本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-13
1984年山东师范学院生物系获学士学位;1987年在中国科学院上海植物生理研究所获硕士学位;1996年于英国John Innes研究中心/UEA获博士学位,1990-1992年在新加坡国立大学分子与细胞生物学研究所(IMCB)做访问****;1996-1999年在美国奥克拉荷马州立大学做博士后研究;1999-2005年担任荷兰国际植物研究中心胚胎发育研究室主任/高级研究员。2005年入选中国科学院“****”并回国组建了中国科学院植物研究所信号转导与代谢组学研究中心并担任主任,2006年获“****”择优支持,同年获"国家****基金";2011年起担任中国科学院植物分子生理学重点实验室主任;2007-2015年担任中国细胞学会副理事长。现任中国作物学会常务理事;中国细胞学会副监事长;中国植物学会外事工作委员会主任;国家重大研究计划首席科学家;中国科协决策咨询专家;植物学报(英文版,JIPB)主编;中国科学院大学岗位教授等职。
Xue-Feng Yao, Shengyang Wu, Lei Guo, Chun-Ming Liu* (2020) Efficient CELI endonuclease production in Nicotiana benthamiana through transient expression and applications in detections of mutation and gene editing events. Plant Science, online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110469; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0**0716.
Wu MW, Zhao H, Zhang JD, Guo L, Liu CM*. 2019. RADICLELESS 1 (RL1)-mediated nad4 intron 1 splicing is crucial for embryo and endosperm development in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.11.084.
Yu K#, Liu D#, Chen Y, Wang D, Yang W, Yang W, Liu CM*, Zhang AM*. 2019. Unraveling the genetic architecture of grain size in einkorn wheat through linkage and homology mapping, and transcriptomic profiling. Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/erz247.
Ren SC#, Song XF#, Chen WQ, Lu R, Lucas WJ, Liu CM*. 2019. CLE25 peptide regulates phloem initiation in Arabidopsis through a CLERK‐CLV2 receptor complex. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, doi: 10.1111/jipb.12846.
Gao YL#, Yao XF#, Li WZ, Song ZB, Wang BW, Wu YP, Shi JL, Liu GS, Li YP, Liu CM*. 2019. An efficient TILLING platform for cultivated tobacco. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, doi: 10.1111/jipb.12784.
He Y, Yan L, Ge C, Yao XF, Han X, Wang R, Xiong LZ, Jiang LW, Liu CM, Zhao YD*. 2019. PINOID is required for formation of the stigma and style in rice. Plant Physiology, 180: 926-936.
Liu JX, Wu XB, Yu. R., Larkin, P, and Liu CM* (2018) Mutation in the DNA demethylase OsROS1 result in a thickened aleurone and improved nutritional value in rice grains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 115, 11327- 11332.
Guo L, Jiang L, Lu XL and Liu CM* (2018) ANAPHASE PROMOTING COMPLEX/CYCLOSOME- mediated cyclin B1 degradation is critical for cell cycle synchronization in syncytial endosperms. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, published online.
Zhang LM#, Leng CY#, Luo H#, Wu XY#, Liu ZQ#, Zhang YM, Zhang H, Xia Y, Shang L, Liu CM, Hao DY, Zhou YH, Chu CC, Cai H, Jing HC* (2018) Sweet sorghum originated through selection of dry, a plant-specific NAC transcription factor gene, Plant Cell, 2018, 30: 2286-2307.
Song XF, Ren SC and Liu CM* (2017) Peptide hormones, In Hormones Metabolism and Signaling in Plants (Edited by J. Li, C Li and SM Smith), Academic Press, Elsevier, pp361-404.
Song XG, Lu ZF, Yu H, Shao GN, Xiong JS, Meng XB, Jing YH, Liu GF, Xiong GS, Duan JB, Yao XF, Liu CM, Li HQ, Wang YH, Li JY. 2017. IPA1 functions as a downstream transcription factor repressed by D53 in strigolactone signaling in rice. Cell Research, 27: 1128-1141.
Guo L*, Jiang L*, Zhang Y, Lu XL, Xie Q, Weijers D, Liu CM. 2016. The anaphase promoting complex initiates zygote division in Arabidopsis through degradation of cyclin B1. Plant Journal,86: 161-174.(*Co-first author)
Bai AN, Lu XD, Li DQ, Liu JX, Liu CM. 2016. NF-YB1-regulated expression of sucrose transporters in aleurone facilitates sugar loading to rice endosperm. Cell Research, 26: 384-388.
Guo L, Liu CM*. 2015. A single-nucleotide exon found in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 5: 18087.
