- 郭建斌导师简介 -
- 博士研究生 0人 硕士研究生 0人
- 博士研究生 0人 硕士研究生 0人
2002.07-2006.07,中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 农业建筑环境与能源工程专业 本科
2006.09-2011.12,中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 农业生物环境与能源工程专业 博士 (硕博连读)
2009.12-2010.12,德国波恩大学 国家公派博士研究生
2012.05-2014.05,清华大学 环境学院 固体废弃物处理教研所 博士后
2014.06-2014.12,中国农业大学 工学院 讲师
2015.01-至今,中国农业大学 工学院 副教授
[1] Quanyuan Wei, Wanqin Zhang, Jianbin Guo*, Shubiao Wu, Tianwei Tan, Fang Wang, Renjie Dong, 2014. Performance and kinetic evaluation of a semi-continuously fed anaerobic digester treating food waste: Effect of trace elements on the digester recovery and stability. Chemosphere, 117, 477–485. (SCI, IF=3.499, 20%)
[2] Wanqin Zhang, Shubiao Wu, Jianbin Guo, Jie Zhou, Renjie Dong, 2015. Performance and kinetic evaluation of semi-continuously fed anaerobic digesters treating food waste: Role of trace elements. Source: Bioresource Technology, 178, 297-305. (SCI, IF=5.039, 10%)
[3] Jianbin Guo, Wei Wang, Xiao Liu, Songjian Lian, Lei Zheng, 2014. Effects of thermal pre-treatment on anaerobic co-digestion of municipal biowastes at high organic loading rate. Chemosphere, 101, 66-70. (SCI, IF=3.499, 20%)
[4] Jianbin Guo, Renjie Dong, Joachim Clemens, Wei Wang, 2013. Kinetics evaluation of a semi-continuously fed anaerobic digester treating pig manure at two mesophilic temperatures. Water research, 47(15), 5743-5750. (SCI, IF=5.323, 10%)
[5] Jianbin Guo, Renjie Dong, Joachim Clemens, Wei Wang, 2013. Performance evaluation of a completely stirred anaerobic reactor treating pig manure at a low range of mesophilic conditions. Waste management, 33(11), 2219-2224. (SCI, IF=3.157, 10%)
[6] Jianbin Guo, Renjie Dong, Joachim Clemens, Wei Wang, 2013. Thermal modelling of the completely stirred anaerobic reactor treating pig manure at low range of mesophilic conditions. Journal of environmental management, 127, 18-22.(SCI, IF=3.188)
[7] Jianbin Guo, Anne Ostermann, Jan Siemens, Renjie Dong, Joachim Clemens, 2012. Short term effects of copper, sulfadiazine and difloxacin on the anaerobic digestion of pig manure at low organic loading rates. Waste management, 32, 131-136 (SCI, IF=2.485, 10%)
[8] Jianbin Guo, Joachim Clemens, Xiaoping Li, Pan Xu, Renjie Dong, 2012. Performance evaluation of a Chinese medium-sized agricultural biogas plant at ambient temperature. Engineering in life sciences, 12(3), 336-342. (SCI, IF=1.925)
2013.08-2014.05, 中国博士后科学基金项目(面上资助)(2013M540965);主持
2015.01-2016.12, 北京市科技计划课题:猪场氨排放控制技术与装备开发及示范(D**5004);主持