本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-04
2、《试论中世纪英格兰贵族妇女的不动产继承权》,《首都师范大学学报》2005年第5期,第 19-26页。
Dr. Chen is an associate professor in School of History, Capital Normal University since January 1st 2010. He received the B.A. degree in History, the M.A. degree in History and Ph.D. degree in History all from Capital Normal University, in 2001, 2004 and 2007, respectively. From 2007 to 2009, he worked in Institution of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as a postdoctoral researcher. He worked as a lecturer in School of History, Capital Normal University from July 1st 2009. He promoted to be an associate professor in School of History, Capital Normal University from January 1st 2010. From August 1st 2009, he served as a deputy executive director of Global History Center (GHC[1]) in School of History, Capital Normal University, in charge of international affairs, website-building and conferences. Currently, he also served as a co-editor of Global History Review published by GHC. His current research interests are Medieval History, especially on family, property, primogeniture and inheritance customs in medieval England. He has over 10 papers published on leading Chinese journals and Chinese conference proceedings. In the year of 2010, his PhD dissertation was awarded as one of the top 100 PhD dissertations in China. He also joined many associations devoting themselves to medieval studies and British history studies in China. The contact address of Associate Professor Chen is: NO.83, Xi San Huan Bei Lu, 100089, Beijing, China, P.R.C.
Curriculum Vitae
Zhi-Jian Chen (陳志堅)
Ph.D. in History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 2004 - 2007
M. A. in History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 2001 - 2004
B. A. in History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 1997 – 2001
2010-now Associate Professor, School of History, Capital Normal University
2009-now Deputy Executive Director of Global History Center, School of History, Capital Normal University, Co-editor of Global History Review
2009-2010 Lecturer of School of History, Capital Normal University
2008-2009 Assistant Research Fellow, Institution of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2007-2009 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institution of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2001 Bachelor Dissertation, “Origin and Evolvement of Chivalry in Western Europe” was awarded as the Outstanding Dissertation of Capital Normal University
2009 PhD Dissertation “The Confrontation between Emotion and Ration——Research on British Property Inheritance from 1200 to 1800” was Awarded as Outstanding PhD Dissertation of Beijing
2010 PhD Dissertation “The Confrontation between Emotion and Ration——Research on British Property Inheritance from 1200 to 1800” was Awarded as one of the Top 100 PhD Dissertations of China
British History Association, China (中國英國史學會)
Association of Medieval History, China (中國世界中世紀史學會)
Association of Ancient History, China (中國世界古代史學會)
China Postdoctoral Association(中國博士後聯誼會)
World History Association, China (中國全球史研究會)
Courses taught:
The History of Christian Thoughts, 2009
Medieval History, 2009
Medieval Life in Western Europe, 2010
The History of English Law, 2010
Land, Law, and Family
Gavelkind, Borough-English, and Manor Inheritance Customs
Entail, Uses, and Strict Settlement
English inheritance Law in colonial North American
Language in Medieval England (old English, Latin, Law French, Medieval English)
Everyday Life in Western Europe
Material and cultural interaction between Britain empire and its colonies
2008-2009 IN CHARGE: “ Property and Inheritance in Medieval and Early Modern England ”, Funded by National Postdoctoral Fund, RMB YUAN 30,000. (Finished)
2008-2010 PARTICIPATED IN: “ Mercenary in Medieval Europe ”, Funded by National Fund of Social Science, RMB YUAN 100,000. (Finished)
2008-2009 IN CHARGE: “ Research on the Extraessential Inheritance Customs in Medieval England ”, Funded by Institution of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, RMB YUAN 10,000. (Finished)
2008-2009 PARTICIPATED IN: “ The Thirty Years of Chinese World History Studies ”, Funded by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, RMB YUAN 300,000. Responsible for the Part of “ The Thirty Years of Medieval European History Studies ”. (Finished)
2008-2011 PARTICIPATED IN: “ Culture Exchanges and Intergrowth between Different Civilizations ”, Funded by Ministry of Education of P.R.C., RMB YUAN 500,000. (Ongoing)
2010-2013 IN CHARGE: “ Property and Inheritance Customs in Medieval England ”, Funded by Funded by National Fund of Social Science, RMB YUAN 100,000. (Ongoing)
2010-2013 IN CHARGE: “ Everyday Life in Medieval Europe ”, Funded by Beijing Municipal Committee of Education, as Award to Gainer of Outstanding PhD Dissertation of Beijing, RMB YUAN 200,000. (Ongoing)
2010-2015 IN CHARGE: “ English Inheritance Law and Customs in Colonial North American ”, Funded by Ministry of Education of P.R.C., as Award to Gainer of Top 100 PhD Dissertations of China, RMB YUAN 500,000. (Ongoing)
Journal Articles:
2011 Chen Zhijian, “Medieval Ecclesiastical Church and the Rights of Illegitimate Children”, Bulletin of Capital Normal University, Vol.3, 2011, pp.10-17. 陳志堅:《試析中世紀英格蘭教會對私生子權利的保護》,《首都師範大學學報》2011年第3期,第10-17頁。
Abstract: The primogeniture prevalent in medieval England was a basic and important part of English common law formed in the late 12th century and the early 13th century. This system gave the oldest son in the family most generous rights,which naturally put other members of the family at a disadvantage. But,in reality,the system did not bring much negative influence to the society of medieval England. This has been attributed to the existence of a variety of buffer- zone elements showing due concern for the disadvantaged family members,and winning rights for them under the existing system。The medieval church was one of these buffer-zone factors which helped much to protect the rights of illegitimate children.This essay aims to examine the details of what the medieval church did for the illegitimate children.
