
首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Richard P. Greene

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-05

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Richard P. Greene (March 2016)
TEACHING Geographic information systems, urban studies, economic geography
RESEARCH Geographic information systems & spatial analysis; Urban studies applications in
INTERESTS GIS; China urban system; Changing metropolitan regions with respect to land-use,
agriculture, and population/employment distribution.
EDUCATION University of Minnesota, Department of Geography.
Ph.D. Geography, December 1989 . Dissertation: Poverty Concentrations in
Large American Cities.
M.A. Geography, October 1986 .
Master’s Thesis: Critical Density in Four American Cities.
Minor in Planning, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
B.A. Geography, May 1983 .
Emphasis in Environmental management.
TEACHING University of Redlands, School of Business
APPOINTMENTS Senior Fellow, Center for Business GIS and Spatial Analysis (GISAB)
Courses: GISB692W— Spatial Analysis for Global Business and BUSB433—GIS
for Business. (September 2015—June 2016).
Sabbatical Appointments: January 1998 - May 1998 and January 2007 to July 2007
University of Chicago, Committee on Geographical Studies
Intermediate GIS (Geog 284/384): Development of advanced spatial data models
and the components of a GIS project design . Winter 2001 - 2016.
Northwestern University, Geography Program, Department of Anthropology
Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology
Courses: Geographic Information Systems (Geog 343). Spring 2008 – Fall 2015.
Nanjing Normal University, Department of Geography
Visiting Associate Professor
Short Course on GIS and Urban Geography, Nanjing China. July 2015
Capital Normal University, Department of Geography
Visiting Associate Professor
Short Course on GIS and Urban Geography. Beijing China, July 2015

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Northern Illinois University, Department of Geography.
Courses: GIS, Land Use Planning, Urban Geography, and Economic Geography
August 1990 – September 2014.
Shippensburg University, Department of Geography.
Assistant Professor
Courses: Geography of the United States and Canada, World Geography, and a
graduate seminar on Urban Planning. August 1989 - May 1990
GIS Workshops: (1) “Geographic Information Systems & the Urban
Environment,” National Science Foundation Chautauqua short course (May 1994,
1998, & 1999 Northern Illinois University; May 2000, Univ. of Pittsburgh; May
2001, 2002, 2003, & 2004 Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN (2) “The
Use of Geographic Information Systems in K-12 Education,” Kane County, IL
School Districts, February 2004. (3) “Geographic Information Systems for K-12
Administration,” Kane County Regional Office of Education , January 2004. (4)
“Spatial Analysis & GIS,” Illinois GIS Association Annual Meeting in Lisle, IL
(November 2003, 2004, and 2005). (5) “An Interdisciplinary-Teacher Training (K-
12) Program on Earth System Science Using Information Technology,” NASA’s
Earth Science Enterprise Education Program (July 2000, 2001 & 2002). (6) “The
Use of Geographic Information Systems for Social Sciences, Social Science
Research Institute, NIU (May 2000, 2001, & 2002). (7) The Use of Geographic
Information Systems in K-12 Education, Rockford, IL School System (June 2001
& 2002). (8) “Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resource Managers,”
NRCS, Geneva, IL (March 2001). (9) “GIS for College Teachers of the Social &
Physical Sciences,” Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa (March 25-27, 2000).
(10) “GIS for Urban Planners,” AAG Annual Meeting. (March 1995).
RESEARCH United States Bureau of the Census, Housing & Household Economic
POSITIONS Statistics Division, Washington, DC.
Research Analyst
May 1991 - August 1991
American Statistical Association/National Science Foundation/Census
Research Program, Washington, D.C.
Research Associate
September 1987 - December 1988
Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota.
Research Assistant
GIS analysis of water resources in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.
July 1986 - July 1987
Environmental and Energy Study Conference, United States Congress,
Washington, D.C.
Research on environmental and energy issues for agency’s Weekly Bulletin.
Spring 1983
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PROFESSIONAL Association of American Geographers.
