2019 –至今中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,研究员,博导
2012 – 2018美国冷泉港实验室,博士后
2008 – 2012美国堪萨斯州立大学,博士
2005 – 2008中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,硕士
2001 – 2005东北农业大学生命科学学院,学士
主要研究方向是利用分子遗传学、生物化学、细胞生物学、基因组学及基因编辑等技术解析作物花序形态建成及矿质元素高效利用的分子机制。深入研究了细胞间信号通讯对农作物果实发育、环境应答及产量性状调控的分子机理,并通过调控作物发育与环境应答的共用信号开关分子—G蛋白来优化玉米雌穗发育从而提高作物产量。研究成果在《PNAS》,《PLoS Genetics》,《Current Opinion in Plant Biology》等国际刊物上发表论文20余篇,被引用近700次,H指数为13。
Frontiers in Plant Science编委,Plant Journal, Plant Biotechnology Journal, New Phytologist等20余个国际刊物的审稿专家。
2019 – 2020 “玉米穗型性状的智能改造及利用”,国家科技重大专项——转基因生物新品种培育
2019 – 2024 中国农业科学院创新工程青年英才启动经费
2017 – 2019 “番茄Ca2+/H+转运蛋白对钙离子分配与转运的调控机制及对生理失调的影响”, 国家自然科学基金青年项目
2019 中国农业科学院青年英才计划
2015 Keystone Symposia Plant Receptor Kinase会议奖学金
2012 堪萨斯州立大学研究生院学术会议差旅奖
2010 体外生物学学会(Society for In Vitro Biology)优秀研究生奖
2007 第二届全国农业环境科学研讨会优秀论文奖
#通讯作者, *共同第一作者
23. Wu QY*, Xu F*, Liu L, Char SN, Ding Y, Schmelz EA, Yang B, Jackson D. 2020 The maize heterotrimeric G-protein b subunit controls shoot meristem development and immune response. PNAS 117: 1799-1805.
22. Kang BC*, Wu QY*, Sprague S, Park S, White F, Bae S, Han J. 2019 Ectopic Overexpression of anArabidopsisMonothiol GlutaredoxinAtGRXS17Affects Floral Development and Improves Response to Heat Stress in Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat.). Environmental and Experimental Botany 167:103864.
21.Wu QY*, Xu F*, Jackson D. 2018 All together now, a magical mystery tour of the maize shoot meristem.Current Opinion in Plant Biology 45:26-35
20.Wu QY, Regan M, Furukawa H, Jackson D. 2018 Role of heterotrimeric Gaproteins in maize development and enhancement of agronomic traits.PLoS Genetics14(4): e**
19.Wu QY, Jackson D. (2018)Detection of MAPK3/6 phosphorylation during hypersensitive response (HR)-associated programmed cell death in plants.Methods in Molecular Biology 1743:153-161
18.Je B, Xu F,Wu QY, Liu L, Meeley R, Jackson D. (2018) The CLAVATA receptor FASCIATED EAR2 responds to different CLE peptides by signaling through different downstream effectors.Elife 7:e35673
17.Wu QY#, Yang J, Cheng NH, Hirschi KD, White FF, Park SH#. (2017) Glutaredoxins in plant development, abiotic stress response, and iron homeostasis: from model organisms to crops.Environmental and Experimental Botany139:91-98
16.Jiang HM*, Zhang JF*, Han Z*, Yang JC, Ge CL#,Wu QY#. (2017) Revealing new insights into different phosphorus-starving responses between two maize (Zea mays) inbred lines by transcriptomic and proteomic studies.Scientific Reports 7:44294
15.Wu QY, Park S, Kirkham MB, Williams K. (2017) Transcriptome analysis reveals potential mechanisms for inhibition of intumescence development by UV radiation in tomato.Environmental and Experimental Botany 134:130-140
14.Wu QY,Hu Y, Sprague S, Kakeshpour T, Park J, Nakata PA, Cheng NH, Hirschi KD, White FF, Park S. 2017 Expression of a monothiol glutaredoxin,AtGRXS17, in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) enhances drought tolerance.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 491:1034-1039
13.Hu Y,Wu QY, Peng Z, Sprague S, Wang W, Park J, Akhunov E, Jagadish K, Nakata P, Cheng NH, Hirschi K, White F. (2017) Silencing of OsGRXS17 in rice improves drought stress tolerance by modulating ROS accumulation and promoting ABA-mediated stomatal closure.Scientific Reports 7:15950
12.Je B, Gruel J, Lee YK, Bommert P, Arevalo ED, Eveland A,Wu QY, Goldshmidt A, Meeley R, Bartlett M, Komatsu M, Sakai H, Jonsson H, Jackson D. (2016) Signaling from maize organ primordial via FASCIATED EAR3 regulates stem cell proliferation and yield traits.Nature Genetics 48: 785-791
11.Urano D, Maruta N, Trusov Y, Stoian R,Wu QY, Liang Y, Jaiswal DK, Thung L, Jackson D, Botella JR, Jones AM. (2016) Saltational evolution of the heterotrimeric G protein signaling mechanisms in the plant kingdom.Science Signaling 9:ra93
10.Urano D, Miura K,Wu QY, Iwasaki Y, Jackson D, Jones A. (2016) Morphology of plant G protein mutants.Plant and Cell Physiology 57:437-445
9.Ying H*,Wu QY*,Sprague S, Park J, Oh M, Rajashekar CB, Koiwa H, Nakata P, Cheng NH, Hirschi KD, White FF, Park S. (2015) Ectopic expression of Arabidopsis glutaredoxin gene AtGRXS17 in tomato confers tolerance to chilling stress.Horticulture Research 2:15051(Featured article)
8.Krishnakumar V, Choi Y, Beck E,Wu QY, Luo A, Sylvester, Jackson D, Chan A. (2014). A Maize database resource that captures tissue-specific and subcellular- localized gene expression, via fluorescent tags and confocal imaging. (Maize Cell Genomics Database).Plant and Cell Physiology 56: e12(1-7).
