Department of Management of Science and Technology
The Department of Management of Science and Technology (DMST) was established in 1996, for meeting the challenges raised by rapid development of contemporary science and technology and knowledge-based economy, and the requirements for implementing the national strategy of invigorating China through science and technology.
With respect to talented-personnel training and scientific research, the DMST is characterized by management of S&T and policy analysis. There are nowadays 10 teachers in DMST, among the faculty are 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 lecturers and 1 assistant professor. Besides, several guest professors who have rich experience in management are appointed in DMST. The following research projects are undertaken in DMST: “Initiation Patterns of High-tech Enterprise”, “Assessment of Non-profit Agricultural Institutes”, “Silicon Valley Model and Innovation System for Industry and University”, “Incubation of High-tech Enterprises”, “Management and Evaluation of S&T Projects”. Some 100 papers or books in such research areas as strategy for S&T development, patterns of science parks, S&T policy, and management of S&T have been published in recent years, which have made positive impacts in these fields of study.
The DMST has a 4-year undergraduate program in the field of management of S&T, with bachelor ‘s degree of management awarded. Talented personnel with high-quality and innovative capability are trained for conducting management of S&T, knowledge and technology innovation. They are required to master the knowledge of contemporary S&T theory and methodology, laws and regulations for promoting S&T development, and computer and foreign language applications. The graduates are intended to work in relevant governmental organizations, science parks, universities, research institutes, and high-tech companies.
The master degree of science and technology philosophy is also granted in DMST, with graduate research orientations in development strategy and policy for S&T, technology innovation management, and management of science parks.
The following research projects are undertaken in the Department of Management of Science and Technology (DMST): “Initiation Patterns of High-tech Enterprise”, “Assessment of Non-profit Agricultural Institutes”, “Silicon Valley Model and Innovation System for Industry and University”, “Incubation of High-tech Enterprises”, “Management and Evaluation of S&T Projects”.
研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27
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