MEMBERSHIPS Member, June 1984 - Present
President of the Association of Arid Land s Studies.
1999 - 2000
Executive Councilor of the Western Social Science Association.
March 2002 – April 2005
Greene, R. P. and Pick, J. B., 2012, Exploring the Urban Community: A GIS
st nd
Approach ( 1 and 2 Editions). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Greene, R. P., Bouman, M. J., and Grammenos, D., eds., 2006, Chicago’s
Geographies: Metropolis for the 21 Century. Washington, DC: Association of
American Geographers.
Editorial Board for the Journal of “Urban Studies Research”
June 2012 – June 2014
Editorial Board for the Journal of Urban Geography
September 2006 – Present
The Social Science Journal, Book Review Editor.
1 January 2006 – 15 April 2012.
The Social Science Journal, Guest Editor of Special Issue on Arid Land Studies,
38, No. 4, 2001.
Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies , Editor, 16, 2000.
Articles, Book Chapters, Proceedings, and Reviews
*Scopus Indexed Journal Articles.
Greene, R.P., 2015, “Urban Mosaic,” in The International Encyclopedia of
Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Edited by Douglas
Richardson, New York, NY: Wiley http://www.aag.org/cs/encyclopedia
Greene, R.P., 2015, “Edge Cities,” in The International Encyclopedia of
Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Edited by Douglas
Richardson, New York, NY: Wiley http://www.aag.org/cs/encyclopedia
*Emili, L. and Greene, R. P., 2014, New cropland on former rangeland and lost
cropland from urban development: the “replacement-land” debate. Land , 3, 658-
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*Greene, R. P. and Pick, J. B., 2013, Shifting patterns of suburban dominance: the
case of Chicago from 2000 to 2010, Journal of Maps , 9, 1-5.
*Emili, L. and Greene, R. P., 2013, Modeling agricultural non-point source
pollution using a GIS approach. Environmental Management , 51, 70-95.
*Chen, X. and Greene, R. P., 2012, The spatial-temporal dynamics of China’s
changing urban hierarchy: 1950-2005. Urban Studies Research, Volume 2012,
Article ID 162965 13 pages.
Piet, P. and Greene, R. P., 2012, Comparing the spatial dynamics of home sales in
Chicago and Los Angeles, 2001-2010. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands
Studies, 26, 36-47.
*Greene, R. P. and Chen, X., 2011, Geo-visualizing China’s Changing Urban
Hierarchy: 1985 to 2005. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on
Geoinformatics, Shanghai, China (Published by IEEE,
10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.**), 1-4.
Review of Richard Florida, The Great Reset. Annals of the Association of
American Geographers 101 (2011) 698-700.
*Greene, R. P. and Wang, S., 2010, Identifying High Amenity Zones in the U.S.
and China with Advanced GIS Techniques. Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China (Published by IEEE
10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.**), 1-4.
Greene, R. P., 2010, "GIS in Urban Planning." Encyclopedia of Geography . SAGE
Publications. http://www.sage-ereference.com/geography/Article_n515.html
*Forstall, R. L., Greene, R. P., and Pick, J. B., 2009, Which are the largest? Why
published lists of major urban areas vary so greatly. Tijdschrift voor Economische
en Sociale Geographie, 100, 277-297.
Sarkar, A., and Greene, R., “Trade Area Analysis for a Hispanic Bridal Magazine,”
Business Educators Track, ESRI Business GIS Summit Proceedings, San Diego
CA, 2009.
*Greene, R. P., 2008, Urban Peripheries as organizers of what remains of the
center: Examining the evidence from Los Angeles and Chicago. Urban
Geography, 29, 138-153.
*Conzen, M. P. and Greene, R. P., 2008, Introduction – All the world is not Los
Angeles, nor Chicago: Paradigms, schools, archetypes, and the urban process.
Urban Geography, 29, 97-100.