2010 Chen Zhijian, “A Review on the Origin of Uses in Medieval England”, World History, vol.5, 2010, pp.84-92. 陳志堅:《中世紀英國地產託管制起源研究述評》,《世界歷史》2010年第5期,第84-92頁。
Abstract: The article deals with the origin of uses,an important settlement pattern applied by the landowners to evade the inheritance rules according to the common law which was a prevailing phenomenon in medieval England. On this question,early legists had argued on the traditions of Roman law and German custom; however,both had been proved unauthentic. Thereafter,Maitland,a famous English legal historian,indicated to the origin of local English tradition,which was also doubted with insufficient evidence and arguments. The author researched on the new materials to support Maitland’s opinion that uses was really originated from local English ad opus tradition,but experienced long developing process from opus to os,oes,oeps respectively,and to use finally.
2009 Chen Zhijian, “A Son Opes: the Uses System, Land Tenure and Family Inheritance in Medieval England”, Historical Research , Vol.3., pp.152-170. 陳志堅:《“為他人的利益而佔有財產”——中世紀英國的地產託管、封土保有與家產繼承》,《歷史研究》2009年第3期,第152-170頁。
Abstract: The system of uses prevailing in medieval England was one of the important devices designed by landowners with the aim of disposing of t heir estates. Although scholars have tried to trace it in ancient legal literature, it had its origin in the practical needs of individual landowners, and was different from the common law inheritance rules that represented the rights of the landed stratum as a whole. These rules were often evaded and challenged by uses. With the help of church courts and chanceries, uses forced the common law system to compromise and acknowledge its legitimacy. Thereafter, the system became widespread. This marked the first victory on the part of individual landowners in their struggle against feudal bonds and for the right to dispose freely of their land.
Key words: Uses; Land Tenure; Family Inheritance
2009 Chen Zhijian, “On the System of Property Inheritance in Medieval England”, Bulletin of Capital Normal University , Vol.3., pp.33-40. 陳志堅:《對中世紀英國財產繼承制度的考察》,《首都師範大學學報》2009年第3期,第33-40頁。
Abstract: The Common law inheritance rules characterized by primogeniture and famous for their rigidity took shape in the early 13th century exerted a dominant role throughout the middle ages. But they did not bring much negative influence to the society of medieval England. This was attributed to the existence of many marginal elements, for example, family settlements designed by individual landlords, inheritance customs persisted in by common people, and the equal distribution plans promoted by church and chancery. These elements showed due concern for the disadvantaged family members, protected the rights of individual landlords, supported common people’s customs, under the influence of which the portion of family members was balanced , the relationship of individual landlords and the whole nobility class harmonized, and the stiff inheritance rules of common law effectively rectified.
Key words: Medieval England; Common Law; Primogeniture; Marginal Elements
2008 Chen Zhijian, “A Study on the Characteristics and Essence of "Strict Settlement"——also on the "Transform and Continuation" Dispute in the Study of British Family History”, Journal of World History , Vol.4., pp.94-105. 陳志堅:《論“家產析分契約”的性質和作用——兼評英國家庭史研究中的“變革與延續之爭”》,《世界歷史》2008年第4期,第94-105頁。
Abstract: Strict settlement was a one of family settlements devised by landlords, in the aim of evading the inflexible Common Law Inheritance Rules. If we were seeing about the origin and practice of this family settlement, we would found that it have a contradictory nature. By using this device, landlords intended not only to protect the integrity of the core family property, but also to finance the family members who could not get property according to the law. However, the transition period (early modern period) has given it particular social context and some new features, although the property owner still sticking to old principles, began to take advantage of emerging capitalism and the economic means to adjust their allocation of family property, which effectively reconcile the long-existing contradictions.
Key words: Strict Settlement; Affective Family; Landlords
2008 Chen Zhijian, “Chancery and Married Women’s Property in Early Modern England”, Economic & Social History Review , Vol.4., pp.107-119. 陳志堅:《婦女財產權保護——英國大法官庭的作為》,《經濟社會史評論》第4輯,2008年,第107-119頁。
Abstract: The period of Anglo-Saxons was called women’s golden age when married women enjoying extensive property rights. But these rights were weakened by the common law shaped after Norman Conquest. According to the doctrine of coverture in common law, husband and wife were but one person, this one person was the husband. A woman who married lost her property she got before marriage. The doctrine of coverture also removed from a wife her very legal entity, making it impossible for her to enter contracts or to defend her rights in court. The chancery came into existence during the 15th and 16th centuries rectified this in time. It not only admitted married women’s jointure and pin money which excluded by common law, but also helped married women built separate estate through uses. These measures not only gained many property rights for married women, but were helpful for cultivating English cultural development mode which was characterized by peace, gradualism, and reformation.