Wu X, Liu J, Li D, Liu CM*. 2015. Rice caryopsis development: Dynamic changes in different cell layers. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, doi: 10.1111/jipb.12440.
Bai AN, Lu XD, Li DQ, Liu JX, Liu CM*. 2015. NF-YB1-regulated expression of sucrose transporters in aleurone facilitates sugar loading to rice endosperm. Cell Research, DOI: 10.1038/cr.2015.116.
Xu TT, Ren SC, Song XF, Liu CM*. 2015. CLE19 expressed in the embryo regulates both cotyledon establishment and endosperm development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 5217-5227.
Liu CM*. 2015. Auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1): A matter of fact. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57: 234-235.
Yan SJ, Liang YT, Zhang JD, Chen Z, Liu CM*. 2014. Autoxidated linolenic acid inhibits aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus via oxylipin species. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 81: 229-237.
Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu CM, Zhang C. 2014. FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE, 9: e99741.
Zhang Z, Song Y, Liu CM, Thomma B. 2014. Mutational analysis of the Ve1 immune receptor that mediates verticillium resistance in tomato. PloS ONE, 9: e99511.
Zhang JD, Han LD, Yan SJ, Liu CM*. 2014. The non-metabolizable glucose analog D-glucal inhibits aflatoxin biosynthesis and promotes kojic acid production in Aspergillus flavus. BMC Microbiology, 14: 95-104.
Xu TT, Song XF, Ren SC, Liu CM* (2013) The sequence flanking the N-terminus of the CLV3 peptide is critical for its cleavage and activity in stem cell regulation in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology, 13:225, doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-225
Xiu-Fen Song, Ting-Ting Xu, Shi-Chao Ren, and Chun-Ming Liu* (2013) Individual amino acid residues in CLV3 peptide contribute to its stability in vitro. Plant Signal Behav, 8: e25344
Li S, Chen M. Yu D, Ren S, Sun S, Liu L, Ketelaar, T, Emons AM and Liu CM* (2013) EXO70A1-mediated vesicle trafficking is critical for tracheary element development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 25: 1774-1786
Song XF, Guo P, Ren SC, Xu TT, Liu CM*. 2013. Antagonistic peptide technology for functional dissection of CLE genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 161, 1076-1085
Jiang GQ, Yao XF and Liu CM*. 2013. A simple CELI endonuclease-based protocol for genotyping both SNPs and InDels. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1325-1335
Zhang Z, van Esse HP, van Damme M, Fradin EF, Liu C-M, Thomma BPHJ* (2013). Ve1-mediated resistance against Verticillium does not involve a hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology 14: 719–727.
Zhang Y, Immink R, Liu CM, Emons A and Ketelaar T* 2013.The Arabidopsis exocyst subunit SEC3A is essential for embryo development and accumulates in transient puncta at the plasma membrane. New Phytologist, 199:74-88.
Chu H, Liang W, Li J, Hong F, Wu Y, Wang L, Wang J, Wu P, Liu C, Zhang Q, Xu J, Zhang D* (2013) A CLE-WOX signalling module regulates root meristem maintenance and vascular tissue development in rice. J Exp Bot. 64:5359-5369.
Ronny Brandt, Yakun Xie, Thomas Musielak, Moritz Graeff, York-Dieter Stierhof, Hai Huang, Chun-Ming Liu, Stephan Wenkel*(2013) Control of stem cell homeostasis via interlocking microRNA and microProtein feedback loops, Mech. Dev., 130: 25-33.
Zhang Z, Fradin E, Jonge R, Esse H.P, Smit P, Liu CM and Thomma B* 2013. Optimized agroinfiltration and virus-induced gene silencing to study ve1-mediated Verticillium resistance in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 26(2): 182-191
Song XF, Yu DL, Xu TT, Ren SC, Guo P, Liu CM* 2012, Contributions of individual amino acid residues to the endogenous CLV3 function in shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 5(2):515-523
Zhang S, Haider I, Kohlen W, Jiang L, Bouwmeester H, Meijer AH, Schluepmann H,Liu CM*, Ouwerkerk PB*. (2012) Function of the HD-Zip I gene Oshox22 in ABA-mediated drought and salt tolerances in rice. Plant Mol Biol. 2012 80:571–585
Dali Yu, Li Jiang, Huaqin Gong, Chun-Ming Liu* (2012) EMBRYONIC FACTOR 19 encodes a PPR protein that is essential for the initiation of zygotic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. J. Integr. Plant Biol.54(1):55-64
Shijuan Yan, Yating Liang, Jindan Zhang and Chun-Ming Liu* (2012) Aspergillus flavus grown in peptone as the carbon source exhibits spore density- and peptone concentration-dependent aflatoxin biosynthesis. BMC Microbiology, 12:106
Wang ZZ, Yan SJ, Liu CM, Chen F and Wang T* 2012. Proteomic Analysis reveals an aflatoxin-triggered immune response in cotyledons of Arachis hypogaea infected with Aspergillus flavus. Journal of Proteome Research, 11, 2739?2753
Zheng Y, Xin H, Lin J, Liu CM and Huang SJ* 2012. An Arabidopsis class II Formin, AtFH19, nucleates actin assembly, binds to the barbed end of actin filaments and antagonizes the effect of AtFH1 on actin dynamics. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54(10): 800-813
Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LJ, Peng Y, Dong SS, Liu TF, Jiang S, Ramachandran S, Liu CM, Jing HC* (2011) Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Genome Biol. 12(11):R114.