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Greene, R.P., Platt, J., and Jimerson, N., “Introducing GIS to Small Businesses
through an MBEC: The Case of the Inland Empire Minority Business Enterprise
Center,” in Academic Proceedings of 2008 ESRI Business GIS Summit, Edited by
M. Perry and J. B. Pick. Redlands, CA: The University of Redlands (2008) 104-
Review of John Hudson, Chicago: A Geography of the City and its Region. The
Professional Geographer, 60 (2008) 296-298.
Greene, R. P. and Piet, P., 2007, The contribution of amenities to metropolitan
growth in the Great Plains. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, 23,
Greene, R.P., “Amenities as Drivers of Growth in the Global City: Creative
Industries and High Amenity Zones,” in Urban Development, Planning and
Governance in Globalization, Edited by Yan Xiaopei and Xue Deshang,
Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-Sen University Press (2007) 284-304.
Greene, R.P., “Restructuring,” in the Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Edited
by Barney Warf, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2006) 411-414.
Greene, R. P. (2006) “Strong Downtowns and High Amenity Zones as Defining
Features of the 21 Century Metropolis: The Case of Chicago,” in Chicago’s
Geographies: Metropolis for the 21 Century ed. by R. P. Greene et al., pp. 50-74.
Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers.
Review of Harry W. Richardson and Chang-Hee Christine Bae, Urban Sprawl in
Western Europe and the United States. Growth and Change, 36 (2005) 448-452.
Review of David Halle, New York & Los Angeles: Politics, Society, and Culture A
Comparative View. Journal of Regional Science, 45 (2005) 458-461.
Panah, A. I. and R.P. Greene. “Role of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information
Systems, and Telemetry in Wildlife Disease Investigation.” In Wildlife Diseases:
Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS. Edited by Majumdar, S.K., J. Huffman,
F. Brenner, and A.I. Panah. Pittsburgh, PA: The Pennsylvania Academy of
Science (2005) 429-434.
Greene, R. P. and J. Stager. “A Summary of the Techniques and Methods of GIS.”
In Geographic Information Systems in Business. Edited by Pick, J.B. Hershey,
PA: Idea Group Publishing (2005) 36-78.
Greene, R. P. "A Strategy for Integrating GIS." In Strategic Alliance: To Advance
Technological Education through Enhanced Mathematics, Science, Technology,
and English Education at the Secondary Level. Edited by Scarboro, J.D,
Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education (2004) 334-340.
Greene, R. P., 2003, The nation’s latest and most extreme growth corridor: Los
Angeles to Las Vegas. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies , 19, 1-4.
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Greene, R. P., 2002, Urban development and open land transformation on the edge
of Los Angeles. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, 18, 59-64.
Review of Gregory Randall, America’s G.I. Town: Park Forest, Illinois. The
Professional Geographer, 54 (2002).
Review of Heather Nicol and Greg Halseth, Redevelopment at the Urban Edge:
Reflections on the Canadian Experience. Journal of Regional Science, 42 (2002).
Greene, R.P., “Urban Expansion of Chicago: The Late Post-Suburban Period,”
Hamburg and its Sister Cities. Edited by Jurgen Lafrenz. Hamburg, Germany:
University of Hamburg, (May 2002).
*Greene, R. P. and Stager, J., 2001, Rangeland to cropland conversions as
replacement land for prime farmland lost to urban development. The Social
Science Journal, 38, 543-555.
*Greene, R. P., 2001, Recent literature on arid lands: A review essay. The Social
Science Journal, 38, 641-648.
Piet, P. and Greene, R. P., 2000, Population growth and the transportation link:
Large city comparisons between the humid east and arid west. Forum of the
Association of Arid Lands Studies , 16, 45-52.
Pick, J.B., R.P. Greene, and L. Farrington, 2000, “Design of Conceptual and
Application Based GIS College Instructional System,” Proceedings of Bitworld
2000, Mexico City.
Greene, R. P., 1998, Urban fringe job centers in arid environments: The case of the
inland empire. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, 14, 42-48.
