本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-05
2015.01 –今首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,副研究员
2013.01 – 2014.12德国阿尔弗里德·魏格纳极地与海洋研究所,博士后
Alfred- Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschun, Post Doc
2009.01-2012.12德国波茨坦大学地球与环境科学系,论文获Summa Cum Laude,博士
Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften, Universit?t Potsdam, PhD
2012-2014German Science Foundation (DFG) INTERDYNAMIK Project: Vegetation, Climate, Man – Holocene Variability in monsoonal Central Asia.(参与)
2009-2012German Science Foundation (DFG) TIP (TIbetan Plateau) Project: Landscape and lake system response to late Quaternary monsoon dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau.(参与)
自2012年起担任Global and Planetary Change, the Holocene, Journal of Paleolimnology, QuaternaryResearch, Chinese Science Bulletin, Plos One, Journal of Mountain Research等期刊审稿人。
1. 19th InternationalSedimentological Congress (2014.08, Geneva, Switzerland). Wang Yongbo et al., Pollen-based quantitative climate reconstruction on the NE Tibetan Plateau – applying the concept of pollen source-area to large lakes (Poster).
2. AGU Fall Meeting 2013 (2013.12, San Francisco, USA). Wang Yongbo et al., Potential high resolution paleoclimate and palaeoecology variations on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau (Poster).
3. 8th Sino-German Workshop (2012.11, Chengdu, China). Wang Yongbo et al., Quantitative climate and vegetation reconstructions on the Tibetan Plateau:Applications of fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments (Oral Presentation).
4. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, (2012.08, Glasgow, Scotland). Wang Yongbo et al., Pollen based quantitative climate reconstruction on the Tibetan Plateau: Challenges for large lakes (Poster).
5. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, (2012.08, Glasgow, Scotland). Wang Yongbo et al.,Quantitative reassessment of Holocene vegetation change on the upper Tibetan Plateau (Poster).
6. PAGES 3rd Varve Working Group Workshop (2012.04, Manderscheid, Germany). Wang Yongbo et al., Potential high resolution climate record on the northern Tibetan Plateau (Poster).
7. DFG-TIP-Workshop, FU Berlin (2012.04, Berlin, Germany). Wang Yongbo et al., Late Glacial – Holocene climate and vegetation change on the Tibetan Plateau: Application of fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments (Oral Presentation).
8. XVIII. INQUA Congress (2011.07, Bern Switzerland). Wang Yongbo et al.,Asynchronous evolution of the Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoon indicated by Holocene moisture pattern in monsoonal central Asia (Oral Presentation).
9. XVIII. INQUA Congress (2011.07, Bern Switzerland). Wang Yongbo et al., Quantitative reconstruction of precipitation changes on the NE Tibetan Plateau since the LGM extending the concept of pollen-source area to pollen-based climate reconstructions from large lakes (Poster).
10. PAGES 2nd Global Monsoon Symposium (2010.09, Shanghai, China). Wang Yongbo et al., Asynchronous evolution of the Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoon indicated by Holocene moisture patterns in monsoonal central Asia (Poster)
1. Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike,Shumilovskikh S Lyudmila, Mischke Steffen, Birks H John B, WischnewskiJuliane, B?hner Jürgen, Schlütz Frank, Lehmkuhl Frank, Diekmann Bernhard, Wünnemann Bernd, Zhang Chengjun, 2014. Quantitative reconstruction of precipitation changes on the NE Tibetan Plateau since the Last Glacial Maximum - extending the concept of pollen-source area to pollen-based climate reconstructions from large lakes.Climate of the Past10: 21-39.
2. Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike,Liu Xingqi, Korup Oliver, Diekmann Bernhard, 2014.A high-resolution sedimentary archive from landslide-dammed Lake Mengda, north-eastern Tibetan Plateaus.Journal of Paleolimnology, 51: 303-312
3. Wang Yongbo, Liu Xingqi, Herzschuh Ulrike, Birks, H.J.B., Yang Xiangdong, Zhang Enlou, Tong Guobang, 2012. Temporally changing drivers for late-Holocene vegetation changes on the northern Tibetan Plateau.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology353-355, 10-20.
4. Wang Yongbo, Liu Xingqi, Mischke Steffen, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2012. Environmental constraints of lake sediment mineral composition from the Tibetan Plateau and implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.Journal of Paleolimnology47, 71-58.
5. Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2011. Reassessment of Holocene vegetation change on the upper Tibetan Plateau using the pollen-based REVEALS model.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology168, 31-40.
6. Wang Yongbo, Liu Xingqi, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2010. Asynchronous evolution of the Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoon indicated by Holocene moisture patterns in monsoonal central Asia.Earth-Science Reviews103, 135-153.
7. Dallmeyer, A., Claussen, M., Fischer, N., Haberkorn, K., Wagener, S., Pfeiffer, M., Jin, L., Khon, V.,Wang, Y., Herzschuh, U., 2015. The evolution of sub-monsoon systems in the Afro-Asian monsoon region during the Holocene - comparison of different transient climate model simulations.Climate of the Past11:305-326.
8. Liu Xingqi, Herzschuh Ulrike,Wang Yongbo, Kuhn Gerhard, Yu Zhitong, 2014. Glacier fluctuations of Muztagh Ata and temperature changesduring the late Holocene in westernmost Tibetan Plateau, basedon glaciolacustrine sediment records.Geophysical Research Letters41:65-6273.