7.Wu QY, Luo A, Zadrozny T, Sylvester A, Jackson D. (2013) Fluorescent protein marker lines in maize: generation and applications.International Journal of Developmental Biology57: 535-543.
6.Wu QY, Lin J, Liu JZ, Wang XF, Lim W, Oh M, Park J, Rajashekar CB, Whitham SA, Cheng NH, Hirschi KD, Park S. (2012) Ectopic expression of Arabidopsis glutaredoxinAtGRXS17enhances thermotolerance in tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum).Plant Biotechnology Journal 10:945-955.
5.Wu QY, Shigaki T, Han JS, Kim CK, Hirschi KD, Park SH. Ectopic expression of a maize calreticulin mitigates calcium deficiency-like disorders insCAX1-expressing tobacco and tomato.2012.Plant Molecular Biology 80:609-619.
4.Freitas ST, Handa AK,Wu QY, Park S, Mitcham EJ. (2012) Role of pectin methylesterases on cellular calcium distribution and blossom-end rot development in tomato fruit.Plant Journal 71:824-835.
3.Wu QY, Shigaki T, Han JS, Kim CK, Hirschi KD, Park SH. (2011) Expression of anArabidopsisCa2+/H+antiporterCAX1 variant in petunia enhances cadmium tolerance and accumulation.Journal of Plant Physiology 168:167-173.
2.Cheng NH, Liu JZ, Liu X,Wu QY, Thompson SM, Lin J, Chang J, Whitham SA, Park S, Cohen JD, Hirschi KD. (2011)ArabidopsisMonothiolGlutaredoxin, AtGRXS17, is critical for temperature-dependent postembryonic growth and development via modulating auxin response.Journal of Biological Chemistry 286:20398-20406.
1.Freitas ST, Padda M,Wu QY, Park S, Mitcham EJ. (2011) Dynamic alternations in cellular and molecular components during blossom-end rot development in tomatoes expressing sCAX1, a constitutively active Ca2+/H+ antiporter from Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 156:844-855.
1.Park JK, Park SH,Wu QY, Sprague S. (2012) Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Plants.Plant Tissue Culture, 3rdEdition: Ed. R.H. Smith, Academic Press. Chapter 14: 155-166.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-13
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曹卫东,男,安徽枞阳人,1968年10月生于安徽贵池。中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,博士生、硕士生导师。 学习经历 1997/09-2000/07,中国农业科学院研究生院,植物营养学,博士 1986/09-1990/07,北京农业大学,土壤农化系,本科 工作经历 2010/01- ...中国农业科学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-13中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-黄绍文
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何萍,女,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所二级研究员,博士生导师。国家973项目首席科学家,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,全国农业科研杰出人才,国际肥料科学中心亚洲分中心副主席。中国植物营养与肥料学会理事,中国植物营养与肥料学会化学肥料专业委员会主任。主要从事植物营养与高效施肥等方面的研究工作 ...中国农业科学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-13中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-汪洪
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1963年10月7日生,博士,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所研究员,博士生导师,中国农业科学院首批聘任二级岗位杰出人才,农业部农业科研杰出人才,农业部新型肥料创新团队首席科学家,中国农业科学院肥料及施肥技术创新团队首席科学家,中国农学青年科技奖获得者;现任中国农业科学院德州盐碱土改良实验站站 ...中国农业科学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-13中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-唐华俊
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毛克彪,研究员/教授,博导,优秀青年一级人才,全国优秀科技工作者。提出了地表温度、近地表空气温度、发射率、大气水汽含量和土壤水分等10余个算法,获得发明专利授权13个,软件著作权18个。发表相关论文110余篇(第一作者70余篇),其中SCI/EI论文近70篇,专著2部。2008年中国南方大雪冰冻灾害 ...中国农业科学院师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-13