Greene, R.P., “Use of the NRI for Monitoring Urban Sprawl,” Proceedings of the
National Inventory Collection and Coordination Site Leaders Conference, (1998),
pp. E49-56.
*Forstall, R. and Greene, R. P., 1997, Defining job concentrations: The Los
Angeles case. Urban Geography, 18, 1-35.
*Greene, R. P., 1997, Chicago’s new immigrants, indigenous poor and the
changing geography of metropolitan employment. Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science, 551, 178-190.
*Greene, R. P., 1997, The farmland conversion process in a polynucleated
metropolis. Landscape and Urban Planning, 36, 291-300.
Sorensen, A.A., R.P. Greene, and K. Russ, “Farming on the Edge,” Final Report to
the American Farmland Trust, Center for Agriculture in the Environment,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL (1997).
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Greene, R. P., 1995, Prime farmland and urban encroachment: Consequences for
the western states. Forum of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, 11, 75-81.
*Greene, R. P. and Harlin, J. M., 1995, Threat to high market value agricultural
lands from urban encroachment: A national and regional perspective. The Social
Science Journal, 32, 137-155.
Greene, R.P., “Chicago’s Edge Cities: an Evolving Urban Fringe,” Geographical
Excursions in the Chicago Region, Edited by Michael P. Conzen. Washington,
DC: Association of American Geographers, (1995), pp. 52-58.
*Greene, R. P., 1994, Poverty Area Instability: The Case of Chicago. Urban
Geography, 15, 362-375.
Greene, R.P. and D. Pedersen, “Monitoring Urbanized Area Expansion with the
use of SPOT and TIGER,” Proceedings of the ERDAS Northern Regional User
Group Meeting, (1993), pp. 1-24.
Review of J.W.R. Whitehand, The Making of the Urban Landscape. The
Professional Geographer, 45 (1993), p. 126.
*Greene, R. P. and Benhart, J., 1992, The Encroachment of Megalopolis into the
Great Valley: Evidence from the Great Valley. Pennsylvania Geographer, 30, 30-
*Greene, R. P., 1991, Poverty area diffusion: The depopulation hypothesis
examined. Urban Geography, 12, 526-541.
*Greene, R. P., 1991, Poverty concentration measures and the urban underclass.
Economic Geography, 67, 240-252.
Greene, R.P. “A Measure for the Spatial Dispersion of Extreme Poverty
Neighborhoods and its Relevance to the Underclass Debate.” Proceedings of the
Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, (1988), pp. 350-355.
Gersmehl, P.J., Anderson, K., Greene, R. P. (1987) “Hydrologic Classification of
Land Cover,” in File Structure Design and Data Specifications for Water
Resources Geographic Information Systems ed. by D.A. Brown and P.J.
Gersmehl, Chapter 6. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Water
Resources Center, Special Report No. 10.
Recent Media Appearances
Media Appearance in “Well-educated, highly paid residents leaving Cook County,”
Crain’s Chicago Business, February 17, 2014.
Media Appearance in “The hottest urban center in the U.S. — Chicago’s mega-
Loop,” Crain’s Chicago Business, March 4, 2013.
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Media Appearance in “Which is the world’s biggest city?” BBC World Service’s
More or Less Radio Program, interview aired on January 28, 2012.
Media Appearance in “The world’s biggest cities: How do you measure them?”
BBC News Magazine, January 28, 2012. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-
AWARDS 1987 – American Statistical Association, National Science Foundation, U.S.
Census Bureau Fellowship Program, One Year Research Associate Appointment.
2004 – College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Northern Illinois University , Top
Grant Recipients Award for 2000 to 2004 period.
RECENT GRANTS 2004/2015 – Village of Carol Stream, IL, “GIS Design & Implementation,”
Director ($255,846).
2012/2013 – Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, “Regional Land Use
Inventory: 2010 Update,” Director ($80,000).
