

本站小编 Free考研/2020-05-13

近日,中国农业科学院研究生院巴基斯坦籍留学生Muhammad Ahmed Waqas在中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所李玉娥研究员的指导下,于中科院JCR环境科学和生态学1区TOP期刊《清洁生产杂志》(JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, IF=6.395)上发表了“The influence of nutrient management on soil organic carbon storage, crop production, and yield stability varies under different climates”的原创性文章。Waqas同学为本文的第一作者,李玉娥研究员为通讯作者。该研究评估了不同气候区土壤固碳、作物产量和产量稳定性对养分管理的响应,模拟了土壤碳储量对水稻、玉米和小麦相对产量的影响。该文章拟申请2019-2020学年中国农业科学院研究生院“高水平论文奖”。
Recently, a GSCAAS PhD student “Muhammad Ahmed Waqas” under the guidance of Professor Li Yue at Institute of Environment and Sustainable development in Agriculture, CAAS, Beijing, published his research work entitled “The influence of nutrient management on soil organic carbon storage, crop production, and yield stability varies under different climates” in Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=6.39). According to JCR ranking, JCP is CAS-Q1 Top journal in the categories of “Environmental Sciences and Ecology”. Waqas is first author of this article, and his supervisor Dr. Li Yue is corresponding author. This article is eligible to apply for “GSCAAS Outstanding Research Paper Award”. Present study evaluated how soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, crop yield, and yield stability are influenced by climate, simulated the response of relative grain yield of rice, maize and wheat to the SOC stock.
气候因素如何影响土壤有机碳(SOC)储量、产量和产量稳定性对养分管理的响应的科学认知欠缺。为此,本文利用Meta分析方法评估了中国不同气候区长期(≥10年)养分管理对SOC储量、作物产量、产量稳定性的影响。将中国分为4个气候区 (暖干气候区, DW;暖湿气候区,WM;冷干气候区,CD;冷湿气候区,CM)。研究结果表明,不同气候区养分管理措施对SOC储量、作物产量和产量稳定性的影响不同(Fig. 1)。在所有气候区施用有机肥、有机无机配施能够促进土壤有机碳储量,BMOF对有机碳储量、产量和产量稳定性的促进作用最大,是最优先的农田养分管理策略。利用linear-plateau模型分析了作物相对产量与有机碳储量的关系,结果表明,水稻、玉米和小麦产量在SOC储量达到33.43和45.51 Mg C ha?1区间之前增加迅速,之后随着SOC的增产产量增加缓慢(Fig. 2)。本研究揭示了根据当地气候优化养分管理策略对促进土壤有机碳储量和稳定作物产量至关重要。
Our understanding on how soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, crop yield, and yield stability are influenced by climate is limited. To critically examine this, the impact of long-term (≥10 years) application of nutrient management practices on SOC storage, crop yield, and yield stability were evaluated under different climatic conditions in China using a meta-analysis approach. The cropping area of China was divided into four distinct groups based on local climatic conditions (warm dry, DW; warm moist, WM; cool dry, CD; cool moist, CM). Results indicated that the impact of nutrient management practices on SOC storage, crop yield, and yield stability varies under different climatic zone in China (Fig. 1). Organic fertilizers (OF), combined unbalanced mineral and organic fertilizers (UMOF), and combined balanced mineral and organic fertilizers (BMOF) were able to sustain and enhance SOC storage under all climatic conditions. However, the largest increase in SOC storage across all climates was seen for BMOF. Further, corresponding values of crop productivity and yield stability were also highest for BMOF among all the nutrient management treatments. BMOF appears to be the most appropriate nutrient management strategy. A linear-plateau model indicated that relative grain yield increase before the SOC stock (Copt) reaches to the range from 33.43 to 45.51 Mg C ha?1, and then the increase rate slow down with the increase of SOC stock (Fig. 2). Our findings demonstrate that it is essential to optimize nutrient management strategies according to the local climate to protect soil from SOC losses, and for achieving sustainable crop production.

Fig 1. 土壤固碳速率、相对产量和产量可持续性对气候和养分管理的响应
Fig 1. Response of SOC stocks, relative yield and yield sustainability to different fertilizer management practices under different climatic regions in China. Between-group heterogeneity (Qb) and probability (P) were used to indicate statistical differences rates between various levels of the categorized factors.

Fig 2. 土壤有机碳储量与水稻、小麦和玉米相对产量的关系,Ypr 为模拟的相对产量
Fig 2. Relationship between SOC stocks and relative grain yields of rice, wheat and maize. Where Ypr indicates predicted grain yield. a and b indicate intercept, and slope, while x is SOC stock and Ypl is the predicted plateau-grain yield fitted with the model. And n indicates number of total observations. Copt indicates maximal yield responsive SOC stock level.
原文链接Original link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652620319697
该研究得到中德农业与气候变化合作项目(CHN-19-02)和欧盟地平线2020国际合作项目(CIRCASA 774378)的支持。
Present study was conducted with the support of German-Chinese cooperation on agriculture and climate change (CHN-19-02) and Coordination of International Research Cooperation on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture (CIRCASA 774378).
本文第一作者Muhammad Ahmed Waqas,巴基斯坦人,是中国农科院研究生院2017级农业气象与气候变化专业博士研究生。2017年9月,在中国政府奖学金的资助下加入中国农业科学院环发所“气候变化与减排固碳”创新团队,导师为李玉娥研究员。此前他还以第一作者在《Land Degradation & Development》(CAS-Q1 Top, IF=4.275)《Frontiers in Plant Science》(CAS-Q2, IF=4.106)发表论文两篇,第一作者发表论文累计影响因子达14.776。Waqas同学还与团队成员合作以共同作者在《Journal of Cleaner Production》 (IF=6.39)、《Geoderma》(IF=4.33)、《European Journal of Agronomy》(IF=3.38)和《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》(IF=2.65)发表论文多篇。
The first author Muhammad Ahmed Waqas from Pakistan is a GSCAAS PhD student in the discipline of Agricultural Meteorology and Climate Change at the Institute of Environment and Sustainable development in Agriculture, CAAS, Beijing. He joined “Climate Change, GHG Emission Reduction and Carbon Sequestration” Innovation Team in 2017 September, under the guidance of Prof. Li Yue. Besides this Journal, he has also published his work in “Land degradation and development” (CAS-Q1 Top, IF=4.275) and “Frontiers in Plant Science” (CAS-Q2, IF=4.106) as the first author, with a total impact factor of 14.776. As co-authors, he has published in other top international journals, such as the Journal of Cleaner Production (IF=6.39), Geoderma (IF=4.33), European Journal of Agronomy (IF=3.38), and Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (IF=2.65).

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