

中国农业大学 免费考研网/2015-10-18

- 赵丽红导师简介 -
姓名拼音Zhao Lihong
民族汉族籍贯不公开参加何党派不公开加入党派时间不公开最高学历博士研究生最高学位博士毕业学校中国农业大学毕业时间2011-06-18最高学位授予国别中国最高学位授予单位中国农业大学最高学位授予专业动物营养与饲料科学最高学位授予时间2011-06-18外语语种英语外语熟练程度熟练来校时间不公开参加工作时间不公开在职状态不公开教师来源不公开职称讲师职称评聘时间不公开职务无任职时间不公开证件类型不公开证件号码不公开办公电话**家庭电话不公开手机不公开传 真不公开通信地址北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号邮政编码100193电子邮箱zhaolihongcau@cau.edu.cn教师主页导师类型硕导是否外聘否兼职聘期起始日期兼职聘期终止日期兼职所在原单位是否在外单位担任兼职导师不公开主要兼职单位名称不公开专家类别从事学科专业1畜牧学090502-动物营养与饲料科学从事学科专业2首任导师时间2015-06研究方向1动物营养与饲料安全研究方向2家禽营养与饲料添加剂研究方向3研究方向4备注

    博士研究生 0人 硕士研究生1人 (其中 2015级:1)
      博士研究生 0人 硕士研究生 0人
      赵丽红,女,辽宁建平人,1980年2月生,动物营养与饲料科学专业博士,2011年6月博士毕业后留校任教。中国农业大学动物科技学院讲师,动物营养学国家重点实验室成员,国家蛋鸡产业技术体系成员,研究方向为家禽营养与饲料安全。现主持科研项目4项,参与项目6项。已完成中国农业大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目“降解玉米赤霉烯酮微生物的筛选及仔猪试验效果研究”。参与973计划子课题“肉鸡肉质性状形成的规律及其营养调控”、国家自然科学基金项目“粘细菌解毒肽对黄曲霉毒素解毒作用机理的研究”、动物营养学国家重点实验室项目“饲料生物安全控制技术及检测方法研究”、 国家自然科学基金项目“黄曲霉毒素解毒酶基因的克隆及外源分泌表达”、****和创新团队发展计划研究项目等科研项目。申请国家发明专利8项,目前已获授权6项,发表SCI论文10篇。参与完成的成果“降解黄曲霉毒素细菌的分离鉴定及其解毒酶的作用机理”于2009年12月27日通过了教育部组织的专家鉴定,专家一致认为该成果整体达到国际领先水平,本人为第三完成人。科研成果“中小猪场生态无公害健康养殖新模式技术集成与推广”获2010年度中山市科技进步二等奖(排名6)。