2006/2009 – DuPage County ETSB 9-1-1, “GIS Data Editing and Acquisition for
an Emergency Response System,” Director ($121,587).
2008 – American Farm land Trust, “A National Assessment of Working Lands at
Risk: Farming on the Edge 4,” Director ($8,816).
2008 – Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, “Land-use change detection
using classified satellite imagery,” Director ($7,439).
2006/2007 – Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission , “Regional Land Use
Inventory: 2005 Update,” Director ($32,906).
2000/2007 – Village of River Forest, IL, “Development of a GIS Suitable for all
Departments,” Director ($43,890).
2005/2006 – National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education
Program, “Prototype Lessons for an Introductory Geographic Information Science
Course,” Director ($10,272, Sub-award through Cambridge Studios, Inc.).
2005 – American Farmland Trust , “A GIS Aggregation of the National Resource
Inventory to Congressional District Boundaries,” Director ($4,278).

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“Chicago’s Downtown and Edge Cities: The Region’s Job Center Dynamics from 1990 to
2010.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers ,
Chicago, IL, April 2015 (with R. Forstall).
“A Comparative Analysis of Job Center Growth and Decline in Chicago and Los Angeles: 1990 to
2010.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers ,
Tampa, FL, April 2014 (with R. Forstall).
“A Decade of Change in the Commuting Fields of Chicago’s Downtown and Edge Cities: 2000
to 2010.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the West Lakes Division of the Association of
American Geographers, Eau Claire, WI, October 2013.

“The Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of China’s Changing Urban Hierarchy 1950-2005.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , Los Angeles, CA,
April 2013 (with X. Chen).
“A Decade of Change in Chicago’s Downtown, Edge Cities, and High Amenity Zone: 2000 to
2010.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the West Lakes Division of the Association of
American Geographers , NIU, DeKalb, IL, October 2012.
“Land Use Change and Non-point Source Pollution Modeling in Agro-urban Watersheds.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Illinois Lake Mangement Association , DeKalb, IL, March
2012 (with L. Emili).
“Spatial and Functional Relationships of High Amenity Zones to Downtowns.” Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , New York City, NY,
February 2012.
“Dimensions of Community Change in Chicagoland.” Key note speech for Geographic
Awareness Week Department of Geology/Geography Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL,
November 2011.
“Changing Spatial Distribution of Greater Chicago’s Hispanics: 2000-2010.” Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the West Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers,
Chicago, IL, November 2011 (with E. DeMuynck).
“Dimensions of Urban Sprawl in the Chicago Region.” Presentation to the Northern Illinois
University Notables Brown Bag Lecture Series, DeKalb, IL, October 2011.
“Dimensions of Urban Sprawl in the Chicago Region.” Presentation to the Northern Illinois
University Geography Colloquium Series, DeKalb, IL, September 2011.
“Geo-visualizing China's Changing Urban Hierarchy: 1985 to 2005.” Paper presented at the
Nineteenth International Conference on Geoinformatics, Shanghai, China, June 2011 (with X.

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“Development of a GIS Model to Target Critical Non-Point Source Pollution Areas.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , Seattle, WA, April
2011 (with L. Emili).
“Comparing the spatial dynamics of home sales in Chicago and Los Angeles, 2000-2010.” Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , Seattle, WA, April
2011 (with P. Piet).
“Forecasted Increases in Housing Density and its Relationship to Median Farm Size in Urban-
Fringe and Exurban Counties.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the West Lakes Division
of the Association of American Geographers, Macomb, IL, October 2010 (with A. Shaw).
“Identifying High Amenity Zones in the U.S. and China with Advanced GIS Techniques.” Paper
Presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China, June 18-
20, 2010 (with S. Wang).
“Urban Regeneration in USA and China: Reinventing the City Center and High Amenity Zones.”
Qingdao University, Invited to the Department of Geography, Qingdao, China, June 2010.
“Urban Regeneration in America and China: Reinventing the City Center and High Amenity
Zones.” Sun Yat-sen University (Zhuhai Campus), Invited Speaker to the Department of
Geography, Zhuhai Campus, China, June 2010.
