

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-13

姓  名: 陈明      性 别:男
职  称: 研究员
课 题 组:小麦分子育种
陈明,研究员,硕士生导师。1992-1996年在中国农业大学微生物专业本科学习;1997-1999年在中国农业科学院研究生院微生物专业攻读硕士学位;2001-2003年在中国农业科学院研究生院作物遗传育种专业攻读博士学位。2003年8月到中国农业科学院作物科学研究所作物分子生物学参加工作。2009-2010年在美国Saint Louis University 从事博士后研究。2008年1月晋升副研究员职称,2015年1月晋升研究员职称。
(1)Ming Chen, Liying Sun, Hongya Wu, Jiong Chen, Youzhi Ma, Xiaoxiang Zhang, Lipu Du, Shunhe Cheng,Boqiao Zhang, Xingguo Ye, Junlan Pang, Xinmei Zhang, Liancheng Li, Ida B. Andika, Jianping Chen and Huijun Xu(2014)Durable field resistance to wheat yellow mosaic virus in transgenic wheat containing the anti-sense virus polymerase gene,Plant Biotechnology Journal. 12:447-456(第一作者)
(2)Ming Chen , Zhaoshi Xu , Lanqin Xia , Liancheng Li , Xianguo Cheng , Jianhui Dong , Qiaoyan Wang , Youzhi Ma*.(2009)Cold-induced modulation and functional analyses of DRE-binding transcription factor gene, GmDREB3, in soybean (Glycine max), Journal of Experimental Botany,60:121-135.(第一作者)
(3)Gaiyun Zhang, Ming Chen, Xueping Chen, Zhaoshi Xu, Long Mao, Shan Guan, Lian-Cheng Li, Aili Li, Jiaming Guo and Youzhi ma *.(2008) Phylogeny, gene structures and expressive patterns of the ERF gene family in soybean., Journal of Experimental Botany,59(15):4095-4107(共同第一作者)
(4)Gaiyun Zhang, Ming Chen, Liancheng Li, Zhaoshi Xu, Xueping Chen, Jiaming Guo and Youzhi Ma.(2009) Overexpression of the soybean GmERF3 gene, an AP2/ERF type transcription factor for increased tolerances to salt, drought, and diseases in transgenic tobacco, Journal of Experimental Botany,60:3781-3796(共同第一作者)
(5)Shi-Qing Gao , Ming Chen , Zhao-Shi Xu ,Chang-Ping Zhao, Liancheng Li , Hui-jun Xu, Yi-miao Tang , Xin Zhao, You-Zhi Ma.(2011)The soybean GmbZIP1 transcription factor enhances multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic plants., Plant Molecular Biology 75:537–553(共同第一作者)
(6)Chen Zhu, Chen Ming., Xu Zhao-shi, Li Lian-cheng, Chen Xue-ping, Ma You-zhi(2014)Characteristics and Expression Patterns of the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) Gene Superfamily of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.), PLoS ONE, 9: e101136(共同第一作者)
(7)Dong-bei Xu, Ming Chen(并列第一), Ya-nan Ma, Zhao-shi Xu, Lian-cheng Li, Yao-feng Chen, You-zhi Ma(2015)A G-protein β unubunit, AGB1, negatively regulates the ABA response and drought tolerance by down-regulating AtMPK6-related pathway in Arabidopsis, PLoS ONE, 10(1): e**. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**(共同第一作者)
(8)Dong-Bei Xu, Shi-Qing Gao , You-Zhi Ma, Zhao-Shi Xu, Chang-Ping Zhao, Yi-Miao Tang, Xue-Yin Li, Lian-Cheng Li, Yao-Feng Chen, Ming Chen(2014)ABI-like transcription factor gene TaABL1 from wheat improves multiple abiotic stress tolerances in transgenic plants, Funct Integr Genomics, online(通讯作者)
(9)Shi-Qing Gao, Ming Chen, Lian-Qin Xia, Hui-Jun Xiu, Zhao-Shi Xu, Lian-Cheng Li, Chang-Ping Zhao, Xian-Guo Cheng *, You-Zhi Ma *.(2009) A cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) DRE-binding transcription factor gene, GhDREB, confers enhanced tolerance to drought, high salt, and freezing stresses in transgenic wheat. Plant Cell Reports,28:301-311(共同第一作者)
(10)Gaiyun Zhang, Ming Chen, Xueping Chen, Zhaoshi Xu, Liancheng Li, Jiaming Guo, Youzhi Ma,(2009)Isolation and characterization of a novel EAR-motif-containing gene GmERF4 from soybean (Glycine max L.), Molecular Biology Reports 37:809-818(共同第一作者)
(11)Xinyou Cao, Xueyan Chen, Yangna Liu, Zhaoshi Xu, Liancheng Li, Yongbin Zhou, Jianjun Liu, Zhendong Zhao, Ming Chen(通讯作者) and Youzhi Ma(通讯作者),An iNTT system for the large-scale screening of differentially expressed, nuclear-targeted proteins: cold-treatment-induced nucleoproteins in Rye (Secale cereale L.),BMC Genomics (2016) 17:189
(12)Dong-bei Xu, Ming Chen, Ya-nan Ma, Zhao-shi Xu, Lian-cheng Li,Yao-feng Chen, You-zhi Ma,A G-Protein β Subunit, AGB1, Negatively Regulates the ABA Response and Drought Tolerance by Down-Regulating AtMPK6-Related Pathway in Arabidopsis,Plos One (2015)10(1) e**

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