Ma J, Hanssen M, Lundgren K, Hernandez H, Delatte T, Ehlert A, Liu CM, Schluepmann H, Droge-Laser H, Moritz T, Smeekens S and Hanson J* (2011) The sucrose-regulated Arabidopsis transcription factor bZIP11 reprograms metabolism and regulates trehalose metabolism. New Phytol., 191(3):733-745.
Li S, Os G van, Ren S, Yu D, Ketelaar T, Emons A and Liu CM* Expression and functional analyses of EXO70 genes in Arabidopsis implicate their roles in regulating cell type-specific exocytosis. Plant Physiology 2010, 154: 1819-1830
Liu CM*, Hu Y (2010) Plant stem cells and their regulations in shoot apical meristems. Fronti. Biol. 5: 417-423
Xiufen Song, Peng Guo, Chen Li, Chun-Ming Liu* (2010) The cysteine pairs in CLV2 are not necessary for sensing the CLV3 peptide in shoot and root meristems. J Integr Plant Biol. 52:774-781
Zhou W, Wei L, Xu J, Zhai QZ, Jiang HL, Chen R, Chen Q, Sun JQ, Chu JF, Zhu LH, Liu CM and Li CY* (2010) Arabidopsis tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase acts in the Auxin/PLETHORA pathway in regulating postembryonic maintenance of the root stem cell niche. Plant Cell. 22:3692-3709.
Yingfang Zhu, Yuqing Wang, Ruili Li, Xiufen Song, Qinli Wang, Shanjin Huang,Jing Bo Jin, Chun-Ming Liu and Jinxing Lin* (2010) Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORY in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 61:223-233.
Qinli Wang, Bo Chen, Peng Liu, Maozhong Zheng, Yuqing Wang, Sujuan Cui, Daye Sun, Xiaohong Fang, Chun-Ming Liu, William J. Lucas, and Jinxing Lin* (2009) Calmodulin Binds to Extracellular Sites on the Plasma Membrane of Plant Cells and Elicits a Rise in Intracellular Calcium Concentration. J Biol Chem. 284:12000-12007.
Emilie F. Fradin, Zhao Zhang, Juan C. Juarez Ayala, Christian D.M. Castroverde, Ross N. Nazar, Jane Robb, Chun-Ming Liu, and Bart P.H.J. Thomma* (2009) Genetic Dissection of Verticillium Wilt Resistance Mediated by Tomato Ve11. Plant Physiol. 150:320–332.
Yong-Feng Fan, Li Jiang, Hua-Qin Gong and Chun-Ming Liu* (2008) Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants I: Fertilization and the Initiation of Zygotic Program. J Integr Plant Biol. 50:860-867
Wang G, Ellendorff U, Kemp B, Mansfield JW, Forsyth A, Mitchell K, Bastas K, Liu CM, Woods-Tor A, Zipfel C, de Wit PJGM, Jones JDG, Tor M, and Thomma BPHJ*(2008)A genome-wide functional investigation into the roles s of receptor-like proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 147:503-517.
Fiers M, Ku KL, Liu CM* (2007) CLE peptide ligands and their roles in establishing meristems. Current Opinion of Plant Biology. 10:39-43
Ribarits A, Mamun A. N. K., Li S., Resch T., Fiers M., Heberle-Bors E.,Liu CM and Touraev A*(2007)Combination of reversible male sterility and doubled haploid production by targeted inactivation of cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase in developing anthers and pollen. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2007, 5: 483–494.