“Re-Examining the Debate about Converting Prime Farmland to Urban Land in the Humid East
and Replacing it with Former Rangeland in the Arid West.” The Western Social Science
Association , Reno, NV, April, 2010.
“Amenities as Drivers of Urban Growth: High Amenity Zones in the U.S. and China.” Paper
Presented at the Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF), South China University
of Technology, Guangzhou, China, September, 2009.
“Globalization’s Impact on the Inland Empire’s Industrial Geography: Focus on Small Business
Dynamics” (with Jerry Platt). Presented at the Twenty-Ninth ESRI International User-
Conference, San Diego, CA, July 13-17, 2009.
“Trade Area Analysis for a Hispanic Bridal Magazine” (With Avijit Sarkar). Presented at the
Twenty-Ninth ESRI International User-Conference, San Diego, CA, July 13-17, 2009.
“Amenities as Drivers of Urban Growth: High Amenity Zones in the U.S. and China.” Guangxi
University, Invited speaker to the School of Public Administration, Nanning, China, November
“Urban Regeneration: High Amenity Zones in the U.S. and China.” Guangzhou University City,
Invited speaker to the Department of Geography, Guangzhou, China November 2008.
“Introducing GIS to Small Businesses through an MBEC: The Case of the Inland Empire
Minority Business Enterprise Center.” ESRI GIS Business Summit, Chicago, IL, April 2008 (with
J. Platt and N. Jimerson).

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“A GIS Analysis of the Inland Empire’s Industrial Geography: Focus on Small Business
Dynamics.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , Boston, MA, April
2008 (with J. Platt).
“Exurban Growth: The Case of the Inland Empire.” The Western Social Science Association,
Denver, CO, April, 2008.
“Chicago’s changing class and race geography.” Pierre de Vise Memorial Lecture, University of
Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, November 2007.
“Amenities as drivers of growth in the global city: Creative Industries and High Amenity Zones.”
International Geographical Union, Cities for Tomorrow Conference, Guangzhou, China, August
“Measuring Urban Spatial-Structure Differences Across International Borders: the case of the
U.S. Mexico Border.” International Conference on Cities and Borders , Macau, August 2007.
“Amenities as drivers of urban growth: a comparison of spatial statistical measures.” University of
Texas, Dallas, May 2007.
“Amenities and urban growth: intra urban and inter urban approaches, a tribute to urban
geographer John Adams.” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers , San
Francisco, CA, April 2007.
“Exurban growth and cultural amenities: sustaining population on the Great Plains.” The Western
Social Science Association, Calgary, Canada, April, 2007.
“The Geography of Employment Centers and High Amenity Zones of Los Angeles and Chicago.”
Sun Yat-sen University (ZSU), Invited speaker to the School of Geography and Planning,
Guangzhou, China, April 2007.
“Hurricane Katrina and the Human Migration Aftermath.” Second Institute of Oceanography,
State Oceanic Administration, P.R. of China, Hangzhou, March 2007.
“A challenge to the LA School from a Chicago Visitor.” Colloquium Talk at the Department of
Geography at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles California, January 2007.
“The spatial restructuring of Chicago’s new immigrants: a GIS analysis.” Invited presentation to
the Immigration Speaker Series on Immigration, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL,
January 2007.
“The Contribution of Amenities to Metropolitan Growth in the Great Plains.” Annual meeting of
the West Lakes Division of the Assoc. of American Geographers, Lincoln, NE, October 2006 (with
P. Piet).
“Exurban Development and its Consequences for Land-Cover Transitions in the West.” The
Western Social Science Association, Phoenix, AZ, April, 2006.

----------------------- Page 12-----------------------
“Urban Geography Specialty Group Plenary: A Debate on the Chicago and LA Schools of Urban
Studies on Chicago’s Home Court.” Co-organizer and Panelist at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers , Chicago, IL, March 2006.