9. Cao Xianyong, Ni Jian, Herzschuh Ulrike,Wang Yongbo, Zhao Yan, 2013. A late Quaternary pollen dataset from eastern continental Asia for vegetation and climate reconstructions: Set up and evaluation.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology194, 21-37.
10. Dallmeyer Anne, Claussen Martin,Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2013. Spatial variability of Holocene changes in the annual precipitation pattern: a model-data synthesis for the Asian monsoon region.Climate Dynamics, 40, 2919-2936.
11. Polanski Stefan, Rinke Annette, Dethloff Klaus, Lorenz Stephan,Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2012. Simulation of the mid-Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Circulation with a 5 Regional Climate Model.The Open Atmospheric Science Journal6, 42-48.
12. Aichner Bernhard, Herzschuh Ulrike, Wilkes Heinz, Schultz Hans-Martin,Wang Yongbo, Plessen Birgit, Mischke Steffen, Diekmann Bernhard, Zhang Chengjun, 2012. Ecological development of Lake DonggiCona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, since the late glacial on basis of organic geochemical proxies and non-pollen palynomorphs.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology313, 140-149.
13. Wischnewski Juliane, Mischke Steffen,Wang Yongbo, Herzschuh Ulrike, 2011. Reconstructing climate variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau since the last Lateglacial – a multi-proxy, dual-site approach comparing terrestrial and aquatic signals.Quaternary Science Reviews30, 82-97.
14.Liu Xingqi, Dong Hailiang, Herzschuh Ulrike, Zhang Enlou, Stutt, J.,Wang Yongbo, 2009. Late Holocene forcing of the Asian winter and summer monsoon as evidenced by proxy records from the northern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau.Earth and Planetary Science Letters280, 276-284.
15. Liu Xingqi, Dong Hailiang, Jason A. Rech, Ryo Matsumoto, Yang Bo,Wang Yongbo, 2008. Evolution of Chaka Salt Lake in NW China in response to climatic change during the latest Pleistocene-Holocene.Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 867-879.
16. Li Xusheng, Han Zhiyong, Yang Shouye, Chen Yingyong,Wang Yongbo, Yang Dayuan, 2007. Chemical weathering intensity and element migration features of the Xiashu Loess Profile in Zhenjing.ActaGeographicaSinica62, 1174-1184.
17. Liu Xingqi, Shen Ji, Wang Sumin,Wang Yongbo, Liu Weiguo, 2006. Southwest monsoon changes indicated by oxygen isotope of ostracode shells from sediments in Qinghai Lake since the late Glacial.Chinese Science Bulletin51, 2690-2694.
18. 王永波,刘兴起,张恩楼,羊向东,姚波,2009。青藏高原北部可可西里地区近4000年来尘暴事件初探——来自库赛湖沉积物粒度的证据。沉积学报27,691-696。
19. 王永波,刘兴起,羊向东,张恩楼,Ryo Matsumoto,2008。可可西里库赛湖揭示的青藏高原北部近4000 年来的干湿变化。湖泊科学20,605-612。
20. 杨波,刘兴起,王永波,2014. 湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量的XRD半定量分析。湖泊科学26,637-640。
21. 姚波, 刘兴起,王永波, 杨波, 2011. 可可西里库赛湖KS-2006孔矿物组成揭示的青藏高原北部晚全新世气候变迁.湖泊科学23, 903-909.
22. 刘兴起,王永波, 沈吉, 王苏民, 杨波, 2007. 16000a以来青海茶卡盐湖的演化过程及其对气候的响应.地质学报81, 843-849.
23. 刘兴起, 沈吉, 王苏民,王永波, 刘卫国, 2006. 晚冰期以来青海湖地区气候变迁受西南季风控制的介形类壳体氧同位素证据.科学通报51, 2690-2694.
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首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-文 谨
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个人简介学历:博士职称:副教授籍贯:四川乐山Email:xdhbj@126.com方向:定量遥感教育与工作背景2012.7-至今首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院2009.9-2012.7中国科学院遥感应用研究所2005.6-2009.8北京中星微电子有限公司2003.7-2005.5北大方正技术研究院2000.9-2003.7武汉大学1996.9-2000.7武汉测绘科技大学科研论文1、XieDH, ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张有全
个人简历: 职称:副教授 Email:YQZhang@cnu.edu.cn教育背景: 2004.9—2008.7,中国科学院,博士 1997.9—2004.7,东北大学,本科、硕士工作经历: 2008.7—今,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院学术经历: 2011.9—2012.11,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,访问 2010.9—2011.3,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,访问研究领域: 遥感与水 ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张明庆
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个人简介 学历:博士 办公室:新教一楼404 E-mail:zhaohx@cnu.edu.cn 研究方向:北京历史地理、清代历史地理、文化地理 教育与工作背景 2012.07—至今,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院 2009.09—2012.07,北京大学城市与环境学院,历史地理,博士 2011.09—2012.01,美国哈佛大学东亚语言与文明系,访问 2006.09—20 ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张玉虎
一、个人简介张玉虎,男(汉族),籍贯江苏徐州市,博士,副教授,硕士生导师研究领域与方向:环境系统分析与建模;环境修复技术及应用;气候变化下极端事件预估及风险应对联系邮箱:zhang_yuhu@163.com、yuhu.zhang@cnu.edu.cn;联系电话:二、教育工作经历2012年9月—至今,首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院;2010年9月—2012年8月,首都师范大学研究生院;2008年8月 ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-05首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姜 珊
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