      1) Zhao LH, Guan S, Gao X, Ma QG, Lei YP, Bai XM, Ji C. 2011. Preparation, purification and characteristics of an aflatoxin degradation enzyme from Myxococcus fulvus ANSM068. J Appl Microbiol 110(1):147-155.
      2) Zhao L.H., Lei Y.P., BaoY.H., Jia R., Ma Q.G., Zhang J.Y., Chen J. and Ji C. (2014)Ameliorative effects of Bacillus subtilis ANSB01G on zearalenone toxicosis in prepubertal female gilts. Food additive and contamination - Part A. DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.976845.
      3) Lei YP, Zhao LH, Ma QG, Zhang JY, Zhou T, Gao CQ, Ji C. 2014. Degradation of zearalenone in swine feed and feed ingredients by Bacillus subtilis ANSB01G. World Mycotoxin Journal. 7(2):143-151.
      4) Guan S, Zhao LH, Zhou T, Wang N, Hu XX, Ji C. 2010. In vitro efficacy of Myxococcus fulvus ANSM068 to biotransform aflatoxin B1. International Journalof Molecular Science 11:4063-4079.
      5) Fan Y, Zhao LH, Ma QG, Li XY, Shi HQ, Zhou T, Zhang JY, Ji C. 2013. Effects of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on growth performance, meat quality and aflatoxin residues in broilers fed moldy peanut meal naturally contaminated with aflatoxins. Food Chem Toxicol 59:748-753.
      6) Xiaoying Li, Lihong Zhao, Yu Fan, Yaxiong Jia, Lei Sun, Shanshan Ma, Cheng Ji, Qiugang Ma and Jianyun Zhang. (2014) Occurrence of mycotoxins in feed ingredients and complete feeds obtained from the Beijing region of China. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 5:37-45.
      7) Zhang Y, Ma QG, Bai XM, Zhao LH, Wang Q, Ji C, Liu LT, Yin HC. 2010. Effects of dietary acetyl-L-carnitine on meat quality and lipid metabolism in Arbor Acres broilers. Asian Austral J Anim 23(12):1639-1644.
      8) Gao X, Ma QG, Zhao LH, Lei YP, Shan YJ, Ji C. 2011. Isolation of Bacillus subtilis: screening for aflatoxins B1, M1,and G1 detoxification. Eur Food Res Technol (232):957-962.
      9) Bai XM, Ma QG, Zhao LH, Xi L, Ji C. 2011. Effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on antioxidative ability and performance of sows and nursing piglets. J Anim Physiol an N. 96:955-961.
      10) Gao CQ, Ji C, Zhao LH, Zhang JY, Ma QG. 2013. Phytase transgenic corn in nutrition of laying hens: Residual phytase activity and phytate phosphorus content in the gastrointestinal tract. Poultry Sci 92(11):2923-2929.
      11) Q. G. Ma, X. Gao, T. Zhou, L. H. Zhao, Y. Fan, X. Y. Li, Lei YP, C. Ji, Zhang JY. 2012. Protective effect of Bacillus subtilis ANSB060 on egg quality, biochemical
      and histopathological changes in layers exposed to aflatoxin B1. Poultry Sci 91:2852-2857.
      12) Li, Y., Ma, Q., Zhao, L., Wei, H., Duan, G., Zhang, J. and Ji, C. (2014) Effects of Lipoic Acid on Immune Function, the Antioxidant Defense System, and Inflammation-Related Genes Expression of Broiler Chickens Fed Aflatoxin Contaminated Diets. International journal of molecular sciences, 15:5649-5662.
      13) Gao CQ, Ji C, Zhang JY, Zhao LH, Ma QG. 2013. Effect of a novel plant phytase on performance, egg quality, apparent ileal nutrient digestibility and bone mineralization of laying hens fed corn–soybean diets. Anim Feed Sci Tech 186(1):101-105.
      14) Chen P, Ma QG, Ji C, Zhang JY, Zhao LH, Zhang Y, Jie YZ. 2011. Dietary lipoic acid influences antioxidant capability and oxidative status of broilers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12(12):8476-8488.
      15) Jie Y, Zhang J, Zhao L, Ma Q, Ji C. 2013. The correlationship between the metabolizable energy content, chemical composition and color score in different sources of corn DDGS. Journal of animal science and biotechnology 4(1):38.
      16) Ma Q, Gao C, Zhang J, Zhao L, Hao W, Ji C. 2013. Detection of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA fragments and proteins in the digesta, blood, tissues, and eggs of laying hens fed with phytase transgenic corn. PloS one 8(4):e61138.
      17) Gao C, Ma Q, Zhao L, Zhang J, Ji C. 2014. Effect of Dietary Phytase Transgenic Corn on Physiological Characteristics and the Fate of Recombinant Plant DNA in Laying Hens. Asian Australas. J. Anim. Sci 27(1):77-82.
      18) Li, Y., Ma, Q.G., Zhao, L.H., Guo, Y. Q., Duan, G. X., Zhang, J.Y. and Ji, C. (2014) Protective Efficacy of Alpha-lipoic Acid against AflatoxinB1-induced Oxidative Damage in the Liver. Asian-Australas Jounal of Animal Science.