“Job Growth Trends in the Job Centers of Los Angeles: 1990-2000.” Annual meeting of the
Southeast Division of the Assoc. of American Geographers, West Palm Beach, FL, Nov. 2005.
“The Public Policy Interface between International Migration and Sprawl: The Case of Elgin, IL
Latinos.” Annual meeting of the West Lakes Division of the Association of American
Geographers, Iowa City, WI, November 2005 (with E. Demuynck)
“Exurban Development and its Consequences for Land-Cover Transitions in the West.” Invited
presentation to the colloquium series of the Department of Geography at Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ, September 9, 2005.
“New Exurban Development Patterns in a Long Established Transport Corridor of the Western
United States, Salt Lake City to Los Angeles.” The Association of American Geographers annual
meeting in Denver, CO, April 6, 2005 (with J.B. Pick and J.C. Stager)
SUPERVISION M.S. Thesis Advisees
Maloney, Benjamin, “The Role of Amenities, Demographics, and Socio-Economic
Variables in the Decision Making of High Amenity Zone Residents: A Chicago, IL
and Houston, TX Comparison, NIU 2014
Crutchfield, Christopher, “The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Urbanized Area
Definition: A Kane County, IL Case Study.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2013
Peterson, Benjamin, “The Role of Natural Amenities in the Growth of the Chicago
Suburbs, 2000 to 2010.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2013
Shaw, Andrew, “Land Cover Change and Nitrate in the Mississippi River Basin.”
M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2013 (Co-directed with Andrew Krmenec).
Lindfors, Zachariah, “Exploring the Commuting Interactions of Neighboring
Metropolitan Areas.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2012
Shakir, Ata, “Spatial Dimensions of a Long-Term Merit Pay Environment and
Forecast of Teacher Mobility.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2011.
Fish, Megan, “Mapping Amenities and Searching for a Creative Class in the
Exurbs: A Regional Study of Northern Illinois University.” M.S. Dept. of
Geography, NIU 2011.
Wang, Siqin, “Job Density and Employment Sub-Centers in Four U.S.
Metropolitan Areas.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2011.

----------------------- Page 13-----------------------
Maxwell, Alexis, “The Vanishing Farmland Myth: Tracking Farmland Loss to
Urbanization through the use of Geospatial Data.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU
Kazmierczak, Thomas, “Rangeland to Cropland Conversion in the Central Great
Plains.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2010.
Roberts, Gregory, “Analysis of Employment Center Change in the Chicago
Metropolitan Area, 1990-2000.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2009.
Vogel, Cynthia, “Defining the Metropolitan Bow Wave: A GIS Approach.” M.S.
Dept. of Geography, NIU 2009.
Church, Heather, “Redefining the Corn Belt with the use of NASS Cropland Data
Layer.” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2009.
Vogelman, Brooke, “ Urban Expansion in Kane County, Illinois: Examining
Planning Effects in an Urban Fringe County with a Purchase of Development
Rights program .” M.S. Dept. of Geography, NIU 2008.