Fiers M, Golemiec E, van der Schors R, van der Geest L, Li KW, Stiekema WJ, Liu CM* (2006) The CLV3/ESR motif of CLV3 is functionally independent from the non-conserved flanking sequences. Plant Physiology, 141,1284-1294 (cover story,
M. Fiers, E. Golemiec, J. Xu, L. van der Geest, R. Heidstra, W. Stiekema, and C.M. Liu* (2005) The 14-Amino Acid CLV3, CLE19 and CLE40 Peptides Trigger Consumption of the Root Meristem in Arabidopsis through a CLAVATA2-Dependent Pathway. Plant Cell 17: 2542-2553 (cover story)
J. Xu, H.Y. Zhang, C.H. Xie, H.W. Xue, P. Dijkhuis, and C.M. Liu* (2005) EMBRYONIC FACTOR 1 encodes an AMP deaminase and is essential for the zygote to embryo transition in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 42:743-756
M. Fiers, G. Hause, K. Boutilier, E. Casamitjana-Marinez, D. Weijers, R. Offringa, L. van der Geest, M. van Lookeren Campagne, C.M. Liu* (2004) Mis-expression of the CLV3/ESR-like geneCLE19 in Arabidopsis leads to a consumption of root meristem. Gene, 327: 37-49
E. Casamitjana-Martínez, H. F. Hofhuis, J. Xu, C.M. Liu, R. Heidstra and B. Scheres*(2003) Root-Specific CLE19 Overexpression and the sol1/2: Suppressors Implicate a CLV-like Pathway in the Control of Arabidopsis Root Meristem. Current Biology, 13: 1435-1441.
C.M. Liu, John McElver, Irris Tzafrir, Ronny Joosen, Peter Wittich, David Patton, Andre A.M. van Lammeren and David Meinke*(2002) Condensin and cohesin knockouts in Arabidopsis exhibit a titan seed phenotype. Plant J., 29:405-415.
K. Boutilier*, R. Offringa, V.K. Sharma,H.Kieft, T. Ouellet, L. Zhang, J. Hattori, C.M. Liu, A.A. Van Lammeren,B.L. Miki, J.B. Custers, M.M. Van Lookeren Campagne (2002) Ectopic expression of BABY BOOM triggers a conversion from vegetative to embryonic growth. Plant Cell. 14, 1737-1749.
ris Tzafrir, John A. McElver, Chun-ming Liu, Li Jun Yang, Jia Qian Wu, Audrey Martinez, David A. Patton, and David W. Meinke*(2002) Diversity of TITAN Functions in Arabidopsis Seed Development. Plant Physiology 128:32-51.
McElver, J., Patton, D., Rambaugh M., Liu C.M. Yang, L.J. and Meinke D*(2000) The TITAN5 gene of arabidopsis encodes a protein related to the ADP ribosylation factor family of GTP binding proteins. Plant Cell 12: 1379-1302.
Cordewener, J*, Bergervoet, J. and Liu, C.M. (2000) Changes in protein systhesis and phosphorylation during microspore embryogenesis in Brassica napus. J. Plant Physiol. 156: 156-163.
Liu, C.M., Johnson, S. Di Gregorio, S. and Wang, T.L*(1999) single cotyledon (sic) mutants of pea and their relevance to the pattern formation and the evolution of monocots. Developmental Genetics, 25:11-22.
Liu, C.M. and Meinke, D.W*(1998) The titan mutants of Arabidopsis are disrupted in mitosis and cell cycle control during seed development. Plant Journal, 16:21-31.
Hong Y., Takano, M., Liu, C.M., Gasch, A., Chye, M.L. and Chua, N.-H*(1996) Expression of the three members of the calcium-dependent protein kinase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 30: 1259-1275.
Liu C.M., Johnson, S. and Wang, T.L*(1995) cyd, a mutant of pea that alters embryo morphology is defective in cytokinesis. Developmental Genetics, 16:312-331.
Liu, C.M.Xu, Z.H. and Chua, N.-H*(1994) In vitro culture of Brassica juncea zygotic embryo, in "Plant Tissue Culture Manual: Fundamentals and Applications" K. Lindsey, Ed. Kluwar Academic Publishers, E5, pp1-19.
Liu C.M., Z.H. Xu, Z.H. and Chua, N-H*(1993) Proembryo culture: in vitro development of early globular-staged zygotic embryos of Brassica juncea. Plant Journal, 3: 291-300.
Liu, C.M., Xu, Z.H. and Chua, N-H*(1993) Auxin polar transport is essential for the establishment of bilateral symmetry during early plant embryogenesis. Plant Cell, 5: 621-630.
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