Key words: Married women; Chancery; Property Rights; Early Modern
2007 Chen Zhijian, “The Family Settlements in Medieval and Early Modern England”, Journal of World History , Vol.5., pp.69-79. 陳志堅:《試析英國中世紀及近代早期的家產分配方案》,《世界歷史》2007年第5期,第69-79頁。
Abstract: In medieval and early modern England, the rules of real property inheritance were based on the common law which mainly emphasized the holistic interests of the elite at that time rather considered for the feelings of landowners. However, landowners were creatures with affection, so when they designed family settlements they always considered on the whole, and evaded the common law rules of descent by several legal devices like entail, uses and strict settlement. These devices showed that landowners have been swinging between reason and affection, which, at the same time, promoted the development of real property law of inheritance. By comprehending this development, we found that institutional reform often had its origin in the attitude of individuals.
Key Words: The Common Law Inheritance Rules; Family Settlement; Entail; Uses; Strict Settlement
2005 Chen Zhijian, “Land, Law and Family: Noblewomen Inheritance in Medieval England”, Bulletin of Capital Normal University , Vol.5., pp.19-26. 陳志堅:《試論中世紀英格蘭貴族婦女的不動產繼承權》,《首都師範大學學報》2005年第5期,第19-26頁。
Abstract: According to the common law, noblewomen enjoyed comprehensive rights on land inheritance in medieval England, and the period before Conquest is often regarded as Golden Age for woman by historians. However these rights of noblewomen were weaken dramatically in the late Middle Ages, which could be mainly attributed to the fact that these rights of noblewomen had threatened the integrality of landowners’ patrimony upon which it was built their the titles and surnames. In addition, land inheritance rights of noblewomen often resulted in extinct of the family name. So, for the interest of the whole family, landowners deprived noblewomen of their land inheritance rights by evading the common law time and again. This article discusses the development of land inheritance rights of noblewomen in medieval England and the real reason why landowners endeavored to impair them.
Keywords: Middle Ages; Noblewomen; Land; Inheritance; Common Law
2002 Chen Zhijian, “Origin and Evolvement of Chivalry in Western Europe”, Bulletin of Capital Normal University , Vol.4., pp.20-25. 陳志堅:《西歐中世紀騎士的起源和演變》,《首都師範大學學報》2002年第4期,第20-25頁。
Abstract: At first, the knight in Western Europe is a cavalryman in heavy equipment, this kind of cavalryman originated from Germanic convention. They play a decisive role in the battlefield of Europe in the middle Ages. Afterwards, the knight had developed into” Christ’s soldier” under the influence of the church gradually, and become the symbol of identity. Again, a kind of gentility and knight’s spirit---chivalry---had come into being in the restraint of the church and social environment. Chivalry had a far reaching impact on politics, economy and social culture of Western Europe. This text discussed the origin of the knight in terms of history, and analyzed various kinds’ of factors that affected the knight’s development and the course of knight’s evolution.
Keyword: Western Europe; Middle Ages; Chivalry; Germanic Convention
Book Chapter:
2008 Yu Pei, Zhou Rongyao, eds., The Thirty Years of Chinese World History Studies , China Social Science Resources Press, 2008, Chapter 1., pp.83-105. 于沛、周榮耀主編:《中國世界歷史學30年(1978-2008)》,中國社科文獻出版社,2008年版,本人撰寫第一章第一節。
Book Translation:
2008 Robert Fossier, ed., The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages , Volume 2, 950-1250 AD, Cambridge University Press, 1997, Co-translation Work, Responsible for Chapter 1., pp.47-72. 郭方等譯:《劍橋插圖中世紀史950-1250 AD》,山東畫報出版社,2008年版,本人翻譯第一章。
Book being translated Henry Thomas Buckle, History of Civilization in England, New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1903.
Book being translated Theodor Mommsen, Medieval and Renaissance studies, Ithaca, N. Y.:Cornell University Press, 1959.
[1] http://www.global-history.org
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于展副教授 于展,男,1978年4月生,山东乳山人,历史学博士。本科、硕士、博士分别毕业于曲阜师范大学、北京师范大学和南开大学(1996-2006年)。曾担任首都师范大学历史学院研究生辅导员(2006-2012年),2012年转为教学科研岗。出版专著《非暴力直接行动与美国民权运动》(社会科学文献出版社2015年)、译著《现代世界的诞生》(第一译者,商务印书馆2013年)和《西方的兴起》(合译,中 ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-04首都师范大学历史学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王燕平
王燕平,男,1972年2月出生。 工作 1995年至今在首都师范大学历史学院世界史系任教,现任讲师; 目前主要讲授“世界近现代史”、“世界近现代史文献选读”、“西方政治思想史”、“世界文明概览”等课程,曾获首都师范大学“优秀主讲教师”称号; 研究方向为世界近现代史、法国近现代政治史。 教育 1988-1992年在北京师范大学历史系就读,获历史学学士学位; 1992-1995年 ...首都师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-04