1. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Yun-Song Zhou,Fu-He Wang “Second-harmonic generation and multiple mode effects in aperiodic optical superlattices with finite lateral width” J. Phys: Condens. Matter 15,(2003) 48892.
2. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Yun-Song Zhou,Fu-He Wang “Coupled third harmonic generations and multiple mode effects in aperiodic optical superlattices with a finite lateral width” Jour APPl Phys 94,(2003) 1882
3. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Yun-Song Zhou, Jong.-C Wang “evolution of the band gap structures in one-dimensional photonic crystals with the modifications of the structures from photonic quantum wells to heterostructures” Modern Physics Letters B 18, (2004) 1293
4. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Guo-Zhen Yang, Yun-Song Zhou “Optimal design of aperiodic optical superlattices for achieving parameteric amplification of second harmonic generation with consideration of the depletion of pumping light power” Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 14,(2005) 115
5. Li-Ming Zhao, Yun-Song Zhou, Ben-Yuan Gu*, C.-P.Liu “Characteristics of defect states in one-dimensional photonic crystals containing multiple photonic quantum-wells” International journal of mordern physics B 19, (2005) 3519
6. Li-Ming Zhao, Xue-Hua Wang*, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Guo-Zhen Yang “Green’s function for photonic crystal slabs” Phys Rev E 72, (2005) 026614
7. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu* “Enhanced second-harmonic generation for multiple wavelengths by defect modes in one-dimensional photonic crystals” Opt Lett 31, (2006) 1510
8. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu* “Second-harmonic generation in optical superlattices at the oblique incidence of light” Appl Phys Lett 88, (2006) 161909
9. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu* “Giant enhancement of second harmonic generation in multiple photonic quantum well structures made of nonlinear material” Appl Phys Lett 88, (2006) 122904
10. Ben-Yuan Gu*, Li-Ming Zhao “Applications of the expanded basis method to study the properties of photonic crystals with frequency-dependent dielectric functions and dielectric losses” Phys Lett A, 355, (2006) 134
11. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, “Applications of the expanded basis method to study the behavior of light in a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab ” Euro Joun Phys B, 52, (2006) 275
12. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Yun-Song Zhou, “Characteristics of spontaneous emission of polarized atoms in metal-dielectric multiple layer structures” Chinese Physics Letters, 24 (2007) 3137-3140
13. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Guo-Zhen Yang, Yun-Song Zhou, “Controllable characteristics of spontaneous emission of the polarized atoms in a dielectric slab embedded in dielectric or metallic medium” ,Physics Letters A 370 (2007) 413–418
14. Ben-Yuan Gu*, Li-Ming Zhao,“Second harmonic generation in aperiodic optical superlattices and one-dimension nonlinear photonic crystals” Front. Phys. China 2 (2007) 279
15. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Guo-Zhen Yang, “Enhancement of second harmonic generation in one-dimensional ferroelectric-metallic photonic crystals” Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 21 (2007) 1599
16. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Guo-Zhen Yang,“Applications of the expanded basis method to study the behavior of light in polaritonic photonic crystal slab with losses” Phys. Lett. A 364 (2007) 81
17. Li-Ming Zhao, Ben-Yuan Gu*, Yun-Song Zhou, “A way for enhancing second harmonic generation in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals” Optics Communications 281 (2008) 2954–2958
18. Li-Ming Zhao*, Chao Li, Yun-Song Zhou, Fu-He Wang,“Multiple wavelength second-harmonic generation in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, (2008)
19. Jing zhao, Li-Ming Zhao* “The effect of an infinite plane-wave approximation on calculations for second-harmonic generation in a one-dimensional nonlinear crystal” EPL 98, 2012, 44004
20. Li-Ming Zhao*, Yun-Song Zhou, Jing Zhao “Tunable output of second harmonic generations in photonic quantum well structures made of nonlinear material” IJMPB Vol. 26, No. 31 (2012) **
21. Li-Ming Zhao*, Gui-Kuan Yue, Yun-Song Zhou “Effect of the pump depletion itself on the quasi-phase-matching for second-harmonic generation” EPL 99 (2012) 34002
22. Li-Ming Zhao*, Gui-Kuan Yue, Yun-Song Zhou, Fu-He Wang, “Effect of pump depletion on second harmonic generation in multiple quasi-phase-matching gratings” Optics Express 21 (2013) 17592
23. Gui-Kuan Yue*, Li-Ming Zhao, Oscar G. Olvera, Edouard Asselin, “Speciation of the H2SO4-Fe2(SO4)3-FeSO4-H2O system and development of an expression to predict the redox potential of the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple up to 150°C” Hydrometallurgy 147-148 (2014) 196-209
24. Li-Ming Zhao*, Gui-Kuan Yue, Yun-Song Zhou, “Effect of the pump depletion on the quasi-phase-matching for x(2) nonlinearities” Optics Communications 347 (2015) 92-97.
25. Li-Ming Zhao*,Gui-Kuan Yue,Yun-Song Zhou,Fu-He Wang, “A promising nonlinear conjugate-gradient method proposed to design nonlinear domains with a disordered distribution” Modern Physics Letters B Vol 29, No. 9 (2015) **.
26. Qiu-Shuang, Li-Ming Zhao*, " Effect of fabrication errors on multiple second-harmonic generation considering pump depletion" Chinese Optics Letters 13 (2015) s21901.
27. Li-Ming Zhao*, Yun-Song Zhou, Ai-Hua Wang,” Effect of field modulation on the quasi-phase-matching for second harmonic generation in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal” International Journal of Modern Physics B (2016)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-05
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