

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