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  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陶 犁
    个人简介    陶犁,教授、博士,博士生导师。  美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院访问教授。  中国旅游协会旅游教育分会理事、中国地理学会旅游地理专业委员会委员、中国自然资源学会旅游资源专业委员会委员、文旅部旅游标准化专家、北京市委组织部高层次专家;担任北京市、山西省、云南省等省市的旅游管理咨询专家。科学研究  主要研究领域为旅游目的地发展与管理。具体研究方向包括:区域旅游规划与管理、城市旅游规划与管 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-申玉铭
    个人简况申玉铭,男,1968年6月出生,河南省浚县人。先后就读于新疆大学、中国科学院地理研究所,获理学学士、理学硕士和理学博士学位,1996年至今在首都师范大学地理系任教。1996年7月中国科学院地理研究所博士毕业,获理学博士学位1996年9月~1998年6月讲师1998年6月~2007年12月副教授2008年1月~至今教授2001年10月~2002年10月中科院遥感应用研究所高级访问2002年1 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王鹏飞
    个人简介姓名:王鹏飞性别:男出生年月:1964.31984~1990年在香港远洋运输公司工作;1996年毕业于日本独协大学经济学部,获经济学学士学位(日本独协大学);1998年毕业于日本独协大学经济学研究科,获经济学硕士学位(日本独协大学);2002年毕业于日本东京都立大学理学研究科,获理学博士学位(日本东京都立大学);2002年4月至2002年9月日本东京都立大学研究员;2003年入首都师范大学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王茂军
    王茂军(1973—),山东费县人。理学博士,副教授,人文地理学硕士生导师。办公室:实验楼816办公电话:Email:maojunw@yeah.net联系方式:北京市海淀区西三环北路105号首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院(100048)教育与就业经历1992年9月-1996年7月,在烟台师范学院地理系攻读学士学位1997年9月-2000年7月,在辽宁师范大学,师从栾维新教授,攻读人文地理学硕士学位。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王艳慧
    个人简介学历:博士职称:教授籍贯:河南Email:wangyanhui77@126.com方向:GIS方法与应用、多尺度空间数据库系统及其更新、LBS位置服务系统教育与工作背景2005.7-现在首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院任国家特色专业-地理信息系统专业负责人兼地理信息系主任2002.9-2005.6中国矿业大学(北京)博士1998.9-2001.3中南大学硕士1994.9-1998.6中南大学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王晓燕
    王晓燕博士教授、博士生导师    1983年9月~1994年7月北京大学地质学系获理学学士、硕士、博士学位  1994年9月~至今首都师范大学地理系讲师、副研究员、资源环境与旅游学院教授、博士生导师    电话:**  e-mail:wangxy@cnu.edu.cn    曾任中国科学院生态环境研究中心水环境化学国家重点实验室客座副研究员、美国纽约州立大学布法罗学院大湖环境研究中心访问、美国Ma ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨振宇
    杨振宇,1963年生,首都师范大学教授,分别获得长春地质学院和中国地质科学院研究生院学士和硕士学位,1992年法国巴黎第七大学博士学位,1995年任地质矿产部地质力学研究所研究员。  1996年首批入选人事部、教育部等七部委“百千万人才工程”国家级人选。1997年享受国务院政府特殊津贴,1999年度国家基金获得者;第三届中国地质科学院杰出成就奖;2013年入选中组部首批《-百千万人才工程领军人才》 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-魏明建
    个人简介魏明建,男,1957年生首都师范大学教授、博士生导师。1975年插队(知青)。1978-98年在西北大学、西安地院、地矿部水文所、地科院研究生部、中国地大(北京)读本科、硕士、博士,并作教师及博士后工作。1998年11月出站到首师大任副教授、副院长(2000-2007)、教授(2004.1-)、博导(2005.1-)。主持国家"973"子专题、国家基金面上、北京市基金重点(B类)及面上项目 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 晶
    个人简介张晶,女,1966年出生,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师。1982年入学,1986年获得学士学位1989年获得硕士学位,毕业于华东师范大学;2002年获得博士学位,毕业于北京大学地图学与地理信息系统专业。社会兼职中国数量地理委员会委员中国GIS-交通委员会委员获奖情况曾获得北京大学冈松奖学金获得北京市中青年骨干教师称号科学研究目前主要从事地理信息系统应用、地理信息科学领域的若干理论问题研 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张爱武
    个人简介张爱武,女,1972年生,博士(后),教授,博士生导师。2002-2004年,清华大学博士后;2002年获中国博士后科学基金;2006年入选北京市中青年骨干教师;2006年入选北京市科技新星、北京市优秀人才;2008年获霍英东高等院校青年教师奖;2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才;2009年美国密西根州立大学访问。长期从事遥感信息获取与处理、高空飞艇载荷集成与定量处理、同步定位与地图创建、 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05